Let’s show off our school spirit!
OLG Spirit Wear is clothing with the school logo or name. Clothing with the bulldog logo, or CYO athletic gear counts as OLG Spirit Wear.
OLG Spirit Wear (bulldog/ CYO logo) should only be worn to school
on designated OLG Spirit Wear days
OLG Spirit Wear and CYO Gear is NOT to take place of uniforms on regular uniform school days. Clothing with the bulldog/CYO logo is NOT acceptable as uniform. No hoodies are acceptable as uniform. Access the Uniform Guidelines page for more about uniform expectations. See the P.E. Uniform page for clarification on P.E. requirements.
OLG Spirit Wear Day
Occasionally OLG may announce a OLG Spirit Day. On OLG Spirit Days, students are allowed to wear OLG spirit wear, anything from CYO athletics, or their uniform. OLG Spirit Days are NOT free dress. Students not wearing spirit wear or CYO sports uniforms on OLG Spirit Days should wear their daily school uniform. See the School Calendar for scheduled OLG Spirit Days.