RUNNING LOG OF LESSONS from Fall 2016 to Spring 2024
Click Here for Current Year’s Lessons:
2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR
- WEEK 39. 6/11-6/13/24
- Wednesday
- Same as Tue
- Chorus: Water Balloons + Treats EOY Party!
- Tuesday
- Cups to “Sing”, “Can’t Stop the Feeling”, and “Addams Family”. (EEMC Resources)
- Dance to “Sasha” (MXP A/S’18)
- Watch Dust In, video short.
- MS Choir: pizza party!
- Wednesday
- WEEK 38. 6/4-6/6/24
- Thursday
- PS: drum freeze, Chicken Dance, play instruments
- 1st, 4th: instruments to “Hare and the Tortoise” Sound Poem (MXP MJ/2012).
- 2nd, 3rd: drum freeze,
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: use varied instruments to Play Along w Fruit rhythms (esp. The Fruit Beat/Fantastic Mr. Cox).
- 2nd, 3rd: Beethoven Lives Upstairs (3rd = ended at 30:37, 2nd = ended at 30:08).
- Wednesday
- PK: Sing This Little Light of Mine, keeping beat with different instruments every time
- Light of Leadership Mass with 4/5 Chorus
- Christ Be Our Light
- JC on The Lord is My Light & My Salvation
- We Are the Light of the World
- Christ, Shine in Our Lives
- Hail Mary, GW
- This Little Light of Mine
- 4/5 Chorus: practice for Final School Mass: Siyahamba, Keep Me Safe O God, Come to the River, Lean On Me, In This Place, Be With Me Lord, To You O God, Lord I Lift, Hail Holy Queen, I Rejoiced, Christ in Me Arise, A Million Dreams, You Say.
- Tuesday
- Hare and the Tortoise story video (fave=Oxbridge Baby) or project a Kindle book
- Hare and the Tortoise Sound Poem with tons of instruments (MXP MJ/2012).
- + a little Beethoven Lives Upstairs. (3rd ends 24:31)
- MS Choir: practice for Final School Mass: You Say, Siyahamba, A Million Dreams, Keep Me Safe O God.
- Thursday
- WEEK 37 5/30, ’24 (Thu)
- Clap along to Musical Fruits
- Beethoven Lives Upstairs
- Love is an Open Door (EEMC) partner dance
- Drum Freeze
- Minuscule clip “Racing Bugs”
- Boomwhackers to “Try Everything”, “Wellerman”, “Wish”, “All Star’, “Shake it off”, “It’s Corn”, “Believer”.
- WEEK 37 5/29, ’24 (Wed)
- PS, PK, 1st: Beethoven Lives Upstairs (real life actors) (purchased on Amazon, broadcast on iPhone)
- PS, PK, 1st: Love is an Open Door (EEMC) partner dance
- PS, PK, 1st: Drum Freeze
- Chorus: talk about party, “High Above Our Way”, “Keep Me Safe, O God”
- WEEK 37 5/28, 2024 (Tuesday)
- Minuscule clip “Racing Bugs”
- Beethoven Lives Upstairs (real life actors) (purchased on Amazon, broadcast on iPhone)
- Beethoven Lives Upstairs (cartoon) youtube
- You’ve Got A Friend in Me (EEMC) partner dance
- Love is an Open Door (EEMC) partner dance
- Drum Freeze
- 3, 4, 5: Rhythm Sticks to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (EASY Rhythm Play Along on Youtube)
- Choir: talk about party, “You Say”.
- WEEK 36 5/22-24, ’24
- THURSDAY: Incredibox, MusicTechTeacher quizzes, Flute parts (EEMC), James Galway “Flight of the Bumblebee” on flute, Minuscule clip “Racing Bugs”
- Talent shows, Incredibox, Mexico travelogue, “El Quelite” song and dance, dance to “Roar”, dance to “Try Everything”, sing along with “My Gecko Has An Echo” (MXP), Jake Shimabukura on ukulele, French partner dance (La Guimbarde) with scarves.
- PS: Try Everything dance & sing, Down by the Bay dance & sing. (EEMC)
- 4/5 Chorus: Practice songs about light for EOY and Light of Leadership Mass
- MS Choir: practice for Thursday Mass:
- Hallelujah is Our Song,
- Holy Is Your Name,
- Tend the Earth,
- Holy Spirit,
- Lean On Me,
- Ten Thousand Reasons.
- WEEK 35 5/14-16/24.Concert Week
- Tuesday rehearsals in church
- Wednesday Concert
- Thursday watch concert, drum Sansa Kroma, talent shows, and Beethoven’s Wig.
- WEEK 34 5/7-5/9/24.working on Concert Songs
- auditions at lunch for 5th & Chorus songs.
- WEEK 33 4/30-5/2/24.working on Concert Songs
- + boomwhackers to “Knowing What I Know Now”
- WEEK 32 4/23-4/25/24.working on Concert Songs
- WEEK 31.THU.4.18.24
- Mass with Chorus
- WEEK 31.WED.4.17.24
- working on Spring Concert songs
- PreK: Sansa Kroma, SuperHero (Laurie Berkner), Row Row Row YB losing a word each time, Spiderman dance
- Chorus: songs for mass tomorrow
- WEEK 31.TUE.4.16.24
- start working on Spring Concert songs
- WEEK 30.THU.4.11.24
- start working on Spring Concert songs
- WEEK 30.WED.4.10.24
- start working on Spring Concert songs
- WEEK 30.TUE.4.9.24
- sub
- WEEK 29.THU.3.28.24
- Vivaldi – Composer of the Month
- Listen to Vivaldi Spring (some kids remember it was on our listening quiz!)
- Listen to girl playing Vivaldi flute in Little Orchestra Society – sounds like birds!
- Get ready for Pam R. as sub
- Dance/drum to Sansa Kroma again
- Talent Shows
- Thunderstorms on drums
- Animusic “Resonant Chamber”
- WEEK 29.WED.3/27.24
- 1st: I Am A Great Conductor (EEMC)
- 1st: Sansa Kroma track + drumming (MXP Jan/Feb’15)
- WEEK 29.Tue.3.26.24
- K, PK, 2nd, 3rd, 4, 5: I Am A Great Conductor (EEMC)
- K: play along with Spring Showers Rhythm PlayAlong
- K, PK, 2, 3, 4, 5: drumming
- K: For the Birds video short
- PK, 2nd, 3rd, 4, 5: Sansa Kroma track + drumming (MXP Jan/Feb’15)
- K: I Just Love a Dancing Bear (EEMC)
- 5, 4: Dug’s Special mission video short
- WEEK 28.Thu.3.21.24
- MASS in the Morning: MS Choir: Be Thou My Vision, Be Merciful O Lord, Christ in Me Arise, The King of Love My Shepherd Is, May the Road Rise to Meet You (Lori True), 10,000 Reasons.
- Sing/Count to Ten in many languages (EEMC/Wander the World with Warm-Ups)
- Play along to “Hola Amigos” in “Picante Drum Book” (EEMC/Resources)
- Cha Cha Slide (EEMC)
- sing along to “When I Grow Up” (EEMC)
- WEEK 28.Wed.3.20.24
- WEEK 28.Tue.3.19.24
- Watch video short: “The Fantastic Flying Books”
- Spring Rhythm PlayAlong from Coffee.Sing.Teach.Repeat
- Spring Theme PlayAlong from Elementary GrooveTracks
- Sing along to “When I Grow Up” (Matilda from EEMC), “Roar” (EEMC), or “Hop, Chirp, Moo” (EEMC).
- WEEK 27.Thu.3.14.24
- St. Patrick’s Day PowerPoint slideshow
- Little Raindrop
- Wellerman Boomwhackers
- WEEK 27.Wed.3.13.24
- 1st: “Do Re Mi Movement Video with Lyrics” (EEMC)
- 1st, PS, PK: “Rock Around the Clock” (EEMC)
- 1st, PS: StoryBots Do Re Mi echo work
- PS, PK: Rhythm Cat
- PS: Chicken Dance (EEMC)
- 1st: The Music Show “That’s A Scale” (EEMC), practice C scale on floor piano,
- 1st: Goofy Installs a Home Theatre.
- PK: Dugg video short,
- PK: Rollercoaster Staff,
- PK: The Music Show “Presto is Fast, Largo is Slow”
- WEEK 27.Tue.3.12.24
- K, PK: Chicken Dance (EEMC)K, PK, 2nd: “Do Re Mi Movement Video with Lyrics” (EEMC)
- K, PK, 2, 3: StoryBots Do Re Mi echo work
- K, PK: “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth” (YouTube chipmunks)
- PK: “I Had a Loose Tooth” poem (MPO)
- PK, K: Little Raindrop (Kindle books)
- 2nd: “Paddle in My Kayak” (MPO)
- 2, 3, 5: The Music Show “That’s A Scale” (EEMC), practice C scale on floor piano,
- 3, 5: Goofy Installs a Home Theatre.
- 3, 4, 5: “Wellerman” on Boomwhackers.
- MS Choir:
- Be Merciful O Lord, assign cantors (Paulina/Janessa, Frankie, Evan/Canon)
- Be Thou My vision
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is
- Amazing & Hero (PinkZebra)
- Christ in Me Arise
- Holy is Your Name (gave flute part for Susie & Emma)
- Lori True’s “May the Road Rise”
- Canticle of the Turning
- WEEK 26.Thu.3/7/24
- PS, 1st, 2nd: Seven Jumps movement dance, clap along with fruits,
- PS: Moana clips,
- PS: dance to “We Know the Way” MXP MA’17.
- PS: All in a Jam Kindle book
- 3rd, 2nd, 1st: Short film on expressing emotions thru music: The Orchestra
- 3rd, 2nd: MXP MA’18: School of Rock song “You’re in the Band” + info. Appropriate clip from School of Rock.
- WEEK 26.Wed.3/6/24
- PS, 1st: Cowboy Clapping Rhythm Music with Ms. Watson on youtube
- PS, 1st: Seven Jumps movement dance
- PS, 1st: MXP MA’17
- Try Everything
- Moana We Know the Way
- It’s About Time The Music Show
- Heart of the Dance interview
- PS: All in a Jam Kindle book, JJJSchmidt
- 4/5 Chorus: Castle on A Cloud, Amazing & Hero by PinkZebra,
- WEEK 26.Tue.3/5/24
- Cowboy Clapping Rhythm Music with Ms. Watson on youtube
- Seven Jumps movement dance
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: Counting Rhythms / Music is Math worksheet
- 3, 4, 5: Introduction to Time Signatures. Music with Meg
- MXP MA’17
- Try Everything
- There’s a Spring in My Step
- Moana We Know the Way
- It’s About Time The Music Show
- Heart of the Dance interview
- MXP MA’18
- 5th: School of Rock song + info
- MS Choir
- Be Merciful O Lord, assign cantors (Paulina/Janessa, Frankie, Evan/Canon)
- Be Thou My vision
- Amazing & Hero (PinkZebra)
- Christ in Me Arise
- Holy is Your Name (need flute part for Susie & Emma?)
- Irish Blessing – find a good one
- WEEK 25.Thu.2.29.24
- all: America Travelogue video or audio + “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around” (MXP JF’17)
- “If I Didn’t Have You” sing and choreo (MXP JF’17)
- Seven Jumps Dance
- PS: “Heart is Pumping, Feet are Thumping” (MXP JF’19)
- PS: “Boom” (MXP JF’18)
- Black Violin interview (MXP JF’17) and video.
- PS, 1st: For the Birds video short
- WEEK 25.Wed.2.28.24
- Chorus: I’ll Tell me Ma, What the world Need Now, Castle on a Cloud, From Now On!
- Seven Jumps Dance
- Clap along to Musical Fruits (Green Beans)
- “Heart is Pumping, Feet are Thumping” (MXP JF’19)
- “Boom” (MXP JF’18)
- Pipe Dream Animusic
- WEEK 25.Tue.2.27.24
- all: China Travelogue & Chinese Ribbon Dance (MXP JF’18)
- Clap along to Musical Fruits (In Unison Music Lessons)
- Clap along to Musical Fruits (Green Beans)
- “Heart is Pumping, Feet are Thumping” (MXP JF’19)
- Movin’ In Style from The Music Show (MXP JF’18)
- MS Choir:
- Home (Phillip Phillips)
- Amazing & Hero by PinkZebra,
- A Million Dreams,
- SS#66 Be Merciful O Lord,
- SS#77 The Lord is Kind and Merciful.
- WEEK 24.Thu.2.22.24
- “Flight of the Bumblebee” (MXP JF’15)
- sound map in MXP + Luigi/Mike intro
- drawing/coloring the flight
- Bio of Rimsky-Korsikov (makingmusicfun)
- “Flight of the Bumblebee” by Canadian Brass
- “Flight of the Bumblebee” (MXP JF’15)
- WEEK 24.Wed.2.21.24
- PS, 1: Sound Poem “The Arrow and the Song” (MXP JF’13) with all the instruments!
- 1, PK: “Skinnamarink” (EEMC)
- PS, PK: The Music in Me video short
- PK, G Crumb plays drums video short
- PK: play floor piano and drums in small groups
- WEEK 24.Tue
- no school
- WEEK 23.Thu
- no school
- WEEK 23.Wed.2.14.24
- Ash Wed Mass w 4th/5th Chorus
- Led by the Spirit,
- Signed by Ashes,
- JC sang “Be Merciful” by C. Stephan (alt verse to the one in ss2)
- Be With Me, Lord
- Did You Know
- Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley
- Gracious God
- no PreK or PreS
- Chorus Reh: “Just Like You”
- Ash Wed Mass w 4th/5th Chorus
- WEEK 23.Tue.2.13.24
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: Sound Poem “The Arrow and the Song” (MXP JF’13) with all the instruments!
- K, 2, 3, 4, 5: “All You Need is Love” song & choreography (EEMC)
- PK, K: “Skinnamarink” (EEMC)
- WEEK 22.Thu.2.8.24
- PS: Splish Splash dance (MXP Feb’16).
- PS: We’re Gonna Sing High, We’re Gonna Sing Low (MXP Feb’16)
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: Listening Quiz. Draw pics, make notes about 6 classical pieces: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Spring, Beethoven Moonlight Sonata, Wagner’s Rider of the Valkyries, Rossini’s WmTell Overture, Saint-Saëns The Swan and Elephants. Then use our notes for the quiz, where I play all songs in a different order.
- 4th: also played Boomwhackers to All Star and Firework. 2 kids were visiting/shadowing.
- Chorus/Choir sang at Climate Pledge Arena tonight! For the Seattle U. basketball game!
- WEEK 22.Wed.2.7.24
- PS, 1st: Haydn Military March (MXP Feb’16).
- 1st: Seattle Symphony App/Family Learn About the Flute Jeffrey Barker
- PS, PK, 1st: Splish Splash dance (MXP Feb’16).
- PS: We’re Gonna Sing High, We’re Gonna Sing Low (MXP Feb’16)
- PS: March of the Presidents (MXP Feb’16)
- PK: Bolivia Dance Carnavalito (MXP Feb’19), also Google Earth zoom to Bolivia & Seattle
- WEEK 22.Tue.2.6.24
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: Haydn Military March (MXP Feb’16)
- PK, K, 2: Boomwhackers on Firework
- K: Boomwhackers on Shrek All Star
- PK, 2: Boomwhackers on Shake It Off
- PK: Beethoven’s Wig
- 2, 3, 4, 5: Seattle Symphony App/Family Learn About the Flute Jeffrey Barker
- 4th, 5th: 1/2 of a Disney video short
- MS Choir: National Anthem, A Million Dreams
- WEEK 21.Tue1.24.24 to Thu.2.1.24
- rehearse, perform songs for Winter Concert
- Special Persons mass with MS Choir + their special people in choir loft
- WEEK 20.Tue.1.23.24 to Thu.1.25.24
- rehearse songs for Winter Concert
- WEEK 19.Thu.1.18.24
- All School Mass
- Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around
- To You, O god, I Lift Up My Soul
- We Shall Overcome
- Precious Lord, Take My Hand
- Be With Me, Lord
- 10,000 Reasons
- Rehearse songs for Winter Concert.
- All School Mass
- WEEK 19.Wed.1.17.24
- Rehearse songs for Winter Concert.
- WEEK 19.Tue.1.16.24
- Rehearse songs for Winter Concert.
- Some classes play Boomwhackers CDE Super Easy Play Along, or Boomwhackers Johnny DoReMi
- Some classes watch Beethoven’s Wig and Rollercoaster Music Staff, Wallace & Grommit short
- WEEK 18.Thu.1.11.24
- Rehearse songs for Winter Concert.
- Some classes also play Boomwhackers to Blue Danube
- WEEK 18.Wed.1.10.24
- Rehearse songs for Winter Concert.
- WEEK 18.Tue.1.9.24
- Rehearse songs for Winter Concert.
- WEEK 17.Thu.1.4.24
- PS: “The Skaters” (MXP Dec’11). After we learn about composer and listen/id sections of the song, we “ice-skate” on paper plates around the classroom! Play boomwhackers CDE Easy.
- 2nd: sing along with Jazz Hands (MXP Dec’11), watch Norway vid (MXP Dec’11), play Boomwhackers “
- Kinder:
- WEEK 17.Wed.1.3.24
- 1st opted for Mass.
- PS: “The Skaters” (MXP Dec’11). After we learn about composer and listen/id sections of the song, we “ice-skate” on paper plates around the classroom!
- PK:
- WEEK 17.Tue.1.2.24
- PreK, K, 2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th: “The Skaters” (MXP Dec’11). After we learn about composer and listen/id sections of the song, we “ice-skate” on paper plates around the classroom!
- PreK, 2nd: watch video short of Minions, sing along with a cappella solfège.
- 2nd: sing along with “Swinging on a Star”, “Bless Us All” (EEMC).
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: learn “Light Up the World” (GLEE)
- 3rd: listen to “Shooting Star” (Owl City) on EEMC, talk about Rick Roll
- 4th:. learn “Winter Wind” w glockenspiels (MXP Dec’15)
- 5th:. practice “One Star” (StarBucks MPO), talk about Rick Roll & practice Rick Roll on boomwhackers
- Middle School Choir: “I Just Wanna Shine”, “White Winter Hymnal”
- WEEK 16.Thu.12.14.23
- PreS: xylophones to “Merry Meringue”, dance to “Freeze” (EEMC), video short: ToyStory Hawaiian Vacation.
- 2nd: xylophones to “Merry Meringue” (MXP Dec’10) + Worksheets: 1.Xmas Guess the Emoji Songs and 2.Fill in Lyrics to Xmas songs.
- WEEK 16.Wed.12.13.23
- 1st: xylophones to “Merry Meringue” (MXP Dec’10) + Worksheets fill in Xmas tree by notes.
- PS, PK, not notable!
- CHORUS: Let it Snow. Cut up snow, practice.
- School Singalong:
- WEEK 16.Tue.12.12.23
- Mass w 4th/5th Chorus: O Sanctissima, Holy is Your Name, OLG lyrics to Pescador, See How the Virgin Waits, Hail Holy Queen.
- 2nd: drumming, talent show (tech completely failed)
- 3rd, 5th: xylophones to “Merry Meringue” (MXP Dec’10) + Worksheets: 1.Xmas Guess the Emoji Songs and 2.Fill in Lyrics to Xmas songs.
- 4th: Worksheets: 1.Xmas Guess the Emoji Songs and 2.Fill in Lyrics to Xmas songs.
- WEEK 15.Thu.12.7.23 – Composer of the Month: Tchaikovsky
- 4, 3, 2, 1, K: Watch Nutcracker TPT Google Slides (in Google Drive)
- 4, 3, 2, 1, K: body percussion to “Waltz of the Flowers“
- 4th: sing “Be Our Guest” (EEMC).
- PS: step piano,
- 2nd: sing “Let It Snow” (EEMC)
- 2nd: talent show on step piano and piano
- WEEK 15.Wed.12.6.23 – Composer of the Month: Tchaikovsky
- PS: Fletcher and the Christmas Snowflake
- PS, 1: Making Snow Angels (sing & dance EEMC)
- PS: Color xmas trees/notes
- 1: Feliz Navidad Boomwhackers
- 1: Sing and dance to Feliz Navidad (EEMC)
- 1: Wallace & Grommit Contraptions
- 1: California Raisins commercial compilation to explain Feliz Navidad dance
- 1: sing All I Want for Xmas EEMC
- 1: Carol of the Bells Boomwhackers
- PK: Read My Snowman, Paul
- PK, Dance to Freeze!!
- PK: Draw.color xmas tree with notes
- PK: Sing “All I Want for Xmas is You”
- PK: Sing “Frosty the Snowman”
- WEEK 15.Tue.12.5.23 – Composer of the Month: Tchaikovsky
- PK, K: Fletcher and the Christmas Snowflake
- 2, PK, K: Making Snow Angels (sing & dance EEMC)
- 5,4, 3, 2, PK: Feliz Navidad Boomwhackers
- 5, 4, 3, 2, K, PK: Sing and dance to Feliz Navidad (EEMC)
- 5, 4, 3, 2. Wallace & Grommit Contraptions
- 3, 2: California Raisins commercial compilation to explain Feliz Navidad dance
- 5, 4, 3: sing All I Want for Xmas EEMC
- 3: Sing It’s Beginnning to Look a Lot Like Xmas EEMC
- 5,5, 4, 3: Carol of the Bells Boomwhackers
- 5: Santa Escape Room (treble clef)
- 4: dance and sing to “Yesh Li Yadayim” (MPOnline)
- MS CHOIR: Holy is Your Name (choose cantors), Hail Holy Queen, Hail Mary GW, Christ Be Our Light, Here I Am, Lord, OCOCE.
- WEEK 14.Thu.11.30.23 – Composer of the Month: Tchaikovsky
- Family Groups: Advent Wreaths
- 4th, 3, 2, 1, K: Play Boomwhackers with Feliz Navidad
- 4th: Play Boomwhackers with Carol of the Bells
- 4, 3, 2, 1, K, PS: Review Treble Clef, play Santa’s Escape Room (TPT download)
- 3, 2, 1, K: watch The Fox & A Mouse
- K, PS: watch Fletcher & the Snowflake Christmas
- WEEK 14.Wed.11.29.23 – Composer of the Month: Tchaikovsky
- 1st: Tchaikovsky bio (Music Explained)
- PS, PK, 1st, Rhythm PlayAlong Nutcracker Trepak 2nd version
- PS, PK, 1st: watch Swan Lake
- PS, PK, 1st: watch Swan Lake parody
- PS, PK, 1st: dance to “Freeze” (EEMC, in Video)
- PK, 1st: dance to “Yesh Li Yadiyim” (MPO) song
- Chorus: cut up snow, sing “Holy is Your Name”, “Let it Snow”, “Feliz Navidad”.
- WEEK 14.Tue.11.28.23 – Composer of the Month: Tchaikovsky
- 2nd, K: Tchaikovsky bio (Music Explained)
- 5, 4, 3, PK: Tchaikovsky bio (Classical Power)
- 5, 4, 3, 2, PK, K: Rhythm PlayAlong Nutcracker Trepak
- 3, 2, PK, K, Rhythm PlayAlong Nutcracker Trepak 2nd version
- 5, 4, 3, 2: watch Swan Lake
- 5, 4, 3: watch Swan Lake parody
- 5, 4, 3, 2, PK, K: dance to “Freeze” (EEMC, in Video)
- 5, 2, PK, K: sing, dance to “Yesh Li Yadiyim” (MPO) song
- 4th, 5th: Talent Show
- MS Choir: JB Rock,
- WEEK 13.Wed.11.22.23
- release at Noon for Thanksgiving
- no Chorus?
- WEEK 13.Tue.11.21.23
- 6-7-8 Choir AFTER SCHOOL
- WEEK 12.Thu.11.16.23
- 6-7-8 Choir “Check it out day”: potentially 10! Same tunes as Wed.
- WEEK 12.Wed.11.15.23
- PK, 1: 2nd half of Lost & Found
- PS, PK, 1: Cha Cha Slide (EEMC)
- PK, 1: Boomwhackers to Firework
- PS: Row, row row Your Boat (losing 1 word each x), Twinkle Twinkle (same)
- PS: Music Show “Sing High, Sing Low” (MXP)
- 6-7-8 Choir “Check it out day”: Four singers at 7:45am. Warm up with “My Bonny” and “Amen”. Learn “I Just Wanna Shine”, sing “Jingle Bell Rock”. It looks like 7:45 on Wed is going to be the thing.
- WEEK 12.Tue.11.14.23 – Composer of the Month: Aaron Copland!
- 2, PK: 1st half of Lost & Found
- 3, K: 2nd half of Lost & Found
- 3, 2, PK, K: Cha Cha Slide (EEMC)
- K: Boomwhackers to Turkey (no good)
- PK, K: We Like Candy (MXP)
- 5, 4, 3, 2, PK: Boomwhackers to Dance Monkey
- 2: Thankful ASL (MPOnline)
- 5, 4, 3: Boomwhackers to Firework
- 5: America Travelogue. Audio & Video Questions
- 4: America Travelogue. Audio + prep only
- WEEK 11.Thu.11.9.23 – Composer of the Month: Aaron Copland!
- Veterans Day Assembly: Chorus sings “God Bless America”, eight 4th graders sing “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy”.
- 3,2,1: Notes on step piano: C, C#, D, E
- 3,2,1: Catapult game for Piano notes
- PS: Drumming
- PS: Forte Piano (MXP on EEMC)
- 2,K: Dance to “Mannequin” (EEMC)
- 2,K: Sing/choreo to “God Bless America” and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” (both EEMC)
- 4th: Sing “Diwali”
- 4th: Dance the Dandiya Stick Dance to “Diwali”.
- K,1,3: Watch first 1/2 of Lost and Found
- K,4: Rhythm Sticks to Thanksgiving Play-Along (Elementary Groove Tracks on YouTube)
- 4th: sing along to “My Shot” (MXP AS’17)
- WEEK 11.Wed.11.8.23 – Composer of the Month: Aaron Copland!
- PS, 1: Bought Me A Cat (Copland grown-up performance) and sing-along (EEMC)
- PS: Notes on step piano: C, C#, D, E
- PK, PS: Drumming
- PK: Forte Piano (MXP on EEMC)
- PK: Dance to “Mannequin” (EEMC)
- Chorus: rehearse “God Bless America” and “Boogie Woogie BB” in gym. Learn “Holy is Your Name” (Alonso, not Haas).
- WEEK 11.Tue.11.7.23 – Composer of the Month: Aaron Copland!
- PK, K: Bought Me A Cat (Copland grown-up performance) and sing-along (EEMC)
- 5, PK, K: Notes on step piano: C, C#, D, E
- 5, PK, K: Catapult game for Piano notes
- 2, 3: Learn about Diwali and India (MXP AS’17)
- 2, 3: Sing “Diwali” (MXP AS’17 w/ magazine)
- 2, 3, 5 (4 just watched, didn’t dance): Dance “Diwali” with dandiya sticks (MXP AS’17)
- 2, PK, K: Dance to “Can’t Stop This Feeling” (MXP AS’17)
- 5, 3: Listen to sitar in “Norwegian Wood” by the Beatles
- 5, 4: ONE 2 ONE Interview with Alex Lancamoire (Hamilton orchestrator) (MXP AS’17)
- 5, 4: Worksheet quiz on Interview with Alex Lancamoire (MXP AS’17).
- WEEK 10.Thu.11.2.23 ALL SOULS – Composer of the Month: Copland!
- PS: Drumming, JJJSchmidt, One Man Band video+ID instruments.
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: Copland biographies 2min and 5:48min
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: “Fanfare for the Common Man” BBC video (fades out),
- K, 2, 4: “Rodeo” ballet video (American Ballet Theatre 1973) (Houston Rep Ballet)
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4, PS: “Thunder on Boomwhackers (Swick’s)
- K, 1, 3, 4: “Fanfare” play along for drums (MXP A/S’09, yes I’ve ripped CD) (use magazine page image from Pinterest)
- K, 1, 2, 4: “Fanfare” Instrument I.D.
- Chorus Impromptu rehearsal for “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” (only 4th graders interested: Migi, Rex, Maddox, Jackson, Elsie, Fiona, Grace, Paige).
- WEEK 10.Wed.11.1.23 ALL SAINTS
- All School Mass: All Saints Day. O When the Saints, Soon & Very Soon, Keep Your Lamps Trimmed & Burning, Psalm 24 sung by Ms. Sager, Go Forth.
- PKw: Drumming, Chicken Dance (EEMC), “Thankful” Juicebox Jukebox,
- WEEK 10.Tue.10.31.23 HALLOWEEN!
- Drumming “what’s your favorite” (candy, scary movie)
- 2nd, PK: Mummy wrap
- 3rd, 5th, Boomwhackers to “Spooky Scary Skeletons” and “Monster Mash”.
- 5th: Talent Show.
- no 4th Grade music
- Chorus impromptu rehearsal for Mass tomorrow
- WEEK 9.Thu.10.26.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- WEEK 9.Tue & Wed.10.24/25.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- PSw, PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Spooky Scary Skeletons w Rhythm Sticks
- PS, PK, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Monster Mash w Boomwhackers (Swick’s)
- 4th Grade playing boomwhackers and drums to Monster Mash
- 4, 5: Thunder w Boomwhackers (Swick’s)
- PK, K, 1, 3, 4, 5 (not 2): Addams Family cups (EEMC)
- 3rd Grade playing cups to Addams Family
- 5th Grade playing cups to Addams Family
- PK, K: Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village
- PSw, PK, K: Carnival of the Animals/Aquarium w scarves, Listening Map on MPO
- 2: Carnival of the Animals/Aquarium & Fossils. Listening to ID instruments. MPO map, video.
- PS: Dance of the Little Leaf (EEMC)
- PSw: Name spider stuffies
- CHORUS: no Chorus today, early release for Conferences.
- WEEK 8.Thu.10.19.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- K, 4: Fox Play (EEMC)
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: Fox Went Out Song (EEMC)
- K, 1, 2, 3: Fox Went Out Book Kindle
- K, 1, 2, 3: A Hundred Ghosts Dance (EEMC) with the hand jive
- 2, 3: Beat the Teacher (Forbidden Rhythm)
- K, 1, 3: Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village
- K, 1, 3, 4: Spooky Scary Skeletons Play-Along (w/ shakers or rhythm sticks)
- 4: Talent Show
- 4: “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” (EEMC): Chorus Reminder for Veteran’s Day
- WEEK 8.Wed.10.18.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- (no 1st Grade)
- PS: France for Kids + Google Earth
- PS: I Will Sing Goodbye/Hello in French (EEMC)
- PS: French Folk Dance with scarves to “La Guimbarde”
- PS: dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern” (MXP O/N ’16)
- PK: dance to “Part of Your World” (MXP O/N’18)
- PK: Luigi & Mike “Night on Bald Mountain” (MXP O/N’18)
- PK: dance to “A Hundred Ghosts” (EEMC)
- CHORUS: songs for tomorrow’s mass: “Amen Let it Be Done”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, “Alleluia” from Misa del Mundo, “To You O God I Lift Up My Soul”,
- CHORUS: songs for Veteran’s Day Assembly: “God Bless America” with choreo, “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” (whoever wants to be a part of it, mostly 4th).
- WEEK 8.Tue.10.17.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- K, 2, 3, 4, 5: France Musical World (MPO/JJ)
- PK, 2nd: France for Kids
- K, 2, 4, 5, PK: I Will Sing Goodbye/Hello in French (EEMC)
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: Jew’s Harp/La Guimbarde
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: French Folk Dance with scarves to “La Guimbarde”
- 5th: Amen, Let it Be Done (for Thursday’s mass)
- K: dance to “Spiderman” and “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern” (MXP O/N ’18 and ’16)
- PK, 4, 5: Look at Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village
- 3, 4, 5: Compare Mont Blanc and Mt. Rainier
- 2, 3, 4, 5: Add French Passport stamp in PowerPoint
- WEEK 7.Thu.10.12.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- PS, 2, 3: play on big piano.
- 2, 3: The Music Show Major Minor MashUp (MXP ON’18), play major/minor chords on big piano, watch piano clip from “Big”.
- K, 2, 3, 4: Listen to MusicPlayOnline bio of Saint-Saens, listen to “Royal March of the Lions” and “Hens and Roosters” from Carnival of the Animals, talk about sounds/articulations (MPO).
- Chorus: 2nd day of Auditions for “Keep Me Safe O God.”
- 1st: solos duos on the big piano,
- 1st: Boomwhackers/drums/tambourines on Goo Goo Muck and Hakuna Matata
- K, 4: Boomwhackers/drums/tambourines on Goo Goo Muck (slow then fast)
- K, 4: view Halloween village
- 4th: announce soloists on Keep Me Safe O God
- WEEK 7.Wed.10.11.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- PS, 1st: Ghost of John MXP ON’17 with rhythm sticks. xylophones. tubano, maracas, tambourines
- 1st: Play major/minor chords on big piano.
- 1st: Look at Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village!
- PS: Play around on big piano, watch piano clip from “Big”.
- (No PreK)
- CHORUS: Amen Let It Be Done, Go Into the World (eh), To You O God, Be with Me Lord, Lord I Lift, God Bless America with choreo, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Auditions for “Keep Me Safe O God”.
- WEEK 7.Tue.10.10.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- K: cpu failure? John Jacob JS, Row Row Row losing a word at a time, Jumpin Jack-O-Lantern MXP ON’18.
- K, PK: Ghost Light Mater/Cars,
- K, PK: Spiderman Dance MXP ON’16,
- PK, 2: We Like Candy ON’17.
- PK, 2: Drum/track freeze with spooky characters.
- PK, 5: Halloween Groove Tracks w rhythm sticks,
- PK, 2,3,4,5: Ghost of John MXP ON’17 with rhythm sticks. xylophones. tubano, maracas, tambourines
- PK, 2: Halloween Hand Jive choreo (EEMC)
- 5th: Goo Goo Muck Swick’s Classroom on Boomwhackers
- 4th: The Music Show Major Minor MashUp (MXP ON’18), play major/minor chords on big piano.
- WEEK 6.Thu.10.5.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- PS: play with multiple instruments on the floor
- PS: dance to Spiderman, Dance of the Little Leaf
- PS: sing John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: Sound Poem “Some One” (ON’11 MXP) with all the instruments
- 4th: play random instruments + bw’s on Goo Goo Muck Boomwhackers
- WEEK 6.Wed.10.4.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- PK: watch Ghostlight/Mater
- PK: Spiderman dance (MXP ON’16)
- PK: John Jacob J Schmidt
- PK: The Music Show “Whisper Talk Sing Shout!” (EEMC/Music Show/Ep.7)
- PK, PS: Dance of the Little Leaf (EEMC) with scarves
- PS: Jumpin Jack-O-Lanterns MXP ON’18.
