Time: From 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Place: Gym Patio and School Classrooms
Meet your child's teachers and drop off school supplies in the classroom.
2024-2025 School Supplies List
for more detail about the School Supplies process, click bar below
Ice cream is the best! Thank you Parent Org! Meet on the Gym Patio.
Experts will be also on-hand to tell you more about the OLG Parish, CYO Athletics and volunteer opportunities. Open to enrolled families, all grades. Please join us!
The Uniform Exchange will be open! Come early for best pickings (at the bottom of the ramp).
If you ordered a logo sweatshirt from the school this summer, pick up at the school office.
More about Uniforms
We suggest also bringing the earthquake/disaster comfort kit aka "Earthquake kit" to the classroom today, or within the first week of school (all grades).
Time: From 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Where: School Hall
If your family is new to the OLG Early Learning Center (ELC), attendance is MANDATORY.
If you cannot attend, contact ELC Director, Janet McClelland.Adults only. Please arrange for your own childcare.
Make sure to bring any additional pending paperwork that may be required. Keep an eye on email reminders in August. Feel free to call us with any questions you may have.
You are welcome to join the OLG community at 5:30 pm for the Ice Cream Social! Please join us!
Parents provide certain classroom school supplies. Please see OLG's 2024-2025 School Supplies List for a list of items students bring to the classroom. (Please note the main tab is for students in K-8. For PreSchool/Pre-K students, click on the "ELC" tab).
Most families purchase school supplies from local or on-line stores. If you prefer a one-stop shop, the vendor schooltoolbox.com will gather all the items your child needs and send it straight to your home.
The Aug 28th Ice Cream Social & School Supply Drop Off event is a great opportunity to bring supplies to the classroom. (Keep the backpack and water bottle for the first day of school. Read on for more about the first day) If you are unable to come Aug 28th, bring all items the first day of school.
Get one more item off your September to-do list and bring in your student's earthquake/disaster comfort kit to the classroom today as well.