Uniform Guidelines

The uniform identifies one as a student of Our Lady of Guadalupe School. It also helps to encourage and reflect good grooming, responsible behavior and study habits. The dress code is based on modesty, neatness, cleanliness, good taste, and safety. Parents are expected to understand and support these guidelines as well as help their children make good choices about appropriate attire and grooming.

Uniform guidelines apply to students in grades Kindergarten to 8th grade.  Uniform requirements do not apply to PreSchool/PreK who typically wear free dress each day.  However, we encourage PreSchool/PreK to have a blue sweatshirt on hand for certain events.

Please see our uniform policy starting on page 46 of the OLG Family Handbook for important details about our dress code requirements.

How to obtain uniform items (click bar for more detail):

You can purchase new uniforms from Dennis uniforms, and/or request from our uniform exchange –click bar below for detail

How to obtain full uniform “BLUES” (click blue bar for more detail):

PS/PK:  We encourage PreSchool/PreK students to have a blue sweatshirt on hand for certain events.  We have many smaller sizes available free via the Uniform Exchange.  Your homeroom teacher will let you know when the blue sweatshirt is needed.

K-8:  All students shall have a uniform sweater, vest or sweatshirt and will wear “full uniform” on designated days. Students always wear dress uniform for Mass days, class picture days, and other special events. “Full uniform” means uniform sweater, vest or sweatshirt (not athletic) as part of the uniform.  Pay attention to communication from your child’s homeroom teacher for days the class will attend mass, or other special days that require full uniform.  All School Mass dates are also shown on the online calendar (approx. 1-2 times per month).  (Please note that OLG Spirit Wear (with the bulldog logo) is NOT acceptable as proper full uniform – more here).  Click bar below for detail

Lost and Found is located by the school office

Typical Uniform (K-8)

On a typical day K-8 students wear a white polo shirt with skirt/pant.  For warmth, students can wear an optional uniform “blue”.  “Blues” are optional everyday, but required on full uniform days (see explanation in the “blues” section above”).  Navy shorts are fine as long as it’s not a full uniform day.  Shoes: wear something safe for recess/PE (no sandals, no open toed shoes, no crocs, no boots).  Students can bring boots for recess during inclement weather.  Always check the uniform policy starting on page 46 of the OLG Family Handbook.

  • Girls:  Girls in K-3 typically wear plaid jumpers or skorts.  Girls in grade 4-5 typically wear plaid skirts (jumpers fine too).  Girls 6-8 wear the solid blue skirts.  Girls wear solid blue underlayer short under skirt / navy or black leggings/tights for cool weather.  Pants are fine too for girls in all grades if it is not a Full Uniform day (see below). 
  • Boys  Real simple: white polo shirt with blue pant.  Blue pant preferred.  Middle School (6-8) may wear a grey pant.  See shorts note above.

Uniform pieces

P.E. Uniform and Shoes

Please see the P.E. Class pages

Non-Uniform Days

On the occasional non-uniform days, students are allowed to wear clothing to meet the themed dress for that day.  Or, your school uniform works too!  Please make sure to follow the non-uniform dress code outlined in the OLG Family Handbook (page 48). Themed-dress days will be announced throughout the year.  Check the school calendar, the latest weekly newsletter, and school/teacher email communications.  Sometimes the Student Council will announce an upcoming theme during school hours.  The school will try to give parents as much of a heads up as possible.

Students may not wear hats inside the building on non-uniform days. The only exception to this is on themed dress days when if the hat may be part of the theme.

OLG Spirit Wear

Please see the OLG Spirit Wear page

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