- PS, 1: Danse Macabre listening map & Luigi bio MXP ON/’16
- PS, 1: Halloween Percussion Play Along (Elementary Groove Tracks)
- 1, PK: Pumpkin Groove Play Along on rhythm sticks
- 1: Camille Saint-Saens Bio by Sally Utley
- 1: Google Earth to Paris!
- CHORUS: God Bless America, Love Round, Christ shine in Our Lives, Star Spangled, To You O God, Over My Head, Bonnie, Amen.
- WEEK 6.Tue.10.3.23 – Composer of the Month: Camille Saint-Saens!
- PK, K, 2: Camille Saint-Saens Bio by Sally Utley
- K, 2: Danse Macabre Storyboard
- PK, 2, 3, 4, 5: Danse Macabre listening map & Luigi bio MXP ON/’16
- PK, K, 2, 3: Jumpin Jack-O-Lanterns MXP ON’18.
- PK, 2, 3, 4, 5: Halloween Percussion Play Along (Elementary Groove Tracks)
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: Pumpkin Groove Play Along on rhythm sticks
- 3, 4, 5: Camille Saint-Saens Bio in MPO, under Units + quiz questions after
- PK, 2, 3, 4, 5: Google Earth to Paris!
- 3, 4, 5: Danse Macabre 1980’s cartoon
- 4th: Danse Macabre cartoon by Stokowski (starts w/ church)
- 3, 5: Poison Rhythm
- 5th: Goo Goo Muck Boomwhackers
- WEEK 5.Thu 9.28.23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- K: Instrument Spin-Off
- K, 1, PS: watch Presto, play xylophones
- K, 1, PS: “Dance of the Little Leaf” (EEMC),
- PS: Sing with Hot Cross buns video
- 1, 2, 3, 4: review treble clef,
- 2, 3: watch The Music Show “Lines and Spaces, Baby”.
- 1, 2, 3 4: play Treble Note Rally game on
- 2nd: play Boomwhackers to “Hakuna Matata” Swick’s Classroom on YouTube.
- K, 3rd: Rhythm Stick to Musical Fruits Rhythm syllables clap-along on YouTube.
- 4th: Rhythm Quiz on
- 4th: Boomwhackers to “It’s Corn” and “Hakuna Matata”.
- WEEK 5.Wed 9.27.23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- PS: play xylophones
- PS: color fife & drum
- PS: watch Rollercoaster Music Staff video and Beethoven’s Wig
- 1st: Musical Word Search when not playing xylo., Strike Up the Band.
- 1st: play xylophones to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’13)
- 1st: rhythm sticks to Musical Fruits Rhythm Syllables Clap-Along
- PK: Rhythm Sticks to Back to School Groove Tracks
- PK: PS Prodigies Sweet Beets and Solfege Review
- PK: sing/dance to “Count On Me” (EEMC). (Dull Choreo!)
- CHORUS. God Bless America, Keep Me Safe O God, Love Round (AMAZING!), Amen Let it Be done, Star Spangled B, Be With Me Lord, Bonnie, Amen
- WEEK 5.Tue 9.26.23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- PK, K: sing with Hot Cross buns video
- PK, K: play along with Hot Cross buns xylophone video
- PK: watch Rollercoaster Music Staff video
- 2nd: Musical Word Search when not playing xylo., Strike Up the Band.
- 2, 3, 4, 5: play xylophones to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’13)
- 2, 3, 4, 5: play along with Mozart’s “Turkish March” on rhythm sticks
- 3, 4, 5: review notes on the Treble Clef staff
- 3, 4, 5: Autumn Treble Pitch worksheet from Music Teacher Resources/Kim Maloney
- 4, 5: rhythm sticks to Musical Fruits Rhythm Syllables Clap-Along
- WEEK 4.Thu 9/21/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- PS: Mannequin (EEMC), Drumming, StoryBots solfege, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, Row Row Row losing 1 word each x.
- K, 1st, 2nd: Pink Panther Sound Map (MXP A/S’12), Pink Panther Orchestra cartoon,
- K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Austria/Switzerland (Mozart) Yodeling example 1, example 2.
- K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Boomwhacker/drum play along “It’s Corn” in Swick’s Classroom YouTube.
- 4th: Boomwhackers to “Shake it Off” Swick’s Classroom.
- K, 1st, 3rd, 4th: Google Chrome Music Lab – eh, iPad audio is glitchy thru ApplePlay receiver.
- WEEK 4.Wed 9/20/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- Mozart’s favorite instrument: Viola!
- PS: Mannequin (EEMC), Drumming, Row Row Row losing 1 word each x.
- PS, 1: Symphony Storytime “Because” Oregon Symphony w Viola.
- 1: Orchestra pic & discussion of families
- 1: Musical Instrument Sounds KLT Wild. Then discuss what’s your favorite.
- 1: “It’s Corn!” Boomwhacker Play-along with Swick’s Classroom.
- PK: Storybots solfège, Sing High Sing Low Music Show (EEMC), Mannequin (EEMC), talk about conductor’s baton.
- CHORUS: My Bonnie & Amen warmups, Amen Let it Be Done, Keep Me Safe O God, Star Sp Banner, Home Phillip Phillips (MXP A/S’13), almost did “Over My Head”(MXP A/S’15), Misa del Mundo Alleluia.
- WEEK 4.Tue/Wed.9/19/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- Mozart’s favorite instrument: Viola!
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: Orchestra pic & discussion of families
- PK, K: Kids vocabulary Musical instruments,
- PK, K: Symphony Storytime “Because” Oregon Symphony w Viola.
- 3rd: same as above w/out the story
- K: Superhero Boomwhacker play-along. Eh.
- PK, 2: Play Along Autumn Rhythm Groove Tracks on drums
- 2: Musical Instrument Sounds KLT Wild. Then discuss what’s your favorite.
- 2,3,4,5: Instrument Family Quiz (pirates) on
- 4,5: Seattle Symphony Viola (app on phone).
- 3,4,5: “It’s Corn!” Boomwhacker Play-along with Swick’s Classroom.
- WEEK 3.Thu.9/14/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- PS, K, 2, 3: Drumming and solos
- K, 2, 3: Drumming to Back to School GrooveTracks.
- K, 2, 3, 4: Mozart Magic Flute, Queen of Night Aria, Magic Flute Queen/magical instrument worksheet, Magic Flute vid Your Classical MPR (MPO)
- 4th: Magic Flute Synopsis video (Your Classical MPR)
- PS: Forte Piano The Music Show (EEMC), Maracas to La Bamba (EEMC), John Jacob Jingeheimer Schmidt
- 1st: Mozart Twinkle Variations video, Austria Map Google Earth, pay with Back to School GrooveTracks., “Ach Du Lieber” do the slap dance (MusicPlayOnline).
- WEEK 3.Wed.9/13/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- PS, PK, 1: Drumming and solos, Cha Cha Slide (EEMC)
- PS, PK: Drumming to Back to School GrooveTracks.
- PS: Hakuna on Boomwhackers
- PK, 1st: Mozart Magic Flute, Queen of Night Aria (MPO)
- 1st: Magic Flute worksheet (MPO)
- PK: Magic Flute vid Your Classical MPR (MPO), Forte Piano The Music Show (EEMC)
- CHORUS: My Bonnie & Amen warmups, Amen Let it Be Done, Keep Me Safe O God, Star Sp Banner, Home Phillip Phillips (MXP A/S’13), almost did “Over My Head”(MXP A/S’15), Misa del Mundo Alleluia.
- WEEK 3.Tue 9/12/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- K, PK, 2: Mozart Twinkle Variations video
- K, PK, 2, 3, 4, 5: Austria Map Google Earth + Drum Echo and solos
- K, 2, 3, 5: Play with GrooveTracks Autumn
- PK: Chicken Dance EEMC
- 3, 4, 5: Austria Travelogue, “Ach Du Lieber” (learn About, listen it, do the slap dance, all on MusicPlayOnline).
- 3, 5: add Austria Passport Stamp (on Ms. Sager’s Passport PowerPoint).
- WEEK 2.Thu 9/7/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- PS: Learn Names! Composer of the Month: Mozart. Color picture of Mozart. Bio (see Tuesday), Listen to “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic” from MXP O/N’17. Boomwhackers to “Baby Shark” Swick’s Classroom, Dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC)
- 4th & 3rd Grade: Mozart Maze, listen to Theme & Variations on “Twinkle” by Mozart, (4th: read Ch.2 from Mozart booklet), play Boomwhackers to “Hakuna Matata” from Swick’s Classroom, (3rd: end with Beat the Teacher/I Can Make Your Hands Clap).
- 2nd, 1st, K Grade: longer Mozart bio and quiz (see Tue), Dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC), play Boomwhackers to “Hakuna Matata” from Swick’s Classroom, end with Beat the Teacher/I Can Make Your Hands Clap.
- WEEK 2.Wed 9/6/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- 1st Grade: Learn Names! Composer of the Month: Mozart. Color picture of Mozart. Bio & quiz (see Tuesday), Listen to “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic” from MXP O/N’17. Rhythm Sticks to Groove Tracks/Back to School.
- PreS: Learn Names! Composer of the Month: Mozart. Color picture of Mozart. Listen to “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic” from MXP O/N’17. Rhythm Sticks to Groove Tracks/Back to School. Dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC)
- PreK: Color maracas & drums, Play Identify Piano notes, play Boomwhackers to “Hakuna Matata” from Swick’s Classroom. Sing & dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC).
- WEEK 2.Tue 9/5/23 – Composer of the Month: Mozart!
- Kinder: Learn Names! Composer of the Month: Mozart. Bio & quiz, Listen to “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic” from MXP O/N’17 with magazines. Rhythm Sticks to Groove Tracks/Back to School.
- PreK & 2nd: Learn Names! Composer of the Month: Mozart. Color picture of Mozart. Bio & quiz, Listen to “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic” from MXP O/N’17. Rhythm Sticks to Groove Tracks/Back to School. Watch Music Rollercoaster.
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: Learn Names! Composer of the Month: Mozart. Bio & quiz, Rhythm Sticks to Groove Tracks/Back to School.
- 5th: Watch bits of their spring Green Screen show, “Dig It!”. Played Instrument Quiz (pirate ships) on
- 4th: Invite to Chorus “Come & See” tomorrow, watch a bit of “Dig It!” to entice.
- Lesson Pt. 1: Please watch this video on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- Lesson Pt. 1: Please watch this video on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- Watch this video on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- More questions: Born in? Salzburg, Austria. Siblings survived? 2 of 7. Why? Medicine not as good. Where is Sistine Chapel? Vatican City. Sonatas, Concertos, Operas, Symphonies: which has voices singing? His favorite instrument? 1) viola 2) clarinet. Relaxed how? Billiards. Wrote how many pieces of music? Over 600. How old when died? 35.
- WEEK 1.Thu 8/31/23 – no Music Class (Ms. Sager out with COVID)
- WEEK 1.Wed 8/30/23 – First Day of School Mass
- Ms. Sager is out with COVID. JC Santos and Sara Hanson led music. “Amazing Grace”, “If Today”, “We Come Today”, “Holy Spirit” (Canedo), “Come O Holy Spirit” (ODE TO JOY).
2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR
- WEEK 38.Wed 6/14/23
- Last Day of School MASS: “Lean On Me”, “We Are Marching”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, “Shenandoah”, “Hail Holy Queen”, “To You O God”, “Walk Together Children”, “Be With Me, Lord”.
- WEEK 38.Tue 6/13/23
- 3rd: Learn notes on step piano, show what we learned to reach 50 pts for Class = 1 Starburst.
- PK: step piano notes, dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC), sing “Forte Piano” (EEMC Music Show), JJJSchmidt, play password sitting in a circle.
- no K
- 1st: Learn notes on step piano, show what we learned to reach 50 pts for Class = 1 Starburst. Watch For the Birds video short.
- 5TH: Cups: “Cups/When I’m Gone” on EEMC Resources/Musical Cups book + “Cups” video w Anna Kendrick.
- 4th: Watch “Dig It!” (draft) , record the final dance/song scene with all + toasting cups, challenge notes on step piano for a Starburst!
- WEEK 37.Thu 6/8/23
- K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Cups “Addams Family” and “Cups/When I’m Gone” on EEMC Resources/Musical Cups book + “Cups” video w Anna Kendrick.
- PreS (all of ’em): Cups “Addams Family”, watch Radiator Springs CARS video short, drumming echo and solos, dance to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC).
- WEEK 37.Wed 6/7/23
- MASS: Prelude We Are the Light, Entr Christ Be Our Light, JC sings The Lord is My Light and My Salvation, Alleluia Manibusan, We are the Light of the World, Comm In This Place, Refl Hail Mary Full of Grace, Final Shine Jesus Shine
- Chorus Party! (Water balloon toss, Piñata, epic party)
- WEEK 37.Tue 6/6/23
- 3rd: Beat the Teacher, drumming (it’s the end of school, whatchoo gonna do?)
- PreK: “Roar”, “Thankful”, solfège Name That Tune (preschool prodigies), drumming
- K: “Roar”, drumming (it’s the end of school, whatchoo gonna do?), Beethoven’s Wig,
- 1st, 4th, 5th: drumming
- WEEK 36.Thu 6/1/23
- …
- WEEK 36.Wed 5/31/23
- 3rd: MUSIC & INSTRUMENT Maze, drumming “Ti ti ta, ti ti ta, turn to the next drum”
- PreS: drumming, look at Barbie tree, Incredibox!, watch My Favorite Things & The Lonely Goatherd.
- PreK: Carnival of the Animals Quiz, drumming, sing John Jacob JS, watch “My Favorite Things“.
- WEEK 36.Tue 5/30/23
- 5th, 4th: Incredibox + drumming “Ti ti ta, ti ti ta, turn to the next drum”
- DIG IT!: wear togas, record GREECE act
- 3rd: MUSIC & INSTRUMENT Maze, drumming “Ti ti ta, ti ti ta, turn to the next drum”
- WEEK 35.Thu 5/25/23
- PreS, K, 1st, 3rd: …
- 2nd, 4th: SUB JAKE videos and mazes
- WEEK 35.Wed 5/24/23
- CHORUS: In This Place, We Are the Light of the World
- Youngers: Summ, Summ, Summ (MJ’18), Barnyard Stomp (MJ’18)
- WEEK 35.Tue 5/23/23
- All: North Skelton Stick Dance (MXP MJ’18)
- K, 1st, PreK: “Remember Me”, “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP MJ’18)
- some: “Romeo & Juliet” puppet show
- WEEK 33 & 34
- Concert Prep
- WEEK 32.Thu 5/4/23
- 3rd: practice for Concert, Do the 5th Grade COVID Carnival of the Animals.
- PS, K, 1st: practice for Concert, drum freeze, dance to “Freeze” (EEMC, MXP)
- 2nd: This Is My Country + You’re A Grand Old Flag
- 5th Grade: Practice, divide “I’ve Been Everywhere” lyrics! Learn “Firework”.
- 4th Grade: Practice dancing and all for concert.
- DIG IT! with leads only.
- WEEK 32.Wed 5/3/23
- Practice Spring Concert songs, partner dance to “Get On Board” (MXP JF’18).
- Chorus: Shenandoah, My Shot, 50 Great States, and AMEN, auditions for My Shot
- WEEK 32.Tue 5/2/23
- Practice Spring Concert songs, partner dance to “Get On Board” (MXP JF’18).
- Dig It! Scene 1 leads + Confucious. Scene China with Confucious and leads.
- No 5th Grade.
- WEEK 32.Thu 4/27.23
- 3rd Spring Concert Songs This Land is Your Land + Firework + EEMC Interactive notes/rests + interactive rhythm match to words Early in the Morning.
- Dig It Scene 1 with leads only.
- WEEK 32.Wed. 4/26/23
- Chorus: Shenandoah, My Shot, 50 Great States, and AMEN
- WEEK 32.Tue 4/25/23
- Learn Spring Concert songs + Boomwhackers
- Dig It! Scene 1, song with skeleton
- WEEK 31.Thu 4/20/23
- All: Boomwhackers, red green lime 2 songs, Pink Panther video, Mancini Peter Gunn (MXP MA’12), + Rainbow Connection.
- WEEK 31.Wed. 4/19/23
- Chorus
- WEEK 31.Tue 4/18/23
- 3rd: Baroque & Blue (MXP MA’13), listen/sing “Let It Grow” from Lorax (MXP MA’13)
- PreK: Mickey Mouse Mash Up (EEMC), I LIke Bees book, “Summ, Summ, Summ” (MXP MJ’18), ask about spring break.
- Kindergarten: Ask about spring break music-related, Mickey Mouse Mash Up (EEMC), Baroque & Blue (MXP MA’13), then “Let It Grow” (EEMC), read I Like Bees.
- 1st: Livin’ On A Prayer, Baroque & Blue, Lorax Lit it Grow, sing Let it Grow, talk spring break
- 5th and 3rd (W): Baroque & Blue, Let it Grow
- 4th Baroque & Blue, Let It Grow, Dig It casting
- WEEK 30.Thu 4/6/23
- Ms. Sager’s working on Easter! Watch short videos, mostly Disney shorts.
- WEEK 30.Wed 4/5/23
- 2nd: Greece Travelogue, learn the mythology and dance to “Tsakonikos” Greek dance (MXP MA’18). Watch video of Greeks dancing.
- WEEK 30.Tue 4/4/23
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: Greece Travelogue, learn the mythology and dance to “Tsakonikos” Greek dance (MXP MA’18). 3rd & 4th also watch video of Greeks dancing. 4th also learned the grapevine with hands on elbows in a circle. Desert Island rule game.
- PK: Cha Cha Slide, Up! song and dance, “Clocks” w/ magazine MA’18.
- K: Little Raindrop Book, Up! MA’11, Clicks MA’18, You’ve Got A Friend.
- 1st: Up!, Clocks, You’ve Got a Friend, Playing in Three, Desert island Rule Game
- WEEK 29.Thu 3/30/23
- 3rd: Broadway Aladdin MXP ON’17, Quiz from Covid, watch Lion King song
- PS: Up Down Same MXP, Drum Waka Waka (EEMC Global Grooves), Meet Mozart video bio, “Eine Kleine” ON’17, Rollercoaster Music Staff video.
- K: Rollercoaster, Aladdin Broadway, Friend Like Me, Up Down Same MXP, Mannequin dance.
- 1st: Aladdin Broadway, Friend Like Me, Mannequin dance, Spiderman dance, Forte Piano MXP
- 2nd: Aladdin Broadway, Friend Like Me, sing/dance “Drag Me Down” MXP ON’16, Forte Piano re-arrange in blank word doc.
- 4th: Aladdin Broadway, Friend Like Me, talk about “Dig It!”, re-arrange dynamics in PPTdoc.
- WEEK 29.WED 3/29/23
- PK: Up, Down Same MXP
- Chorus: Amen!, Give Us Hope, My Shot, 50 Great States
- 2nd: same as K & 1st on Tuesday
- WEEK 29.Tue 3/28/23
- 3rd Grade: Uganda (MXP ON’16): story, video, learn Ugandan rhythm, play drums, play “Zangelewa” (EEMC Global Grooves)
- K, 1st: Mozart Bio, Eine Kleine MXP ON17, Drumming to Zangelewa/Waka Waka (Global Grooves), watch Shakira FIFA 2010 song.
- PK: Spiderman, Steady Eddie, Mozart Bio, Rollercoaster, Drumming echo & solos, Eine Kleine MXP ON17.
- PS:Spiderman, Steady Eddie, Mozart Bio, Drumming echo & solos, Eine Kleine MXP ON17.
- 5th, Mozart video bio, Mozart Maze, Mozart Quiz
- 4th: same as 1st & K, Mozart Maze, Mozart Quiz
- WEEK 28.Thu, 3/23/23
- All School Mass: 10,000 Reasons, Come to the Water, Christ in Me Arise, Be Merciful O Lord, Gracious God, Somebody’s Knockin’, Jesus Walked, Lean on Me (Evan Z on piano intro)
- K, 1st, 3rd: Drumming, Rollercoaster Music Staff, Viennese Musical Clock (listen for chimes)(MXP MA’18), watch chimes being played and explained, sing with iSong “You’re In the Band”, dance to “Hero” (MXP MA’18).
- 2nd: same as above, without rollercoaster, “You’re In” or “Hero”.
- 4th: same as above, without rollercoaster or “Hero”. Talk about “DIG IT!” musical.
- WEEK 28.Wed, 3/22/23
- 2nd: Polynesian Drumming (MXP MA’17), Moana “We Know the Way” clip.
- PS: Drumming, Drum Freeze, Moana clip, dance to “We Know the Way”, learn/sing “Green Grass Grew”, watch Rollercoaster Music Staff.
- PK: Drumming, Rollercoaster Music Staff, JJJSchmidt, Viennese Musical Clock (listen for chimes)(MXP MA’18), watch chimes being played and explained.
- CHORUS: Prep for tomorrow’s mass: Be Merciful O Lord, Lean On Me, Gracious God, Christ in Me Arise, Somebody’s Knockin’.
- WEEK 28.Tue, 3/21/23
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: Polynesian Drumming (MXP MA’17), Moana “We Know the Way” clip.
- PK: Freeze Drum, dance to “We Know the Way”, sing/dance “There’s A Spring in My Step”, sing to “There’s Rhythm in a Name”, sing “Sun and Moon”, sing a cappella “Green Grass Grew”.
- K: same a PK w/o Rhythm in a Name or Sun & Moon, + Moana “We Know the Way” watch, sing, dance. (MXP MA’17)
- 1st: same as K + “Rhythm in a Name” but no drum freeze.
- WEEK 27.Thu, 3/16/23
- 3rd: Ireland PPT from COVID, esp Riverdance & Finn McCool.
- PS: plates & Rakes of Malloy (MusicPlay), color shamrocks, Ireland PPT, esp Riverdance
- K: color shamrocks, Ireland Riverdance ppt, Finn McCool, tall tales
- 1st, 2nd, 4th: color shamrocks, Ireland Riverdance ppt, Finn McCool, tall Tales and Limericks!
- WEEK 27.Wed, 3/15/23
- 2nd: Irish Jib MusicPlay, I’ll Tell Me Ma, Rakes of Mallow with plates, Green Grass Sing MXP MA’19
- PS, PK: Rakes of Mallow with plates, color shamrocks, sing Green Grass Grew, dance Drum Freeze
- WEEK 27.Tue, 3/14/23
- 3rd: I’ll Tell Me Ma (new & old) videos, Irish Jig (MusicPlay Irish lesson), Play Along with Irish Jig (MusicPlay)
- PK: I’ll Tell Me Ma (new & old) videos, Irish Jig (MusicPlay Irish lesson), sing “The Green Grass Grew” from Echo Canyon MXP MA’19.
- K: Mariners Chorus video, I’ll Tell Me Ma (new & old) videos, Irish Jig (MusicPlay Irish lesson), sing “The Green Grass Grew” from Echo Canyon MXP MA’19.
- 1st: Mariners Chorus video, I’ll Tell Me Ma (new & old) videos, Irish Jig (MusicPlay Irish lesson), sing “The Green Grass Grew” from Echo Canyon MXP MA’19.
- 5th, 4th: Time signature Sort Irish, St. Pat’s syllable sort, Irish Jig from MusicPlay, Dance to I’ll tell Me Ma.
- 4th also: learn/listen bagpipes
- WEEK 26.Thu, 3/9/23
- 3rd: instrument Scramble, cha cha slide, xylophones Scotland the Brave MXP MA’16
- PS: fans, xylophone pentatonic, cha chan slide, forte piano MXP
- K: color piano, cha cha slide, it’s about time music show, rhythm cat
- 2nd: word scramble, it’s about time mxp
- 4th: It’s About Time MXP, Fill in measures 6/8, 3/4, 4/4 on whiteboard
- WEEK 26.Wed, 3/8/23
- 2nd: Same as Tuesday.
- PK, PS: Sing High, Sing Low from MXP and Cha Cha Slide
- PK: La Luna, Drum Freeze, Rhythm Cat
- Chorus: Amen!, Lean On Me, Somebody’s Knocking, Be Merciful, Star Spangled Banner
- WEEK 26.Tue, 3/7/23
- All classes: “Arirang” (MXP MA’13), sing/play xylophones, use Colorful Fans to “Momijo” (MusicPlay JAPAN), learn about xylophone Pentatonic scale.
- 4th/5th: Instrument word Scramble at same time as above
- WEEK 25.Thu, 3/2/23
- 3rd: drumming, talent show, Beat the Teacher
- PK: hand drums to “In Havana”, maracas, sing “Bought Me A Cat”, watch “Big” clip, make music on Big Floor Piano.
- K: sing “Sam I Am” for Dr. Seuss Day, sing “Bought Me A Cat”, watch “Big” clip, make music on Big Floor Piano.
- 1st: sing “Sam I Am” for Dr. Seuss Day, watch “Big” clip, make music on Big Floor Piano.
- 2nd: play Rhythm Cat app, watch “Big” clip, make music on Big Floor Piano.
- 4th: play Rhythm Cat app, watch “Big” clip, make music on Big Floor Piano, sing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”
- WEEK 25.Wed, 3/1/23
- 2nd: drumming call-response, drumming to “Pay Me My Money Down” (EEMC)
- PS: drum to Pay Me My Money Down, Mexican Hat Dance (EEMC), part of Lesson “Do You Hear What I See” (EEMC)
- WEEK 25.Tue, 2/28/23
- 3rd: Travelogue Japan, Sound Poem Land of Nod
- K & PK: Sound Poem Two Kittens, drumming with Mr. Boom Boom (MusicPlay Nigeria).
- 1st: Thunderstorm, Worry Worry Worry drumming (EEMC), Japan watch choreography for Momiji (MusicPlay), Sound Poem Land of Nod
- 5th: Sound Poems Land of Nod and Two Kittens, drumming with Mr. Boom Boom (Nigeria MusicPlay)
- 4th: Japan Travelogue & Quiz, drum to Pay Me My Money Down (Latin America World Drumming EEMC)
- WEEK 24.Thu, 2/23/23
- K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Sound Poem Two Little Kittens with all the instruments.
- PS, 1st, 2nd, 3rd: Bucket Drumming on MusicPlay from Nigeria
- PS: Lonely Goatherd, For the Birds
- PS, K, 1st: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
- WEEK 24.Wed, 2/22/23
- Ash Wednesday Mass with Mr. Santos, Paolo, Gianna.
- “Be Forgiven”, Led By the Spirit, Be Merciful (Stephan), Signed By Ashes, Hosea, Gracious God, Be With Me Lord, Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
- Chorus (31 kids!): Amen song, Lean On Me, Fifty Great States, Star Spangled Banner.
- Ash Wednesday Mass with Mr. Santos, Paolo, Gianna.
- No School Tue, 2/21
- No School Thu, 2/16
- WEEK 23.Wed, 2/15
- PS, PK: Skinamarink, Mexican Hat Dance, Family Activity EEMC, Drumming, JJJSchmidt, dance and sing to “Roar” (EEMC).
- WEEK 23.Tue, 2/14
- 3rd: (MusicPlay/JJ&Me) Travel to Peru, group crossword about Peru, drum to La Vicuñita.
- PreK: drum, Mexican Hat Dance (EEMC), Dynamite (EEMC), JJJSchmidt.
- K, 1st: “Skinamarink” (EEMC), drumming, Mexican Hat Dance (EEMC)
- 5th: “Sweet Dreams/Dulces Sueños” (EEMC) on maracas + drums (discussion of 3 v 2, three pianists played songs (Stairway to Heaven, Hall of the Mtn King, one other).
- 4th: same as above + group crossword Valentine, sing “All You Need is Love” + watch Beatles sing it, dance to Mexican Hat Dance (EEMC).
- WEEK 22.TueWedThu, 2/7-9
- Sub Mr. Zwaller: color pages, short videos, word searches
- WEEK 21, 1/31-2/2
- Concert Prep, Concert on 2/1.
- WEEK 20, 1/24-26
- Concert Prep
- WEEK 19, 1/17-19
- Concert prep
- PreK, K: Concert Prep, Up Down Same, Under the Sea, Hoop Shoot
- PK, 1st & K: Lines and Spaces Baby
- 1st: Cha Cha Slide and Mannequin, Instrument MIllionaire
- 4th, 5th: Hoop Shoot, Concert Songs
- WEEK 18.Thu, 1/12/23
- PK & PS: Banana Boogie, Freeze Drum
- WEEK 18.Tue, 1/10/23
- K-5th: concert songs
- PK: Zipadee, Bought Me A Cat EEMC, Cha Cha Slide, Muppets Theme OK GO, Jimmy Cricket combo.
- WEEK 17.Thu, 1/5/23
- K-5th: concert songs
- PreS: Zipadee for concert, encanto, drum freeze
- WEEK 17.Wed, 1/4//23
- 2nd: Sound of Music for Concert
- PreS: Zipadeedoodah for Concert, dance to Better When I’m Dancing, sing/dance both Encanto songs (EEMC), play drum freeze
- PreK: Zipadee for concert, step & Skips MXP Music Show, Solfege Nursery Rhymes from Preschool Prodigies, dance to I Feel Better When I’m Dancing
- Chorus: Our God is Here, Muppets, Alleluia Love is Alive, To You O God I Lift Up My Soul, Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around, We Are Climbing, Let the River Flow, Walk Together children, Come to the River for CSW Sunday
- WEEK 17.Tue, 1/3/23
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: Footloose
- 3rd: 🥉 76 Trombones
- 4th: Annie & Oliver songs
- 5th: Anything You can Do
- PreK: Zipadeedoodah, Encanto songs + dances (EEMC)
- K: Spoonful, Chim Chim, Let’s Go Fly a Kite, Encanto songs + dances (EEMC)
- 1st: songs from Sound of Music.
- WEEK 16.2 (12/14/22)
- 2nd: same as Monday, 12/13.
- PreK and PreS: Hawaiian vacation Barbie, Mater flies vid, Freeze and Feliz Navidad, Music Show Presto Largo
- CHORUS: practice Feliz Navidad, dismiss 5th, record 4th Star Bucks!
- Wednesday 1:15pm = School Xmas Sing-along! With special Guest Appearance by Frosty (Brian C)!
- WEEK 16.1 (12/13/22)
- All students: xylophones to Reggae Wonderland MXP Dec’13.
- Youngers: Hidden Rhythm worksheet (quarter notes make smiley face)
- Olders: Xmas word scramble
- some: Hawaiian vacation Barbie
- WEEK 16.0 (12/12/22)
- OLG Mass with Chorus
- WEEK 15.3 (12/8)
- Mass w JC, Janessa, Paolo, Paulina, Gia
- K and 1st: Be Our Guest video clip and choreography, Fletcher Christmas vid short
- 1st: color Gingerbread House
- 3rd: Be Our Guest and choreography, watch old Xmas video on prime Snow Fooling’ on Prime, play Beat Detective.
- 4th: watch Snow Foolin’, play Beat Detective, record Star Bucks.
- WEEK 15.2 (12/7)
- 2nd: Rhythm Racer, JB Stomp, Let it Snow, Handdrums and triangles to March of Toy Soldiers
- PS: Handdrums and triangles to March of Toy Soldiers, Frosty dance, same as PK Tuesday.
- PK: Be Our Guest + choreography, Handdrums and triangles to March of Toy Soldiers, book My Snowman Paul, Let it Snow, Freeze song/dance
- WEEK 15.1 (12/6)
- 3rd: Santa Escape Room, Let it Snow dance
- PK: Let it Snow dance, JB Stomp, color Gingerbread house, Ella Doggy book, Teddy Bear turn Around EEMC
- K: Let it Snow dance, JB Stomp, color Gingerbread house, Gamily Gps Instruments EEMC, Family Gps Cars, fruit EEMC
- 1st: JB Stomp, Let it Snow, One Man Band, Family Group game: instruments, fruit/cars (EEMC), Rhythm Races (MusicPlay)
- 5th and 4th: make snowflakes, play handdrums & triangles to March of Toy Soldiers (Rhythm Read & Play EEMC)
- 4th: plus 1st 6 lines of Star Bucks musical
- WEEK 14.3 (12/1/22)
- 3rd, PreS (no school cuz snow)
- K, 1st, 2nd: Floor is Lava, Mauna Loa info news, I Lava You
- 1st: Thankful Juicebox
- K: draw volcanoes, MusicPlay Game: Fast or Slow
- K, 2nd, 1st: MusicPlay Game: match melody
- 4th: Star Bucks musical, recorders EEMC v.good!
- WEEK 14.2 (11/30/22)
- PRES: Let it Go, JB Stomp, Santa Escape room, Boomwhackers Rock JB, Dancing at the SnowBall (lame!).
- no PREK
- CHORUS;; Hail Holy Queen, Pescador, Psalm R&A, We Give Our Hearts, O Sanctissima, Feliz Navidad, Let it Snow, O Xmas Tree, Silent Night, JBells, We Wish You a Merry Xmas.
- WEEK 14.1 (11/29/22)
- 3rd, PK, K, 1st, 5th, 4th, 2nd: Boomwhackers JBells EEMC & Santa’s Escape Room (downloaded ppt from TpTeachers).
- 1st: Where Are You Christmas (EEMC)
- 5th, 4th: Word Search Xmas while others are on Boomwhackers
- WEEK 13.3. (11/25/22)
- no school
- WEEK 13.2 (11/24/22)
- 2nd: watch our Thankful video, Turkey Twist, Thanksgiving Rhythm doc
- PreS: watch our Thankful video, Spiderman, Turkey Twist, color turkey
- PREK: color turkey by number, turkey twist, watch our Thankful video, Drum Freeze
- WEEK 13.1 (11/23/22)
- 3rd: watch our Thankful video, Pies Pies
- PreK: drum freeze, watch our Thankful video, Pies Pies, read Grateful, Turkey Twist
- K: Pies, Pies, watch our Thankful video, color by note Turkey
- 1st: Wellerman, pies pies, watch our Thankful video, color by note
- 5th: watch our Thankful video, Wellerman, Thanksgiving Rhythm worksheet.
- no 4th (family groups)
- WEEK 12.3 (11/17/22)
- 3rd: Thankful video, Inner Workings video
- PS: Spin Around, video Thankful, Spiderman, Bubble Gum, Spider Thing
- K: Thankful video, Cha Cha Slide, Talk talk talk talk about scary trolls
- 1st: Thankful vid, Spiderman, Mannequin
- 2nd: Thankful
- 4th: Thankful
- WEEK 12.2 (11/16/22)
- 2nd: Thankful, storyblox videos, Spiderman ON’16, Danse Macabre ON’16.
- PS: Spider Thing dance, Bubble Gum count (MusicPlay), Spidermna ON’16, Steady Eddy ON’16, Chicken Dance, scarves w Spin Song ON’16.
- PK: record Thankful, watch video green screen, Spiderman, Presto, Spider Thing dance.
