Advertise with us!
Our OLG school families, alumni and friends as well as their families and friends across Seattle and the country, want and appreciate doing business with members of our community and that support our school. We look forward to sharing your business services with all of the ever-growing OLG community!
We invite you to take a look at our 2023-2024 Directory!
Make sure your business is included by taking advantage of our FANTASTIC YEAR ROUND RATE OF ONLY $250!
Every new issue is published on September 1st, and is -digitally- distributed to our OLG community (over 3000 and growing!) FOUR times a year: on September 15th, October 15th, 2023, January 15th, 2024 and April 15th. New listings submitted by the 2nd of every month, will be included on the Directory the 5th of every month and become available online on our OLG website.