For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Regular ELC full day programs run from 8:00am to 3:00pm.For grades Kindergarten through 8th: Regular school days run from 8:30am to 3:00pm.
However, we have 2:15 pm Early Dismissal every Wednesday. On these days, pick up is at 2:15pm, unless your student is involved in the After-School Tutoring program 2:15-3:00 pm. School staff utilize this time for their weekly staff meeting. There are also some half-days, for all grades, when dismissal is at 12:00pm. Please consult the School Calendar and school communications for details.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Students should be dropped off 8:00am-9:00 am. Please park on 34th Ave SW (by Early Learning Center's Main Entrance) to accompany and sign your child into school. Please use the following entrances, based on the student's grade.
For PreSchool: ELC Main Entrance (under awning/through gate)
For PreK: South Door (off 34th Ave SW) / Walk your child from 34th Ave SW (or from the church parking lot down the stairs) to the south door
For grades Kindergarten through 8th: Students can arrive or be dropped off from 8:15am to 8:30am. The tardy bell rings at 8:30 am. Morning Extended Day Care (EDC) begins at 7:00 AM. More about EDC
Please use the following entrances, based on the student's grade. (If you have students in multiple grades, you can choose one drop off location as works best for your family):
For Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Southwest door (church parking lot) / Enter parking lot from 35th Ave SW. Kindergarten and 1st grade parents typically park cars in the parking lot adjacent to the church and walk their child to/from the South Door.
For 2nd Grade through 8th Grade: Main door (school office on Myrtle Street, up the ramp) / Drop off at gym parking lot from 35th Ave SW into the driveway between the parish office and gym. Stop at the sidewalk by the playground so student goes up the playground stairs to cross the street (keeps students away from moving cars). Watch the "How to Carpool" video.
If you wish to walk your child to the school entrance, please park on 35th Ave SW, or by Walt Hundley Playfield. Please be aware of a busy Myrtle St/34th Ave SW intersection -- Use the cross walk and avoid students crossing by themselves.
(If you have students in multiple grades, you can choose one drop off location as works best for your family)
*** Please reserve 34th Ave SW by the School Hall for ELC families with young children!! **** The playground is closed from 8:00 am-8:30am (except for EDC).
OLG is a NO IDLING ZONE: When dropping off or picking up your children, please turn off your vehicles whenever possible. No-idling is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce emissions and protect health. Unnecessary idling wastes fuel and pollutes. Running an engine at a low speed also causes more wear and tear on the vehicle.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Please contact your child's teacher via BrightWheel. The door will remain locked for safety, so you may need to coordinate with teacher to find your class if they have transitioned to another location.
For grades Kindergarten through 8th: Once the Tardy Bell rings at 8:30am and the school doors' close, students will need to come in through the main entrance, register their arrival time at school reception and obtain a “late slip”in order to be able to be admitted in their classroom.
Please refer to the OLG Family Handbook for important details about our attendance policies. Frequent tardiness is disruptive to the teacher and students in the class and can adversely affect education due to tardiness.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Please contact your child's teacher via BrightWheel as soon as possible.For grades Kindergarten through 8th: To report your student being absent or tardy, please contact your student's teacher ASAP. Parents email your homeroom teacher and office by 8:45 am. You can also phone the school office at 206-935-0651. If there is no contact from the parents, the school will call for verification.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Please contact your child's teacher via BrightWheel as soon as possible.For grades Kindergarten through 8th: We discourage students from missing school. We recommend scheduling appointments so that students do not miss school. The school calendar is published months in advance of the school year. Please plan appointments during school breaks if possible. If your student must leave early, please email your student’s teacher and the office with as much notice and detail as possible.
Upon parent/guardian arrival to the school, please make sure to check in at the school's office to sign out your children. The office staff will contact the classroom teacher and have him/her sent down to the office. This will give your child and teacher time to gather his/her backpack and homework. Please allow enough time for this process.
Please refer to the OLG Family Handbook for important details about our attendance policies.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Please contact your child's teacher via BrightWheel as soon as possible.For grades Kindergarten through 8th: Please email your student’s teacher and the front office at with as much notice and detail as possible. You can also call the front office 206-935-0651 and we will do our best to forward the message as appropriate.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Students pick up is at 3:00pm sharp, if enrolled in our full day program. If enrolled in our half day program, dismissal is at 12:00pm. Please park on 34th Ave SW (Early Learning Center's Main Entrance) to sign out your child from school. Please use the following entrances, based on the student's grade.
For PreSchool: ELC Main Entrance (under awning/through gate)
For PreK: South door (off 34th Ave SW) / Park on 34th Ave SW (or from the church parking lot down the stairs) to the south door
For grades Kindergarten through 8th: Regular end of day pick up is at 3:00pm (or 2:15pm on Wednesdays). Please note that children will be released when eye contact is made by the teacher.
Kindergarten and 1st Grade students should be picked up at the Southwest Door (church parking lot)
For 2nd Grade through 8th Grade, pick up is in the Main Lot Carpool (gym parking lot). Enter the Gym lot from 35th Ave SW into the driveway between the parish office and gym, then form two lines of cars. Use the gravel parking lot to swing the left line around the outside of the lot - anything we can do to alleviate OLG cars backing up on 35th. Feel free to remove the chain if no children are playing in the area. Use your blinker to exit to the middle lane (drive slowly). Watch the "How to Carpool" video.
The playground is closed from 3-3:10 pm (and 2:15-2:25 pm on Wednesdays).
For later pick up times, please see our Extended Day Care program which runs from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.
OLG is a NO IDLING ZONE: When dropping off or picking up your children, please turn off your vehicles whenever possible. No-idling is a simple and cost-effective way to reduce emissions and protect health. Unnecessary idling wastes fuel and pollutes. Running an engine at a low speed also causes more wear and tear on the vehicle.
Children should NOT be released without a parent/guardian.
If you intend for your older child to walk home on their own, please inform your homeroom teacher and the office. Please provide any pertinent details such as if it will only be certain days of the week.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Please see our WrapAround Care page for information on after school care (3:00pm to 6:00pm) and how to sign up to use this service.For grades Kindergarten through 8th: Teachers will escort students who haven’t been picked-up to Extended Day Care. EDC is based in the School Hall off 34th Ave SW.
No, please meet your K-8 child at the designated pick up area outside the building. All K-8 students leaving before set dismissal time must be checked out through the school office.
For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K): Please contact your child's teacher via BrightWheel as soon as possible.For grades Kindergarten through 8th: If you are planning to have someone else other than the legal guardians of the student, to pick him/her up, you are required to inform your child's homeroom teacher and office staff with first and last name and relationship.
Student absences for family vacations, travel, or other reasons are highly discouraged. The school calendar is published months in advance of the school year. Please plan vacations and trips during school breaks. Students are responsible for all work assigned during their absence. For more about absences, vacations, please see our policy starting on page 45 of the OLG Family Handbook. Please inform your child's homeroom teacher and the office as far in advance as possible.