- WEEK 12.1 (11/15/22)
- 3rd: Thankful, Grieg Hall of Mtn King
- PreK, K, 1st: Spiderman x2, Thankful vid, For the Birds short, Presto vid short
- PK Forte Piano Music Show
- 5th: Thriller, Hall of the Mt King, Greek Dance
- 4th: Talent Show, Spiderman song & choreography, Thankful teaching & practice
- WEEK 11.3 (11/10/22)
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: Greece Travelogue
- K, 1, 2, 4: Dance Patchwork Boat
- K, 1, 2: God Bless America Choreography
- K: Chicken Dance
- 1st: Cha Cha slide
- 2nd, 4th: Day & Night video short
- WEEK 11.2 (11/9/22)
- 2nd: Thanks ESL, 2 videos
- PS: When We’re Together 2x, Autumn Boom Chicka Boom, Thankful Juicebox, God Bless America choreography.
- PK: God Bless America, When We’re Together, Autumn Boom Chicka Boom, Partly Cloudy vid, Chicken Dance, Thankful song
- WEEK 11.1 (11/8/22)
- 3rd: Australia Travelogue, We Are Bound for S. Australia, quiz.
- PreK: Thankful, Tooty Ta PSProd, Cha Cha Slide, High Low Game (MusicPlay)
- K&1st: When We’re Together, Thankful, Cha Cha Slide, Grieg Peer Gynt, cartoon Hall of the Mtn King.
- 5th: Australia, Sister Act, Grieg bio, Seattle Symph Hall of the Mtn King.
- 4th: r recorders, GAB session, Sister Act
- WEEK 10.3 (11/3/22)
- 3rd Grade: Drums re: fave candy, All About Bats worksheet.
- PS: Chicken Dance, Drums, Cha Cha Slide, Halloween Village
- 1st, K: Drums, Chicken Dance, Family Orchestra info (MusicPlay), watch Ghost Light short, Instrument Bingo (MusicPlay).
- 2nd Grade: Instrument Bingo (MusicPlay), Cha Cha Slide (EEMC), watch Mel-O-Toons Peer Gynt, talk about “Hall of the Mountain King”.
- 4th Grade: Recorders! Mr. HInes 1A. Recorder Adventures Mission #1 “Be Careful” (MXP A/S’17)
- WEEK 10.2 (11/2/22)
- 2nd Grade: Drum re: fave candy, Music Show “Family”.
- PS & PK: drum re: fave candy, dance to Cha Cha Slide (EEMC), dance to “Bruno”.
- CHORUS: learn/practice “God Bless America” choreography & song, practice “Pack Up Your Troubles”, watch & sing to “Hail Holy Queen” by Sister Act.
- WEEK 10.1 (11/1/22)
- ALL SCHOOL MASS with CHORUS: For All the Saints, O When the Saints, Shepherd Me O God (Paulina, Paolo, Gianna, Janessa), Go Forth, Somebody’s Knockin’, Litany of the Saints (Maher), Soon & Very Soon.
- Kindergarten & 1st: Drum re: fave candy, dance to The Spider Thing, see village, watch Pink Panther & my house Halloween video.
- 4th, 5th: Treble clef “All About Bats” worksheet, Drum re: fave candy, fast mummies
- “We Like Candy” (MXP O/N’17),
- Danse Macabre (MXP),
- The Fox Went Out (MXP A/S’18 + kindle),
- Spiderman (MXP O/N’16),
- Creepy Crawly (EEMC),
- Mummy Wrap w TP, clap rhythm, ID treble note or Piano note.
- Halloween Hand Jive,
- Goblin Band (EEMC),
- This is Halloween song,
- Halloween Halloween (MXP O/N’16),
- Cups to Addams Family (EEMC),
- Sound Poems: Spider & Fly, Making Jack-o-Lanterns, Some One (O/N’11)
- read Harriet’s Halloween Candy, Pete the Cat spider, Pete the Cat Pumpkins,
- song A Hundred Ghosts (MXP O/N’14),
- dance to Jumpin Jack-o-Lanters (MXP O/N’18).
- Night on Bald Mountain (MXP O/N’18)
- Peer Gynt Hall of the Mountain King.
- Halloween village!
- Major/Minor Music Show (MXP or EEMC).
- Pumpkin Maze
- Pumpkin Color by Note
- Halloween Phrase Rhythm Match-up
- Halloween Fun Note Reading PDF (OneDrive)
- The Spider Thing (EEMC) dance – so cute!
- So many EEMC songs! (including “Thriller!)
- WEEK 9.3 (10/27/22)
- NO CLASSES (Parent/Teacher conferences)
- WEEK 9.2 (10/26/22)
- 2nd: piano review, mummies + candy, Halloween village
- PS: Halloween Village, The Spider Thing (EEMC), watch Mater Ghost Light short, wrap mummies for fun
- PK: Spider Thing, watch Ghost Light, wrap mummies?
- WEEK 9.1 (10/25/22)
- no 3rd grade
- PK: dance to “The Spider Thing”, do Mummy wraps with piano key ID, look at Halloween Village.
- 1st & K: dance to “The Spider Thing”, do Mummy wraps with piano key ID, look at Halloween Village. Everyone gets one piece of candy!
- 4th & 5th: Listen/sing “For All the Saints”, do Mummy wraps with piano key ID, look at Halloween Village, everyone gets a piece of candy!
- WEEK 8.3 (10/20/22)
- MASS in the morning with CHORUS: “Alleluia Love is Alive”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, Alleluia from Misa del Mundo, Open My Eyes, Be With Me Lord, Love Round, Lord I Lift Your Name on High.
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Sound Poem “Some One” with dozens of instruments. Look at Halloween Village.
- K & 1st: Xylophones to “Play Along with a Country Band”(MXP), draw Halloween pictures.
- WEEK 8.2 (10/19/22)
- 2nd Grade: dance to “Halloween Hand Jive”, Xylophones to “Play Along with a Country Band”(MXP), color pumpkins, look at village.
- PS: Xylophones to “Play Along with a Country Band”(MXP), look at Halloween village, listen/sing The Music Show “Forte, Piano” (MXP O/N’16)
- PK: dance to “Jumpin Jack o Lantern” (MXP O/N’18), watch One Man Band video short, dance to “Skin & Bones” (EEMC), look at Halloween village, listen/sing The Music Show “Forte, Piano” (MXP O/N’16)
- CHORUS rehearses
- WEEK 8.1 (10/18/22)
- 3rd, 4th: Xylophones “Play Along with a Country Band” (MXP), match Halloween phrases to rhythms, look at Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village!
- PK: Xylophones to “Walkin’ in Blues Country” (MXP O/N’10), color pumpkin sheet, dance to “Jumpin’ Jack O Lantern” (MXP), listen/sing The Music Show “Forte, Piano” (MXP O/N’16)
- no 1st or K
- 5th Grade: Xylophones “Play Along with a Country Band” (MXP), match Halloween phrases to rhythms, (5th did not get to look at Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village.)
- WEEK 7.3 (10/13/22)
- 4th: Modest Mussorgsky “Night On Bald Mountain” (MXP O/N’18), a bit of Fantasia (not scary part!), Luigi & mike intro & interview. “Float On” by Modest Mouse!,
- 1st Grade: sing “Keep Me Safe O God”, Addams Fam Dance (EEMC), Major Minor Music Show & sing/dance to “Part of Your World” and sing along with Melody Match, dance to “Jumpin Jack o Lantern” (MXP O/N’18).
- 2nd Grade: sing “Keep Me Safe O God”, Addams Fam Dance (EEMC), Major Minor Music Show & sing/dance to “Part of Your World”, dance to “Jumpin Jack o Lantern” (MXP O/N’18).
- PS2: Hello Autumn book, Jumpin Jack o Lantern, Down by the Bay and color.
- Kindergarten: Jumpin Jack o Lantern, Down by the Bay 2x, dance to “Part of Your World” (MXP O/N’18), I Addams Fam Dance (EEMC)
- WEEK 7.2 (10/12/22)
- CHORUS: Open My Eyes, Keep Me Safe O God, Pack Up Your Troubles, God Bless America, Love Round.
- PK and PS1: Hello Autumn book, Jumpin Jack o Lantern, Melody Match 2x (MXP O/N’18), Down by the Bay 2x, dance to “Part of Your World” (MXP O/N’18).
- WEEK 7.1 (10/11/22)
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th: Sorcerer’s Apprentice Score & Disney video.
- PK, K, 1st: maracas to El Humahuaqueño (EEMC, Global Grooves), Addams Family snap, maracas, & dance. (EEMC), Addams Family TV show intro/outro, Alice the Camel sing, Jumpin Jack o Lantern (EEMC & MXP O/N’18).
- 4th, 5th: Bass Clef review, Bass Clef Baseball (MusicPlay).
- WEEK 6.3 (10/6/22)
- 4th Grade: “What Do You Do?” w/ rhythm sticks and hand drums (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play), watch Romeo & Juliet puppet cartoon, talk about West Side Story, play along to “Mambo” from West Side Story (MXP May/Jun’18).
- K & 1st: . “What Do You Do?” w/ rhythm sticks and hand drums (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play), read Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn read by Ryan & Craig, dance to Chicken Dance (EEMC).
- 2nd Grade: . “What Do You Do?” w/ rhythm sticks and hand drums (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play), read Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn read by Ryan & Craig.
- 3rd Grade: . “What Do You Do?” w/ rhythm sticks and hand drums (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play).
- PreS2: Alice the Camel, “What Do You Do?” w/ rhythm sticks and hand drums (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play), read Pete the Cat Falling for Autumn read by Ryan & Craig, dance to Chicken Dance (EEMC).
- WEEK 6.2 (10/5/22)
- 2nd Grade: Uganda travel audio and “Yaa Yaa Yaa” song and dance (MXP O/N’16). Alice the Camel, Autumn Boom Chicka Boom, “My Shot” (MXP A/S’17).
- PreS1:. watch Tangled Ever After wedding, sing Alice the Camel many times, dance to “You Can Fly” (EEMC), watch Peter Pan clip, Read The Big Umbrella on Kindle, dance to Chicken Dance, Alice the Camel, Autumn Boom Chicka Boom.
- PreK:. watch Tangled Ever After wedding, sing Alice the Camel ties, dance to “You Can Fly” (EEMC), watch Peter Pan clip, dance to Chicken Dance, Autumn Boom Chicka Boom. Dance of the Little Leaf.
- WEEK 6.1 (10/4/22)
- 3rd Grade:. Uganda audio & video travel, Q&A, “Ya Ya Ya” song & dance (MXP O/N’16)
- PreK:. watch Lou, watch Cars Miss Fritters, sing Alice the Camel many times, dance to “You Can Fly” (EEMC), Read The Big Umbrella on Kindle.
- Kindergarten: sing Alice the Camel many times, dance to “You Can Fly” (EEMC), Read The Big Umbrella on Kindle, dance to “Happy” (MXP O/N’14).
- 1st Grade:. Uganda video travel, Q&A, “Ya Ya Ya” song & dance (MXP O/N’16), sing Alice the Camel many times, dance to “You Can Fly” (EEMC), watch Peter Pan clip, Read The Big Umbrella on Kindle.
- 5th & 4th Grade:. Uganda audio & video travel, Q&A, “Ya Ya Ya” song & dance (MXP O/N’16). Sing “My Shot” (MXP A/S’17), talk about Time Signatures and multi-measure rests.
- WEEK 5.3 (9/29/22)
- 3rd Grade: Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, Rock Around the Clock (MXP A/S’15).
- PreS2: color drum and flute page, dance with scarves to Leaf song, , read/sing Little Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.
- 1st, K: Beethoven’s 5th (MXP A/S’15), Beethoven’s Wig, Rock Around the Clock (EEMC) or Everything is Awesome
- 2nd Grade: Beethoven’s 5th, Beethoven’s Wig, Rock Around the Clock (EEMC & MXP A/S’15), Over My Head (MXP A/S’15)
- 4th Grade: Beethoven’s 5th, Beethoven’s Wig, Beethoven Illustrated History, Rock Around the Clock (dance vid EEMC & audio MXP A/S’15). “My Shot” (iSong MXP A/S’17)
- WEEK 5.2 (9/28/22)
- PreS1: dance to Mannequin, scarves to Leaf song, scarves to Aquarium, sing Ram Sam Sam (MXP A/S’16), dance to Cirandiero (MXP A/S’16), read/sing Little Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.
- PreK: Ram Sam Sam, step piano, “Walk Skip Gallop”(MXP A/S’16),
- 2nd Grade: Sing Ram Sam Sam (MXP A/S’16), talk about Google Earth to Brazil, listen to audio travel about Brasilia, then dance to Cirandiero (MXP A/S’16), read/sing Little Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.
- CHORUS: God Bless America, Star Spangled banner, Father I Adore You, Be With Me Lord, Keep Your Lamps Trimmed, Canticle of the Turning, Keep Me Safe O God.
- WEEK 5.1 (9/27/22)
- 3rd Grade: travel to Brasilia, dance to Cirandiero (MXP A/S’16).
- PreK: Drum to animals, dance to Aquarium Saint-Saaens w/ scarves, Ram Sam Sam, Dance of the Little Leaf with scarves (EEMC), dance to Brasilia Cirandiero (MXP A/S’16), read/sing to book Lady who Swallowed Leaves, Beat Street with muffin man & Yankee Doodle (MXP), video to Yankee Doodle Dandy.
- 4th Grade: Rhythm Addition sheet, Rhythm ID sheet, AMAZING kids. Used note value cheat sheet.
- 5th Grade: Rhythm Sheet/dictation, sit in silence. Not amazing.
- K & 1st: dance to Mannequin, scarves to Leaf song, scarves to Aquarium, sing Ram Sam Sam (MXP A/S’16), talk about Google Earth to Brazil then dance to Cirandiero (MXP A/S’16), read/sing Little Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.
- WEEK 4.3 (9/22/22)
- 3rd Grade: Talent Show, step piano, 2 Pixars
- Kindergarten: Talent Show, step piano, Mickey Mouse Mashup, Dug’s Adventure, Presto, Beat the Teacher
- 1st Grade: Recorder video, Presto, talent show, step piano, Mickey Mouse Mashup.
- 2nd Grade: Talent Show, Dug’s Adventure
- 4th Grade: Music dictation, talent show
- WEEK 4.2 (9/21/22)
- 2nd Grade: Thus Spoke, Mickey Mouse MashUP, Talent Show
- PS1 & PS2: The Beat is the Heart MUSIC SHOW, Maracas & Tambourines to We Got the Beat (EEMC), Mickey Mouse Mash-Up, watch Piper, Step Piano, drumming as animals.
- PREK: Lou movie, tambourines to We Got the Beat, Music Show Whisper Sing Shout, Micky Mouse MashUp, Step Piano.
- CHORUS: Keep Me Safe O God, My Shot, Hail Holy Queen, For All the Saints, Lord I Lift Your Name on High, Lean On Me.
- WEEK 4.1 (9/20/22)
- PREK: Drumming, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (A/S’14), Thunderstorm on drums, play drums to “BINGO” (EEMC), watch The Music Show “The Beat is the Heart of Music” (EEMC).
- 3rd Grade:. “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (A/S’14), watch video of opening sequence of 2001: A Space Odyssey. sing “Music to My Ears”(A/S’14), talk about dynmics, drum a thunderstorm.
- 1st and Kinder: Drumming, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (A/S’14), watch video of opening sequence of 2001: A Space Odyssey. dynamics, drum a Thunderstorm, dance/sing to “Mickey Mouse Mash-Up” (A/S’14).
- also 1st Grade: “Let it Go”, Make New Friends” (A/S’14).
- 5th Grade: Drumming, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (A/S’14), watch video of opening sequence of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Not a great day.
- 4th Grade: Drumming, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (A/S’14), watch video of opening sequence of 2001: A Space Odyssey.Drum to “BINGO” (EEMC). Talk about C major scale, black and white notes, demonstrate on step keyboard.
- WEEK 3.3 (9/15/22)
- 3rd Grade:. Drumming, play Auto Shop (MusicPlay).
- 4th Grade:. Drumming, play Auto Shop (MusicPlay), dance to “Don’t Worry Be Happy”, drum to “BINGO” (EEMC).
- PreS-2: Drumming, dance to “Shake My Sillies Out”, Wiggle book.
- Kindergarten: Drumming, “Shake My Sillies Out”, PreS Prodigies solfège, practice solfège, watch “Do A Deer”, play drums to “BINGO” (EEMC).
- 1st Grade: Drumming, dance to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC), dance to “Don’t Worry Be Happy”, PreS Prodigies solfège, practice solfège, PreS Prodigies Nursery Songs video, watch “Do A Deer”, play drums to “BINGO” (EEMC).
- 2nd Grade: Drumming, practice solfège, play drums to “BINGO” (EEMC).
- WEEK 3.2 (9/14/22)
- 2nd Grade: England Travelogue, review PreS Prodigies solfège
- PreS-1: Instrument Frog/Princess games (MP/JJ),PreS Prodigies solfège, Too Many Carrots book, dance to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC), dance/maracas to “Don’t Worry Be Happy” (EEMC).
- PreK: dance to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC), dance to “Shake My Sillies Out”, dance/maracas to “Don’t Worry Be Happy” (EEMC), PreS Prodigies solfège, Wiggle book, watch “Do A Deer”.
- CHORUS: Love Round, Canticle of the Turning, Keep Me Safe O God, Keep Your Lamps, Pack Up Your Troubles.
- WEEK 3.1 (9/13/22)
- 5th & 3rd Grade: England Travelogue & Crossword (MusicPlay/JJ&ME) (Queen Elizabeth died today).
- 4th Grade: dance to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC). Listen to/talk about “Le Rejouissance” and “My Shot” (MXP A/S’17).
- 1st Grade: review solfège, dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” and to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC). Clap along to Rhythm Cat app, play Coconut Treble (MP/JJ).
- Kinder: sing to “Don’t Worry Be Happy” (EEMC), dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” and to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC). Clap along to Rhythm Cat app, Read book Too Many Carrots.
- PK: dance to “Cha Cha Slide” (EEMC). Clap along to Rhythm Cat app, Read book Too Many Carrots. Play Bubblegum Count & Instrument Frog/Princess games (MP/JJ),
- WEEK 2.3 (9/8/22)
- 3rd Grade: Coconut Treble (MusicPlay), Pink Panther Pink Pajamas, + FIRE DRILL
- Kindergarten: Pink Panther Pink Pajamas, Instrument Frog Prince (MusicPlay game), dance to Mannequin, Beat the Teacher
- 1st and 2nd Grade: Pink Panther Pink Pajamas, Instrument Frog Prince (MusicPlay game), dance to Mannequin, Coconut Treble (MusicPlay), Beat the Teacher
- 4th Grade:. England Travelogue & Crossword (MusicPlay/JJ&ME) (Queen Elizabeth died today).
- introductory “try & see”. About 38 kids from 4th and 5th grade!
- handed out agreements
- talked a lot about rules
- sang thru “Alleluia, Love is Alive”, “Keep Me Safe O God”.
- WEEK 2.2 (9/7/22)
- 2nd Grade: Tambourines & Rhythm Sticks to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’12). Dance to “Mannequin” (EEMC). Watch Pink Panther video Pink Pajamas. Play on Step Piano (Pink Panther Theme or Beethoven’s 5th), Maracas to “Surface Pressure”.
- PreS1: Fast/Slow (2 activities in EEMC), Shakers to Bruno, dance to Mannequin (pictures first), play on step piano, play tambourines.
- PreK: Fast/Slow (2 activités in EEMCE), Shakers to Bruno, dance to Mannequin, watch Pink Panther Pink Pajamas video.
- WEEK 2.1 (9/6/22)
- 3rd Grade; Rest & Note Values Worksheet, Tambourines & Rhythm Sticks to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’12).
- PREK: lesson on Pink Panther Theme (MXP A/S’12) with Luigi’s postcard, follow/listen for the instrumentation in magazine (favorites & why, explain sfz), Watch Pink Panther video. Tambourines & Rhythm Sticks to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’12).
- Kindergarten:”Surface Pressure” (EEMC), lesson on Pink Panther Theme (MXP A/S’12) with Luigi’s postcard, follow/listen for the instrumentation in magazine (favorites & why, explain sfz), Watch Pink Panther video.
- 1st Grade: “Surface Pressure” (EEMC), lesson on Pink Panther Theme (MXP A/S’12) with Luigi’s postcard, follow/listen for the instrumentation in magazine (favorites & why, explain sfz), Watch Pink Panther video, Tambourines & Rhythm Sticks to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’12).
- 4th Grade: Talk about Chorus, Rest & Note Values Worksheet,, Tambourines & Rhythm Sticks to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’12). Read through “American Song” Revue (JJ&ME).
- 5th Grade: Talk about Chorus, Rest & Note Values Worksheet,, Tambourines & Rhythm Sticks to “Cajun Spice” (MXP A/S’12).
- WEEK 1.3 (9/1/22)
- 3rd Grade: Say/repeat names with movement around the circle, lesson on Pink Panther Theme (MXP A/S’12) with Luigi’s postcard, follow/listen for the instrumentation in magazine (favorites & why, explain sfz), learn how to play first 8 notes of the theme on the Step Piano.
- PreS2: Say/repeat names with movement all around the circle, maracas to “La Bamba”, color Maracas worksheet, dance to “La Bamba” (EEMC).
- K and 1st: Say/repeat names with movement all around the circle, maracas to “La Bamba”, color Maracas worksheet, dance to “La Bamba” (EEMC).
- 2nd Grade: Say/repeat names with movement around the circle, lesson on Pink Panther Theme (MXP A/S’12) with Luigi’s postcard, follow/listen for the instrumentation in magazine (favorites & why, explain sfz), Watch Pink Panther video.
- 4th Grade: Say/repeat names with movement around the circle, lesson on Pink Panther Theme (MXP A/S’12) with Luigi’s postcard, follow/listen for the instrumentation in magazine (favorites & why, explain sfz), learn how to play first 8 notes of the theme on the Step Piano. Watch Pink Panther video.
- WEEK 1.2 (8/31/22)
- 2nd Grade: Say/repeat names with movement all around the circle, dance to “La Bamba” (EEMC).
- PreS1: Say/repeat names with movement all around the circle, maracas to “La Bamba”, color Maracas worksheet, dance to “La Bamba” (EEMC), sing to “Bruno” from Encanto (EEMC)
- PreK: Say/repeat names with movement all around the circle, maracas to “La Bamba”, color Maracas worksheet, dance to “La Bamba” (EEMC).
- WEEK 1.1 (8/30/22)
- All-School Mass (Ms. Sager & Mr. Santos = song leaders). “They’ll Know We Are Christians”, “If Today”, “O Breathe On Me O Breath of God”, “Holy Spirit”, “Go Into the World”, “Revive Us, O God”.
2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR
- LAST FEW WEEKS OF YEAR = More Fun Stuff!
- WEEK 36 (5/25/2022)
- Spring Concert!
- WEEK 25 (5/19/22)
- Concert Rehearsals
- WEEK 34.3 (5/12/22)
- 3rd: practice 3 concert songs
- PreS(s): step piano, sing Thankful, dance Hakuna Matata, sing Whisper Talk Sing Shout MXP
- K and 1st: Music Maze from MTT, sing Thankful and Wellerman, Sing Forte Piano The Music Show from MXP O/N’16, watch Rollercoaster, Dynamics pop quiz from MusicPlay Online, conduct Vivaldi Symphony dynamics with MusicPlay Online.
- 2nd: watch Beethoven’s Rage, Rollercoaster, Beethoven’s Wig, Beethoven Bike Ride, and some of Forte Piano but had to cut short due to bad behavior AGAIN. 🙁
- WEEK 34.2 (5/11/22)
- 2nd: step piano, Music Maze from MTT, MTT Instrument Families quiz
- PreS(n): step piano, Whisper Talk Sing Shout MXP, Happy dance, drum movement
- PreK: Forte Piano MXP, Hakuna Matata dance, sing Thankful, MTT Instrument Families, dance to Spiderman, watch For the Birds.
- WEEK 34.1 (5/10/22)
- PreK: dance to Happy, Wellerman, MXP Whisper Talk Sing Shout, review C on step-piano.
- K and 1st: same as PK with Thankful
- 3rd: Wellerman, Happy, Step-piano
- 5th, 4th: Fill-in-blank worksheet Treble “I Thought I Was Crazy” poem + 4-letter word fill-ins (treble and bass).
- WEEK 33.3 (5/5/22)
- 3rd: presto, notes on BIG step-keyboard, Happy, Don’t Worry Be Happy
- PSs: BIG piano step-keyboard, Little Stompers, Skip to My Lou, Presto
- K: Piano keyboard, Presto, Little Stompers, Bzzzzt,
- 2nd: Piano step keyboard, Presto, Don’t Worry Be Happy
- 4th: Piano step keyboard, Wellerman practice, Happy practice
- WEEK 33.2 (5/4/22)
- PRESn: Little Stompers, sticks, Presto, Skip to My Lou MXP, Drum Freeze animals
- PreK: Skip to My Lou, For the birds, Th music Show Luigi on Parade, Pickle Game catch and send.
- WEEK 33.1 (5/3/22)
- 3rd,2nd,1st: Travel to India, Diwali stick dance, all MXP
- PreK: Little Stompers MXP, Thankful
- 5th,4th: India travel, Diwali stick dance, Happy, wellerman.
- WEEK 32.3 (4/28/22)
- PreSs: Mexico vids, Happy, Thankful
- 1, 2,3,K; Dragonfly w drums, xylophones
- 4th Wellerman and Happy & Dragonfly w drums and xylophones
- 1st: +Presto
- WEEK 32.1 and 2 (4/26/22)
- 2,3,4,5: Mexico Travel MXP, Mexico Audio Story
- 2,3,4,PSn: Happy (Pharrell)
- PK,K,4,5,PSn: Wellerman
- 1,K,PK,PSn,: Mexico for kids facts, Travel Kids Mexico, Freeze Game Kiboomers, Row Row Row losing a word each time.
- 5,2,1,K: show Landscaping
- 3,K,PK: Don’t Worry Be Happy MXP
- 1,K,PK,3,PSn: El Quelite Choreography MXP
- 2,PSn: Do Re Mi Sound ofMusic
- PSn: Drum Freeze
- PK (Wed): Do Re MI, Presto vid short, Floor is Lava, Wellerman, Row Row row, Drum Freeze
- WEEK 31.3 (4/14/22)
- 3rd Grade:. sing to “Happy”, play Incredibox
- 1st Grade:. sing to “Happy”, play Incredibox, sing to “Wellerman”.
- Kinder Grade:. sing to “Happy”, play Incredibox, sing to “Wellerman”.
- 2nd Grade:. sing to “Happy”, play Incredibox, sing to “Wellerman”.
- PreS (n):. musictechteacher: Mighty MUsic Man Instrument Heist, Vienna Clocks (MXP MA’18), Chicken Dance, I Love A Dancing Bear (MXP MA’18).
- 4th Grade:. sing to “Happy”, play Incredibox, sing to “Wellerman”.
- WEEK 31.2 (4/13/22)
- 2nd Grade mostly sat and reset
- PreS (n):. musictechteacher: Mighty MUsic Man Instrument Heist, Vienna Clocks (MXP MA’18), Chicken Dance, I Love A Dancing Bear (MXP MA’18).
- PreK: watch Mater truck cruise, Chicken Dance, Story Bots, Sound of Music Do Re Mi
- CHORUS: only Gianna, Paulina, Paolo, and Janessa: “Over My Head” with harmonies, “Resucito” with maracas
- WEEK 31.1 (4/12/22)
- 3rd Grade:. musictechteacher Rhythm Match 1, Instrument Families Millionaire.
- PreK: . musictechteacher: Mighty MUsic Man Instrument Heist, Vienna Clocks (MXP MA’18), Chicken Dance, I Love A Dancing Bear (MXP MA’18).
- Kindergarten: musictechteacher: Mighty MUsic Man Instrument Heist, Vienna Clocks (MXP MA’18), Chicken Dance, I Love A Dancing Bear (MXP MA’18).+ Musictechtacher ID instrument.
- 1st Grade Musictechteacher ID Instrument sounds, chicken Dance, Might Music Man Instrumetn Heist, Vienna Clocks.
- 5th Grade: Musictechteacher Rhythm Match 1, Instrument Families Millionaire, School of Rock “You’re in the Band”.
- 5th Grade: Musictechteacher Rhythm Match 1, School of Rock “You’re in the Band”.
- WEEK 30.3 (4/7/22)
- 3rd Grade:. Ram Sam Sam on Drums and maracas, Preschool Prodigies solfege What Song is This?
- PreS(s): Drums, maracas to Ram Sam Sam, We Know the Way, Preschool Prodigies What Song is This solfege.
- Kindergarten: drums and maracas to Ram Sam Sam, We Know the Way, Preschool Prodigies What Song is This solfege.
- 2nd Grade: drums, maracas, then silence for bad behavior
- 4th” drums maracas to Ram Sam Sam and Desert Fire and Morocco (EEMC New Ensemble songs), Preschool Prodigies What Song is This solfege.
- WEEK 30.2 (4/6/22)
- 2nd Grade:. Break Code worksheet 2 & 4, watch One Man Band.
- PreS (n): xylophones to “Disco Fever”, dance to Mannequin, watch La Luna.
- PreK: drums, mannequin, La Luna, Roar, read Big Umbrella
- CHORUS: Over My Head w/ harmony, This is the Day, Morning Has Broken, Love Round
- WEEK 30.1 (4/5/22)
- 3rd Grade: Break Codes worksheet with Musical notations.
- PreK: Xylophones “Disco Fever”, color bugs, watch One Man Band and watch a video of a REAL One-Man Band.
- 1st Grade & Kindergarten: color bugs, watch One Man Band and watch a video of a REAL One-Man Band.
- 5th Grade: Xylophones “Disco Fever”, watch One Man Band and watch a video of a REAL One-Man Band.
- 4th Grade: Xylophones to “Off the Beaten Path”, Crack code worksheets.
- WEEK 29.3 (3/31/22)
- 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Xylophones to “Disco Fever”, watch video short Frozen Birthday.
- PS (south): Xylophones to “Disco Fever”, watch video short Frozen Birthday, maracas to “Dip and Fall Back” (EEMC Global Grooves), watch Nessie.
- 4th: Xylophones to “Disco Fever”, watch Goofy Home Theater short video.
- WEEK 29.2 (3/30/22)
- PK: watch Feast, dance to “Better when I’m Dancing” and ‘Chicken Dance” and “Hakuna Matata”, clap to Rhythm Cat, play drums.
- WEEK 29.1 (3/29/22)
- 2nd: Drums & Maracas to “Dip and Fall Back” (EEMC Global Grooves), plus play Rhythm Cat with drums.
- 3rd: Drums & Maracas to “Dip and Fall Back” (EEMC Global Grooves), drum to ‘what’s your favorite animal?’
- 4th: Drums & Maracas to “Dip and Fall Back” (EEMC Global Grooves), drum to ‘what’s your favorite animal?’ + watch interview with Ellington of R5, plus play Rhythm Cat with drums.
- 5th: Drums & Maracas to “Dip and Fall Back” (EEMC Global Grooves), drum to ‘what’s your favorite animal?’, + watch interview with Ellington of R5.
- PreS (north: Drums & Maracas to “Dip and Fall Back” (EEMC Global Grooves), dance to “We Know the Way” and “Chicken Dance”, watch The Music Show “The Beat is the Heart of Music”.
- PreS (north): Drums & Maracas, dance to “Chicken Dance”, watch The Music Show “The Beat is the Heart of Music”. plus play Rhythm Cat with drums.
- 1st Grade & Kindergarten : Drums & Maracas to “Dip and Fall Back” (EEMC Global Grooves), dance to “We Know the Way” and “Chicken Dance”,
- WEEK 28.3 (3/24/22)
- Mass in the Morning.
- 4th Grade: Drumming, watch Ellington (JJ&Me)
- K and 1st: watch Feast, Drum, watch Mickey,
- 2nd Grade: Shamrocks worksheet connect notes/rests.
- WEEK 28.2 (3/23/22)
- 2nd Grade: Irish Word Search w/ gold candy, “Topsy Turvy” Sound Poem.
- PS (north): Ballad of Nessie, read Little Raindrop, dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling'”, play drums and instruments.
- PreK: dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling'”, dance to “Freeze Dance” by Kiboomers, play Irish Concentration, play drums and instruments, watch Feast.
- WEEK 28.1 (3/22/22)
- 3rd Grade: Sound Poem “Topsy Turvy” (MXP MA’13), Play Irish Word Search (candy/gold to finders).
- PreK and K: Sound Poem “Topsy Turvy” (MXP MA’13), read The Little Raindrop on Kindle (Google play never loaded on either Safari or Chrome). Dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (MXP AS’17).
- 1st Grade: Sound Poem “Topsy Turvy” (MXP MA’13), Play Irish Concentration (candy/gold to finders, to all). Dance to “Freeze Dance” by Kiboomers.
- 5th Grade: Limericks Sound Poem, Topsy Turvy Sound Poem, Ireland MXP, Giant’s Causeway, and Finn McCool cartoon.
- 4th Grade:. Ballad of Nessie, Irish Word Search w/ gold candy, “Topsy Turvy” Sound Poem.
- WEEK 27.3 (3/17/22)
- 3rd Grade: Sound Poems: “Limericks” with instruments (MXP M/A’10), Finn McCool cartoon., a bit of Ireland travel video (MXP MA’11).
- PreS (north): Play variety of instruments, Finn McCool cartoon., watch the Ballad of Nessie. Dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP MA’17).
- Kindergarten, 1, 2, and 4: Sound Poems: “Limericks” with instruments (MXP M/A’10), Finn McCool cartoon., a bit of Ireland travel video (MXP MA’11). Watch my St. Pat’s Powerpoint (Irish step-dancing, Giant’s Causeway story).
- WEEK 27.2 (3/16/22)
- 2nd Grade: Dance choreography then play cups to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to Nathan Evans’ Sea Shanty, “Wellerman”. Play the Irish Bodhran, watch video of Bodhran.
- PreSchool (north): Dance choreography then play cups to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to Nathan Evans’ Sea Shanty, “Wellerman”. Dance/Listen to Na Fianna “I’ll Tell Me Ma”. Play the Irish Bodhran, watch video of Bodhran. Watch Rollercoaster video.
- PreK: Dance choreography to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to Nathan Evans’ Sea Shanty, “Wellerman”. Watch Rollercoaster video. Watch “Ballad of Nessie“.
- WEEK 27.1 (3/15/22)
- 3rd Grade: Honesty/Be True (MXP JF’18), play cups to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to Nathan Evans’ Sea Shanty, “Wellerman“.
- PreK: Play cups to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to “Galway Races” (EEMC), dance to Na Fianna “I’ll Tell Me Ma”, play the Irish Bodhran.
- K: Dance choreography then play cups to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to Nathan Evans’ Sea Shanty, “Wellerman”, dance to Na Fianna “I’ll Tell Me Ma”, play the Irish Bodhran.
- 1st: Dance choreography then play cups to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to Nathan Evans’ Sea Shanty, “Wellerman”, play the Irish Bodhran.
