Pam Stephen-Jordan

Pam works to coordinate and train volunteers to attend to the spiritual, physical and pastoral needs of our parishoners. OLG has several ministries that fall under this umbrella which include, Ministry to the sick and homebound, Anointing of the Sick, Mass Intentions, Prayers and Squares Ministry, Grief Support and Support to Caregivers. Pam has previously worked in hospice and as a hospital chaplain. She has a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Seattle University, and was Commissioned as a Lay Ecclesial Minister for the Archdiocese.

I love to connect with people through their stories. I have studied my family’s genealogy in order to know the stories of my grandparents and their parents. I have heard many stories from those I have visited in homes and hospital. Our stories enable us to make meaning out of life’s circumstances and bring us closer together.

Fun Fact: I love being with family, snuggling with my three cats, gardening and taking long walks in nature.