Parish Staff

Fr. Kevin Duggan

Pastor |
206-935-0358, ext.107

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Pastor of our community since 2019; Graduated from the University of Saint Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois with a Masters of Divinity, and was ordained to the ministerial priesthood by Archbishop Alex Brunett on Saturday, 13 th June 1998.

Favorite pastimes include reading, going to the movies or the theater, trying out new restaurants—and revisiting restaurants I’ve enjoyed—doing iconography (“image writing”), getting exercise, travelling and watching sports.  Football and soccer are my favorites, but I also enjoy basketball, baseball, rugby, and curling (an Irish sport that gracefully combines elements of hockey, lacrosse and assault with a deadly weapon).

Helen Oesterle

Pastoral Associate |
206-935-0358, ext.108

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I work with Fr. Kevin and other parish staff in the coordination and support of a variety of parish ministries, including RCIA, Baptisms, and adult faith formation, liturgy, children and family faith formation, website support, and whatever else the Pastor asks me to do! M.Div. from Seattle University, Certification in the Mastery of the Catechism; Commissioned Lay Ecclesial Minister for the Archdiocese.


Mom of two wonderful children, Peter and Becky; teaches cycling and water aerobic classes at the WS YMCA; loves to go to movies, garden, bike, read, camp, hike, and going for daily walks with my two dogs; also a big Mariner fan!

Pam Stephen-Jordan

Pastoral Care Ministry |
206-935-0358, ext. 104

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Pam works to coordinate and train volunteers to attend to the spiritual, physical and pastoral needs of our parishoners. OLG has several ministries that fall under this umbrella which include, Ministry to the sick and homebound, Anointing of the Sick, Mass Intentions, Prayers and Squares Ministry, Grief Support and Support to Caregivers. Pam has previously worked in hospice and as a hospital chaplain. She has a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Seattle University, and was Commissioned as a Lay Ecclesial Minister for the Archdiocese.

I love to connect with people through their stories. I have studied my family’s genealogy in order to know the stories of my grandparents and their parents. I have heard many stories from those I have visited in homes and hospital. Our stories enable us to make meaning out of life’s circumstances and bring us closer together.

Fun Fact: I love being with family, snuggling with my three cats, gardening and taking long walks in nature.

Sr. Mary Sullivan, OP

Pastoral Care Ministry |
206-935-0358, ext. 120

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Sarah Riggio

Pastoral Assistant for Young Families and Middle School Youth Ministry |
206-935-0358, ext.115

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Sarah is a life-long Catholic who has been involved in lay ministry dating back to her school days. She has been involved in college and high school campus ministry for many years, including teaching religion at Bellarmine Preparatory in Tacoma. Most recently she was a catechist for middle school confirmation at St. James Cathedral. Her degree from Scripps College is in Religious Studies.
She is also a mother to five school-aged children and considers herself most passionate about welcoming young people and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through the Church.

I am a huge soccer fan, especially the Sounders.
I love to bake (and eat) cookies.
I love to take walks. My favorite walk is the loop around Seward Park.
I think Mt. Rainier/Tahoma is the most beautiful part of God’s creation

Molly Berger

Pastoral Assistant for Children and Family Faith Formation |
206-935-0358, ext. 113

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Molly Berger grew up and lived in Yakima until six years ago when she and her husband, Rick, moved to Seattle to be closer to family. They have two married children and four grandchildren who are, of course, the most wonderful anywhere. Molly has had a career in education, teaching English Language Arts at Carroll High School and then in the East Valley School District in Yakima. She then worked as a program coordinator and teacher trainer at ESD 105 in Yakima and OSPI in Olympia. She has a Masters in Education and is Nationally Board Certified in Teaching Language Arts.

Molly began her work in faith formation when she was 19, teaching 4th graders. Over the years she also volunteered teaching faith formation classes from preschool to 12th grade.  At Carroll High School she taught sophomore and junior religion classes.

Fun Facts:
I enjoy reading, hiking, kayaking, baking, and photography but mostly playing with grandchildren.
I have an eclectic taste in music from smooth jazz to classic rock.

Kelly MacKenzie

Pastoral Assistant for Social Outreach |
206-935-0358, ext. 104

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Works with parishioners and parish staff in the coordination and support of a variety of parish outreach ministries, including the Life, Peace & Justice Commission, Day of Service, Care for Creation, Safe Parking, H.E.A.R.T., Multicultural, Immigrant & Refugee Support Ministries. Serves as the parish liaison for our Outreach Partners and affiliated groups in support of people in need in our community and abroad.

I love brisk early morning walks, jamming to music at midday and coffee after dinners.
Happiest outdoors enjoying a forest, a mountain, or a beach.
Everyone has a story, and I’d love to hear yours!

Michelle Scheving

Pastoral Assistant for Administration |
206-935-0358 ext. 101

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JOB TITLE: Pastoral Assistant for Administration
Assists Fr. Kevin Duggan by providing oversight and direction of parish financials, technology, human resources, compliance and facilities.  Oversees activities relating to Stewardship and Development.  Works closely with school principal and School Commission on matters pertaining to parish/school partnership as well as fiscal management. Serves on Finance Council and Pastoral Council.

Met my husband while working at a motorcycle shop 25+ years ago.  Mom of an amazing daughter who graduated from OLG and now attends Holy Names Academy.  Love to read, bike, walk with friends, cook and travel.

Gail Neudorfer

Bookkeeper |
206-935-0358, ext. 118

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Overall bookkeeping responsibilities including coordinating parishioner contributions, oversight of electronic funds transfer (EFT), and recording parishioner donations for tax purposes.


Graduate of Washington State University (Go Cougs!); mother of two; have been affiliated in different ways with Our Lady of Guadalupe for 20 years; loves to garden and is a big Seahawks fan!

Dave Fitton

Facilities Supervisor |
206-935-0358, ext. 112

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Dave Fitton has been an active member of the choir for the last 15 years. I have been a construction contractor, supervisor and residential maintenance technician for the last 40 years. I love the staff and parishioners here at OLG and will do my best to provide a safe and clean environment for the ministries of our parish.

Sandy Plummer

Administrative Assistant |
206-935-0358, ext. 111

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JOB TITLE:  Safe Environment Coordinator; Bulletin Editor
Make sure all Safe Environment paperwork is current and up-to-date within the parish and with the Archdiocese; also prepare the weekly parish bulletin.

I love music (sing in our parish choir!), old movies, knitting and crocheting, and spending time with family.

Velma Jones

Parish Office Coordinator |
206-935-0358, ext. 114

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Provides administrative services in support of the parish and its activities. The Parish Office Coordinator sets the tone of a welcoming and caring parish for visitors and callers and will also be responsible for efficient and effective office operations supporting parish ministries.

I love being wife to Eric and mom to Samuel.
I love to sing, knit and sew!

Contact Us
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

3401 SW Myrtle St.

Seattle, WA 98126

Tel: (206) 935-0651

Fax: (206) 938-3695

Our Lady of Guadalupe School & Parish acknowledges that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.