- 5th Grade: Play cups to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18). Listen to Nathan Evans’ Sea Shanty, “Wellerman”. Play the Irish Bodhran, watch video of Bodhran. Play Irish Word Search (candy/gold to finders).
- WEEK 26.3 (3/10/22)
- 3rd Grade:. play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” and play Boomwhackers to “Street Beat” (EEMC), watch Boomwhackers to “Don’t Stop Believin“.
- PreS(south):. dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP MA’17). play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” (EEMC), move to Drum Freeze!, dance to “Flexible” (JJ&ME), watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, follow along with “Flight of the Bumblebee” (MXP JF’15).
- Kindergarten:. dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP MA’17). play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” (EEMC), watch Boomwhackers to “Don’t Stop Believin”.watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, read I Like Bees (kindle), dance to “The Floor is Lava“.
- 1st Grade:. dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP MA’17). play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” (EEMC), watch Boomwhackers to “Don’t Stop Believin”.watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, read I Like Bees (kindle).
- 2nd Grade:. dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP MA’17)? play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” (EEMC), watch Boomwhackers to “Don’t Stop Believin”.watch “Beethoven’s Wig”?, read I Like Bees (kindle)?
- 4th Grade: Honesty/Be True (MXP JF’18), “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP JF’18).
- WEEK 26.2 (3/9/22)
- 2nd Grade:. Watch Sydney Orchestra with George (instruments). Play Millionaire Instrument game by, play Boomwhackers to “Street Beat” (EEMC), watch Animusic Pipe Dream.
- PreS(north):. Watch Sydney Orchestra with George (instruments). dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP MA’17). play Boomwhackers to “Street Beat” (EEMC), move to Drum Freeze!, dance to “Flexible” (JJ&ME).
- PreK:. Dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP MA’17). play Boomwhackers to “Street Beat” (EEMC), watch Boomwhackers to “Don’t Stop Believin“, watch The Music Show “It’s About Time” (MXP Mar/Apr’17), dance to “Flexible” (JJ&ME).
- WEEK 26.1 (3/8/22)
- 3rd Grade:. Watch Sydney Orchestra with George (instruments). Play Millionaire Instrument game by
- PreK:. Watch Sydney Orchestra with George (instruments). Instrument Quiz by Brain Games for Kids. dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP M/A’17).
- Kindergarten:. Watch Sydney Orchestra with George (instruments). Instrument Quiz by Brain Games for Kids. dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP M/A’17), dance to “Try Everything” (MXP M/A’17).
- 1st Grade:. Watch Sydney Orchestra with George (instruments). Instrument Quiz by Brain Games for Kids, dance to “Try Everything” (MXP M/A’17).
- 4th Grade:. Dance to “Try Everything” (MXP M/A’17). Watch “Cody Fry” (JJ&Me Y2, s2), Cody Fry’s “Eleanor Rigby”, play Boomwhackers to “Street Beat” (EEMC), watch A Place in the Choir “Yes!” (JJ&Me Y2, s2).
- 5th Grade:. Watch “Cody Fry” (JJ&Me Y2, s2), Cody Fry’s “Eleanor Rigby”, play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” and “When the Saints” (EEMC).
- WEEK 25.3 (3/3/22)
- 3rd Grade:. Sing/dance “Together” by SIA (JJ&Me Y2, s2). Solve Shamrock Puzzle together.
- 4th, 2nd Grade:. Solve Shamrock Puzzle together. Play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” (EEMC Resources).
- 1st Grade:. Solve Shamrock Puzzle together. Play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” (EEMC Resources), dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (MXP A/S’17).
- Kindergarten:. Solve Shamrock Puzzle together. Dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (MXP A/S’17). Watch Pogo Sticks Animusic, dance to “Freeze” by Kiboomers, Play Boomwhackers to “Boomin’ the Blues” (EEMC Resources).
- PreS (South):. Solve Shamrock Puzzle together. Dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (MXP A/S’17). Watch Pogo Sticks Animusic, dance to “Freeze” by Kiboomers, Play with Boomwhackers.
- WEEK 25.2 (3/2/22)
- Ash Wednesday MASS: . Led by adults (Brian C, Joe M).
- No classes today.
- WEEK 25.1 (3/1/22)
- 3RD GRADE: Ms. Sager’s Mardi Gras Slideshow Powerpoint (NOLA, King Cake, Parades, Beads & colors, Oh When the Sts), Pies discussion leads to singing”Great Big House in New Orleans” (MXP O/N’17), dance to “Mannequin” (MXP O/N’17).
- PREK: Ms. Sager’s Mardi Gras Slideshow Powerpoint (NOLA, King Cake, Parades, Beads & colors, Oh When the Sts), dance to “Parade” The Music Show (MXP A/S’17), Pies discussion leads to singing “Great Big House in New Orleans” (MXP O/N’17), dance to “Little Stompers” (MXP O/N’17), watch Animusic Pipe Dream.
- Kindergarten: Ms. Sager’s Mardi Gras Slideshow Powerpoint (NOLA, King Cake, Parades, Beads & colors, Oh When the Sts), dance to “Parade” The Music Show (MXP A/S’17), sing “Great Big House in New Orleans” (MXP O/N’17), dance to “Mannequin” (MXP O/N’17), dance to “Little Stompers” (MXP O/N’17), watch Animusic Pipe Dream, watch trailer to STOMP!
- 1ST GRADE: Ms. Sager’s Mardi Gras Slideshow Powerpoint (NOLA, King Cake, Parades, Beads & colors, Oh When the Sts), Discuss pies, leads to singing “Great Big House in New Orleans” (MXP O/N’17), watch Animusic Pipe Dream.
- 5th GRADE: Ms. Sager’s Mardi Gras Slideshow Powerpoint (NOLA, King Cake, Parades, Beads & colors, Oh When the Sts), singing “Great Big House in New Orleans” (MXP O/N’17),+ learn and dance the partner dance.
- 4th GRADE: Ms. Sager’s Mardi Gras Slideshow Powerpoint (NOLA, King Cake, Parades, Beads & colors, Oh When the Sts), singing “Great Big House in New Orleans” (MXP O/N’17),watch Animusic Pipe Dream.
- WEEK 24.3 (2/24/22)
- 3rd Grade: Treble Clef learn/study, Treble Clef quiz on Play Rhythm Cat app. Watch Animusic Pogo Sticks.
- 4th Grade: Treble Clef learn/study, worksheet Leprechaun ID Treble Clef notes, worksheet Leprechaun Words ID rhythms in gold buckets. Play Rhythm Cat app.
- 2nd Grade: Sing “Green Grass Grew All Around” from Kindle book, play Rhythm Cat app, watch Animusic Pogo Sticks.
- 1st Grade: Dance to “Freeze” (MXP), Play Rhythm Cat app, Sing “Green Grass Grew All Around” from Kindle Book,
- Kindergarten: Dance to “Floor is Lava“, dance to “Freeze Dance” Kiboomers, dance to “Hakuna Matata“, moveto “My Bike” (EEMC), Sing “Green Grass Grew All Around” from Kindle book, Dance to “Freeze” (MXP), play Rhythm Cat app.
- PreSchool (South): watch Animusic Pipe Dream. dance to “Freeze Dance” Kiboomers, move to “My Bike” (EEMC), Sing “Green Grass Grew All Around” from Kindle book, Dance to “Freeze” (MXP), Dance to MXP “Everything is Awesome“.
- WEEK 24.2 (2/23/22)
- 2nd Grade: MUSIC for GAMING! Music for Gaming! watched THIS VIDEO on Music for Gaming with Austin Wintory. Sing and body percussion to “Long John” (EEMC/Resources/Beatbox).
- PreS (North): Dance to MXP “Everything is Awesome“, watch Animusic Pipe Dream. Dance to “My Bike” (EEMC), read Green Grass Grew All Around on Kindle, Watch Rollercoaster Staff. Dance to “Splish Splash“.
- PreK: watch “Cool Kids” by Muppets. Dance to MXP “Everything is Awesome“, watch Animusic Pipe Dream. Dance to “Freeze Dance/Freeze Song” by the Kiboomers. Dance to “My Bike” (EEMC), read and sing to Green Grass Grew All Around on Kindle, Watch Rollercoaster Staff. Dance to “Splish Splash“.
- WEEK 24.1 (2/22/22)
- no school / President’s Day vacation. We got Tuesday off, as well.
- WEEK 23.3 (2/17/22)
- MASS: with Janessa, Gianna, Paulina, & Paolo. “10,000 Reasons”, “The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations” (Booth) by Ms. Sager, “Hold On To Love”, “Beautiful is Your Love”, “Lord I Lift Your Name on High”.
- 2nd, 1st, Kindergarten: Dance to MXP “Everything is Awesome“, learn song & dance for “Mo Li Hua” (Jasmine Flower) and Chinese Ribbon Dancing (MXP J/F’18) with scarves. Clap different rhythms to “Blue Red Boogie” (MXP J/F’18).
- 2nd Grade: Dance to MXP “Everything is Awesome“, learn song & dance for “Mo Li Hua” (Jasmine Flower) and Chinese Ribbon Dancing (MXP J/F’18) with scarves. Clap different rhythms to “Blue Red Boogie” (MXP J/F’18). Try to draw Chinese characters for “jasmine flower”.
- 4th Grade: Watch/listen to “Mo Li Hua (Jasmine Flower)” and Chinese Ribbon Dance. Try to draw Chinese characters for “jasmine flower”, watch Animusic Pipe Dream, Dance to MXP “Everything is Awesome“.
- WEEK 23.2 (2/16/22)
- PreK: Dance to MXP “Everything is Awesome“, watch The Music Show “Makin’ Harmony” (MXP J/F’19), watch Animusic Pipe Dream.
- 2nd: Dance to “Heart is Pumping” (MXP J/F’19), read book Goodbye Winter Hello Spring, try to sustain notes on PANO TUNER app. Watch “the Music Show” “We’re Gonna Sing Hi, Lo, Middle” (MXP J/F’16), watch Animusic Pipe Dream.
- PreS (North): Dance to “Heart is Pumping” (MXP J/F’19), read book Goodbye Winter Hello Spring, try to sustain notes on PANO TUNER app. Watch “the Music Show” “We’re Gonna Sing Hi, Lo, Middle” (MXP J/F’16).
- Rehearsal for Mass: “10,000 Reasons”, “The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations” (Booth) by Ms. Sager, “Hold On To Love”, “Beautiful is Your Love”, “Lord I Lift Your Name on High”.
- WEEK 23.1 (2/15/22)
- Kindergarten, 1st: Dance to “Heart is Pumping” (MXP J/F’19), read book Goodbye Winter Hello Spring, try to sustain notes on PANO TUNER app. Watch “the Music Show” “We’re Gonna Sing Hi, Lo, Middle” (MXP J/F’16), watch Animusic Pipe Dream.
- PreK: Dance to “Heart is Pumping” (MXP J/F’19), read book Goodbye Winter Hello Spring, try to sustain notes on PANO TUNER app. Watch “the Music Show” “We’re Gonna Sing Hi, Lo, Middle” (MXP J/F’16). Dance to “Boom!” (MXP J/F’18).
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: Watch JJ&ME interview with Mandy Harvey (Y2, s1)
- 5th also watched a bit of Animusic Pipe Dream.
- WEEK 22.2 and 22.3 – Parent Teacher Conferences
- WEEK 22.1 (2/8/22)
- 3rd Grade: MUSIC for GAMING! Music for Gaming! watched THIS VIDEO on Music for Gaming with Austin Wintory. Sing and body percussion to “Long John” (EEMC/Resources/Beatbox).
- PreK: Learn sign language to “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands” (MXP JF’15), learn about & follow along with “Flight of the Bumblebee” (MXP JF’15), watch performances by Canadian Brass. Dance to “Freeze!’. Dance to “Everything is Awesome” (MXP JF’15)
- Kindergartners and 1st Grade: Dance/sing “Bare Necessities” (MXP JF’15), Watch movie segment of that song “Bare Necessities” video clip. Watch/sing “Do Re Mi” from Sound of Music, Sing and body percussion to “Long John” (EEMC/Resources/Beatbox). Dance to “Everything is Awesome” (MXP JF’15).
- 5th Grade: Sing and body percussion to “Long John” (EEMC/Resources/Beatbox). learn about & follow along with “Flight of the Bumblebee” (MXP JF’15), watch performances by Canadian Brass, Dance to “Everything is Awesome” (MXP JF’15), Watch/listen to South Africa audio, video, & song, “Singabahambayo Thina” (MXP JF’15).
- 4th Grade: Sing and body percussion to “Long John” (EEMC/Resources/Beatbox). learn about & follow along with “Flight of the Bumblebee” (MXP JF’15), watch performances by Canadian Brass, Dance to “Everything is Awesome” (MXP JF’15).
- WEEK 21.3 (2/3/22)
- Special Person MASS with Janessa, Gianna, & Paulina. Middle School sang a Prelude. Mass songs were: “Keep Me Safe O God”, “I Rejoiced”, “10,000 Reasons”, “Hallelujah is Our Song”, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”, and “Let the River Flow”.
- Kindergarten: MXP J/F’15: Learn sign language to “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”, learn about & follow along with “Flight of the Bumblebee”, watch performances by John Taylor on Electric Guitar & Canadian Brass. Dance to “Freeze!’. Watch Rollercoaster Staff.
- 1st Grade: MXP J/F’15: Learn sign language to “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”, learn about & follow along with “Flight of the Bumblebee”, watch performances by John Taylor on Electric Guitar & Canadian Brass.
- 2nd Grade: MXP J/F’15: Learn sign language to “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands”, learn about & follow along with “Flight of the Bumblebee”, watch performances by John Taylor on Electric Guitar & Canadian Brass. Dance & listen to “Brave”.
- PRES: (not in person) Maracas to play with, Maraca coloring sheet.
- WEEK 21.2 (2/2/22)
- 2nd Grade: MXP Beethoven’s 5th A/S’15 with Luigi’s intro. Germany Travelogue (JJ&ME), “Grün, Grün, Grün” Lyrics vid (JJ&ME). Dance to Freeze MXP. Listen to Beethoven’s Wig in Concert.
- PRES: (not in person) Maracas to play with, Maraca coloring sheet.
- WEEK 21.1 (2/1/22)
- 3rd: Beethoven’s 5th MXP A/S’15 with Luigi intro, Germany Travelogue (JJ&ME), “Grün, Grün, Grün” Lyrics vid (JJ&ME).
- PreK: dance to Freeze!, “Everything is Awesome” (4x!), “Grün, Grün, Grün”(JJ&ME), Beethoven’s 5th MXP with Luigi intro, Beethoven’s Wig vid.
- 1st: dance to “Freeze”, Beethoven’s 5th MXP with Luigi intro, Beethoven’s Wig vid.
- 5th: Video Game composing OneToOne MXP + group quiz on Google Forms.
- 4th: (quarantined) MUSIC for GAMING! Music for Gaming! 4th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Music for Gaming with Austin Wintory.
- (K refused to come down due to my Covid symptoms 7 days ago)
- WEEK 20.4 (Sunday Mass!)
- Paolo, Paulina, Janessa G, Gianna, and Alex P sing “Alleluia Love Is Alive”, “To You O God I Lift Up My Soul”, “The Jesus Song”, “Walk Together Children”, “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around”, “Soon & Very Soon” at CSW Sunday Mass 11am.
- WEEK 20.3 (1/27/22)
- 3rd: Tinikling dance w boomwhackers, travel to Philippines, dance to “Freeze!”
- 2nd: watch Nessie, learn Step & Skip MXP, do re mi to StoryBots
- PreK: 1x Freeze MXP, 2x Splish Splash MXP, Do Re Mi Sound of Music, Do Re mi Storybots, Freeze Song from Youtube Kiboomers, Rollercoaster, Sing Hi Lo Mid MXP. Beethoven’s Wig singers vid, Beep Beep singers vid.
- 1st: MXP Step & Skip, Wedding cartoon, Ballad of Nessie, Sing Hi Lo Mid MXP.
- K: Piper, Lou, Music Show Luigi on Parade & Music Show Forte Piano.
- PreS: Aquarium dance with scarves, Splish Splash, Flexible JJ&ME, Piper, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Freeze.
- WEEK 20.2 (1/26/22)
- 2nd: sing Do-Re-Mi with Storybots on old iPad, dance to “Splish Splash”, watch Mater in Radiator Springs short about race honoring founder.
- PreS: 1x Freeze MXP, 2x Splish Splash MXP, Do Re Mi Sound of Music, Do Re mi Storybots, Freeze Song from Youtube Kiboomers, Rollercoaster, Sing Hi Lo Mid MXP.
- WEEK 20.1 (1/25/22)
- 3rd: watch Zin! Zin! Zin! A Vioin!. to learn about duets, trios, octets, etc. Quiz at end. Learn about Time Signatures on EEMC.
- PreK: watch Zin! Zin! Zin! A Vioin!. to learn about duets, trios, octets, etc. Quiz at end. dance to “Splish Splash”, clap to “Ta Ti Ti Tango”, sing Do-Re-Mi with Storybots on old iPad.
- K: sing Do-Re-Mi with Storybots on old iPad, Conduct different song meters, dance to “Splish Splash”, watch Mater in Radiator Springs short about race honoring founder.
- 1st: watch Zin! Zin! Zin! A Vioin!. to learn about duets, trios, octets, etc. Quiz at end. sing Do-Re-Mi with Storybots on old iPad. Conduct different songs.
- 5th: EEMC Lesson Sailing with Time Signatures. sing Do-Re-Mi with Storybots on old iPad.
- 4th: sing Do-Re-Mi with Storybots on old iPad, Chile story (MXP J/F’16).
- WEEK 19.3 (1/20/22)
- K: watch Zin! Zin! Zin! A Vioin!. to learn about duets, trios, octets, etc. Watch Lou.
- 2nd: watch Zin! Zin! Zin! A Vioin!. to learn about duets, trios, octets, etc. Quiz at end.
- 4th: Time Signatures Lesson on EEMC (5th grade level). Really good.
- WEEK 19.MASS (1/20/22)
- All School Mass (cantors: Gianna, Paulina, Paolo). “Our God Is Here”, “Alleluia Love Is Alive”, “To You O God I Lift Up My Soul”, “The Jesus Song”, “Walk Together Children”, “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around”, “Soon & Very Soon”.
- WEEK 19.2 (1/19/22)
- PK: Fast-Slow lesson in EEMC
- PS: Video “We Are Family” and “Disco Fever” (MXP Jan/Feb’14) on xylophones, + “Heart is Pumping, Feet Are Jumping” (MXP Jan/Feb’19).
- WEEK 19.1 (1/18//22)
- 5,4,3,2,K, PK, PS (1st quarantined): Video “We Are Family” and “Disco Fever” (MXP Jan/Feb’14) on xylophones.
- WEEK 18.3 (1/13/22)
- 3rd Grade:. In Havana drums (EEMC), Jamaica Travelogue (JJ&Me), Three Little Birds (JJ&Me), practice “We Are Family”, watch Rollercoaster staves video.
- KInderg: Step & Skip The Music Show (MXP Jan/Feb’17), In Havana drums (EEMC), practice “We Are Family”
- 1st Grade: Step & Skip The Music Show (MXP Jan/Feb’17), In Havana drums (EEMC), practice “We Are Family”, watch Rollercoaster staves video.
- 2nd Grade:. practice “We Are Family”, drums to “In Havana” (EEMC).
- 4th Grade:. . In Havana drums (EEMC), practice “We Are Family”, watch Rollercoaster staves video.
- THE HIGH SEAS MUSICAL: 1st Thursday Lunch Recess Rehearsal. Lailah, Stella, Alyssa, Sara, Hana, Emmett, Kristian, Riley K. So darling!
- WEEK 18.2 (1/12/22)
- PreK: Drums, Drum Freeze game, EEMC Lesson 2.
- 2nd Grade: EEMC 3rd Grade Rhythm lesson (they’re all so lame). Tanzania Travelogue (JJ&Me Y2/s2).
- WEEK 18.1 (1/11/22)
- PK: EEMC Got the Beat Lesson for K, I Lava You video short.
- Kindergartner’s: EEMC Got the Beat Lesson for K, Rollercoaster Staves, practice “We Are Family”, play Beat the Teacher.
- 1st: EEMC Got the Beat Lesson for 1st, practice “We Are Family”, play Beat the Teacher.
- 3rd: Tanzania Travel video (JJ&Me, Y2, seg2), “Maua lyric vid + choreography (JJ&Me, Y2, s2), watch Rollercoaster Staves vid, Sia song “Together” (JJ&Me, Y2/s2), practice “We Are Family”.
- 4th: Tanzania Travel video (JJ&Me, Y2, seg2), “Maua lyric vid (JJ&Me, Y2, s2), watch Rollercoaster Staves vid, practice “We Are Family”, ask about interest in JJ Pirate musical.
- 5th: Tanzania Travel video (JJ&Me, Y2, seg2), watch Rollercoaster Staves vid, practice “We Are Family”, ask about interest in JJ Pirate musical, watch Blue Umbrella.
- WEEK 17.3 (1/6/22)
- 3rd: Partner dance to “Get On Board” spiritual (Jan/Feb’18). Move to “Freeze” (YouTube & MXP Jan/Feb’15). Watch “Makin’ Harmony” on The Music Show (MXP Jan/Feb’19).
- 2nd, 1st, K: Partner dance to “Get On Board” spiritual (Jan/Feb’18). watch Beethoven’s Wig, move to “Freeze” (YouTube & MXP Jan/Feb’15). Watch “I’m Gonna Sing Hi, Lo, and in the Middle” on The Music Show (MXP Jan/Feb’16), watch
- WEEK 17.2 (1/5/22)
- 2nd: Sound Poems “TheStar”, “The Music Box”
- PS: Play the instruments, dance to “Freeze” YouTube, Freeze drum game, “Piper” video short.
- PK: “Freeze” YouTube, The Music Show “Sing Hi, Lo, Middle” (MXP Jan’16), Steps &ar Skips (MXP Jan/Feb’17), SOLFEGE practice, watch Sound of Music “Do A Deer”, dance to “Hakuna Matata”, sing JJJSchmidt.
- WEEK 17.1 (1/4/22)
- PK-3: Sound Poems “TheStar”, “The Music Box”
- 5, 4: read-thru “The High Seas” (JJ&Me musical)
- WEEK 16.3 (12/16/21)
- K-4th: Name that Xmas Tune, dance to Feliz Navidad
- PS – coloring, Fletcher fox movie short, dance to Feliz.
- WEEK 16.2 (12/15/21)
- PS: Xylophones to “Merry Meringue” and coloring
- PK: Nutcracker TpT (downloaded to Google Drive), Drum Freeze, dance to “Feliz Navidad”.
- WEEK 16.1 (12/14/21)
- PK-5th: Xylophones to “Merry Meringue” and either coloring or word scramble.
- WEEK 15.3 (12/9/21)
- PS: Nutcracker TpT (downloaded to Google Drive), dance to Live Laugh Love
- 3rd: Nutcracker TpT (downloaded to Google Drive)
- WEEK 15.2 (12/8/21)
- PreK dance to Live Laugh Love, Beethoven’s Wig
- WEEK 15.1 (12/7/21)
- 3rd: Fox Movie Fletcher, Foxmovie Ice, Yesh Lanu Tayish dance
- PreK: Fox Fletcher, Anna’s Bday video short, Circle Stomp song dance, Chicken Dance, JJJSchmidt, Let It Snow sing
- K: Fox Fletcher, Anna’s Bday video short, Circle Stomp song dance, Chicken Dance, JJJSchmidt, Let It Snow sing & dance
- 1st: Fox Fletcher, Circle Stomp song dance, Chicken Dance, JJJSchmidt, Let It Snow dance
- 2nd: Fox Fletcher, Circle Stomp song dance, Chicken Dance, JJJSchmidt, Let It Snow dance, Beat the Teacher
- 4th: Review notes &, Santa Quiz, Dug’s Special video short
- 5th: Review notes, Santa Quiz, travel to Israel
- WEEK 14.3 (12/2/21)
- 3rd Grade, 2nd Grade: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Hebrew (EEMC), Yesh Lanu Tayish Hebrew Partner Dance, watch Beethoven’s Wig.
- 4th Grade: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Hebrew (EEMC), Yesh Lanu Tayish Hebrew Partner Dance.
- Kinderg: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Hebrew (EEMC), Yesh Lanu Tayish Hebrew Partner Dance, Drum Freeze, dance to “Be Our Guest” (MXP Dec’18), watch Beethoven’s Wig, dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp” (MXP Dec’18)
- 1st Grade:
- Grade: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Hebrew (EEMC), Yesh Lanu Tayish Hebrew Partner Dance, watched Tangled Ever After (in Disney short films).
- PRES (S): Drum Freeze w animals, JJJSchmidt, watch Tangled Ever After (in Disney short films), dance to “Be Our Guest” (MXP Dec’18), dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp” (MXP Dec’18), listen to “Hear the Bells” (MXP Dec’18).
- WEEK 14.2 (12/1/21)
- PreS (N) John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, “Hear the Bells” (MXP Dec’18), dance to “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18), dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp” (MXP Dec’18), watch Dug’s Special Mission (Pixar Vol.2),
- PreK: Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town (EEMC), Drum Freeze with animals, John Jacob J Schmidt, watch Tangled Ever After (in Disney short films), dance to “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18), dance to “Be Our Guest” (MXP Dec’18),
- 2nd Grade: Treble Clef Lines and Spaces Baby The Music Show (MXP online), for quiz on treble clef, dance/listen to “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18)
- WEEK 14.1 (11/30/21)
- 3rd: Treble Clef “Lines and Spaces Baby” The Music Show (MXP online), for quiz on treble clef. dance/listen to “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18), play Beat the Teacher, recap Orchestra Song.
- 4th: Treble Clef “Lines and Spaces Baby” The Music Show (MXP online), for quiz on treble clef. dance/listen to “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18).
- PreK, 1st, K: Time to Decorate (EEMC), “Hear the Bells” (MXP Dec’18), dance to “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18), John Jacob JS, Beat the Teacher, 1st Grade also watched Dug’s Special Mission (pixar vol.2).
- 5th: Yesh Lanu Tayish Hebrew Partner Dance, dance/listen to “Be Our Guest” and “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18), Treble Clef “Lines and Spaces Baby” The Music Show (MXP online), for quiz on treble clef.
- WEEK 13.2 (11/24)
- PreK Tiki Room (EEMC), Piper video, Drum Freeze w animals, RigaJigJig and Fast Slow Lesson (EEMC)
- Chorus: prep for advent olg
- WEEK 13.1,2 (11/23-24/21)
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th: Thankful Song + Sign Language (JJ&ME). Orchestra Song (2 parts!)
- PreK & Kindergarten: Thankful Song+ Sign Language (JJ&ME), Drum Freeze with animals.
- 1st Grade: Thankful Song + Sign Language (JJ&ME)
- PreS (N): Thankful Song + Sign Language (JJ&ME), Drum Freeze with animals, One Man Band video)
- WEEK 12.3 (11/18/21)
- PreK: “Pies! Pies!” (MXP O/N’16), what are your favorite pies. Drum Freeze Game as animals, dance to “Drum Game Fun Game” (EEMC), watch La Luna (amazon).
- 3rd Grade: Learn about song “Bahay Kubo” and Tinikling Dance from Travel to the Philippines (MXP O/N’17).
- Kindergarten: Dance to “You Can Fly! You Can Fly!” (MXP O/N’14), watch Peter Pan video short, listen to Luigi and Mike re: “William Tell Overture” and tap along to that song in magazine with dynamics (MXP O/N’14), watch Feast (amazon), dance to “Happy” (MXP O/N’14).
- 1st Grade: Dance to “You Can Fly! You Can Fly!” (MXP O/N’14), watch Peter Pan video short, listen to Luigi and Mike re: “William Tell Overture” and tap along to that song in magazine with dynamics (MXP O/N’14), watch Feast (amazon).
- 2nd Grade: Dance to “You Can Fly! You Can Fly!” (MXP O/N’14), watch Peter Pan video short, listen to Luigi and Mike re: “William Tell Overture” and tap along to that song in magazine with dynamics (MXP O/N’14). Learn about, dance to Tinikling Dance from Travel to the Philippines (MXP O/N’17).
- 4th Grade: Learn about song “Bahay Kubo” and Tinikling Dance from Travel to the Philippines (MXP O/N’17). Try our hand at the dance. Watch Feast (amazon),
- WEEK 12.2 (11/17/21)
- 2nd: Rhythm Cat + Rhythm of Thanksgiving worksheet
- PreS (North): Drum Freeze Game with animals, “Pies! Pies!” (MXP O/N’16), dance to “Drum Game Fun Game” (EEMC), read Thankful book, dance to “Mannequin” (MXP O/N’17), watch La Luna.
- PreK: Dance to “Happy” (MXP O/N’14), dance TWICE to “You Can Fly You Can Fly” (MXP O/N’14), follow magazine (MXP O/N’14) with William Tell Overture. Watch clip from The Lone Ranger. Dance to “Mannequin” (O/N/17). Watch La Luna (amazon Pixar Vol.2).
- WEEK 12.1 (11/16/21)
- 3rd: Rhythm Cat + Rhythm of Thanksgiving worksheet
- PreK: Harvest Jamboree (EEMC), “Pies! Pies!” (MXP O/N’16), what are your favorite pies, read Thankful book. How will YOU help? Drum Freeze Game. Made someone cry because she didn’t want to get out.
- K: Turkey Tom (EEMC), Chicken Dance, Rhythm Cat, Thanksgiving Rhythm worksheet, “Pies! Pies!” (MXP).
- 1st: “Pies! Pies!” (MXP), what’s your fave?, dance “Mannequin”, play rhythm Cat, Thanksgiving Rhythms worksheet.
- 5th: Rhythm Cat + Rhythm of Thanksgiving worksheet + PartySaurus Rex
- 4th: Rhythm Cat + Rhythm of Thanksgiving worksheet.
- WEEK 11.2 (11/10/21)
- Start with Veteran’s Day Program by 4th Grade (no music, really)
- PreS: Color Jack-o-Lanterns by note, dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC), clap to Rhythm Cat, “Dance of the Little Leaf”.
- PreK: Tiki Tiki Tiki” (EEMC), Drum Game Fun Game (EEMC), Luigi on Parade (MXP), Splish Splash (MXP), Sanil and the Mouse (EEMC), watch One Man Band.
- WEEK 11.1 (11/9/21)
- 3rd Grade: Rhythm Cat, learn Treble Clef, Treble Clef worksheet (Turkey Theme)
- PreK: Rhythm Cat, dance to Chicken Dance (EEMC), color pumpkin/match notes.
- K, 1st: Rhythm Cat, dance to Chicken Dance (EEMC), color pumpkin/match notes.
- 4th Grade: Note values video, Rhythm Cat, Note/Rest Values worksheet (Turkey theme)
- 5th Grade: Note values video, Rhythm Cat, Note/Rest Values worksheet (Turkey theme) + Mermaid Dance (JJ&ME Brazil)
- WEEK 10.4 (11/4/21)
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Travel to Brazil, learn the Mermaid Dance (JJ&ME).
- PreS: Drums, Down by the Bay, Shake Your Sillies (EEMC), Eine Kleine (MXP O/N’17), dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP).
- K: Shake My Sillies Out (EEMC), listen to “Part of Your World” (MXP), dance to “Chicken Dance” (EEMC), play the Freeze Game/Ms. Sager on drum, dance to the Mermaid Dance (JJ&ME).
- 1st Grade: listen to “Part of Your World” (MXP), play the Freeze Game/Ms. Sager on drum, dance to the Mermaid Dance (JJ&ME).
- WEEK 10.3 (11/3/21)
- 2nd Grade: Dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (JJ&ME), sing to “Down By the Bay”, Drum to what’s your fave candy, dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP).
- PreS (N) Eine Kleine (MXP O/N’17), dance to the Mannequin (MXP O/N ’17), drums, sing “Down by the Bay”.
- PreK: Eine Kleine (MXP O/N’17), drums, sing “Down by the Bay”, Chicken Dance (EEMC), Shake My Sillies Out (EEMC), It’s Rhythm Time (EEMC).
- WEEK 10.2 (11/2/21)
- 3rd Grade: Drums to what’s your fave candy, also “Beat the Teacher or Student” on drums.
- PreK and 1st: Dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (JJ&ME), sing to “Down By the Bay”, Drum to what’s your fave candy, dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP).
- 5th Grade: Drums to fave candy, echo, and Beat the Teacher/Student. Watch One Man Band (amazon). Dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP).
- 4th Grade: Drums to fave candy, echo, and Beat the Teacher/Student. Watch One Man Band (amazon).
- WEEK 10.1 (11/1/21)
- ALL SAINTS DAY MASS with Kingsley (8th) & Canon (4th), Kristian (5th)
- We Sang: Soon & Very Soon, For All the Saints, Shepherd Me O God, Alleluia from Misa del Mundo, Go Forth, Somebody’s Knockin At Your Door, Litany (Maher) to name all the 3rd Grade saints, When the Saints Go Marching In.
- WEEK 9.3 (10.28.21) CONFERENCES
- WEEK 9.2 (10.27.21)
- PreK: Cups to “Addams Family”. Look at Halloween village, dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern” (MXP), read Harriet’s Halloween Candy.
- PreS: Dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP) and “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern” (MXP), read Harriet’s Halloween Candy, and read Pete the Cat’s Treasure.
- 2nd Grade: instruments to favorite candy, look at Halloween village, dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lanterns”.
- WEEK 9.1 (10/26/21)
- 3rd Grade: Halloween village + Sound Poem: “The Spider & the Fly”.
- PreK: Forte-Piano (MXP), Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern (MXP), play instruments for favorite candy, sing/dance to “Howl Together” (EEMC), Halloween village.
- 4th, 5th: Learn quickie mnemonic for piano notes, wrap the mummies. Sound poem: “The Spider & the Fly”.
- 1st, K: Sound poem: “the Spider & the Fly”, Halloween village, dance to “Spiderman” (MXP).
- “We Like Candy” (MXP O/N’17),
- Danse Macabre (MXP),
- The Fox Went Out (MXP A/S’18 + kindle),
- Spiderman (MXP O/N’16),
- Creepy Crawly (EEMC),
- Mummy Wrap w TP,
- Halloween Hand Jive,
- Goblin Band (EEMC),
- This is Halloween song,
- Halloween Halloween (MXP O/N’16),
- Cups to Addams Family (EEMC),
- Sound Poems: Spider & Fly and Making Jack-o-Lanterns,
- read Harriet’s Halloween Candy, Pete the Cat spider, Pete the Cat Pumpkins,
- song A Hundred Ghosts (MXP O/N’14),
- dance to Jumpin Jack-o-Lanters (MXP O/N’18).
- WEEK 8.3 (10/21/21)
- K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grades: Sound Poem “Making Jack-o-Lanterns” (MXP O/N’12). Look at Halloween Village!
