Second Grade is a year of transition in which the students will become more independent thinkers and learners. This will enable them to have the skills needed to achieve success as they move through the upper grades. Routines like working independently and cooperating with others in a group will be familiar, so will sitting quietly and listening to teachers or reading on their own.
For many kids, second grade marks the beginning of being one of the “big kids” in the school. No longer just out of kindergarten, second graders have grown used to their school environment and are ready to take on some serious learning. Your child’s attention span is increasing as well, this means they are able to learn more difficult concepts in one setting and apply them to other situations.
At OLG, we will maintain high expectations and challenge students to learn, grow, and achieve to each student’s highest possible potential. We will enhance the learning process by fostering an atmosphere of respect, love and service.
The students work very hard all day long. As such, there will be a small amount of homework each week, usually spelling, math & reading. The main homework will be pick up a real book, and read OUT LOUD for at least 15 to 20 minutes each day. If students have unfinished work that needs to be completed, we may send that home as homework. When we have bigger projects due, the children will have up to two or three weeks to complete them, depending on the project.
We love to celebrate birthdays (or half-birthdays, for those of us with summer birthdays). You are welcome to let us know when your child is having a birthday and we will plan to sing Happy Birthday to them outside at the end of the day. Treats are also welcome. Health protocols for birthday treats are that treats must be store bought and individually wrapped to be handed out to students at the end of the day. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe!
First Sacraments
Watch for details about First Communion and First Reconciliation. We will send you information about the First Sacraments program as it becomes available to us from the OLG Parish office.
Welcome to Mrs. Hart’s Bitmoji Second Grade Classroom!
Here you will find learning resources, relaxation activities, learning games, choice boards and more!