Jog-A-Thon is an event where students collect pledges to jog, walk (or skip!) for a certain amount of time or laps. The annual OLG Jog-a-thon is our first fundraiser of the school year and our second largest, after our Annual Auction. The goal is for each student to collect donations from family, friends and community members, however every student can participate, regardless of the dollar amount raised which is precisely what makes this such a fantastic event and a great way to kick off the new school year. It takes place in September at the beautiful Walt Hundley Playfield, right across from the school.
While fundraising is the main goal of the event, we also want to encourage students to get active, create a team atmosphere, build community, and make fun memories with our students. It is a really fun day of exercise, music, snacks, and lots of cheering from their classmates, teachers, and parent volunteers. In addition, every Jog-a-thon is themed, which will add another layer of excitement and joy for students.
Learn more about the event at our main OLG Jog-a-thon Fundraiser page.