- Kindergarten also danced to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-lanterns” (MXP O/N’18), danced to “The Spider Thing” (EEMC).
- PreS (South): “The Fox went out on a chilly Night” (book on Kindle), dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), sing with “Creepy and Crawly and Great” (EEMC), read Pete the Cat and Five Little Pumpkins on Kindle, danced to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-lanterns” (MXP O/N’18),
- WEEK 8.2 (10/20/21)
- 2nd Grade: dance to the “Halloween Hand Jive“, watch/listen for instruments on “Danse Macabre” (MXP O/N’16). Look at Halloween Village!
- PreS (North): “The Fox went out on a chilly Night” (book on Kindle), dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), sing with “Creepy and Crawly and Great” (EEMC), Listen/learn about “Danse Macabre” (MXP O/N’16), Look at Halloween Village!
- PreK: Dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), read Pete the Cat and The Itsy Bitsy Spider on Kindle, danced to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-lanterns” (MXP O/N’18), dance to the “Halloween Hand Jive“, watch/listen for instruments on “Danse Macabre” (MXP O/N’16). Sing with “We Like Candy” (O/N ’17). Look at Halloween Village!
- WEEK 8.1 (10/19/2021)
- PreK: “The Fox went out on a chilly Night” (book on Kindle & song on MXP A/S’18), dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), shake maracas to poem Halloween! Halloween! (MXP O/N’16), dance to the “Halloween Hand Jive“, sing with “Creepy and Crawly and Great” (EEMC), read Pete the Cat and Five Little Pumpkins on Kindle.
- Kindergarten: “The Fox went out on a chilly Night” (book on Kindle & song on MXP A/S’18), watch end of Lou (on amazon), dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), shake maracas to poem Halloween! Halloween! (MXP O/N’16), dance to the “Halloween Hand Jive“.
- 1st Grade: “The Fox went out on a chilly Night” (book on Kindle & song on MXP A/S’18), dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), dance to the “Halloween Hand Jive“. Listen/learn about “Danse Macabre” (MXP O/N’16).
- 3rd Grade: “The Fox went out on a chilly Night” (book on Kindle & song on MXP A/S’18), dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), dance to the “Halloween Hand Jive“. Listen/learn about “Danse Macabre” (MXP O/N’16).
- 4th Grade: Rhythm Cups to “Addams Family” (EEMC). Listen/learn about “Danse Macabre” (MXP O/N’16).
- 5th Grade: Rhythm Cups to “Addams Family” (EEMC). Listen/learn about “Danse Macabre” (MXP O/N’16). “The Fox went out on a chilly Night” (book on Kindle & song on MXP A/S’18), dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16).
- WEEK 7.3 (10/14/2021)
- K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Incredibox, watch Lou. 1st Grade also danced to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC). K got cut short with Lou.
- PreS: Boomwhackers to “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), watch Preschool Prodigies solfege/kodaly hand signs, watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (JJ&Me), dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC), arrange Teddy Bear’s night ritual (EEMC).
- WEEK 7.2/2021
- PreK: Boomwhackers to “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC), watch Preschool Prodigies solfege/kodaly hand signs, watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (JJ&Me), arrange Teddy Bear’s night ritual (EEMC).
- PreS: Boomwhackers to “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, dance to “Dance of the LIttle Leaf” (EEMC), dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (JJ&Me), arrange Teddy Bear’s night ritual (EEMC).
- WEEK 7.1 (10/12/2021)
- 3rd, 5th Grades: Boomwhackers to “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), OLG Word Search.
- 4th Grade: Boomwhackers to reggae tune “Walking in the Sun” (EEMC), relearn the stick dance to “Bound for South Australia” dance (JJ&Me, Y2/s1) with rhythm sticks. Play Beat the Teacher in line, watch “Beethoven’s Wig”.
- Kindergarten: learn the stick dance to “Bound for South Australia” dance (JJ&Me, Y2/s1) with rhythm sticks, watch Preschool Prodigies solfege/kodaly hand signs. Play Beat the Teacher in line, watch “Beethoven’s Wig”.
- 1st Grade: learn the stick dance to “Bound for South Australia” dance (JJ&Me, Y2/s1) with rhythm sticks, watch Preschool Prodigies solfege/kodaly hand signs. Play Beat the Teacher in line, watch “Beethoven’s Wig”.
- PreK: Boomwhackers to “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), watch Fox & Mouse video (amazon), sing “And the Green Grass Grew All Around”, dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC), watch Preschool Prodigies solfege/kodaly hand signs.
- WEEK 6.3 (Thu, 10/7/2021)
- Kindergarten: Fox & Mouse video (amazon), play Boomwhackers to the a Blues song, “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), sing along with The Music Show “Forte Piano”, watch “Beethoven’s Wig”.
- 1st, 2nd Grades: Fox & Mouse video (amazon), play Boomwhackers to the a Blues song, “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), sing along with The Music Show “Forte Piano”.
- 4th Grade: Fox & Mouse video (amazon), play Boomwhackers to the a Blues song, “Boomin the Blues” (EEMC), offer a Word Search with OLG Musical Terms.
- ALL-SCHOOL MASS: Emmett and Kirubel are cantors. Emmett sings “Alleluia! Love Is Alive”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, “Alleluia” from Misa del Mundo, “Christ In Me Arise”. Kirubel sings all the mass parts, “Shine Jesus Shine”, “He’s Got the Whole World”, and “We Are Marching” (Emmett also plays drum on this one).
- WEEK 6.2 (Wed, 10/6/2021)
- 2nd Grade: Australia Travelogue, learn stick dance (JJ&Me)
- PreS (N): “Shake My Sillies Out” and “Chicken Dance” (EEMC), Read/Sing “Green Grass Grew All Around” (Kindle books), Monkey 123 (Kindle books), The Music Show “We’re Gonna Sing High” (MXP J/F’16).
- PreK: “Shake My Sillies Out” and “Chicken Dance” (EEMC), Read/Sing “Green Grass Grew All Around” (Kindle books), dance to “Splish Splash” with scarves as towels (MXP J/F’16), “Stretching” (JJ&Me), listen to “Lift Every Voice” (MXP J/F’16), sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”, clap back rhythms, practice solfege hand signs, dance to “Dance of the Little Leaf” (EEMC). **EPIC DAY**. Sheesh.
- CHORUS: practice with Emmett and Kirubel.
- WEEK 6.1 (Tue, 10/5/21)
- 3rd, 4th Grade: Australia Travelogue (JJ&Me, Y2,s1), ask questions re: what we just learned, learn “Bound for South Australia” dance (JJ&Me, Y2/s1) with sticks.
- What is digeridoo?
- What is the name of the indigenous people?
- What is a lazy joey? (a pouch potato)
- What is the wild part called?
- Stars on the flag make the Southern Cross. What is that?
- What is Bush Tucker?
- 5th Grade: video refresher on piano notes, pull out the new Piano Mat, watch Big piano scene , have a note id competition (longest one standing) using the picker wheel.
- PreK: Shake our Sillies Out (JJ&Me, Y1), watch The Music Show: Gonna Sing, Gonna Sing Low (MXP Jan/Feb’16), Dance the “Chicken Dance” (EEMC), move to “My Bike” (EEMC), ready Monkey Stuff (Kindle), listen to “Oleanna, Ole!” (MXP, J/F’16).
- Kindergarten: Shake our Sillies Out (JJ&Me, Y1), watch The Music Show: Gonna Sing, Gonna Sing Low (MXP Jan/Feb’16), Dance the “Chicken Dance” (EEMC), read and sing The Green Grass Grew All Around (Kindle), dance to “Splish Splash” with scarves as towels (MXP J/F’16).
- 1st Grade: Shake our Sillies Out (JJ&Me, Y1), watch The Music Show: Gonna Sing, Gonna Sing Low (MXP Jan/Feb’16), read and sing The Green Grass Grew All Around (Kindle), almost got to dance to “Splish Splash” with scarves as towels (MXP J/F’16).
- 3rd, 4th Grade: Australia Travelogue (JJ&Me, Y2,s1), ask questions re: what we just learned, learn “Bound for South Australia” dance (JJ&Me, Y2/s1) with sticks.
- WEEK 5.3 (Thu, 9/30/2021)
- 3rd Grade: Play with new Piano Mat. Learn white notes. Watch I Lava You, piano mat again with partners.
- PreS (South): Pete the Cat Itsy Bitsy Spider, dance to “Hakuna Matata” (MXP A/S, ’18), learn about melodies up, down, same on Melody Road Trip (MXP A/S’18), move to “Stretching” (JJ&ME), move to “Dance of the Little Leaf” (EEMC), move to “Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggled” (MXP A/S’18). Dance to “We Got the Beat” (MXP A/S’18).
- 1st Grade: Play with new Piano Mat. Learn white notes. Watch I Lava You, watch Big piano scene, learn about melodies up, down, same on Melody Road Trip (MXP A/S’18)
- Kindergarten: Play with new Piano Mat. Learn white notes. watch Big piano scene, learn about melodies up, down, same on Melody Road Trip (MXP A/S’18), move to “Dance of the Little Leaf” (EEMC)
- 4th Grade: Study piano notes, play on the Piano Mat, watch Big piano scene , have a note id competition (longest one standing).
- WEEK 5.2 (Wed, 9/29/2021)
- (no 2nd Grade)
- PreK & PreS (North): Pete the Cat “I Love My White Shoes”, Pete the Cat Itsy Bitsy Spider, dance to “Hakuna Matata” (MXP A/S, ’18), learn about melodies up, down, same on Melody Road Trip (MXP A/S’18), move to “Stretching” (JJ&ME), move to “My Bike” (JJ&Me), move to “Dance of the Little Leaf” (EEMC).
- CHORUS: Kirubel (5th) and Emmett (4th) practice “Keep Me Safe, O God”, “Alleluia! Love Is Alive”, “Ten Thousand Reasons”, “Christ In Me Arise”, “He’s Got the Whole World”, “We Are Marching”, “Shine, Jesus, Shine”.
- WEEK 5.1 (Tue, 9/28/2021)
- 3rd, 4th, 5th Grade: Learn about Russia and dance the “Sasha”dance/song (MXP A/S’18). Play Beat the Teacher on the way out. 5th also sang along to “Music Changes Everything” (MXP A/S’18).
- PreK: Read kindle book There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves. Move to “Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggled” (MXP A/S/’18). Dance to “I Got the Beat” (MXP A/S’18), Dance to “Dance of the Little Leaf” with scarves (EEMC). Read book, Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn.
- Kindergarten: Read kindle book There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves. Move to “Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggled” (MXP A/S/’18). Dance to “I Got the Beat” (MXP A/S’18), Dance to “Dance of the Little Leaf” with scarves (EEMC). Read book, Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn. Sing along to “Li’l Liza Jane” (MXP A/S’18).
- 1st Grade: Dance to “I Got the Beat” (MXP A/S’18), Dance to “Dance of the Little Leaf” with scarves (EEMC). Read book, Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn. Learn about Russia and dance the “Sasha”dance/song (MXP A/S’18).
- Thank you to Ms. Price and Ari for the Proper Piano Playing link! While I’m not a piano teacher, I play piano and can always use reminders on how to play my best! I’m glad you’ve gotten some use out of my “Music Teaching Diary”!
- WEEK 4.3 (Thu, 9/23/2021)
- PreK: The Music Show “Forte Piano” (MXP O/N’16), drumming, move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME), John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
- 3rd Grade: Drum with questions, What’s your name? and What’s for dinner? Drum to “In Havana” from EEMC Global Grooves. Play Beat the Teacher on drums.
- PreS (south): Drumming, move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME), dance to “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain” (JJ&ME Y2, S1). Read kindle book All in a Jam.
- 1st, 2nd Grade: Dynamics! Use Powerpoint from TpT. The Music Show “Forte Piano” (MXP O/N’16), dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC).
- Kindergarten: Dynamics! Use Powerpoint from TpT. The Music Show “Forte Piano” (MXP O/N’16), dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC), move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME).
- 4th Grade: Use my own .ppt with notes + scale to teach quarter notes and eighth notes. Clap rhythms from “Rhythm Clapbacks” (from TpT, pdf download). Use same worksheet to swap hand clap image to notes. Listen to DJ Mike’s “Sing” (MXP A/S’16).
- WEEK 4.2 (Wed, 9/22/2021)
- 2nd Grade: Drumming.
- PreS (north): Drumming, move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME), dance to “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain” (JJ&ME Y2, S1). Read kindle book All in a Jam.
- WEEK 4.1 (Tue, 9/21/2021)
- 3rd Grade: (online quarantined) Watch It’s A Musical World: JAPAN Travelogue (JJ&ME Y2, S1). Ask questions after. Who was JJ’s boss in Tokyo, what does the flag look like, ONGAKU meaning (sound enjoy), what is a Shakuhachi? Clap along with eighth & quarter rhythms.
- PreK, K: Drums, dance to “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain” (JJ&ME Y2, S1). Read kindle book All in a Jam.
- 1st Grade: Drums, dance to “She’ll Be Comin’ Round the Mountain” (JJ&ME Y2, S1). Read kindle book There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.
- 4th & 5th: Drum with questions, What’s your name? and What’s for dinner? Drum to “In Havana” from EEMC Global Grooves. Assign 4th & 5th graders to Cantor Masses.
- WEEK 3.3 (Thu, 9/16/2021)
- 3rd Grade: (online quarantined) Watch Jake Shimabukuro interview (MXP Aug/Sep’12). Ask questions below. Also learn about C Chord using piano, watch Beethoven’s Wig.
- What is literal translation of ukulele?
- What’s his name, where from?, How many strings on ukulele, what wood used?
- Which band is George Harrison in?, What was the name of song he played at the end of the interview?
- What clubs aren’t happening?
- PreS (Heidi): “Stretching” (JJ&Me), Dance to “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/Jun’18). Sing “Row, Row, Row”, losing one word at a time. Color the Maracas. Sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”.
- 1st Grade: Dance to “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/Jun’18). Sing “Row, Row, Row”, losing one word at a time. Color the Maracas. Play Beat the Teacher, watch Beethoven’s Wig.
- Kindergarten: Dance to “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/Jun’18). Sing “Row, Row, Row”, losing one word at a time. Color the Maracas, watch Beethoven’s Wig.
- 2nd Grade: Color the Maracas. Play maracas and tambourines to “Discussin’ Percussion” (EEMC). Play Beat the Teacher.
- 4th Grade: Learn Bass & Treble clef, fill in blanks together for Astro-Pet, Bingo in Space (EEMC). Play tambourines and maracas for “What Shall We Do?” (EEMC’s Rhythm Read and Play). Play Beat the Teacher rhythm clapping game.
- 3rd Grade: (online quarantined) Watch Jake Shimabukuro interview (MXP Aug/Sep’12). Ask questions below. Also learn about C Chord using piano, watch Beethoven’s Wig.
- WEEK 3.2 (Wed, 9/15/2021)
- PreS (Heather): “Stretching” (JJ&Me), dance to “Cha Cha Cha Boogie” (MXP A/S’10 on iTunes, CD or here). Dance to “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/Jun’18). Read Wiggle by Doreen Cronin (Kindle online). Sing “Row, Row, Row”, losing one word at a time.
- PreK: “Stretching” (JJ&Me), dance to “Cha Cha Cha Boogie” (MXP A/S’10 on iTunes, CD or here). Dance to “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/Jun’18). Read Wiggle by Doreen Cronin (Kindle online). Sing “Row, Row, Row”, losing one word at a time. Plus COLORING the maracas page.
- 2nd Grade: Watch The Music Show‘s “Lines and Spaces, Baby” (MXP May/Jun’16 on Youtube). Practice our treble clef lines and spaces with magnetic dots on the white board. Project Treble clef from here. Dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (MXP A/S’17). Sing “Happy Birthday” to Mahfuz.
- WEEK 3.1 (Tue, 9/14/2021)
- (3rd goes to remote today. No Music class.)
- PreK and K: “Stretching” (JJ&Me), dance to “The Aquarium” by Saint-Saens with scarves, sing/dance to “Elephants Have Wrinkles” dance to “Elephant Walk” (JJ&Me, Y2/S1), watch The Music Show, “The Beat is the Heart of Music”.
- 1st Grade: “Stretching” (JJ&Me), dance to “The Aquarium” by Saint-Saens with scarves, sing/dance to “Elephants Have Wrinkles” dance to “Elephant Walk” (JJ&Me, Y2, S1), watch The Music Show, “The Beat is the Heart of Music”. Watch I Lava You on amazon, dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (MXP A/S’17). Learn BEAT THE TEACHER game for future line-up times.
- 4th Grade, 5th Grade: Talk about Soloists/not Chorus and the potential for a musical from JJ&ME: either Christmas Cookies! or Cold Snap or The High Seas. Watch The Music Show‘s “Lines and Spaces, Baby” ((MXP May/Jun’16 on Youtube). Practice our treble clef lines and spaces with magnetic dots on the white board.
- WEEK 2.3 (Thu, 9/9/2021)
- 3rd Grade: Cups to “Brave” (EEMC), “Star Wars” (MXP A/S’16).
- PreS-2: Reinforced new names with Hicklety Picklety Bumblebee name game (CJ, Senaya, Nick, Nate, Charlie, Grayson) , watch The Music Show “Whisper Talk Sing Shout!” (MXP Aug Sep’16), dance to “Walk, Skip, Gallop” (MXP Aug/Sep’16), dance to “The Aquarium” by Saint-Saens with scarves. Sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”.
- Kindergarten: Cups to “Addams Family” (EEMC), “Star Wars” (MXP A/S’16).
- 1st Grade: Cups to “Addams Family” (EEMC), Drum Game Song (EEMC), dance to “Better When I’m Dancing” (MXP A/S’16)
- 2nd Grade: Cups to “Brave” (EEMC), “Star Wars” (MXP A/S’16).Drum Game Song (EEMC). Beat the Teacher clapping game while standing in line.
- 4th Grade: Cups to “Brave” (EEMC), + talk through The Big One-Oh. (Projected script on wall, sang with the video up to end of “This Is Big”.)
- WEEK 2.2 (Wed, 9/8/2021)
- 2nd Grade: EEMC Running Rhythms Like Clockwork Lesson (not great). 16th notes, “Our Old Sow” (has 16th notes), sing with “Apple Tree”, sing with “Happy” and discuss what can YOU do to make someone else happy?, dance to “Seven Jumps”.
- PreS: EEMC We’ve Got the Beat Lesson (eh- would rather use all the MXP videos): move to “I Got the Beat! Beat! Beat!”, speak about the steadiness of heartbeats, (Drum Game could’ve been fun), “Bow Wow Wow” (eh..), dance to “The Aquarium” by Saint-Saens with scarves. Sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”.
- PreK: Sing Hello in Spanish (EEMC), watch The Music Show “Whisper Talk Sing Shout!” (MXP Aug Sep’16), dance to “Walk, Skip, Gallop” (MXP Aug/Sep’16),
- WEEK 2.1 (Tue, 9/7/2021)
- All School Mass – Ann solo, except JC on psalm
- Walk Together, Children (so sad to have no additional singers)
- Keep Me Safe, O God (JC Santos)
- Jesus Christ, Homeless One
- In the Silence (Hart) with recording
- Canticle of the Turning (kind of a sea shanty!)
- K, 1st Sing Hello, favorite Spanish word, The Music Show “Whisper, Talk, Sing, Shout!”, move to “Walk, Skip, Gallop”. Practice solfege. 1st also does “Beat Street” with Camptown & Muffin Man. All MXP Aug/Sep’16)
- 4th, 5th: Summer bingo with Wheel of Names (customizable) + talk through The Big One-Oh. (Projected script on wall, sang with the video).
- All School Mass – Ann solo, except JC on psalm
- WEEK 1 (Thu, 9/2, 2021)
- Discuss manners, rules with all.
- K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd: Summer Bingo (from Teachers Pay Teachers) with Wheel of Names (customizable). Dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” and “Banana Boat” (EEMC).
- Kinder: Learned new names with Hicklety Picklety Bumblebee name game.
- Hicklety picklety bumblebee
Who can say their name for me?
Allison! (loudly)
Allison. (whispered)
All-i-son. (mouthed without vocalizing)
- Hicklety picklety bumblebee
- PreK, PreS: Dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” and “Banana Boat” (start with shakers on the beat) from EEMC.
- Ms. Sager worked on her wall art!
2020-2021 ARCHIVES
- WEEK 37.2 (6/9/21)
- PreS, PreK: “What Do You Do?” (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play) tambourines and rhythm sticks (EEMC), Carnival of the Animals Google Forms quiz, dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC).
- Kindergarten: Carnival of the Animals Google Forms quiz, dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC). Drum & maracas to “In Havana” (EMC Global Grooves).
- WEEK 37.1 (6/8/21)
- 5th Grade: Drums and rhythm sticks to “In Havana” (EEMC Global Grooves). Beat Detective.
- 4th Grade: Carnival of the Animals Google Forms quiz, then silence because someone threw an eraser and I heard something break…yet to be determined (light fixture? projector?)
- 3rd Grade: Drums and rhythm sticks to “In Havana” (EEMC Global Grooves). Carnival of the Animals Google Forms quiz.
- 2nd Grade: Carnival of the Animals Google Forms Quiz. Beat Detective.
- 1st Grade: Carnival of the Animals Google Forms Quiz. Dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC).
- WEEK 36.3 (6/3/21)
- 3rd Grade: “What Do You Do?” (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play) tambourines and rhythm sticks (EEMC), Beat Detective!
- 4th Grade: Drums “In Havana” (EEMC Global Grooves), watch “Lava” pixar/amazon, play Beat Detective.
- 2nd Grade: Drums “In Havana” (EEMC Global Grooves), watch “Lava” pixar/amazon.
- 1st Grade: Tried to drum along to “Bought Me A Cat” (MXP May/Jun’19), watch “Lava” pixar/amazon,”What Do You Do?” (EEMC Rhythm Read & Play) with tambourines and rhythm sticks.
- WEEK 36.2 (6/2/21)
- Light of Leadership Mass (Stella F, Stella T, Lucia T, Kaley M, JC on psalm), “You Say”, “Musica Dei”, “We Are the Light of the World”, “The Lord is My Light & My Salvation”, “Christ In Me Arise”, “You Are the Light”, “Hail Mary Gentle Woman” Dance, “This Little Light of Mine”.
- Kindergarten: Tambourines & rhythm sticks to “What Do You Do?” (EEMC). Watch “Making the Band/Drums“, I.D. parts of the drum kit. Dance to “Walk Skip Gallop” (EEMC).
- WEEK 36.1 (6/1/21)
- 5th Grade (in person): Cups to “Roar” and “Brave” (EEMC). Play “Beat Detective” game.
- 4th Grade (in person): Cups to “Roar” (EEMC). Tambourines & Wood blocks to “What Do You Do?” (EEMC). Watch “Making the Band/Drums“, I.D. parts of the drum kit.
- 3rd Grade (online): Watch “Making the Band/Drums“, I.D. parts of the drum kit. Watch “One Man Band” amazon video.
- 2nd Grade (in person): Cups to “Addam’s Family” (EEMC). Tambourines & Wood blocks to “What Do You Do?” (EEMC). Watch “Making the Band/Drums“, try to play along.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 35, Fri, May 28, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Fiddle!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Fiddle!
- 5th Grade, watch the video and take the quiz here.
- WEEK 35.3 (5/27/21)
- 4th Grade (IN PERSON): The Music Show “Accidentals Happen” (MXP May/Jun’19). Sing to “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman (MXP May/Jun’19). Play “Beat Detective” Game.
- 3rd Grade (ZOOM): The Music Show “Accidentals Happen” (MXP May/Jun’19). Sing to “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman (MXP May/Jun’19)
- 1st Grade (IN PERSON): Do the Chicken Dance (EEMC), Dance to “I Got the Beat” (MXP Aug/Sep’18), watch The Music Show “Minor Major Mash-Up” (MXP Oct/Nov’18), Dance to “Part of Your World” (MXP Oct/Nov’18).
- Kindergarten: Do the Chicken Dance (EEMC), Dance to “I Got the Beat” (MXP Aug/Sep’18), watch The Music Show “Minor Major Mash-Up” (MXP Oct/Nov’18), Dance to “Part of Your World” (MXP Oct/Nov’18). Watch For the Birds on Amazon, read Kindle book Wiggle, dance to “Wiggle Wiggle Wiggled” song (MXP Aug/Sep’18)
- 2nd Grade (IN PERSON): The Music Show “Minor Major Mash-Up” (MXP Oct/Nov’18). Play “Beat Detective” Game.
- WEEK 35.2
- PreS (IN PERSON): Dance to “If you’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3), drumming, “Stretching” (JJ&ME, s6), watch “For the Birds” on Amazon, watch “The Music Show: I’ve Got Rhythm” (youtube). Play French app, Rhythm Cat. Amazing!
- PreK (Zoom). Dance to “If you’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3), “Stretching” (JJ&ME, s6), watch “One Man Band” on Amazon, watch “The Music Show: I’ve Got Rhythm” (youtube). Try clapping along with this video…eh.
- Kindergarten: Rhythm cups on EEMC. Rhythm Cat French app. Dance to”If you’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3), Watch “One Man Band” on amazon,
- 1st Grade: Dance to”If you’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3), Watch “One Man Band” on amazon, Watch “The Music Show: The Beat is the Heart of Music” (youtube) Dance to “Love Is An Open Door” (MXP Mar/Apr ’19).
- WEEK 35.1 (5/25/21)
- 5th Grade: read through 2nd half of Aladdin KIDS
- 4th: Rhythm cups to “Brave” on EEMC, watch reggae “Playing in the Band” (MXP online), Rhythm Cat French app. Dance to “the Mannequin” (EEMC).
- 3rd, 2nd, 1st: Rhythm cups on EEMC, Rhythm Cat French app. Dance to “If you’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3)
✯ ✯ For WEEK 34, Fri, May 21, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Aladdin!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Aladdin read-thru on Tuesday!
- 5th Grade, watch this version of Aladdin KIDS! I’ll see you on Tuesday morning!
- WEEK 34.3 (5/20/21)
- Mass (Ann solo). “Rise Up With Him”, “Morning Song”, “New Creation”, “God’s Love is Everlasting”, “For the Beauty of the Earth”, Alstott Psalm 40. Visiting priest.
- 4th Grade: Read through 2nd half of Aladdin KIDS.
- 2nd, 1st, K Grade:. A mix of “Love is An Open Door” (MXP Mar/Apr’19), The Music Show “I’ve Got Rhythm”, French app Rhythm Cat, “Beethoven’s Wig”, “One Man Band” on amazon, “My Bike” on JJ&Me, “Head & Shoulders” on JJ&Me
- WEEK 34.2 (5/19/21)
- Rehearse with 8th Graders Stella F, Stella T, and Lucia T. Determine some favorites: Christ Be Our Light, Christ in Me Arise, Go Light Your World, This Little Light of Mine, We Are the Light of the World, You Are the Light, You Say.
- PreS: Dance to “Head and Shoulders” (JJ&ME, s1), sing with “The Green Grass Grew All Around” (MXP Mar/Apr’19). Read Kindle book The Green Grass Grew All Around. Dance to “Boom” (MXP Jan/Feb’18), Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
- PreK: worksheet: id the musical instruments, draw a line to the center note in the sun. Dance to “Head and Shoulders” (JJ&ME, s1), sing with “The Green Grass Grew All Around” (MXP Mar/Apr’19). Read Kindle book The Green Grass Grew All Around. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
- Kindergarten: Watch “The Music Show: I’ve Got Rhythm.” to learn about notes. Play Rhythm Cat app on iPhone with quarter notes and half notes. Dance to “Head and Shoulders” (JJ&ME, s1), Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
- WEEK 34.1 (5/18/21)
- 5th, 4th Grades; Read-thru of Aladdin KIDS
- Rehearse with Paulina for Mass on Thursday.
- 3rd Grade: (recap from 4/22, which they missed). Brazil video (MXP Aug/Sep’16), ask questions at the end. Listen to Audio Story about Brazil/Brasilia (MXP Aug/Sep’16), listen to iSong “Cirandeiro” and dance with choreography (box step, samba, cha cha cha).
- 2nd, 1st, K: The Music Show “Movin’ in Style” (MXP Jan/Feb’18). Watch Making the Band: Country Fiddle with Lisa Haley. “The Green Grass Grew All Around” (MXP Mar/Apr’19). Dance to “Love is An Open Door” (Mar/Apr’19).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 33, Fri, May 14, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Bernstein & Aladdin!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Leonard Bernstein interview & choosing characters for an Aladdin read-thru on Tuesday!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Bernstein and then indicate your preferred Aladdin roles!
- WEEK 33.3 (5/13/21)
- 3rd Grade: Candide & Leonard Bernstein (MXP Aug/Sep’18) View prep page with dynamics, watch Luigi & Mike’s intro + listen to Overture from Candide. Ask about dynamics in song, ask what they think is the story. Listen to Backstage with Bernstein, learn about conducting in 3/4 and 4/4.
- 4th Grade: Candide & Leonard Bernstein (MXP Aug/Sep’18) View prep page with dynamics, watch Luigi & Mike’s intro + listen to Overture from Candide. Ask about dynamics in song, ask what they think is the story. Listen to Backstage with Bernstein, learn about conducting in 3/4 and 4/4. Watch snippets of “I Feel Pretty”, “Glitter and Be Gay”, “When You’re A Jet”. Listen to interview with Leonard Bernstein w/ Luigi & Mike. Ask for volunteers for Aladdin roles on Tuesday.
- 2nd Grade: Practice Kodaly hand signs, watch “That’s A Scale” on The Music Show (MXP Dec’16). Dance to “Best Day of My Life” (MXP Dec’16), dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC).
- 1st Grade: Practice Kodaly hand signs, watch “That’s A Scale” on The Music Show (MXP Dec’16). Dance to “Best Day of My Life” (MXP Dec’16), dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC). Learn about melodies going up/down/same on “Melody Road Trip” (MXP Aug/Sep’18).
- Kindergarten: Practice Kodaly hand signs, watch “That’s A Scale” on The Music Show (MXP Dec’16). Dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC). Learn about melodies going up/down/same on “Melody Road Trip” (MXP Aug/Sep’18). Dance to “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/Jun’18). Clap to the beat on “Ta Ti Ti Tango” (MXP Dec’16).
- WEEK 33.2 (5/12/21)
- Kindergarten: Google Map of Switzerland. Switzerland audio story from John Jacobson (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Switzerland powerpoint includes Alpenhorn video, picture of Alpenhorn at Enzian Inn in Leavenworth. Try our hand at yodeling. Practice Do-Re-Mi solfege hand signs Watch “Doe A Deer” from The Sound of Music. Dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17), dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC).
- PreK: Google Map of Switzerland. Switzerland audio story from John Jacobson (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Switzerland powerpoint includes Alpenhorn video, picture of Alpenhorn at Enzian Inn in Leavenworth. Try our hand at yodeling. Practice Do-Re-Mi solfege hand signs Watch “Doe A Deer” from The Sound of Music. Dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”.
- PreS: “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Watch Piper. So talkative today!
- WEEK 33.1 (5/11/21)
- 5th Grade: Switzerland audio story from John Jacobson (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “Swiss Hiking Song” (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Interview with Jamie Bernstein (Leonard’s daughter) (MXP Aug/Sep’18).
- 4th Grade: Google Map of Switzerland. Switzerland audio story from John Jacobson (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “Swiss Hiking Song” (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Interview with Jamie Bernstein (Leonard’s daughter) (MXP Aug/Sep’18). Switzerland powerpoint includes Alpenhorn video, picture of Alpenhorn at Enzian Inn in Leavenworth. Leonard Bernstein basic info in Backstage with Bernie and Luigi and Mike introduce Overture to Candide (MXP Aug/Sep’18)
- 3rd Grade: Google Map of Switzerland. Switzerland audio story from John Jacobson (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “Swiss Hiking Song” (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Alpenhorn video, picture of Alpenhorn at Enzian Inn in Leavenworth. “Beethoven’s Wig” for filler at end.
- 2nd Grade: Google Map of Switzerland. Switzerland audio story from John Jacobson (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Switzerland powerpoint includes Alpenhorn video, picture of Alpenhorn at Enzian Inn in Leavenworth.
- 1st Grade: Google Map of Switzerland. Switzerland audio story from John Jacobson (MXP Aug/Sep’15). “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. Switzerland powerpoint includes Alpenhorn video, picture of Alpenhorn at Enzian Inn in Leavenworth. Dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 32, Fri, May 6, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: MUSIC for GAMING!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Music for Gaming!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Music for Gaming with Austin Wintory.
- WEEK 32.3 (5/6/21)
- 4th Grade: MXP Austin Wintory video (MXP Aug/Sep’15), type in names of each kid into Finale score, listen to result. Listen to kokonut video.
- 3rd Grade: MXP Austin Wintory video (MXP Aug/Sep’15), type in names of each kid into Finale score, listen to result.
- 2nd Grade: “May Day Carol” (MXP May/Jun’18), type in names of each kid into Finale score, listen to result. Listen and dance to “Arrorró Mi Niño” (MXP May/Jun’19).
- 1st Grade: Type in names of each kid into Finale score, listen to result. Listen and dance to “Arrorró Mi Niño” (MXP May/Jun’19). Listen to “Bought Me A Cat” (MXP May/Jun’19).
- Kindergarten: Type in names of each kid into Finale score, listen to result. Listen and dance to “Arrorró Mi Niño” (MXP May/Jun’19). Listen to “Bought Me A Cat” (MXP May/Jun’19).
- WEEK 32.2 (5/5/21)
- PreS: (in music classroom), PreK (zoom): Clap/pat to “Welcome to Beat Street” (MXP Aug/Sep’16), Whisper-sing along with “Mi So Llama” (MXP M/J ’19), dance to “Conga Kids” (MXP M/J’19) WITH MARACAS.
- Kindergarten (in Music Classroom for the 1st time!): Clap/pat to “Welcome to Beat Street” (MXP Aug/Sep’16), Whisper-sing along with “Mi So Llama” (MXP M/J ’19), do some extra echoing with Do Re Mi. Dance to “Conga Kids” (MXP M/J’19) with maracas! Watch One Man Band, ask which instruments they saw.
- WEEK 32.1 (5/4/21)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: MXP Video Interview Les Paul Electric Guitar Museum. Ask pertinent questions. When time allows, show example of Garage Band multi-track recordings.
- 2nd: “Theme from Star Wars” (MXP Aug/Sep/16) because today is May the Fourth (May the force/fourth be with you) with introduction by Luigi and Mike. Try to do some Zoom recordings in Garage Band. Not so great.
- 1st: “Theme from Star Wars” (MXP Aug/Sep/16) because today is May the Fourth (May the force/fourth be with you) with introduction by Luigi and Mike. Tap pencils to “Welcome to Beat Street” (MXP Aug/Sep’16), Whisper-sing along with “Mi So Llama” (MXP M/J ’19), dance to “Conga Kids” (MXP M/J’19).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 31, Fri, Apr.30, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Nuñez!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Francisco Nuñez!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Francisco Nuñez.
