- Aug 28: Back to School Ice Cream Social + ELC (PS/PK) Orientation - MANDATORY
- Sept 2: NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
- Sept 3: First Day of School (Noon Early Dismissal)
- Sep 4: First Wednesday (2:15pm Early Dismissal) -- Wednesday early dismissal will continue throughout the year...
- Sept 5: Curriculum Night (Pre-K - 8th Grade parents) - MANDATORY
- Sept 7: Instrument Rental for 5-8 Band
- Sept 8: OLG Parish Picnic
- Sept 9: 5th Grade: First Day of Band
- Sep 11: Wednesdays (2:15pm Early Dismissal)
- TBD: MAPS testing. Please refrain from missing school.
- Sept 25: Picture Day (all grades). Free dress for individual portraits.
- Sept 27: Jog-A-Thon / Noon Early Dismissal
- Sept 28: Eco Fair
- Sept 30: Deadline to order logo sweatshirt from school office
- Oct 1: Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Application Opens (Deadline Dec 19)
- Oct 10: Fall Open House
- Oct 26: Halloween Carnival
- Oct 29: Picture Retake Day (all grades). (Wear uniform, bring free dress)
Parent/Teacher Conference MANDATORY for all grades
Check email for information from your homeroom teacher to schedule.
- Oct 30: Noon Early Dismissal. Fall Conferences
- Oct 31 & Nov 1: No classes. Fall Conferences.
Please always check our Online School Calendar for more details and updates