Middle School (6-8)

Middle School at Our Lady of Guadalupe School is a time of immense growth in academics, faith, leadership and service. Within the context of a supportive, faith-based community, our students learn to take growth-oriented risks; develop confidence and a sense of responsibility for their own learning process; and step up as respected role models and leaders for our younger students.

The Middle School faculty collaborates to create a rigorous and engaging academic program, with cross-curricular integration that encourages students to make connections and approach topics from a variety of academic disciplines and perspectives. Technology is integrated throughout the curriculum as well, and students are taught to be critical thinkers and to develop strong research and study skills.

Building on the foundation in service and Catholic Social Teaching that begins in OLG’s Early Learning Center and continues each year, our eighth graders delve into a social or environmental issue and design their own year-long service project, through the Juan Diego Graduation Project.

Through outdoor education, water quality testing and restoration in Fauntleroy Creek, raising and releasing salmon with first grade buddies, and science-based field trips, OLG Middle School students engage in hands-on, real-life learning about our watershed and local natural environment.





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For more information about Middle School at OLG, contact us!

We invite you to check out some of our videos as well!

MS students leading our K-5 Math Fair

6th Grade Outdoor Education experience.

6th grade also partners with 1st graders on the Salmon Project

7th Grade gaining garden inspiration,  then creating our own school garden