- WEEK 31.3 (4/29/21)
- 4th, 3rd: Watch/quiz on Cool Careers in Music: Francisco Nuñez (MXP May/Jun’18). Listen to “Give Us Hope“, directed by Nuñez. Chorus sang this song in Spring 2019.
- 2nd: “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/June’18), “Summ, Summ, Summ” song (MXP May/Jun’18), Bees Like Flowers book. Learn quarters & eighths music lesson, quiz with “What Rhythm Do You Hear?“. Dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP Mar/Apr’17).
- 1st: “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/June’18), “Summ, Summ, Summ” song (MXP May/Jun’18), Bees Like Flowers book. Play Instrument Concentration game online– they LOVED IT!
- Kindergarten: “Barnyard Stomp” (MXP May/June’18), “Summ, Summ, Summ” song & DANCE (MXP May/Jun’18), Bees Like Flowers book. Dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP Mar/Apr’17). Read Alphabeti-cool. One kid names a favorite word for the current letter. Watch Bee Lady rescue a hive. Dance to “Roar” (MXP May/Jun’17).
- WEEK 31.2 (4/28/21)
- PreS (in-person in Music Room): Boomwhackers rainbow. Watch The Music Show: FAMILY (MXP May/Jun’17). EEMC Interactive Percussion Types Family Game. Dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC).
- PreK (on Zoom): Watch The Music Show: FAMILY (MXP May/Jun’17). Dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC).
- Kindergarten (in-person): Watch The Music Show: FAMILY (MXP May/Jun’17). Dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC).
- WEEK 31.1 (4/27/21)
- 5th Grade: National Babe Ruth Day (wikipedia for pic and facts). Listen to first recording of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (wikipedia). Watch “Cool Careers in Music: DJ” (MXP May/Jun’17). Review Bass Clef, play Bass Clef Baseball quiz on
- 4th, 3rd: National Babe Ruth Day (wikipedia for pic and facts). Listen to first recording of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (wikipedia). Watch “Cool Careers in Music: DJ” (MXP May/Jun’17).
- 2nd Grade: National Babe Ruth Day (wikipedia for pic and facts). Listen to first recording of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (wikipedia). Watch “Cool Careers in Music: DJ” (MXP May/Jun’17). Sing, dance along to “Baseball, Baseball” and “Pop Fly!” (MXP May/Jun’17).
- 1st Grade: National Babe Ruth Day (wikipedia for pic and facts). Listen to first recording of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (wikipedia). Sing, dance along to “Baseball, Baseball” and “Pop Fly!” (MXP May/Jun’17). Echo back on “My Gecko Has An Echo” (MXP May/Jun’17). Watch The Music Show: FAMILY (MXP May/Jun’17). Dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 30, Fri, Apr.23, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Brazil!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Brazil!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Brazil.
- WEEK 30.3 (4/22/21)
- 4th Grade: Brazil video (MXP Aug/Sep’16), ask questions at the end. Listen to Audio Story about Brazil/Brasilia (MXP Aug/Sep’16), listen to iSong “Cirandeiro” and dance with choreography (box step, samba, cha cha cha). Watch OLG video “Be A Friend“.
- 2nd & 1st Grades: Listen to Audio Story about Brazil/Brasilia (MXP Aug/Sep’16), listen to iSong “Cirandeiro” and dance with choreography (box step, samba, cha cha cha) (MXP Aug/Sep’16). Listen to iSong “Be A Friend” (MXP Aug/Sep’16). Watch OLG video “Be A Friend“. Whisper-sing along to “The Green Grass Grew All Around” (MXP Mar/Apr’19).
- Kindergarten: Move to “Stretching” (JJ&ME, s6). Watch choreography for “Be A Friend” (MXP Aug/Sep’16). Watch OLG video “Be A Friend“. Read Kindle book The Green Grass Grew All Around. Whisper-sing along to “The Green Grass Grew All Around” (MXP Mar/Apr’19). Dance to “Love is An Open Door” (MXP Mar/Apr’19). Watch Down By the Bay v2. Super favorite!
- WEEK 30.2 (4/21/21)
- PreS (LIVE, in-person!): Names, dance to “Boing!” (MXP Mar/Apr’19)., watch/sing along to Down by the Bay v1 and Down By the Bay v2, name our favorite rhyme out of the 12. Dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Drawing on paper: draw a line between matching instruments.
- PreK (Zoom only): Dance to “Boing!” (MXP Mar/Apr’19)., watch/sing along to Down by the Bay v1 and Down By the Bay v2, name our favorite rhyme out of the 12. Dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Dance to “I Just Love A Dancing Bear” (MXP Mar/Apr’18).
- K (LIVE, in-person!): Dance to “Boing!” (MXP Mar/Apr’19)., watch/sing along to Down by the Bay v1 and Down By the Bay v2, name our favorite rhyme out of the 12 (created sheet with all pics). Dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Dance to “I Just Love A Dancing Bear” (MXP Mar/Apr’18). Drawing on paper: determine which are musical instruments.
- WEEK 30.1 (4/20/21)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: Marching Bands (MXP 2014-15).
- 2nd, 1st: Sing along to Down by the Bay v1 and Down By the Bay v2, name our favorite rhyme out of the 12. Dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Let everyone have a turn at Incredibox Sunrise.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 29, Fri, Apr.16, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Senegal!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Senegal!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Senegal.
- WEEK 29.3 (4/15/21)
- 4th, 2nd, 1st: Senegal (JJ&ME, s6), dance to “Tank Loxo Nopp” (JJ&ME, s6), Hook Me A Motif (MXP Mar/Apr’19), dance to “Boom Chicka Boom”
- 3rd: Senegal (JJ&ME, s6), dance to “Tank Loxo Nopp” (JJ&ME, s6), Hook Me A Motif (MXP Mar/Apr’19), dance to “Boom Chicka Boom”, learn sign language for “apart” and “together”, sing along with “Together Apart” (JJ&ME, s6).
- Kindergarten: Hook Me A Motif (MXP Mar/Apr’19), learn sign language for “apart” and “together”, sing along with “Together Apart” (JJ&ME, s6), dance to “Head Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (JJ&ME, s1), sing “Forte Piano” (MXP Oct/Nov’16). Read I Like Bees from Kindle online library.
- WEEK 29.2 (4/14/21)
- In-person PRE-S in the Music Room!: Get everyone’s names, DRUMMING!, sing/dance to “Up!” (MXP Mar/Apr’11), Wiggles book on Kindle, dance to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
- Zoom Pre-K: PreK watched Recording Studio trip, sing/dance to “Up!”, Wiggles book on Kindle, dance to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
- In-person Kindergarten: Names, watch “Beethoven’s Wig“, Listen to song “The Power of Music” (Mar/Apr’19), dance to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s), Wiggles book on Kindle, “Boom Chicka Boom“, dance to “Love Is An Open Door” (Mar/Apr’19),
- WEEK 29.1 (4/13/21)
- All: Listen to song “The Power of Music” (Mar/Apr’19), Walk-through a Music Express Recording Session (from August/September 2013), some watched this recording studio trip, as well. 1st Grade also danced to “The Power of Music” (Mar/Apr’19)
✯ ✯ For WEEK 28, Fri, Apr.2, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Piano & Cello!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Piano & Cello!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Piano & Cello.
- WEEK 28.3 (4/1/21)
- everyone watched a video “Piano & Cello” (JJ&ME, s5). (I was busy with Triduum!)
- WEEK 28.2 (3/31/21)
- PreK & PreS: Start and end with “I Will Sing Hello/Goodbye in Spanish” (EEMC. Start with playing my Ocarina. Travel to PERU video (JJ&ME, s5). Sing and dance to “La Vicinita” lyrics and dance (JJ&ME, s5). Also sing and dance to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5), “Stretching” (JJ&ME, s6), and read All in A Jam (by Rebecca Bielawski) on Kindle Cloud Reader.
- WEEK 28.1 (3/30/21)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: Start with playing my Ocarina, Google Earth to PERU. Travel to PERU video (JJ&ME, s5), ask questions about video (on my own Word doc).
- 2nd: Start with playing my Ocarina, Google Earth to PERU. Travel to PERU video (JJ&ME, s5), ask questions about video (on my own Word doc). Sing and dance to “La Vicinita” lyrics and dance (JJ&ME, s5).
- (no 1st grade today, Stations of the Cross)
- Kindergarten: Start and end with “I Will Sing Hello/Goodbye in Spanish” (EEMC. Start with playing my Ocarina, Google Earth to PERU. Travel to PERU video (JJ&ME, s5). Sing and dance to “La Vicinita” lyrics and dance (JJ&ME, s5). Also sing and dance to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 27, Fri, Mar.26, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Greece & Greek Dance!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Greece and Greek Dance!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Greece and Greek Dance.
- WEEK 27.3 (3/25/21)
- 3rd, 4th: Learn about Greece. Learn about 5/4 meter, Minotaur story, listen to 5/4 song, learn Greek dance (MXP Mar/Apr’18). Watch Greek dancing.
- 2nd: Greece dance, 5/4 meter, story of Minos (MXP Mar/Apr’18), Watch Greek dancing. “Playing in Three” (MXP Mar/Apr’18): use the amazing Student Prep, clap along to song w/ images. So cute.
- 1st, K: Greece dance, 5/4 meter, story of Minos (MXP Mar/Apr’18), Watch Greek dancing. “Playing in Three” (MXP Mar/Apr’18): use the amazing Student Prep, clap along to song w/ images. So cute. Dance to “I Just Love A Dancing Bear” (MXP Mar/Apr’18). So cute.
- WEEK 27.2 (3/24/21)
- PreS, PreK:
- Louise Talma’s “The Clocks” with audio track + images from student magazine (MXP Mar/Apr’11). Watch live performance of “The Clocks“. Talk about all the different sounds that clocks make, follow/point along on the student page.
- Ask which things go “up”. Walk through the words of “Up!” (MXP Mar/Apr’11), sing and dance to “Up!” with audio track only. There is no choreography video.
- Read Kindle book Goodbye Winter Hello Spring.
- PreS, PreK:
- WEEK 27.1 (3/23/21)
- 5th: Watch Jake Shimabukuro interview (MXP Aug/Sep’12). Ask questions below. Also learn about C Chord using whiteboard, The Music Show “Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19).
- What is literal translation of ukulele (jumping flea)
- What’s his name, where from?, How many strings on ukulele, what wood used?
- Which band is George Harrison in?, What was the name of song he played at the end of the interview?
- 3rd: Watch Jake Shimabukuro interview (MXP Aug/Sep’12). Ask questions below. Also learn about C Chord using whiteboard and virtual piano.
- What is literal translation of ukulele (jumping flea)
- What’s his name, where from?, How many strings on ukulele, what wood used?
- Which band is George Harrison in?, What was the name of song he played at the end of the interview?
- 4th: Learn about SOUND VIBRATIONS through a couple of videos: Magic School Bus, How Ears Work, Hz, Resonance, Water, and other discussion and examples. Especially good video here about pitch and amplitude.
- 2nd:
- Luigi’s Baton Viennese Musical Clock (MXP Mar/Apr’18). Watch for certain instruments in the interactive.
- Louise Talma’s “The Clocks” with audio track + images from student magazine with Luigi’s Baton/time travel with Mike the Microphone (MXP Mar/Apr’11). Watch live performance of “The Clocks“. Talk about all the different sounds that clocks make, follow/point along on the student page.
- 1st:
- Louise Talma’s “The Clocks” with audio track + images from student magazine with Luigi’s Baton/time travel with Mike the Microphone (MXP Mar/Apr’11). Watch live performance of “The Clocks“. Talk about all the different sounds that clocks make, follow/point along on the student page.
- Ask which things go “up”. Walk through the words of “Up!” (MXP Mar/Apr’11), sing and dance to “Up!” with audio track only. There is no choreography video.
- K:
- Louise Talma’s “The Clocks” with audio track + images from student magazine with Luigi’s Baton/time travel with Mike the Microphone (MXP Mar/Apr’11). Watch live performance of “The Clocks“. Talk about all the different sounds that clocks make, follow/point along on the student page.
- Ask which things go “up”. Walk through the words of “Up!” (MXP Mar/Apr’11), sing and dance to “Up!” with audio track only. There is no choreography video.
- Start reading Kindle book Goodbye Winter Hello Spring. Interrupted by a fire drill.
- 5th: Watch Jake Shimabukuro interview (MXP Aug/Sep’12). Ask questions below. Also learn about C Chord using whiteboard, The Music Show “Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 26, Fri, Mar.19, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Timothy Hughes
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Timothy Hughes
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Timothy Hughes.
- WEEK 26.3 (3/18/21)
- All-School Mass with Gianna, Paulina, and Rebecca on violin. Christ In Me Arise, Be Thou My Vision, The Lord is Kind & Merciful, Gracious God, Wild Mountain Thyme on violin, Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley.
- no 3rd
- 4th: Watch Jake Shimabukuro interview (MXP Aug/Sep’12). Ask questions below. Also learn about C Chord using whiteboard, The Music Show “Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19).
- What is literal translation of ukulele (jumping flea)
- What’s his name, where from?, How many strings on ukulele, what wood used?
- Which band is George Harrison in?, What was the name of song he played at the end of the interview?
- 2nd, 1st, K: Tempos in music: use PowerPoint arrangement, watch The Music Show “Presto is Fast, Largo is Slow” (MXP Mar/Apr’16), dance to “Shamrock & Roll” (MXP Mar/Apr’16).
- 2nd & K: Tempo Walk Quiz on
- Kinder: read Little Blue Truck on Kindle.
- WEEK 26.2 (3/17/21)
- PreS,…this? ST. PATRICK’S DAY! Visit to Ireland. Use my Power Point Lesson on Ireland.John Jacobson’s Ireland video,Listen to John Jacobson’s story of Giant’s Causeway, Learn about Giant’s Causeway Legend thru video and images, (see PowerPoint for the especially cute Finn McCool video)Discuss tall tales versus lies like the story of the Giant’s Causeway. Discuss Limericks. Dance to “There’s a Spring in My Step” by MusicExpress Magazine. Talk about Ireland & Seattle rain, read The Little Raindrop on Google Play, Dance to “Shamrock & Roll” (MXP Mar/Apr’16).
- WEEK 26.1 (3/16/21)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: Visit to Ireland. Use my Power Point Lesson on Ireland. John Jacobson’s Ireland video, listen to John Jacobson’s story of Giant’s Causeway, learn about Giant’s Causeway Legend thru video and images, discuss tall tales versus lies like the story of the Giant’s Causeway. Discuss Limericks.
- 2nd, 1st, K:
- (2, 1, K) Visit to Ireland. Use my Power Point Lesson on Ireland.
- (2, 1, K) John Jacobson’s Ireland video,
- (2, 1, K) Listen to John Jacobson’s story of Giant’s Causeway,
- (2, 1, K) Learn about Giant’s Causeway Legend thru video and images, (see PowerPoint for the especially cute Finn McCool video)
- (2, 1, K) Discuss tall tales versus lies like the story of the Giant’s Causeway.
- (1) Discuss Limericks.
- (1, K) Dance to “There’s a Spring in My Step” by MusicExpress Magazine.
- (K). Talk about Ireland & Seattle rain, read The Little Raindrop on Google Play.
- (K) Sing along with a song, “Why Tell A Lie When the Truth is So Good?”
✯ ✯ For WEEK 25, Fri, Mar.12, ’21 ✯ ✯ NOTHING! Conferences!
- WEEK 25.3. (Mar.11, ’21)
- 4th, 3rd: Interview with Timothy Hughes + questions associated (Mar/Apr’19), Beethoven’s “Für Elise” with Luigi (Mar/Apr’19), learn about the pianoforte (Mar/Apr’19).
- 2nd: Beethoven backstage with Luigi (Mar/Apr’19), Beethoven’s “Für Elise” with Luigi (Mar/Apr’19), learn about the pianoforte (Mar/Apr’19), Beethoven riff “The Power of Music” listen & dance (Mar/Apr’19), “What A Wonderful World” in ASL, “Beethoven’s Wig“.
- 1st: Beethoven riff “The Power of Music” listen & dance (Mar/Apr’19), “What A Wonderful World” in ASL, “Beethoven’s Wig“, “Echo Canyon” (Mar/Apr’19), dance to “Stretching” (JJ&ME, s6).
- Kinder: Beethoven riff “The Power of Music” listen & dance (Mar/Apr’19), “What A Wonderful World” in ASL, “Beethoven’s Wig“, “Echo Canyon” (Mar/Apr’19), dance to “Stretching” (JJ&ME, s6), dance to “Boing!” (Mar/Apr’19).
- WEEK 25.2 (Mar 10, ’21)
- PreK, PreS: Learn “What A Wonderful World” in ASL (American Sign Language). Dance to “Stretching” on JJ&ME, s6. Learn Percussion types: wood, metal, skins on EEMC. Put woods, metal, skins in proper buckets (EEMC).
- WEEK 25.1 (Mar 9, ’21)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Louis Armstrong Biography 1, Biography 2. Louis singing & playing “Hello, Dolly!” Bio + Quiz. Learn “What A Wonderful World” in ASL (American Sign Language).
- 1st, K: Louis Armstrong Biography 1. Louis singing & playing “Hello, Dolly!” Quiz them orally a wee little bit. Learn “What A Wonderful World” in ASL (American Sign Language). Dance to “Stretching” on JJ&ME, s6. Learn Percussion types: wood, metal, skins on EEMC. Put woods, metal, skins in proper buckets (EEMC).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 24, Fri, Mar.5, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Time Signatures
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Time Signatures
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Time Signatures.
- WEEK 24.3 (3/4/21)
- 3rd, 4th: The Music Show “It’s About Time” (MXP Mar/Apr’17). Use whiteboard to discuss time signatures. Use my own PowerPoint for Time Signatures with fractions and video examples of 3/4, 2/2, and 6/8. Learn about Carribbean shanty “Pay Me My Money Down” (MXP Mar/Apr’17)
- 2nd Grade: Review Instrument Families with image, Instrument Millionaire on, sing with “There’s Rhythm In A Name” (MXP Mar/Apr’17), play “Sailor, Sailor” game (sort of online) (MXP Mar/Apr’17).
- 1st Grade: Review Instrument Families with image, Instrument Millionaire on, sing with “There’s Rhythm In A Name” (MXP Mar/Apr’17), play “Sailor, Sailor” game (sort of online) (MXP Mar/Apr’17). Dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP Mar/Apr’17).
- Kindergarten: Talk about Sun and Moon, sing along to “Sun and Moon” (MXP Mar/Apr’17), Sing with “There’s Rhythm In A Name” (MXP Mar/Apr’17), play “Sailor, Sailor” game (sort of online) (MXP Mar/Apr’17). Dance to “We Know the Way” (MXP Mar/Apr’17). End with Wiggle (Kindle book).
- WEEK 24.2
- PreS, PreK: My own PowerPoint about March, rhyming with March, March’s saying “in like a lion, out like a lamb”, dance with song “Lambs and Lions” (MXP Mar/Apr’15), watch The Music Show: Up Down the Same (MXP Oct/Nov’17). PreS dances to “Under the Sea” (MXP Mar/Apr’15). PreS dances to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC). Both read Travelling Seeds.
- WEEK 24.1 (Mar 2, 2021)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: Watch R5’s “Smile” video. Watch interview with Ellington (JJ&ME, s6). Read Duke Ellington bio, listen to”It Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing”. Listen to Sugarland’s “Stand Up” video, watch “A Place In the Choir” about Sugarland’s “Stand Up” (JJ&ME, s6).
- 2nd, 1st, K: “It’s Rhyme Time” (EEMC), my own PowerPoint about March, rhyming with March, March’s saying “in like a lion, out like a lamb”, dance with song “Lambs and Lions” (MXP Mar/Apr’15), rhyming with “DAY”, watch The Music Show: Up Down the Same (MXP Oct/Nov’17). K & 1st dance to “Under the Sea” (MXP Mar/Apr’15). K also danced to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC) and read Travelling Seeds.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 23, Fri, Feb.26, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Elvis Presley
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Elvis!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Elvis.
- WEEK 23.3 (Feb 25, 2021)
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st:. ELVIS PRESLEY! Made Powerpoint with “Hound Dog” on Ed Sullivan, Elvis Biography 1 and Elvis Biography 2,each with their own question slide. Videos of “I Can’t Help Falling in Love” from Blue Hawaii + the Pentatonix version for contrast, photos of Graceland, video of “Jailhouse Rock“, dance to MXP “Jailhouse Rock“. Video of “Love Me Tender”, “Viva Las Vegas”.
- Kindergarten: also dances to “Boom Chicka Boom” (it has Elvis!) and we read/listen to YouTube song/book “Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes” (like Elvis’ white shoes on Ed Sullivan).
- WEEK 23.2
- PreS, PreK: Hello, goodbye, thank you in Chinese. Chinese Ribbon Dancing + song “Mo Li Hua” (MXP Jan/Feb’18). YouTube Chinese Ribbon dancer video (PreK didn’t watch; only PreS), dance/sing to “Boom Chicka Boom“, read/view pictures in Kindle book, Dragons of China Picture Book. Sing and learn about slow/fast notes in “Rabbit & Turtle” (MXP Oct/Nov’17).
- WEEK 23.1
- 5th Grade: Watch Ethan Bortnick interview (MXP Jan/Feb’13 Teacher’s Corner), ask questions. Refresh solfege, watch Preschool Prodigies solfege with solfege to familiar tunes, then guessing.
- 4th, 3rd Grade: Refresh solfege, watch Preschool Prodigies solfege with solfege to familiar tunes, then guessing. MOZART. Watch Bio Video 2 w cute cartoons my fave of the day (3rd only), Bio Video 3 with more content and “drawing” pretty good (4th, 3rd). Luigi’s Baton for “Eine Kleine Nachmusik” (MXP Oct/Nov’17) (3rd skipped the intro, 4th watched the intro).
- 2nd Grade: Hello, goodbye, thank you in Chinese (Harvey helped me, but look up pronunciation first!). Chinese Ribbon Dancing + song “Mo Li Hua” (MXP Jan/Feb’18). YouTube Chinese Ribbon dancer video, dance to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17).
- 1st Grade & Kindergarten: Hello, goodbye, thank you in Chinese (Harvey helped me, but look up pronunciation first!). Chinese Ribbon Dancing + song “Mo Li Hua” (MXP Jan/Feb’18). YouTube Chinese Ribbon dancer video (1st didn’t watch; only K), dance/sing to “Boom Chicka Boom“, read/view pictures in Kindle book, Dragons of China Picture Book. Sing and learn about rests in “That’s Silence to My Ears” (MXP Jan/Feb’17 to to the tune of “Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater”).
- WEEK 22.3 (Feb 18, 2021)
- 3rd Grade: Watch Ethan Bortnick interview (MXP Jan/Feb’13 Teacher’s Corner), ask questions. Stella shares her King Cake follow-up. WOW. What a kid! Pedal to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
- 4th Grade: Watch Ethan Bortnick interview (MXP Jan/Feb’13 Teacher’s Corner), ask questions. Watch Ethan Bortnick’s video “It’s All About Music“, ask questions. Watch A Place in the Choir “Just Sing” (JJ&ME, s5).
- 2nd Grade: Watch Ethan Bortnick interview (MXP Jan/Feb’13 Teacher’s Corner), ask questions. Watch Ethan Bortnick’s video “It’s All About Music“, ask questions.
- 1st Grade: Refresh solfege, watch Preschool Prodigies solfege with solfege to familiar tunes, then guessing. Fun! Watch video to refresh on musical notes. Move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5).
- Kindergarten: Refresh solfege, watch Preschool Prodigies solfege with solfege to familiar tunes, then guessing. Fun! Watch video to refresh on musical notes. Move to “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5). Dance/sing to “Boom Chicka Boom“.
- WEEK 22.2 [Ash Wednesday Mass (no Chorus kids); no music classes]
- WEEK 22.1 (Feb. 16, 2021)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: MARDI GRAS! Show images of Mardi Gras, NOLA, King Cake, Jazz Bands, Oh When the Saints. Wear wig and mask! Lesson with “Great Big House in New Orleans” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Favorite pies. Watch interview with John Williams (MXP 2010/2011 Teacher’s Corner)
- 2nd, 1st, K: Same as above, add “The Mannequin”(Oct/Nov’17), “My Bike” (JJ&ME, s5), and/or “Rabbit & Turtle” (MXP Oct/Nov’17)
✯ ✯ For WEEK 21, Fri, Feb.12, ’21 ✯ ✯ NOTHING! President’s Day VACATION!
- CONFERENCES (Feb 10-12, President’s Day weekend & Monday)
- WEEK 21.1.21 (Feb 9, 2021)
- All Grades K-5: Travel to Chile (MXP Jan/Feb’16). Listen/dance to “Rio Rio” (MXP Jan/Feb’16).
- 4th Grade: a little extra time on recorders for Janessa and Susie (all else are in-person)
- 2nd, 1st, K: Listen/dance to “Text Me, Valentine” (MXP Jan/Feb’17). Listen to/learn about Haydn’s “Surprise Symphony” (MXP Aug/Sep’10). This webpage recording has louder “surprises”.
- All Grades K-5: Travel to Chile (MXP Jan/Feb’16). Listen/dance to “Rio Rio” (MXP Jan/Feb’16).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 20, Fri, Feb.5, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Luca Padovan
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Luca Padovan, Broadway Star!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Luca Padovan
- WEEK 20.3.21 (Feb 4, 2021)
- Special Persons Mass with Gianna, Paolo, and Paulina
- 4th Grade: Watch NY Voices interview and answer Google Forms quiz. Watch part of Lesson 3 with Mr. Hines. Play along with Mission #1 EARTH “G Whiz”, using B, A, and G for Recorders (MXP Aug/Sep’16).
- 2nd Grade: Same as 1st but we watched Luca Padovan interview instead.
- 1st Grade: Sing hello & goodbye in Hebrew (Shalom) (EEMC), Watch Ethan Bortnick interview (MXP Jan/Feb’13 Teacher’s Corner), ask questions. Learn, listen, dance to “Turn the Glasses Over” (MXP Jan/Feb’18), Watch video of OLG Class of ’22 play the cup game to “Turn the Glasses Over” when they were 4th Graders.
- Kindergarten: Same as 2nd & 1st, but add “Shake My Sillies Out” (EEMC), watch Ethan Bortnick in Concert, and dance to “Chicken Dance” (EEMC).
- WEEK 20.2.21
- PreS (Evelyn alone): Sing Hello & Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC), Watch Ms. Sager play “The Entertainer”, talk about the feeling the song gives. Read counting book Monkey Stuff. Dance to “Heart is Pumping” (MXP Jan/Feb’19).
- PreK: Sing Hello & Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC), Watch Ms. Sager play “The Entertainer” then “Moonlight Sonata”, talk about what feeling each song gives you. Read counting book Monkey Stuff. Dance to “Heart is Pumping” (MXP Jan/Feb’19). Clap, move, sing to “Melody Movers” (not so great) (MXP Jan/Feb’19)
- WEEK 20.1.21 (Feb 2, 2021)
- 5th Grade: Black History Month. Scott Joplin read bio paragraph, listen to Classics for Kids, take quiz on, Luigi/Mike Time Travel for Joplin & “Maple Leaf Rag” and syncopation (MXP Jan/Feb’19), play “The Entertainer” on my keyboard to explain ragtime syncopation. 5th also listens/watches choreography for “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around” (MXP Jan/Feb’17)
- 3rd Grade: Black History Month. Scott Joplin read bio paragraph, listen to Classics for Kids, take quiz on, Luigi/Mike Time Travel for Joplin & “Maple Leaf Rag” and syncopation (MXP Jan/Feb’19), play “The Entertainer” on my keyboard to explain ragtime syncopation.
- 4th Grade: Black History Month. Scott Joplin read bio paragraph, listen to Classics for Kids, take quiz on, Luigi/Mike Time Travel for Joplin & “Maple Leaf Rag” and syncopation (MXP Jan/Feb’19), play “The Entertainer” on my keyboard to explain ragtime syncopation. 4th works on recorders: “Bee’s Knees”, “BA Degree”, and learn a new note: G.
- 2nd Grade: Black History Month. Scott Joplin read bio paragraph and take quiz, Luigi/Mike Time Travel for Joplin & “Maple Leaf Rag” and syncopation (MXP Jan/Feb’19), play “The Entertainer” on my keyboard to explain ragtime syncopation. Watch Player Piano video 1 and video 2.
- 1st Grade: same as 2nd + “Heart is Pumping” (MXP Jan/Feb’19) + read My Snowman, Paul on Kindle.
- Kindergarten: same as 2nd + “Heart is Pumping” (MXP Jan/Feb’19) (danced to it 2x) + read Monkey Stuff on Kindle.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 19, Fri, Jan.29, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: New York Voices
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – New York Voices singing group
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on NY Voices
- WEEK 19.3.21 (Jan 28, 2021)
- 3rd Grade no class today?
- 4th Grade: 2nd Day of Recorders. Play Bees Knees and B.A. Degree (MXP Aug/Sep’16). Learn notes B and A.
- 2nd, 1st, K: MOZART. Bio Video 1 with puppet super short v little content, Bio Video 2 w cute cartoons my fave of the day, Bio Video 3 with more content and “drawing” pretty good. Video of Queen of the Night aria. Luigi’s Baton for “Eine Kleine Nachmusik” (MXP Oct/Nov’17), dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP O/N’17). Read The Magic of Friendship Snow (K only). Watch “Beethoven’s Wig” (1st only).
- WEEK 19.2.21 (Jan 27, 2021)
- PreS: (just Evelyn) Sing hello & goodby in French (EEMC), match sounds to instruments game (, watch “The Music Show: Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19), dance to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&Me, s3)
- PreK: Sing hello & goodby in French (EEMC), match sounds to instruments game (, watch “The Music Show: Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19), Read My Snowman, Paul, dance to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&Me, s3)
- WEEK 19.1.21
- 5th, 3rd, 2nd: Interview with music group, New York Voices (JJ&Me, s4), Watch “The Music Show: Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19), Watch/learn about John Williams and his “Star Wars” Luigi Listens at the Movies (MXP Aug/Sep’16).
- 4th: 1st Day of Recorders. Mr. Hines Lesson 1 and 2.
- 1st: Sing hello & goodby in French (EEMC), study notes, play ID notes game (MusicTeachersGames Orphanage 1), match sounds to instruments game (MusicTeachersGames Instruments 1), watch “The Music Show: Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19)
- K: Sing hello & goodby in French (EEMC), study notes, play ID notes game (MusicTeachersGames Orphanage 1), match sounds to instruments game (MusicTeachersGames Instruments 1), watch “The Music Show: Makin’ Harmony” (MXP Jan/Feb’19), Read My Snowman, Paul, dance to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&Me, s3)
✯ ✯ For WEEK 18, Fri, Jan.22, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Great Britain/England
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Travel to Great Britain/England
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Great Britain/England
- WEEK 18.3.21
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Learn about Great Britain (JJ&Me, s4), listen to “Twist & Shout”, “Yellow Submarine”, watch “Cats” bit with Taylor Swift,
- 1st: above + dance to “Skip to My Lou” (Aug/Sep’17), sing “Shoo Fly“
- Kindergarten: dance to “Can’t Stop the Feelin'” and “Skip to My Lou” (Aug/Sep’17), sing “Shoo Fly“, dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” (EEMC), read Wiggle.
- WEEK 18.2.21
- PreS: The Music Show: “We’re Gonna Sing High” (MXP J/F’16), march to “March of the Presidents” (MXP J/F’16) (Evelyn couldn’t hear the zoom audio when Screen Sharing).
- PreK: The Music Show: “We’re Gonna Sing High” (MXP J/F’16), march to “March of the Presidents” (MXP J/F’16), dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” (EEMC), read All In A Jam and focus on the rhyming.
- WEEK 18.1.21
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Watch “Popcorn” for Nat’l Popcorn Day. Lots of trouble with certain %’s of kids not hearing the song. Is it because it’s digital? And then that messed up audio/video for the rest of the lesson. Weird. Talk about styles/genres of music, start a list. Watch “The Music Show: Movin’ In Style” about genres/styles. Didn’t use this, but would like to: Quizzed ourselves on genres of music with NanaCorea’s Genre Quiz.
- 1st, K: Watch “Popcorn” for Nat’l Popcorn Day. Learn about and clap along with partner rhythms on “Red Blue Boogie” (MXP J/F’18). Dance to “BOOM!” (JanFeb’18) and “The Mannequin”(OctNov’17). Watch “Evolution” by Pentatonix, identify which is “drummer”.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 17, Fri, Jan.15, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- FOR 5TH & 4TH GRADE (Friday) – A brief biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- 5th & 4th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- WEEK 17.3 (Jan 14, ’21)
- All School Mass (MLK): with Paulina & Gianna.
- 5th, 4th: Google Classroom video/quiz on MLK, Jr.
- 3rd: no class (mass)
- 2nd, 1st: MLK today. Read book: I Am Martin Luther King Jr (Ordinary People Change the World), read words, hunt for rhymes, and listen to song “Martin Luther King” (MXP Jan/Feb’18). Listen then dance to “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around” (Jan/Feb’17). Do the “Chicken Dance” (EEMC)!
- Kindergarten: MLK today. Read book: My Little Golden Book of MLK, do the “Chicken Dance” (EEMC)!, and read book Wiggle.
- WEEK 17.2
- PreS: sing Hello in Spanish (EEMC), learn about Bolivia, Carnavale/Mardi Gras, dance to “Carnavalito” (MXP Jan/Feb’19), dance to “The Banana Boat Song” (EEMC). Sign goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
- PreK: sing Hello in Spanish (EEMC), learn about Bolivia, Carnavale/Mardi Gras, dance to “Carnavalito” (MXP Jan/Feb’19), talk about styles of music, watch The Music Show’s “Movin’ In Style” (MXP Jan/Feb’18), sing goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
- WEEK 17.1 (Jan 12, ’21)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Learn about Bolivia, Carnavale/Mardi Gras, dance to “Carnavalito” (MXP Jan/Feb’19), talk about honesty/truthfulness, listen to “Honesty” essay and “Be True” (MXP Jan/Feb’18).
- 1st: Learn about Bolivia, Carnavale/Mardi Gras, dance to “Carnavalito” (MXP Jan/Feb’19). Talk about styles of music, watch The Music Show’s “Movin’ In Style” (MXP Jan/Feb’18).
- K: Learn about Bolivia, Carnavale/Mardi Gras, dance to “Carnavalito” (MXP Jan/Feb’19). Talk about styles of music, watch The Music Show’s “Movin’ In Style” (MXP Jan/Feb’18), dance to “Boom” (MXP Jan/Feb’18), dance to “The Banana Boat Song” (EEMC), read All in A Jam (Kindle).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 16, Fri, Jan.8, ’21 ✯ ✯ Theme: Benning Violin Makers
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – An interview with a family of Violin Makers: The Bennings
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on the Benning Violin-makers video.
