Focus on our Students’ Diverse Learning Needs and Goals
Our educational mission is deeply rooted in faith and community. With a commitment to academic excellence and rigor, teachers apply data and research-based instructional strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners. As important as group learning is, students should be assessed according to their individual accomplishments and strengths. Children achieve more when they have something to work towards, whether that’s mastering a skill, earning a high grade, or improving a behavior. Our teachers help students identify a goal and the steps required to meet their goal and this way they teach students how to be accountable and motivated. These skills are vital for future successes in school and the world. Some of our academic support programs include:
After School One-on-One Tutoring (reading, math, and/or writing) – Math Learning Enrichment K-5 / 6-8 Sound Partners Reading Program (K-3) – Reading Intervention Program for Decoding and Comprehension Skills (4-5)
Academic Excellence Initiative
In March 2023, OLG, inspired by a mission and vision of success for all learners, proudly launched the Academic Excellence Initiative. This is a school-wide project that will begin with an in-depth look at our school community’s readiness to embrace and educate learners from all levels and with different abilities, determine the additional resources needed for success and develop an individualized program from early brainstorming to full implementation. By partnering with a specialized team of consultants, we will enhance our current school platform to build an even stronger inclusive community, while creating excellence in teaching and learning. You can read more about this exciting and key academic program HERE.
Integrated Studies Program
Every school covers basic subjects like math and language arts, but children need supplementary enrichment classes to balance out the basics. At OLG, we believe that the more subjects students are exposed to, the more well-rounded they are and the more talents and skills they develop. Thematic units allow for cross-curricular connections, infusion of the arts and technology, and meaningful, integrated learning. Students participate in a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction reading, write for a variety of purposes and audiences, and develop literacy skills in all curriculum areas.
MUSIC: Band – Chorus – Music Theory
LANGUAGES: Spanish in all grades
LEADERSHIP: Public Speaking – Service Stewardship
OTHER: Religion – Environmental Education
STEAM: Art – FOSS Science Curriculum (Full Option Science System, from UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science) – Technology – Digital Citizenship – Math In Focus (K-5) Specialized Middle School Math Program (Math Whizz / Xtra Math) – Core Algebra (8th Grade) – Accelerated Algebra (8th Grade) – Honors’ Science (8th Grade)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Classes are held in the gym, as well as on the field, tennis courts and blacktop during good weather
CYO SPORTS: Soccer – Cross Country – Basketball – Volleyball – Track & Field
EXTRA CURRICULAR PROGRAMS: Drama – Dance – Chess – Lego Engineering – Coding – K-5 & ELC Summer Camps – Vacation Bible Camp
Fun and Intentional Learning Environment
School isn’t just about work. There’s plenty of room for fun, especially for the youngest students for whom fun is a vital factor in successful learning. OLG strives to create environments that support fun and creative learning. Our large, bright and dynamic classrooms (you should see some of our views!) speak to their senses and fosters curiosity and discovery during the learning process. Engaging classroom-learning activities are supplemented with a strong arts program and enrichment opportunities. Current technology is also highly integrated throughout the curriculum, making the OLG student experience always dynamic and exciting.
A Mix of Small Group and Direct Instruction
Students learn best when the school day is balanced between different types of learning. When learning in groups, students benefit from hearing each other’s answers and insights or collaborating to discover new things. However, some students may be too shy to speak up or have trouble focusing in groups. To balance the pros and cons of group learning, we find ways to teach small groups where students can still learn from each other but receive more attention and participate more closely. This allows them to focus better on the lesson or skill they are learning. To achieve this, we have expanded support programs to meet the diverse needs of our students, especially in core academic areas, through the increased hiring of certified, non-certified, and volunteer level support staff. This way, OLG successfully enriches the learning experience for our students, especially through Sound Partners and the allotment of teacher aides for students with special needs.
Opportunities for Exploration, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking
Children, from an early age, need ample opportunity to explore and confront problems to develop their critical thinking skills. At OLG, teachers encourage problem-solving and critical thinking in many different ways, starting with how they ask questions during lessons. Asking open-ended questions or inviting students to share their own ideas or opinions on things lets them use their minds more than asking simple one answer questions. Children quickly learn to depend on adults for all the answers if they aren’t given the freedom to work out problems and think on their own. If exploration and problem solving are encouraged, however, eventually they’ll be able to apply this critical thinking to their schoolwork and real-world problems as they mature.
Independent Learning
To be academically successful, students must develop the ability to learn independently without constant guidance from a teacher. While this is more important to older students, even the youngest ones can begin developing this skill if given the opportunity. At OLG, while students do require a degree of disciplined learning by way of planned lessons and activities, they also learn a lot from independent play and learning. This promotes curiosity and discovery that translates into seeking more knowledge and learning opportunities as a child grows. Our students are encouraged to activate a Seattle Public Library card account as early as first grade, and learn to access resources available to them not only through SPL, but also through OLG’s onsite library, as well as OLG’s Destiny Discover Library.
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Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School admits students of any race, color or national and ethnic origin to all the rights privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to all students at the school. In the administration of its policies, the school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan and athletic and other administered programs.