For ELC (PreSchool & Pre-K):
BrightWheel is the platform used for signing in and out as well as daily communication. If you are a new school family, an invitation to the app is sent in August.For ALL School Families:
Email is the primary way OLG communicates with families. Our school office staff is also available via phone 206-935-0651 during school hours.a) During the school year, starting in August, OLG sends an all-school newsletter every week on Thursdays via email. The weekly newsletter is also posted on our school's home page each week. Please be sure to read thoroughly for important information regarding school happenings and important announcements.
b) You may receive emails from your student’s teacher, your PO Classroom Rep, or the school office. We do our best to keep email communications limited and essential.
c) If you are not receiving our emails, please let us know.Online School Calendar: Here you will find event details and updates. Make sure you subscribe to keep up with any changes.
Family Communications Envelope (FCE): Occasionally hard copies of information will be sent home with the youngest child each month. Remove contents and return the FCE envelope to school ASAP.
Yes. OLG students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade wear a uniform.
For a hub of relevant information including where to obtain uniform pieces, P.E., non-uniform days and spirit wear,access our Uniform Guidelines page. Please see our uniform policy starting on page 46 of the OLG Family Handbook.
Yes. Students are welcome to bring their own lunch or families can order lunch online in advance through our Hot School Lunch Program.
Milk is included in our ELC (PreSchool/PreK) program. Milk is available to purchase each school year for grades K-8.
The school relies on the cooperation of parents/guardians to safely and effectively administer medication to our students as required.
Parents/guardians are responsible for:
- Supplying all medications (the school does not supply medications for students)
- Transporting medication to and from school and refills
- If your child needs prescription or non-prescription medication during the school day, an Authorization to Administer Medication form must be completed with doctor's and parent signatures.
- Any medication that must be taken at school, prescription or over-the-counter, must be kept in its original container and locked in the school's medicine cabinet.
- Students are not allowed to carry medication with them at any time at school, in lunch boxes, or in the classroom.
Please note that the Authorization to Administer Medication form requires to include the doctor's and parent's signatures.
All of these requirements are WA state laws.
Students who are not feeling well are sent to the school main office for an overall check.
If we determine the student is too ill to remain in class, parents or guardians will be notified. For this reason, it is critical that current emergency information and numbers are kept up to date.PLEASE do not send your child to school if he/she is already sick before school begins.
While we stress the importance of students being responsible and prepared for their day, sometimes the need arises when items need to be brought in during the school day.
Rather than disrupt the classroom with a delivery, parents should leave these items at the school office. We will arrange delivery of the item(s) at the most appropriate time.
We highly discourage any electronics (iPads, game boys, iPods) or toys being brought to school. Any items brought to school must remain in their backpacks while on school grounds.
The school will not be held responsible for lost items.
Any electronics used inappropriately will be confiscated and will be released to a parent/guardian only.
Similar to electronics, cell phones must be turned off and left in backpacks while at school.
Walkie-talkies are used on the playground for office communication.
Cell phones used inappropriately will be confiscated and released to parent/guardian only.
Some teachers may collect phones at the beginning of each day and return at dismissal.
All lost items found are placed in the Lost and Found area located right passed the school reception.
Students need to check for items they may have lost.
**Mark your child's clothing/belongings with student's name**
Items that are not claimed/labeled will be donated to charity or recycled several times throughout the year.