- WEEK 16.3 (Jan 7, ’21)
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Benning Violins (MXP Jan/Feb’16) Video Walk-thru, quiz about video, docs/quizzes about violins and other members of string family (all MXP Jan/Feb’16).
- 1st, K: “That’s Silence to My Ears” about RESTS in music, using Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater (MXP Jan/Feb’17). Dance to “Head & Shoulders” (JJ&ME, s1). Learn a little about violins and string instruments with pdfs/quizzes with Benning Violins (MXP Jan/Feb’16). Dance to “Chicken Dance” (EEMC), listen, then move to “If I Didn’t Have You” (MXP Jan/Feb’17).
- WEEK 16.2 (Jan 6, ’21)
- PreS (Evelyn only): sing Hello in Spanish (EEMC), Find the Family game (EEMC), dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC), Teddy Bear Scramble (EEMC), sing Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
- PreK: sing Hello in Spanish (EEMC), Find the Family game (EEMC), dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC), Teddy Bear Scramble (EEMC), Chicken Dance (EEMC), sing Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
- WEEK 16.1.21 (Jan 5th, 2021)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Haydn’s Military Symphony (MXP J/F’16), JohnJ’s “A Place in the Choir” (JJ&ME, s4) about listening, Fast Facts about the 1950’s, dance to “Splish Splash” (MXP J/F’16).
- 1st, K: Sing Hello in Spanish (EEMC), Find the Family game (EEMC), dance to “Under the Sea” (EEMC), The Music Show: “We’re Gonna Sing High” (MXP J/F’16), Haydn’s Military Symphony (MXP J/F’16), Fast Facts about the 1950’s, dance to “Splish Splash” (MXP J/F’16), sing Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 15, Fri, Dec.18 ✯ ✯ Theme: Christmas Song Quiz
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – A Christmas Song quiz on Google Forms!
- 5th Grade, take THIS QUIZ on Christmas song lyrics.
- WEEK 15.3.20
- 4th, 3rd: Rewatch my “12 Days of Christmas–OLG Style“. Recap Note Values, play MusicTechTeacher Santa’s Delivery game. Recap note values with the Rhythm Guys
- 2nd, 1st: Rewatch my “12 Days of Christmas–OLG Style“. Show Instrument Families image, play MusicTechTeacher Instrument Spin Off game. Dance to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3)
- K: Rewatch my “12 Days of Christmas–OLG Style“. Show Instrument Families image, play MusicTechTeacher Instrument Spin Off game. Dance to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3). Read book: Ella the Doggy Celebrates Christmas on Kindle.
- WEEK 15.2.20
- 1:30pm Sing-Along. Debut my “12 Days of Christmas–OLG Style“.
- PreK (no PreS today): Doodle of Beethoven Bio, “Rage Over Lost Penny” video, play Beethoven on my piano (Moonlight, Fur Elise, Ode to Joy), share story about my sister playing Moonlight too fast, watch “Beethoven’s Wig“. Dance to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3). Dance to “Live, Laugh, Love” (JJ&ME, s2)!
- WEEK 15.1.20
- 5th Grade: Beethoven’s Birthday today! A Quick Look at Beethoven’s Bio. Beethoven Info + Quiz on, “The Missing Note” from, end with “Beethoven’s Wig“.
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Doodle of Beethoven Bio, Beethoven Info + Quiz, “Rage Over Lost Penny” video, end with “Beethoven’s Wig“.
- Kindergarten: same as 4th-K but add in “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3). Also do the BEETHOVEN Maze from MusicTechTeacher AND sing Happy Birthday to Beethoven!
✯ ✯ For WEEK 14, Fri, Dec.11 ✯ ✯ Theme: Note Values
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Study/review THIS PAGE on Note Values (
- 5th Grade, Play THIS GAME, “Santa’s Delivery” that tests you on Math AND Note Values! (again,
- WEEK 14.3.20
- 4th:. “The Music Show” Merry-Go-Round about rounds and canons (MXP Dec’18). Refresher on note durations, play musictechteacher game Rhythm Billionaire (only on Chrome now)
- 3rd, 2nd, 1st: “The Music Show” Merry-Go-Round about rounds and canons (MXP Dec’18). “Be Our Guest” listen + choreography (MXP Dec’18). Record parts for 12 Days of Christmas video for next week’s sing-along.
- K: “The Music Show” Merry-Go-Round about rounds and canons (MXP Dec’18). “Be Our Guest” listen + choreography (MXP Dec’18). Dance to “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (JJ&ME, s3). Watch “Hear the Bells” (MXP Dec’18).
- WEEK 14.2.20
- PreK and PreS: Travel to/learn about Israel and Hannukah (MXP Dec’16). Listen/dance to “Hannukah O Hannukah”, watch people dance the Hora (MXP Dec’16). Sing/dance to “Elfie Selfie” (EEMC). Sing hello and goodbye in Hebrew (EEMC). Dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” (EEMC), Listen to “Linus and Lucy” (MXP Dec’16), guess which section Ms. Sager plays live.
- WEEK 14.1.20
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: Travel to/learn about Israel and Hannukah (MXP Dec’16). Listen/dance to “Hannukah O Hannukah”, watch people dance the Hora (MXP Dec’16). Unscramble Christmas songs together. Make videos of individuals singing their part for “12 Days of Christmas” for video for next week’s sing-along.
- 2nd, 1st, K: Travel to/learn about Israel and Hannukah (MXP Dec’16). Listen/dance to “Hannukah O Hannukah”, watch people dance the Hora (MXP Dec’16). Make videos of individuals singing their part for “12 Days of Christmas” for video for next week’s sing-along. Sing/dance to “Elfie Selfie” (EEMC). Sing hello and goodbye in Hebrew (EEMC).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 13, Fri, Dec.4 ✯ ✯ Theme: Linus and Lucy
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Watch this video about Vince Guaraldi and his composition
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Linus & Lucy
- WEEK 13.4.20
- 5th Grade: Remote Learning Page, Vince Guaraldi’s “Linus & Lucy”(MXP Dec’16), guess which section Ms. Sager plays in two different videos (Google Forms Quiz).
- WEEK 13.3.20
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st: Sing/dance to Olaf’s “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18), fill in the blanks on Sing Me An Emoji – Holiday Edition, watch/learn from Mike & Luigi’s Baton on “Linus and Lucy” (MXP Dec’16), guess which section Ms. Sager plays live.
- Kindergarten: Sing/dance to Olaf’s “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18), fill in the blanks on Sing Me An Emoji – Holiday Edition, watch/learn from Mike & Luigi’s Baton on “Linus and Lucy” (MXP Dec’16), guess which section Ms. Sager plays live. Sing Hello & Goodbye in Hebrew (EEMC).
- WEEK 13.2.20
- PreS & PreK: (first day everyone is on Zoom from home). Listen & dance to “Let It Snow” (MXP Dec’17), Dance to “Freeze/Melt” (MXP JanFeb’15), ask what’s their favorite part about the dance, Dance to “Cold Snap” (JJ&ME, s3), Watch/listen to “It’s Time to Decorate” (MXP Dec’17), ask which ways they saw to decorate in the song.
- WEEK 13.1.20
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd Grades: Listen & dance to/sing along with “Let It Snow” (MXP Dec’17), Watch The Music Show “Lines & Spaces, Baby” (MXP M/J’16), play Treble Note Rally. Also, play Incredibox “Sunrise“. Totally fun.
- 1st Grade: Listen & dance to “Let It Snow” (MXP Dec’17), Watch The Music Show “Lines & Spaces, Baby” (MXP M/J’16), play Treble Note Rally. Dance/sing to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17 or EEMC).
- Kindergarten: Listen & dance to “Let It Snow” (MXP Dec’17), read Sniffer’s First Christmas on Kindle, Dance/sing to “Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17 or EEMC), Also, play Incredibox “Sunrise“. Totally fun.
- WEEK 12.3.20 (Thanksgiving Break)
- WEEK 12.2
- PreS: Sing hello in French (EEMC). Watch “Little Einstein” for Orchestra Family info, play game: “Identify the Instrument Sounds” (not flash), Dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC). Sing goodbye in French (EEMC).
- PreK: Sing hello in French (EEMC). Watch “Little Einstein” for Orchestra Family info, Play MusicTechTeacher game “Identify the Piano Keys” (only on Chrome; Flash nearly decommissioned now…). Dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC). Sing goodbye in French (EEMC).
- WEEK 12.1
- 5th Grade: Watch “The Orchestra Song” (we normally sing it together, in-person). Learn the notes on the piano. Play MusicTechTeacher game “Identify the Piano Keys” (only on Chrome; Flash nearly decommissioned now…), listen and perform ASL to “Thankful” (JJ&ME, s2).
- 4th, 3rd Grade: Watch “The Orchestra Song” (we normally sing it together, in-person). Learn the notes on the piano. Play MusicTechTeacher game “Identify the Piano Keys” (only on Chrome; Flash nearly decommissioned now…), listen and perform ASL to “Thankful” (JJ&ME, s2).
- 2nd, 1st, K: Sing hello in French (EEMC). Watch “Little Einstein” for Orchestra Family info, play game:”Instrument Family Quiz” (only on Chrome; Flash nearly decommissioned now…), Dance to “The Chicken Dance” (EEMC). Sing goodbye in French (EEMC).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 11, Fri, Nov.20 ✯ ✯ Theme: Overcoming Difficulty
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Watch this interview with Tony Memmel
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Tony Memmel video and quiz (FIXED!)
- WEEK 11.3.20
- 5th Grade:. Watch full video about Tony Memmel (JJ&ME, s1), complete Google Forms Quiz (remote learning page).
- 4th Grade: Watch partial video about Tony Memmel (JJ&ME, s1), share/ask questions. Dance to “Live Laugh Love” (JJ&ME, s2).
- 3rd Grade: Watch partial video about Tony Memmel (JJ&ME, s1), share/ask questions. Dance to “Live Laugh Love” (JJ&ME, s2), watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, share/ask questions about Beethoven.
- 2nd Grade: Watch partial video about Tony Memmel (JJ&ME, s1), share/ask questions. Dance to “Live Laugh Love” (JJ&ME, s2), Listen/watch “Pies! Pies!” (MXP OctNov’16), talk about favorite pies!
- 1st Grade + Kindergarten: Watch “Up, Down, Same”/The Music Show (MXP OctNov’17), test their understanding by listening to my singing. Dance to “Live Laugh Love” (JJ&ME, s2), Listen/watch “Pies! Pies!” (MXP OctNov’16), talk about favorite pies!
- WEEK 11.2
- PreK & PreS: Sing hello in French (EEMC). Jamaica facts, Listen to “One Love”, dance to “Three Little Birds” (JJ&ME, s1). Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”. Dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes” (JJ&ME). Read Dragon Breath by Michael Gordon. Sing goodbye in French (EEMC).
- WEEK 11.1
- 5th, 4th: Jamaica info video and worksheet (JJ&ME, s1), Listen to “One Love”, Bob Marley worksheet + lyrics & dance to “Three Little Birds” (JJ&ME). Teaser for Cookies! The Musical. (JJ&ME).
- 3rd, 2nd: Jamaica info video and worksheet (JJ&ME, s1), Listen to “One Love”, Bob Marley worksheet + lyrics & dance to “Three Little Birds” (JJ&ME).
- 1st & K: Jamaica facts, Listen to “One Love”, dance to “Three Little Birds” (JJ&ME, s1). Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”. Dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes” (JJ&ME, s1). Sing hello and goodbye in French (EEMC).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 10, Fri, Nov.13 ✯ ✯ Theme: Grateful
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – “Grateful” song and book from Fr. Jack
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: “Grateful” song/book and quiz
✯ ✯ For WEEK 10, Tue, Nov.10, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Veterans’ Day Program
- “God Bless America” – SHORT – 1:38 – FEMALE SOLOIST
- “God Bless America” – LONGER – 3:17 – KIDS’ VOICES (starts at 0:17)
- WEEK 10.3.20
- Ms. Sager has an autumn leaf background! 🙂
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Grateful book and song from Fr. Jack. Ask what are you grateful for. Revisit note values, play Rhythm Trivia Quiz show on (requires Flash).
- 2nd, 1st, K: Grateful book and song from Fr. Jack. Ask what are you grateful for, what’s favorite picture in book, what’s favorite Thanksgiving food.
- Kindergarten: Grateful book and song from Fr. Jack. Ask what are you grateful for, what’s favorite picture in book, what’s favorite Thanksgiving food. Dance and listen to “The Mannequin” (EEMC), “Dance of the Little Leaf” (EEMC), and “Apple Tree”.
- WEEK 10.2 (no school – Veterans Day)
- WEEK 10.1
- 9am – Veterans’ Day Assembly (singalong to “God Bless America“). Also on remote page.
- Ms. Sager is in camo & wearing her grandfather’s Coast Guard hat with Flander’s Field as Zoom background!
- 3rd Grade: Ask about military members in their families, explain Flander’s Field, Sing “Land of Liberty” (MXP OctNov’16) with the Pledge of Allegiance rap, define liberty. Learn about WWI trench warfare, sing/dance to “Pack Up Your Troubles“.
- 4th Grade: Ask about military members in their families, explain Flander’s Field. Learn about WWI trench warfare, sing/dance to “Pack Up Your Troubles“.
- 2nd Grade: Ask about military members in their families, explain Flander’s Field. Learn about WWI trench warfare, sing/dance to “Pack Up Your Troubles“. Ask what would be in your kit bag. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”.
- 1st Grade: Ask about military members in their families, explain Flander’s Field. Learn about WWI trench warfare, sing/dance to “Pack Up Your Troubles“. Ask what would be in your kit bag. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”. Sing through’s “Thankful” in ASL.
- Kindergarten: Ask about military members in their families, explain Flander’s Field. Learn about WWI trench warfare, sing/dance to “Pack Up Your Troubles“. Ask what would be in your kit bag. Sing through’s “Thankful” in ASL. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”. Watch a “real” and serious 5th Symphony to contrast with the silly one.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 9, Fri, Nov.6, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Lawrence Brownlee, tenor
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – L. Brownlee interview
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Larry Brownlee interview and quiz
- WEEK 9.4.20
- 5th Grade: JJ&ME Lawrence Brownlee interview & questions (on remote page).
- WEEK 9.3 – Wed, 11/5
- All-School Mass with Nicole & Rebecca on violins! Songs: “For All the Saints”, “The Lord is My Shepherd” (Hart), Litany of Saints (Maher), “Amazing Grace” on violins!, “Oh When the Saints”.
- 4th Grade: Military marching bands, John Phillip Sousa’s “Stars & Stripes Forever”, sing “Land of Liberty” (MXP OctNov’16) with the Pledge of Allegiance rap, define liberty. Go through the states, ask if anyone knows the capitals.
- 2nd Grade: Tap rhythms fast and slow with “Rabbit & Turtle” (MXP OctNov’17), sing “Land of Liberty” (MXP OctNov’16) with the Pledge of Allegiance rap, define liberty. Dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16), listen to “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic” music map (MXP O/N’17).
- 1st Grade & K: Tap rhythms fast and slow with “Rabbit & Turtle” (MXP OctNov’17), sing “Land of Liberty” (MXP OctNov’16) with the Pledge of Allegiance rap, define liberty. Dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP O/N’16),
- WEEK 9.2 – Wed, 11/4
- PreS and PreK: Dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” (EEMC), read book There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves, dance to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (JJ&ME S1).
- WEEK 9.1 – Tue, 11/3 (Election Day 2020)
- 5th Grade: Ask about Halloween adventures. Travel to Malaysia (JJ&ME Segment 2), talk about circular breathing and indigenous people. Listen to Malaysian folk tune “Rasa Sayang”. Learn Sign Language to “Thankful” (JJ&ME S2), perform ASL to full song.
- 4th Grade: Ask about Halloween adventures. Travel to Malaysia (JJ&ME Segment 2), talk about circular breathing and indigenous people. Learn Sign Language to “Thankful” (JJ&ME S2), perform ASL to full song. Talk about Veterans Day music video opportunities. (Liam O, Katy, & Kristian say yes).
- 3rd Grade: Ask about Halloween adventures. Travel to Malaysia (JJ&ME Segment 2), talk about circular breathing and indigenous people. Learn Sign Language to “Thankful” (JJ&ME S2), perform ASL to full song.
- 2nd, 1st, and K: Dance to “Shake My Sillies Out” (EEMC), learn Sign Language to “Thankful” (JJ&ME S2), perform ASL to full song, read book There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 8 (parent-teacher conferences)
- (Thursday & Friday are Parent-Teacher Conferences)
- WEEK 8.2 – Wed, 10/28
- Ms. Sager is a sparkly good witch
- PreS: Dance to “Theme from Spiderman”, listen to “Creepy, Crawly, and Great” (EEMC) then ask which bugs they heard, dance to “Halloween Hand Jive”.
- PreK: Listen to “Creepy, Crawly, and Great” (EEMC) then ask which bugs they heard, dance to “Halloween Hand Jive”.
- WEEK 8.1 – Tue, 10/27
- Ms. Sager is in costume (Equestrienne)
- 5th Grade: Cups game to “The Addams Family”, watch opening sequence to “This Is Halloween” from Nightmare Before Christmas, talk about singing at Masses, show sign-up webpage.
- 4th Grade: Cups game to “The Addams Family”, watch opening sequence to “This Is Halloween” from Nightmare Before Christmas, show Halloween village, talk about singing at Masses, show sign-up webpage.
- 3rd Grade: Cups game to “The Addams Family”, watch opening sequence to “This Is Halloween” from Nightmare Before Christmas, show Halloween village.
- 2nd Grade: Cups game to “The Addams Family”, watch opening sequence to “This Is Halloween” from Nightmare Before Christmas, show Halloween village. Dance to “Spiderman”.
- 1st Grade: Listen to “Creepy, Crawly, and Great” (EEMC) then ask which bugs they heard, show Halloween village. Dance to “Spiderman”. Dance to “Halloween Hand Jive”. Listen to “Itsy/The Spider” (eh…not so great).
- Kindergarten: Listen to “Creepy, Crawly, and Great” (EEMC) then ask which bugs they heard, show Halloween village. Dance to “Spiderman”. Dance to “Halloween Hand Jive”. Introduce spider plushies, ask for names.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 7, Wed & Fri, Oct.21 & 23, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: The Bass Clef & Black Violin Hip Hop Duo
- FOR 4TH GRADE (Wednesday/Thursday) – Bass Clef Fill-in-the-Blank on Google forms
- 4th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: about the BASS CLEF/A Musical Joke!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Black Violin Hip Hop Duo
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Black Violin Hip Hop Duo
- WEEK 7.3.20 – Wed, 10/22
- Ms. Sager is in costume (French film director).
- 4th, 3rd Grade: Read Sound Poem “The Spider and the Fly”(MXP Oct/Nov’10). Each student finds their own “instrument” and is assigned a word in the poem. Dance, sing along to “Jumpin’ Jack-O-Lantern” (MXP OctNov’18).
- 2nd, 1st, K Grade: Read Sound Poem “Making a Jack-O’-Lanterns” (MXP Oct/Nov’12). Each student finds their own “instrument” and is assigned a word in the poem. Discuss superheroes, sing along and dance to “Theme from Spiderman” (MXP OctNov’16).
- WEEK 7.2 – Wed, 10/21
- Ms. Sager is in costume (French film director).
- PreK, PreS – Read poem and listen to song, “Jumpin’ Jack-O-Lantern” (MXP OctNov’18) Discuss the “feeling” of the music, dance along with choreography! Discuss pumpkin pie! Additionally: read Pete the Cat: Five LIttle Pumpkins.
- WEEK 7.1 – Tue, 10/20
- Ms. Sager wears a black wig.
- 5th, 4th, 3rd Grades: “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Säens (MXP OctNov’16) Luigi & Mike’s dialogue, Interactive Listening Map (discuss which creature with which instruments), Poem by Henri Cazalis, youtube 80’s cartoon. Discuss Tone Poems/Program Music.
- 2nd, 1st, K: “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Säens (MXP OctNov’16) Luigi & Mike’s dialogue, Interactive Listening Map (discuss which creature with which instruments). Also read poem and listen to song, “Jumpin’ Jack-O-Lantern” (MXP OctNov’18) Discuss the “feeling” of the music, dance along with choreography! Discuss pumpkin pie!
- K, additionally: read Pete the Cat: Five LIttle Pumpkins.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 6, Friday, Oct.16, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: The Bass Clef (not the Treble Clef!)
- FOR 5TH GRADE (FRIDAY) – Bass Clef Fill-in-the-Blank on Google forms
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: about the BASS CLEF/A Musical Joke!
- WEEK 6.3.20 – Thu, 10/15
- Ms. Sager wears a queen’s crown today.
- 9am All-School Mass with Gianna P, Alison N, Paulina (all 5th Graders). “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”, “We Are Marching”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, “Christ In Me Arise”, “10,000 Reasons”.
- 5th Grade: Assigned remote learning for Friday. Bass clef video & Google forms quiz based on Fill-in-the-Blank “A Musical Joke”. Cute story. It took a while to make this Quiz for the Remote Page.
- 4th Grade: Learn about Broadway & NYC & Aladdin (MXP Oct/Nov’17), watch “Never Had A Friend Like Me” (new link 2023) onstage, watch Backstage Behind the Scenes interview, answer questions about the interview.
- 3rd Grade: skipped today (conflict with mass)
- 2nd, 1st, K: Wear a crown for today’s hat, Read poem, practice hand jive, & dance to “A Hundred Ghosts” (MXP OctNov 2014), listen to/learn about “Alouette” French children’s song, read poem and listen to song “We Like Candy” (based on “Alouette” tune) (MXP OctNov 2017) , read book, Harriet’s Halloween Candy. Ask about favorite candy.
- WEEK 6.2 – Wed, 10/14
- PreS: Learn about English folk song,”The Fox”. Read the Kindle book, “The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night.” Sing the iSong (MXP Aug/Sep 2018), watch the MXP dance/skit. Talk about FOLK SONGS.
- PreK: Learn about English folk song,”The Fox”. Read the Kindle book, “The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night.” Sing the iSong (MXP Aug/Sep 2018), watch the MXP dance/skit. Talk about FOLK SONGS.
- WEEK 6.1 – Tue, 10/13
- 5th Grade: Learn about Broadway & NYC & Aladdin (MXP Oct/Nov’17), watch “Never Had A Friend Like Me” onstage, watch Backstage Behind the Scenes interview, answer questions about the interview.
- 3rd Grade: Learn about English folk song,”The Fox”. Read the Kindle book, “The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night.” Sing the iSong (MXP Aug/Sep 2018).
- 4th Grade: Finish reading “The Big One-Oh”. Video with singers here. OLG Script here.
- 2nd Grade: Learn about English folk song,”The Fox”. Read the Kindle book, “The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night.” Sing the iSong (MXP Aug/Sep 2018), watch the MXP dance/skit. Ask about Halloween costumes. Talk about FOLK SONGS and FERMATAS.
- 1st: Learn about English folk song,”The Fox”. Read the Kindle book, “The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night.” Sing the iSong (MXP Aug/Sep 2018), watch the MXP dance/skit. Ask about Halloween costumes. Talk about FOLK SONGS & FERMATAS. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig“.
- K: Learn about English folk song,”The Fox”. Read the Kindle book, “The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night.” Sing the iSong (MXP Aug/Sep 2018), watch the MXP dance/skit. Ask about Halloween costumes. Talk about FOLK SONGS. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig“.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 5, Friday, Oct.9 ✯ ✯ Theme: Broadway & Aladdin, the Musical
- FOR 5TH GRADE (FRIDAY) – Broadway & Aladdin, the Musical
- 5th Grade Video & Google Forms Quiz on Broadway & Aladdin HERE.
- Try the EEMC games again *here*
- Fill in the blanks on this Interactive Game, “Hi Do”. Click on the green eye.
- FILL-IN-THE-LYRICS for the Star Spangled Banner. Click the green eye.
- WEEK 5.3.20 – Thu, 10/8
- 4th Grade:. Read through “The Big One-Oh” from page 16-26 or so…
- 3rd & 2nd: Learn about Broadway & NYC & Aladdin (MXP Oct/Nov’17), watch “Never Had A Friend Like Me” onstage, watch Backstage Behind the Scenes interview, answer questions about the interview.
- 1st & K: Sing Hola & Adios (EEMC), Learn about Broadway & NYC & Aladdin (MXP Oct/Nov’17), sing/listen/discuss “A Whole New World”, learn the term “duet”, watch “Never Had A Friend Like Me” onstage, dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov’17 and EEMC). Kindergarten also watches my video of Orcas!
- WEEK 5.2 – Wed, 10/7
- PreSchool: Travel to the Philippines. Learn about Nipa Huts (MXP Oct/Nov ’17) Student Prep doc, use body percussion with the song “Bahay Kubo”, ask about vegetables heard in the song. Sing goodbye in Spanish (EEMC song/video).
- PreK: Travel to the Philippines. Learn about Nipa Huts (MXP Oct/Nov ’17) Student Prep doc, use body percussion with the song “Bahay Kubo”, ask about vegetables heard in the song. Sing hello and goodbye in Spanish (EEMC song/video). Dance to “The Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov ’17).
- WEEK 5.1 – Tue, 10/6
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Travel to the Philippines. Ask who knows anything about Philippines (many do!), Learn about Philippines (MXP Oct/Nov ’17), read through Student Lesson prep (Tinikling bird, triple meter, Nipa Huts, 7100+ islands in the archipelago), use body percussion with the song “Bahay Kubo”, ask about vegetables heard in the song, learn about the tikling bird, watch the Tinikling Dance demonstration.
- 1st and Kindergarten: Travel to the Philippines. Ask who knows anything about Philippines (many do!), read through Student Lesson prep (Tinikling bird, triple meter, Nipa Huts, 7100+ islands in the archipelago), use body percussion with the song “Bahay Kubo”, ask about vegetables heard in the song, learn about the tikling bird, watch the Tinikling Dance demonstration. Also dance to “Do the Mannequin” (MXP Oct/Nov ’17).
✯ ✯ For WEEK 4, Tue & Wed, Sept. 29 & 30 ✯ ✯ Theme: USA & Solfege/Scales
- FOR 4TH & 5TH GRADE (THURSDAY/FRIDAY) – Solfege/Scales!
- Watch this video on Solfege! I know it says Preschool but it’s really awesome.
- Fill in the blanks on this Interactive Game, “Hi Do”. Click on the green eye.
- Watch the Star Spangled Banner by Whitney Houston!
- Play this game of FILL-IN-THE-LYRICS for the Star Spangled Banner.
- Click the green eye.
- WEEK 4.3.20 – Thu, 10/1
- 3rd Grade: Practice/re-learn Solfege. Learn Do-Re-Mi scale on a staff. Watch/mimic “Solfege Hand Sign Review” on PreSchool Prodigies. Watch “That’s A Scale” on The Music Show (MXP). Try to do hand signs and clapping along with “Zimbolé” video song., use EEMC interactive Do-Re-Mi scale
- 2nd Grade: Watch “That’s A Scale” on The Music Show (MXP), show a visual Scale C – C, Practice/re-learn Solfege. Learn Do-Re-Mi scale on a staff, watch/mimic “Solfege Hand Sign Review” on PreSchool Prodigies, Try to do hand signs and clapping along with “Zimbolé” video song.
- 1st Grade:. Practice/re-learn Solfege, watch/mimic “Solfege Hand Sign Review” on PreSchool Prodigies, Watch “That’s A Scale” on The Music Show (MXP), show a visual Scale C – C, use EEMC interactive Do-Re-Mi scale, Try to do hand signs and clapping along with “Zimbolé” video song. Individuals demonstrate solfeggi.
- Kindergarten: Practice/re-learn Solfege, watch/mimic “Solfege Hand Sign Review” on PreSchool Prodigies, Watch “That’s A Scale” on The Music Show (MXP), show a visual Scale C – C, use EEMC interactive Do-Re-Mi scale, Try to do hand signs and clapping along with “Zimbolé” video song. Individuals demonstrate solfeggi.
- WEEK 4.2 – Wed, 9/30
- PreS: LIVE ZOOM. Sing Hello is Spanish (EEMC), “Forte Piano” from The Music Show (MXP), sing Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
- PreK: LIVE ZOOM. Sing Hello is Spanish, dance to “Shake Your Sillies Out” (EEMC), “Forte Piano” from The Music Show (MXP), sing Goodbye in Spanish.
- WEEK 4.1 – Tue, 9/29
- 5th Grade: LIVE ZOOM. Read through p19 to end of “The Big One-Oh”. Many kids joined in.
- 4th Grade: canceled for MAPS. Gave them Whitney Houston singing Nat’l Anthem and interactive Fill-In-Blank word puzzle (Star Spangled Banner thru EEMC).
- 3rd Grade: LIVE ZOOM. MXP “America” audio and video lessons. Talked about NYC, Statue of Liberty, 4 styles of music + associated cities. Play interactive Fill-In-Blank word puzzle (Star Spangled Banner thru EEMC).
- 2nd Grade: LIVE ZOOM. MXP “America” audio and video lessons. Talked about NYC, Statue of Liberty, 4 styles of music + associated cities.
- 1st Grade: LIVE ZOOM. MXP “America” video lesson. Talked about elections, 4 styles of music + associated cities.
- K canceled today
✯ ✯ For WEEK 3, Thursday, Sept. 24 ✯ ✯ Theme: Autumn, Apples, Marching Bands
- Live Zoom on Wednesday (no pre-recorded lesson)
- FOR Kindergarten, 1ST, 2ND, & 3RD GRADE
- Live Zoom on Thursday (no pre-recorded lesson)
- Practice your role for “The Big One-Oh”. Parts assigned based on Questionnaire.
- Make sure you have your script!
- Video & Questionnaire here: Google Classroom Link & Questionnaire for 4th, & 5th Grade
- WEEK 3.3.20 – Thu, 9/24
- 5th, 4th – nope. Just a reminder to watch “The Big One-Oh” and practice their role.
- 3rd – LIVE ZOOM. Treble Clef game, Treble Clef Word Warrior, pdf from “Lines & Spaces, Baby” (The Music Show), read ebook, “Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn”, share.
- 2nd, 1st, K – Dance of the Little Leaf (EEMC), Luigi on Parade (MXP), watch a parade marching band, refresh note values with SingtoLearn guys, Basketball Quiz on musictechteacher
- WEEK 3.2 – Wed, 9/23
- PreS & PreK: LIVE ZOOM. Apple Tree song (EEMC), Teddy Bear Interactive song (EEMC).
- WEEK 3.1 – Tue, 9/22
- 4th & 5th Grades: LIVE ZOOM. Read through “The Big One-Oh”.
- 3rd Grade: LIVE ZOOM. Watch a bit of “The Big One-Oh”, review note values, play Basketball HoopShoots Quiz on musictechteacher
- 2nd, 1st, K: LIVE ZOOM. Apple Tree song (EEMC), Teddy Bear Interactive song (EEMC), read ebook, “Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn”.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 2, Thursday, Sept. 17 ✯ ✯ Theme: Birthdays
- FOR Kindergarten, 1ST, 2ND GRADE
- Live Zoom on Thursday (no pre-recorded lesson)
- FOR ALL: Click here to rewatch Tuesday’s Peer Gynt cartoon with Edvard Grieg’s music:
- WEEK 2.3.20 – Thu, 9/17:
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: Remote Learning (The Big One-Oh). Video & questionnaire
- K, 1st, 2nd: LIVE ZOOM: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
- 2nd: LIVE ZOOM: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC), share favorite Spanish word, I Got the Beat MXP, Give Me Five MXP, Sing Adios in Spanish
- 3rd, 2nd: “Give Me Five” Pentatonic scale “The Music Show”.
- 1st & K: LIVE ZOOM: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC), share favorite Spanish word, “I Got the Beat” MXP, “Whisper Talk Sing Shout” MXP, Kids Learning Video on musical notes (1st only)
- WEEK 2.2 – Wed, 9/16:
- PreK and PreS. LIVE ZOOM: I Will Sing Hello & Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC).
- WEEK 2.1 – Tue, 9/15:
- K-5th Grades: LIVE ZOOM. Re-learn whole, half, quarter, eighth notes. Watch three reinforcement videos:
- 1) Visual Music Minds Pt1 2) Visual Music Minds Pt2 3) SingtoLearn guys
- 5th Grade: Basketball Quiz on musictechteacher
- Learn about composer Edvard Grieg and Peer Gynt/Morning Song/Hall of the Mountain King
- K-5th Grades: LIVE ZOOM. Re-learn whole, half, quarter, eighth notes. Watch three reinforcement videos:
✯ ✯ For WEEK 1, Thursday, Sept. 10 ✯ ✯ Theme: Hola to Mexico!
- no quiz
- QUIZ for 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades
- WEEK 1.3.20 – Thu, 9/10/20:
- 9am All-School Mass: I Rejoiced, If Today, To You O God I Lift Up My Soul, The Jesus Song, Shine Jesus Shine. With JC Santos & Gianna & Paolo Pidlaoan
- Remote Learning for 1st-5th Grades. Theme: Hola to Mexico!
- WEEK 1.2 – Wed, 9/9: LIVE IN-PERSON with PreK and PreS. Shakers, learn names, stop and shake to the beat.
- WEEK 1.1 – Tue, 9/8/20: LIVE ZOOM with 1st-5th Grades. Rhythm Cups to “Can’t Stop the Feeling”. Watch demonstration video on EEMC (Essential Elements Music Class), learn 3 rhythms and apply them to the song.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 14, Fri, Dec.11, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Note Values
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Study/review THIS PAGE on Note Values (
- 5th Grade, Play THIS GAME, “Santa’s Delivery” that tests you on Math AND Note Values! (again,
✯ ✯ For WEEK 13, Fri, Dec.4, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Linus and Lucy
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Watch this video about Vince Guaraldi and his composition
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Linus & Lucy
✯ ✯ For WEEK 11, Fri, Nov.20, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Overcoming Difficulty
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Watch this interview with Tony Memmel
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Tony Memmel video and quiz (FIXED!)
✯ ✯ For WEEK 10, Fri, Nov.13, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Grateful
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – “Grateful” song and book from Fr. Jack
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: “Grateful” song/book and quiz
✯ ✯ For WEEK 10, Tue, Nov.10, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Veterans’ Day Program
- “God Bless America” – SHORT – 1:38 – FEMALE SOLOIST
- “God Bless America” – LONGER – 3:17 – KIDS’ VOICES (starts at 0:17)
✯ ✯ For WEEK 9, Fri, Nov.6, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Lawrence Brownlee, tenor
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – L. Brownlee interview
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Larry Brownlee interview and quiz
✯ ✯ For WEEK 8 (parent-teacher conferences)
✯ ✯ For WEEK 7, Wed & Fri, Oct.21 & 23, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: The Bass Clef & Black Violin Hip Hop Duo
- FOR 4TH GRADE (Wednesday/Thursday) – Bass Clef Fill-in-the-Blank on Google forms
- 4th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: about the BASS CLEF/A Musical Joke!
