PO Open Position Descriptions
- PO Board Member Vice Co-Chair (shadow in current Chair for 1 year to become Chair in the following school year) – 50 automatic hours, Attend monthly PO Meetings; assist in developing monthly meeting agendas; point of contact for identified committees or events, works with Chair to fill PO openings as needed; act as an aide to the Chair; perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
- Commitment Hours Chair - 50 automatic hours - Pull data from the software to create a volunteer commitment hours monthly report and send/emails to families reported hours. Send a monthly hours report to the Principal.
- Hospitality Chair - 50 automatic hours - Work with OLG parents to coordinate refreshments at PO sponsored events and activities throughout the school year. Full list of events and schedule available.
- Kindergarten Class Representative - 50 automatic hours, Attend Monthly PO Meetings, second Tuesday of the Month, (if you cannot attend, please send a class rep in your absence; must not miss more than 2 meetings per school year) E-mail communication of PO information to all class families monthly after the meetings and when needed. Recruit volunteers for class volunteer roles and various events through emailing and contacting your class families. Check in with the Teacher monthly to see if there are any class needs and convey needs to parents. Attend and help with at least 3 PO events a year including; New Family Night, Catholic Schools Week Open House and at least one other PO sponsored activity (ex. Game Night, Halloween Carnival, Auction, Parent Ed Night, School Receptions, etc.)
Plan with PreK, K, and 1st grade reps for refreshments and help with New Parent Night (typically in May)
- 4th Grade Class Representative - 50 automatic hours, 50 automatic hours, Attend Monthly PO Meetings, second Tuesday of the Month, (if you cannot attend, please send a class rep in your absence; must not miss more than 2 meetings per school year) E-mail communication of PO information to all class families monthly after the meetings and when needed. Recruit volunteers for class volunteer roles and various events through emailing and contacting your class families. Check in with the Teacher monthly to see if there are any class needs and convey needs to parents. Attend and help with at least 3 PO events a year including; New Family Night, Catholic Schools Week Open House and at least one other PO sponsored activity (ex. Game Night, Halloween Carnival, Auction, Parent Ed Night, School Receptions, etc.) Plan with 5th & 6th grade Class Reps the School Picnic for Field Day in May.
- 7th Grade Class Representative - 50 automatic hours, 50 automatic hours, Attend Monthly PO Meetings, second Tuesday of the Month, (if you cannot attend, please send a class rep in your absence; must not miss more than 2 meetings per school year) E-mail communication of PO information to all class families monthly after the meetings and when needed. Recruit volunteers for class volunteer roles and various events through emailing and contacting your class families. Check in with the Teacher monthly to see if there are any class needs and convey needs to parents. Attend and help with at least 3 PO events a year including; New Family Night, Catholic Schools Week Open House and at least one other PO sponsored activity (ex. Game Night, Halloween Carnival, Auction, Parent Ed Night, School Receptions, etc.) Provide and host refreshments with 8th Grade for Catholic Schools Week (CSW) Open House (late Jan. or early Feb.)
- Charleston Wrap Fall Fundraiser Chair - 50 automatic hours
- Halloween Carnival Chair - 50 automatic hours, Plan and organize all aspects of the annual Halloween Carnival community building event. The chair of the OLG Halloween Carnival begins work during the summer months, coordinating the creation of the Carnival’s marketing materials and booking vendors. As the school year opens, the Chair is responsible for promoting the Carnival to students and families, planning Carnival logistics, recruiting and managing volunteers, overseeing ticket sales, event set-up/decor, on-site problem-solving during the event, and post-event cleanup. The Carnival is a budget-neutral eventI, It's important that ticket sales cover the cost of the Carnival.
- Halloween Carnival Co-Chair - 50 automatic hours - Partner with Halloween Carnival Chair in all aspects of planning and organizing the annual Halloween Carnival community building event.
- Game Night Chair - 50 automatic hours - Plan and organize our annual game / trivia night community building event. Game night is a budget-neutral event, it’s important that ticket sales cover the cost of the event.
- Greater Giving Administrator - track hours, approx. 20 hours per school year to grant access, train others on the system, ensure that funds are released, etc.
- Yearbook Lead - 30 automatic volunteer hours
Classroom Roles
- Room Parent for all grades - 30 automatic volunteer hours
- Service Project Lead for all grades - 30 automatic volunteer hours
- Book Orders - for grades K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th - track hours
Roles will be filled on a first to volunteer basis, email Yvette Messina at olg.parent.org@gmail.com