Welcome to a new year in OLG Music!
The 2023-24 School Year is here! Here are some of the things that will be happening in Music Class this year:
- We will sing, dance, and play instruments (masks optional, school policy). We will learn, among other things,:
- solfège notation and hand signals
- how to identify rhythms and notes on the music staff,
- how to read music in hymnals,
- basic keyboard orientation and music theory
- about music around the world with colorful and engaging videos, songs, and dances.
- This January, we had a day of Ice Skating — indoors! Check out my video montage.
Here is a video snapshot of just a few of the things we’ve done in OLG music since 2010:
4TH/5TH CHORUS: In the Church Choir Loft, we rehearse and perform for the All-School Masses. Students will be invited to “test out” CHORUS in early September. Each year, we hope to:
- Give a few “Flash Mob” lunchtime performances,
- Sing carols at Providence, the OLG Light Up the Night, and the school Christmas sing-along,
- Lead some school masses and audition for cantor roles
- Learn how to sing two-part harmony and rounds
- Audition for singing the National Anthem at a Mariner’s Game
- Perform extraordinary songs at the Winter and Spring Concerts (most recently: “My Shot” (from Hamilton)!
MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR: We will miss Mrs. Milanese, but I’m taking up the charge to lead the 6-7-8th Graders in Choir (like band and Chorus, it is optional extra-curricular). We rehearse on Tuesdays from 3:05-3:35pm in the church. MS Choir has done and will do these things:
- Sing at OLG Light Up the Night and the school Christmas sing-along,
- Lead some school masses and audition for cantor roles,
- Perform extraordinary songs at the Winter and Spring Concerts,
GREEN SCREEN MUSICALS & PERFORMANCES: Since Spring 2022, I’ve created short GREEN SCREEN musicals with the 4th and/or 5th Grades. These musicals are from MusicPlay/John Jacobson and MTI. See past examples here:
If your child (Kindergarten through 10th Grade) is interested in choral singing outside of school, please look into this West Seattle organization: the Endolyne Children’s Choir. They’ve been around since 2003.
I keep a Running Log of our classroom activities (sometimes in my own digital shorthand). To see, click here.
My directive and goal is to help kids experience the joy of music and I am honored to do that in every single moment that I spend with the students. Here’s to a unique and excellent school year!
Ms. Ann Sager