- FOR 5TH GRADE (Friday) – Black Violin Hip Hop Duo
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: Black Violin Hip Hop Duo
✯ ✯ For WEEK 6, Friday, Oct.16, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: The Bass Clef (not the Treble Clef!)
- FOR 5TH GRADE (FRIDAY) – Bass Clef Fill-in-the-Blank on Google forms
- 5th Grade Google Forms Quiz here: about the BASS CLEF/A Musical Joke!
✯ ✯ For WEEK 5, Friday, Oct.9, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Broadway & Aladdin, the Musical
- FOR 5TH GRADE (FRIDAY) – Broadway & Aladdin, the Musical
- 5th Grade Video & Google Forms Quiz on Broadway & Aladdin HERE.
- Try the EEMC games again *here*
- Fill in the blanks on this Interactive Game, “Hi Do”. Click on the green eye.
- FILL-IN-THE-LYRICS for the Star Spangled Banner. Click the green eye.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 4, Tue & Wed, Sept. 29 & 30, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: USA & Solfege/Scales
- FOR 4TH & 5TH GRADE (THURSDAY/FRIDAY) – Solfege/Scales!
- Watch this video on Solfege! I know it says Preschool but it’s really awesome.
- Fill in the blanks on this Interactive Game, “Hi Do”. Click on the green eye.
- Watch the Star Spangled Banner by Whitney Houston!
- Play this game of FILL-IN-THE-LYRICS for the Star Spangled Banner.
- Click the green eye.
✯ ✯ For WEEK 3, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Autumn, Apples, Marching Bands
- Live Zoom on Wednesday (no pre-recorded lesson)
- FOR Kindergarten, 1ST, 2ND, & 3RD GRADE
- Live Zoom on Thursday (no pre-recorded lesson)
- Practice your role for “The Big One-Oh”. Parts assigned based on Questionnaire.
- Make sure you have your script!
- Video & Questionnaire here: Google Classroom Link & Questionnaire for 4th, & 5th Grade
✯ ✯ For WEEK 2, Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Birthdays
- FOR Kindergarten, 1ST, 2ND GRADE
- Live Zoom on Thursday (no pre-recorded lesson)
- FOR ALL: Click here to rewatch Tuesday’s Peer Gynt cartoon with Edvard Grieg’s music:
✯ ✯ For WEEK 1, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020 ✯ ✯ Theme: Hola to Mexico!
- no quiz
- QUIZ for 3rd, 4th, 5th Grades
2019-2020 school year archives…
✯ ✯ For Week 12, June 8-12, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Happy Summer!
- Happy Last Week of School!
- For fun, please watch/listen to one of my favorite summer songs: “Every Day Feels Like Summer with You“.
- No quiz today.
- Please join us for our Final 9am School Mass live here:
- (You don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch)
- Please join us for our Final 9am School Mass live here:
✯ ✯ For Week 11, Jun 1-5, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: “Peter and the Wolf” + “The Lonely Goat-herd”
- Please watch this 3:20 video of “The Lonely Goat-herd” from The Sound of Music.
- No quiz today!
- Please watch this 14:40 video of Peter & the Wolf (watch out for the scary wolf!)
- Then take this quiz on Google Forms
- Please watch this 14:40 video of Peter & the Wolf (watch out for the scary wolf!)
- Then take this quiz on Google Forms
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- Please watch one of the very first Virtual Choirs – a song by Eric Whitaker, one of my heroes!
- In honor of Ms. Heidi (she likes to yodel), please watch this 3:20 video of “The Lonely Goat-herd” from The Sound of Music.
✯ ✯ For Week 10, May 25-29, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: The Treble Clef Staff / Lines & Spaces / Singing Hi-Lo-Middle
- Please watch this video from The Music Show about singing high and low.
- No quiz today!
- Please watch this video from The Music Show about Lines & Spaces on the Treble Clef Staff.
- Any Taylor Swift fans should watch this Treble Clef video as well!
- Then take this quiz on Google Forms
- You can also test your notes on Treble Clef Rally! (requires Flash)
- Please watch this video from The Music Show about Lines & Spaces on the Treble Clef Staff.
- Any Taylor Swift fans should watch this Treble Clef video as well!
- Then take this quiz on Google Forms
- You can also test your notes on Treble Clef Rally! (requires Flash)
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- Please watch one of the very first Virtual Choirs – a song by Eric Whitaker, one of my heroes!
- Please enjoy our OLG “Lean On Me” video – our wee, little 2020 Virtual Spring Concert. I am grateful for the four students that submitted a video!
✯ ✯ For Week 9, May 18-22, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Säens
- Please take this quiz on Google Forms. Videos are included in quiz.
- Please take this quiz on Google Forms. Videos are included in quiz.
- Please take this quiz on Google Forms. Videos are included in quiz.
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- I’d still be thrilled to get your “Lean On Me” video! (see below)
- Hello, everyone! I received only four video submissions for “Lean On Me” (and they were wonderful! Thank you, Canon, Cailin, Emmett, & Alex!)
- Unfortunately, that means I can’t put together a Virtual Spring Concert.
- But no problem! We’re doing our best.
This will simply make our next Concert IRL (in real life) even sweeter!
✯ ✯ For Week 8, May 11-15, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Tempo!
- Please watch this 5:26-minute video (The Music Show “Presto is Fast, Largo is Slow”) and then take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- Please watch this 5:26-minute video (The Music Show “Presto is Fast, Largo is Slow”) and then take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- As a warm-up and for fun, please watch this 5:26-minute video (The Music Show “Presto is Fast, Largo is Slow”).
- Please watch this 3:51-minute video for more advanced information on Musical Tempos.
- Take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- I’d still be thrilled to get your “Lean On Me” video! (see below)
- Hello, everyone! I received only two video submissions for “Lean On Me” (and they were wonderful! Thank you, Emmett & Alex!)
- Unfortunately, that means I can’t put together a Virtual Spring Concert.
- But no problem! We’re doing our best.
This will simply make our next Concert IRL (in real life) even sweeter!
✯ ✯ For Week 7, May 4-8, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Lean On Me!
- EVERYONE! I’m trying to make a group video.
- If “Lean On Me” goes well, I will offer additional songs to make a virtual SPRING CONCERT!
- This is not mandatory. I’m trying to see if we can make this work. If it’s too hard, I get it.
- Please practice with this video a few times.
- To see the lyrics in Youtube, turn on CC (closed captioning) or Subtitles (in Settings)
- This video is an example of how your video should sound.
- The musical track should be only in your ear.
- Record just your face and voice; no musical track.
- Be sure to do the countdown and clap at the beginning! It helps me sync up the videos more easily.
- to GoogleDrive HERE.
- Also here for GoogleDrive:
- to FlipGrid HERE. You can also record directly in FlipGrid. You must be logged in with a School Email to use FlipGrid.
- if DropBox is the easiest for you, please send me an email. I will forward you a DropBox email with access.
- to GoogleDrive HERE.
- I know some of you CAN’T make a video easily — that’s ok.
- Some of you DON’T WANT to make a video — that’s ok, too. But “Lean On Me” is a great song for these weird times and it would be wonderful to have your face and your voice in the video!
- Ms. Ann Sager
✯ ✯ For Week 6, April 27-May 1, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Dynamics!
- Please watch this 5-minute video (The Music Show “Forte! Piano!”) and then take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- Please watch this 5-minute video (The Music Show “Forte! Piano!”) and then take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- As a warm-up, please watch this 5-minute video! (The Music Show “Forte! Piano!”)
- Please watch this 3:15 video and then take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- thinking about how we can have an online concert in May…take the QUIZZES above.
- For Fun:
✯ ✯ For Week 5, April 20-April 24, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Earth Day!
- Please watch THIS 2:10 MINUTE VIDEO and then take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- Please watch THIS 1:15 MINUTE VIDEO and then take the QUIZ on Google Forms
- Please watch THIS 5-MIN VIDEO and then take this QUIZ on Google Forms
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- thinking about how we can have an online concert in May…
- For Fun: Memory Game (like “SIMON”, back in the day)
- My beautiful friend, Stephanie, is offering Voice Lessons via Zoom/FaceTime. Among other things, she is the voice of Disney’s Esmerelda in The Hunchback of Notre Dame!
From Stephanie:
“With parents looking to fill kids’ days, I have students as young as 5 taking voice lessons, as well as 70+ seniors! It’s a fun way to pass the time; we can make the best of stay-at-home restrictions by being creative. Right now I’m offering discounted virtual voice lessons for students of all ages. A fun way to learn from home or to try something new!”
$15 for a 35-minute lesson
$25 for an 60-minute lesson
Email Stephanie Reese for more info.
For info about me:
✯ ✯ For SPRING BREAK, April 11-April 15, 2020 ✯ ✯
✯ ✯ For Week 4, April 4-April 8, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Instruments and Orchestra Families!
- Please watch this 6-minute video on Orchestra Families
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- For Fun: Play this Pirate-ship-sinking Quiz Game on the Orchestra Families
- Please watch this 6-minute video on Orchestra Families
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- For Fun: Play this Pirate-ship-sinking Quiz Game on the Orchestra Families
- Please watch this 6-minute video on Orchestra Families (really cute, but look below for something “older”)
- OR… watch this 8-minute video on Orchestra Families (a little “older”)
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- For Fun: Play this Pirate-ship-sinking Quiz Game on the Orchestra Families
- For Fun: Play this Spin-Off Quiz Game on the Orchestra Families
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- For Fun: posting soon
- For Fun: Name That Instrument! Quiz/Game
- For Fun: What’s The Instrument? Quiz/Game
✯ ✯ For Week 3, March 30-April 3, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Composers!
- Lesson Pt. 1: Please watch this video on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- Lesson Pt. 2: Please watch this video on Ludwig van Beethoven.
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- Lesson Pt. 1: Please watch this video on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- Lesson Pt. 2: Please watch this video on Ludwig van Beethoven.
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- Lesson Pt. 1: Please watch this video on Ludwig van Beethoven.
- Lesson Pt. 2: Please watch this video on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- For Fun: watch a flash mob for Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”
- FOR FUN: One of our favorites: “Beethoven’s Wig“
- FOR FUN: Ballet students dancing to Mozart’s “Rondo Alla Turca“
✯ ✯ For Week 2, March 23-27, 2020 ✯ ✯
Theme: Solfege!
- Lesson: Please watch this video on the Solfege syllables (bells not required)
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- Lesson Pt. 1: Please watch this video on the Solfege hand signs
- Lesson Pt. 2: Please watch this video on Melodies with Solfege hand signs
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- Lesson Pt. 1: Please watch this video on the Solfege hand signs
- Lesson Pt. 2: Please watch this video on Melodies with Solfege hand signs
- Lesson Pt. 3: Please practice Solfege hand signs with this Zimbole video!
- After watching, please take this Quiz on Google Forms
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- For Fun: sing along to “Whisper!“, our Winter Concert song
- FOR FUN: Sing along with: “Do Re Mi” from The Sound of Music
- FOR FUN: Play: Instrument Concentration Game (requires Flash)
- FOR FUN: Dance along with: “Can’t Stop the Feeling” (May 2019’s final Concert song)
✤ ✤ For Week 1, March 16-20, 2020 ✤ ✤
Theme: The Basics! + St. Patrick’s Day!
(Click HERE for This Week’s Opening Prayer with all Teachers)
- Please watch Ep. #1 of The Music Show: “The Beat Is the Heart of Music“.
- For Fun: Listen to all the Instruments + Instrument ID Game (requires Flash)
- Please watch Ep. #2 of The Music Show: “I’ve Got Rhythm“
- After watching, take this QUIZ with one multiple-choice question.
- Please watch The Music Show Ep.#2 “I’ve Got Rhythm“ and Ep.#3 “Take A Rest“.
- After watching, take this QUIZ with three multiple-choice questions.
- CHORUS – 4th/5th GRADE
- “I’ll Tell Me Ma” by Sham Rock. Meant for Flash Mob at lunch on Tuesday, 3/17.
- “Be Thou My Vision” Meant for Mass on 3/19.
- “Christ In Me Arise” Meant for Mass on 3/19.
- “Be Merciful, O Lord” Meant for Mass on 3/19.
- FOR FUN: St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock Hunt (requires Flash)
- FOR FUN: Instrument Families info + Instrument Families Game (requires Flash)
- FOR FUN: Dance to MusicExpress “Freeze!” on YouTube.
- REMAINING WEEKS OF 2020 see above or – (link to remote learning here)
- WEEK 28 (3/24-3/26/20) – No School (link to remote learning here)
- WEEK 27 (3/17-3/19) – No School (link to remote learning here)
- WEEK 26.3.20 (3/12)
- 2nd: “Visit Japan”, use Google Earth. Learn about pentatonic scale. Double round of St.. Patrick’s shamrock game.
- PreK: St. Patrick’s shamrock game (requires Flash/problematic for some) + travel to Japan, learn about Taiko drums, move and freeze to drumming.
- 4th: Recorders! Introduction from Ms. Sager and from Mr. Hines. Playing along to MusicExpress magazine’s Recorder Adventures.
- PreS: St. Patrick’s shamrock game + travel to Japan, learn about Taiko drums, move and freeze to drumming. Learn about pentatonic scale (visually shown by removing bars on xylophone). Sing and dance to Japanese folk song, “Ame, Ame“. It’s about the joy of rain and splashing in puddles.
- WEEK 26.2 (3/11/20)
- PreS: Listen, sing along to “Sun & Moon“, discuss the choice of this song for words about outer space. Read There’s No Place Like Space. Dance to Moana’s “We Know the Way” (singing about stars guiding us). Dance to “There’s A Spring In My Step“. Sing “Twinkle Twinkle”, losing one word at a time.
- 3rd Grade: Visit Japan, use Google Earth. Learn about pentatonic scale. Sing “Ame, Ame” about the joy of rain and splashing in puddles.
- For Mass next week, practiced “Be Thou My Vision“, “Christ In Me Arise“, “Be Merciful O Lord“, “Kyrie“. Will practice “God’s Love is Everlasting” next week.
- Also practiced “I’ll Tell Me Ma” for next week’s Flash Mob at lunch (probably Wed, 3/18). 15 of the kids wanted to be a part of the dance and so we learned a quick 16-bar Irish dance, based on one of these steps. I think it will be adorable!
- WEEK 26.1 (3/10)
- 5th Grade: Listen to MusicExpress Luigi’s Baton introduction for “Theme from Superman“. Follow along with the sections of the song: Fanfare, Intro to Theme 1, Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3, Coda. Draw/write our own short hero comic storyboard on 3 cels or more to support each element of the song. Some kids share their storyboards.
- 4th, 3rd: Finish cartoons, watch a bit of The Lorax.
- 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Listen, sing along to “Sun & Moon“, discuss the choice of this song for words about outer space. Read There’s No Place Like Space. Dance to Moana’s “We Know the Way” (singing about stars guiding us). Dance to “There’s A Spring In My Step“. Sing “Twinkle Twinkle”, losing one word at a time.
- WEEK 25.3 (3/5/20)
- 4th, 2nd, 1st,: Listen to MusicExpress Luigi’s Baton introduction for “Theme from Superman“. Follow along with the sections of the song: Fanfare, Intro to Theme 1, Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3, Coda. Draw/write our own short hero comic storyboard on 3 cels or more to support each element of the song. Some kids share their storyboards.
- PreK, PreS, K: Same as 2nd Grade + watch two Animusic shorts.
- WEEK 25.2 (3/4)
- PreS: Visit to Ireland. Use Google Earth, John Jacobson’s Ireland recording and video. Dance to “There’s a Spring in My Step” (MXP Mar/Apr’17). Talk about Ireland & Seattle rain, read The Little Raindrop.
- 3rd: Listen to MusicExpress Luigi’s Baton introduction for “Theme from Superman“. Follow along with the sections of the song: Fanfare, Intro to Theme 1, Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3, Coda. Draw/write our own short hero comic storyboard on 3 cels or more to support each element of the song. Some kids share their storyboards.
- CHORUS: We’ve only lost about 6 choristers but the group was amazingly calm today! Hmmm. Learned three songs for our March 19th All-School Mass: Psalm 51: “Be Merciful, O Lord”, “Be Thou My Vision”, “Father, I Adore You” (round). Practiced “I’ll Tell Me Ma” for a potential Flash Mob on Tuesday, 3/17. Told them that we are not singing for the Mariners. (sad face)
- WEEK 25.1 (3/3/20)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd: Visit to Ireland. Use Google Earth, John Jacobson’s Ireland video, listen to John Jacobson’s story of Giant’s Causeway, learn about Giant’s Causeway Legend thru video and images, video of Irish Step Dancing, discuss tall tales versus lies like the story of the Giant’s Causeway. Sing along with a song, “Why Tell A Lie When the Truth is So Good?”
- 2nd: Visit to Ireland. Use Google Earth, John Jacobson’s Ireland recording and video, Giant’s Causeway Legend video and images, video of Irish Step Dancing, discuss tall tales versus lies like the story of the Giant’s Causeway. Sing along with a song, “Why Tell A Lie When the Truth is So Good?”
- 1st: Same as 2nd + Dance to “There’s a Spring in My Step” by MusicExpress Magazine.
- K: Visit to Ireland. Use Google Earth, John Jacobson’s Ireland recording and video. Dance to “There’s a Spring in My Step” by MusicExpress Magazine. Talk about Ireland & Seattle rain, read The Little Raindrop.
- PreK: Same as K, add video short of “Piper”.
- WEEK 24.3 (2/27)
- 2nd: Watch a bit of The Lorax, sing along to The Music Show’s “Skips and Steps”. Practice solfege. End with Beat the Teacher clapping rhythm game.
- PreK, PreS: Sing along to The Music Show’s “Sing High, Sing Low”. Dance to “Splish Splash” with scarves as towels. Drum freeze game with scarves, acting as different animals. Read book Dragon Breath about brushing teeth.
- 4th, 1st: Watch a bit of The Lorax, sing along to The Music Show’s “Skips and Steps”. Practice solfege. Dance to “Splish Splash” with scarves as towels.
- K: Watch a bit of The Lorax, dance to “Splish Splash” with scarves as towels.
- WEEK 24.2 (2/26/20)
- CHORUS: Ash Wednesday Mass this morning. Songs: “Led by the Spirit”, “The Lord is Kind and Merciful” (four groups of cantors), “Gracious God”, “Be Forgiven”, “Christ in Me Arise”, “Did You Know?”, “Softly & Tenderly”, “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley”.
- CHORUS rehearsal: Learned the song, “I’ll Tell Me Ma”. We hope to do it as a flash mob before St. Patrick’s Day.
- WEEK 24.1 (2/25/20)
- 5th: worksheets (Find the Instruments by Filling in the indicated segments: piano/bagpipe, Treasure Hunt based on note counting) from Essential Elements Music Class (the new version of MusicExpress).
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. Learn the “play-party” song from the 1800’s, “Alabama Gal”. Learn about southern prohibition of dancing, learn the dance. Here is John Jacobson teaching us the dance. Here is an actual group of school kids doing the dance. Locate and talk about Alabama, the state.
- 1st and PreK: also watched Beethoven’s Wig, and read Fletcher and the Snowflake Christmas.
- WEEK 23.3 (2/20/20)
- All School Mass with Fr. Jack! Theme: Grace. SONGS: “Shine, Jesus, Shine”, “Gloria” (hand-clap), “The Lord is Kind & Merciful” (four groups of cantors), “Gracious God”, “Amazing Grace”, “He’s Got the Whole World”, “Alleluia! Love is Alive”.
- 4th Grade: worksheets (Treble Clef Spelling Bee, Find the Instruments by Filling in the indicated segments: piano/bagpipe, Treasure Hunt based on note counting) from Essential Elements Music Class (the new version of MusicExpress).
- 2nd, 1st, K, PreS: worksheets Find the Hidden Instrument by filling in the proper spaces to reveal a piano and a bagpipe. Listen to a bagpiper. Read book Hiccupotamus.
- WEEK 23.2 (2/19/20)
- 3rd Grade: worksheets (Find the Instruments by Filling in the indicated segments –> bagpipe, Treasure Hunt based on note counting) from Essential Elements Music Class (the new version of MusicExpress).
- PreS: Learn and dance with Chinese Ribbon Dancers (using colorful scarves, instead). Dance to “Boom” (up and down, up and down!). Sit and sing “Row, Row, Row”, losing a word each time. Read book, The Hiccupopotamus and watched Beethoven’s Wig.
- WEEK 23.1 (2/18/20)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st: Watch interview with Luca Padovan, a Broadway performer in shows like Newsies and “School of Rock”. Answer questions about him, learn the song, “Seize the Day” from Newsies.
- PK, K, 1st, 2nd: Learn a little about China, learn and dance with Chinese Ribbon Dancers (using colorful scarves, instead). Dance to “Boom” (up and down, up and down!). Some classes learn about the Chinese stringed instrument: ehru.
- PreK and K: Also sit and sing “Row, Row, Row”, losing a word each time.
- PreK also reads the first part of book, The Pajama Zoo Parade and watched Beethoven’s Wig.
- WEEK 22.2 (2/12/20)
- 3rd: Watch part of The Lorax.
- PreS: Music Show re: Harmony, dance to “Heart is Pumping”, one-minute roller coast video, sing “Row Row Row” losing one word at a time, also read All In A Jam. Rhythm Cat app. One-minute Roller coaster video.
- Chorus: Prep for 2/20 Mass (Theme of Grace) Psalm “The Lord is Kind & Merciful” psalm, “God of Mercy”, “Gracious God”, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”, “Mary Full of Grace”, “Alleluia! Love is Alive”, “Shine, Jesus, Shine”, “Amazing Grace”.
- AND prep for Ash Wednesday. “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley”, “Led By the Spirit”, “Christ in Me Arise”, “Did You Know?”, “Lead Me Lord”, “Be Not Afraid”.
- WEEK 22.1 (2/11/20)
- All: Music Show re: Harmony. Rhythm Cat app. One-minute Roller coaster video.
- PreK: Music Show re: Harmony, dance to “Heart is Pumping”, one-minute roller coast video, sing “Row Row Row” losing one word at a time, also read All In A Jam.
- WEEK 21.3 (2/6/20)
- All and 5th next Tuesday: same as 3rd grade yesterday.
- WEEK 21.2 (2/5/20)
- 3rd: Play Treble Note Car Rally on Treble note dictation: Project a treble staff line on magnetic whiteboard, put two G’s as starter notes, ask kids to listen and indicate what the next two notes are (magnets on whiteboard). Two kids at a time.
- Chorus: Prep for Ash Wednesday. Learn “The Lord is Kind & Merciful” psalm, “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley”.
- WEEK 21.1 (2/4/20)
- ALL: Sing and Drum to “Sansa Kroma”. Watch parts of the video of our concert.
- Here’s the video of our concert!
- WEEK 17, 18, 19, 20
- all weeks in January devoted to the Winter Concert “Classic Children’s Books” & Special Persons Mass.
- WEEK 16.3 (12/19)
- 4th: Worksheet of Christmas Song Scramble. Example: TRYOFS EHT SMWANON = FROSTY THE SNOWMAN. All students come up with their own “12 Days of Christmas”, everyone contributes to make their Class Version of “12 Days of Christmas”.
- 2nd: Color-by-note Christmas Tree. All students come up with their own “12 Days of Christmas”, everyone contributes to make their Class Version of “12 Days of Christmas”.
- 1st Grade: Sing “Do You Want to Build A Snowman?”, sing/dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp”, read book My Snowman, Paul, sing/dance to “When We’re Together”, learn about Brahm’s “Lullaby” with Mike the Mic and Luigi’s Baton, sing/dance-melt to “Freeze!”
- Kindergarten: Watch The Music Show about rests in “Take A Rest”, sing “Do You Want to Build A Snowman?”, sing/dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp” (first with boys, then with girls), sing/dance to “When We’re Together”.
- PreK and PreS: Sing “Do You Want to Build A Snowman?”, sing/dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp”, read book My Snowman, Paul, sing/dance to “When We’re Together”, Sing/dance-melt to “Freeze!”.
- WEEK 16.2 (12/18)
- 3rd Grade: Worksheet of Christmas Song Scramble. Example: TRYOFS EHT SMWANON = FROSTY THE SNOWMAN. All students come up with their own “12 Days of Christmas”, everyone contributes to make their Class Version of “12 Days of Christmas”.
- PreS: Name That Tune (Christmas Songs). Other things…?
- CHORUS: Learn some choreography to “Let It Snow”, pack lunch bags full of “snow”. Perform “Let It Snow” at the school sing-along, lead the school in the sing-along.
- WEEK 16.1 (12/17)
- ALL GRADES: Name That Tune (Christmas Songs).
- 5th, 4th, 3rd also fill out a worksheet: Holiday Songs In Other Words. Example: Pale Holiday = White Christmas -or- My Ancestor Was Injured By A Caribou = Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.
- PreK also drew a snowman and sang “Frosty, the Snowman”.
- 1st Grade also gets to watch a little video short: Toy Story Hawaiian Vacation.
- WEEK 15.3 (12/12/19)
- 4th Grade: Learn about Leroy Anderson with Mike the Mic & Luigi’s Baton. Listen/follow/identify ABC sections with his songs, “Bugler’s Holiday”, “Sleigh Ride”, “Plink Plank Plunk” + learn/dance/drum/sing to Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry Be Happy”.
- CHORUS: OLG Feast Day Mass. Sang “Hail Holy Queen”, “Holy Is Your Name”, “Here I Am, Lord”, OLG lyrics to “Pescador”, “O Sanctissima”.
- 2nd: Sing “Rock Those Jingle Bells” then add jingle bells, add boomwhackers. Each group gets a turn. End with a Talent Show.
- 1st: Sing “Rock Those Jingle Bells” then add jingle bells, add boomwhackers. Each group gets a turn. Watch Pixar short Partysaurus Rex.
- K: Sing “Rock Those Jingle Bells” then add jingle bells, add boomwhackers. Each group gets a turn.
- PreS: Sing “Rock Those Jingle Bells” then add jingle bells, add boomwhackers. Each group gets a turn. Read book Doggy Celebrates Christmas.
- WEEK 15.2 (12/11/19)
- PreS: Learn, sing, and dance to Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy“. Watch a little more of Bobby’s vocal abilities. Learn about reggae with Mike the Mic and Luigi’s Baton. In groups, drum a reggae beat to “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. Read a book, Five Little Elves.
- 3rd Grade: Learn about Leroy Anderson with Mike the Mic & Luigi’s Baton. Listen/follow/identify ABC sections with his songs, “Bugler’s Holiday”, “Sleigh Ride“, and “Plink, Plank, Plunk“. Learn about bugles vs. trumpets. Dance to “Freeze!“.
- CHORUS: Practice for tomorrow’s mass: “Hail Holy Queen”, “Holy Is Your Name”, “Here I Am, Lord”, OLG lyrics to “Pescador”, “O Sanctissima”. Record final audition video for Mariners National Anthem. Hold auditions for “Holy Is Your Name”, inform the winners (everyone got a spot today). Hold auditions for “Hail Holy Queen” solos. Winners are Desmond, Isaiah, and Paulina; Desmond also gets the final cadenza.
- WEEK 15.1 (12/10/19)
- 5th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Learn, sing, and dance to Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy“. Watch a little more of Bobby’s vocal abilities. Learn about reggae with Mike the Mic and Luigi’s Baton. Learn about steel drums and reggae rhythms thru MusicExpress Playing with the Band (0:15 start, 4:31 bamboo, 7:38 drummer, 12:15 together). In groups, drum a reggae beat to “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”.
- PreK: also read a book, Five Little Elves.
- 4th: Cassie & Ben came in to record the 4th Grade’s Concert songs: “Bare Necessities”, “Three is the Magic Number”, “Hakuna Matata”, “Great American Melting Pot”, “Oh What A Beautiful Morning”, “Splish Splash”.
- WEEK 14.3 (12/5/19) (Ms. Sager has NO VOICE)
- 4th: practice for Tuesday’s recording session: Limbo Rock, O What A Beautiful Morning, Baby Shark, Splish Splash, Three is the Magic Number
- 2nd, 1st, K, PreK, PreS: A mix of these things: dance/freeze/melt to “Freeze!”, watch video short Lava, dance/freeze as animals to a drum beat, watch video short Radiator Springs 500 1/2 or Piper.
- WEEK 14.2 (12/4/19) (Ms. Sager has NO VOICE)
- PreS: Color-by-number/note Gingerbread House.
- 3rd: Watch video shorts (Ms. Sager has NO VOICE)
- CHORUS: Practice & record “Star Spangled Banner”, practice “Holy Is Your Name”, practice “Hail Holy Queen”, practice “OLG to Pescador tune”. Practice “Silent Night” with 3 soloists for Friday (Paulo, Paulina, Gianna). Announce that auditions are next Wednesday. Give Light Up the Night invitations to all choristers to take home.
- WEEK 14.1 (12/3/19)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, K, PreK: Play xylophones to “Merry Meringue” + fill-in-blank AstroPet story or color-by-number/note Gingerbread House. (no 1st Grade today – field trip)
- WEEK 13.2 (11/27/19)
- PreS: Drum-Freeze game, short videos of “Luca the Spider”. Dance to “Theme from Spiderman”, sing to “Pies! Pies!” from MusicExpress Magazine. Read book Pete the Cat and the Itsy Bitsy Spider,
- 3rd Grade: Listen to Fr. Jack’s gifted book/song “Grateful”. Discuss what we’re grateful for. Discuss favorite pies, learn/sing to “Pies! Pies!”, based on “The Old Crawdad” tune. Watch 2 video shorts because today’s a holiday!
- CHORUS: Practice/sing “Amen”, “Hail Holy Queen”, “Let it Snow”, “Silent Night”, “Pescador de Hombres” (with OLG lyrics for upcoming Feast Day). Let out early for vacation.
- WEEK 13.1 (11/26/19)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st: “The Orchestra Song”. Example HERE. Most classes sang in FOUR parts! Plus a short 5-minute video, Presto!
- 4th: also practiced “Splish Splash”, “What A Wonderful World”, “Hakuna Matata”.
- K, PreK: Drum-Freeze game, short video Presto! or Lou. Dance to “Theme from Spiderman”, “Pies! Pies!” from MusicExpress Magazine. Read book Pete the Cat and the Itsy Bitsy Spider, short videos of “Luca the Spider”.
- WEEK 12.3 (11/21/19)
- 3rd Grade: Bizet’s Dream
- 4th: Practice “L.O.V.E.” (and decide to nix it), “Oh What A Beautiful Morning”.
- 2nd, 1st, K:
- WEEK 12.2 (11/20/19)
- CHORUS: Learn/Rehearse “Holy Is Your Name”, “One for the Little Bitty Baby”, “Star Spangled Banner”, “Hail Holy Queen”.
- WEEK 12.1 (11/19/19)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: “Travel” to Russia, learn a little bit about that country. Learn “Sasha” song and dance, a mixer dance. Learn Russian words “Ras, Dva, Trei” (one, two, three) and “Dasvidanya” (thank you/bye). Some classes get to watch video short, “Feast”.
- PreK: also sing/dance to “Hakuna Matata”, read book Goodnight, Turkey.
- WEEK 11.3 (11/14/19)
- 2nd, 1st, K, PreK, PreS: Listening app: Benjamin Britten’s “Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra”. Create songs with SoundBrush app. Some classes watched a video short, “Mickey Mouse” or “Feast”. Some classes danced to “Spiderman” choreography.
- 4th: Practiced three of our songs for recording session on 12/10.
- WEEK 11.2 (11/13/19)
- 3rd: Listening app: Benjamin Britten’s “Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra”. Create songs with SoundBrush app.
- PreS: Learn about Mozart and listen to his “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic” (MXP Oct/Nov’17). Dance to “Mannequin”. Sing “A Whole New World” from Aladdin. Practice solfege (Do Re Mi) in person and with Storybots.
- CHORUS: Learn/Rehearse “Holy Is Your Name”, “Let It Snow”, “Silent Night”, “One for the Little Bitty Baby”, “Star Spangled Banner”, “Amen”, “Hail Holy Queen”.
- WEEK 11.1 (11/12/19)
- All: Learn about Mozart and listen to his “Eine Kleine Nachtmusic”. Dance to “Mannequin”. Sing “A Whole New World” from Aladdin. Practice solfege (Do Re Mi) in person and with Storybots.
- WEEK 10.2 (11/6/19)
- PreS: Learn about Drum Lines (talk about military), take turns playing a Drum Cadence with tom tom (Ms. Sager with drumsticks), bass (tubanos), cymbals. Watch part of a really good Drum Line performance. Sing and move to “God Bless America” MXP version + choreography. Listen and sing with “The Green Grass Grew All Around” MXP kids’ version.
- CHORUS: Perform “God Bless America” at our Veterans Day assembly. Record “God Bless America”. Learn/Rehearse “Holy Is Your Name”, OLG to Pescador tune, and “One for the Little Bitty Baby”.
- WEEK 10.1 (11/5/19)
- 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Play Beat Detective. Learn about Drum Lines (talk about military), take turns playing a 4-part Drum Cadence with snare (handclaps), bass (tubanos), cymbals, and tenor drum (lap/desk). Watch part of a really good Drum Line performance. 1st & K: sing/move to “God Bless America” MXP version + choreography.
- CHORUS: practice “God Bless America” 2x at the end of lunch for tomorrow’s performance.
- PreK: Learn about Drum Lines (talk about military), take turns playing a 4-part Drum Cadence (Marching Band Drum Cadence from May/June 2015) with snare (handclaps), bass (tubanos), cymbals, and tenor drum (lap/desk). Watch part of a really good Drum Line performance. Sing/move to “God Bless America” MXP version + choreography. Read The Green Grass Grew All Around. Listen and sing with “The Green Grass Grew All Around” MXP kids’ version.
- WEEK 9.3(10/31/19)
- 2nd, 4th, 1st: Major/Minor Mash Up from MusicExpress The Music Show. Discuss further major and minor, show differences on a piano keyboard. Read, sing and dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern” and “Halloween Hand Jive”. Watch Ghostlight (Mater) video short.
- PreS, PreK. Sing and dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-O-Lantern” and “Halloween Hand Jive”. Read Pete the Cat & Five Little Pumpkins. See Halloween Village again. Watch Ghostlight (Mater) video short.
- WEEK 9.2(10/30/19)
- PreS. Sing and dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-O-Lantern”. Mummy wrap. Read The Little Old Lady that Swallowed Some Leaves. See Halloween Village.
- 3rd: Major/Minor Mash Up from MusicExpress The Music Show. Discuss further major and minor, show differences on a piano keyboard. Read, sing and dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern”. Watch Ghostlight (Mater) video short.
- CHORUS: Practice songs for Friday’s mass: “Oh When the Saints”, “Somebody’s Knockin”, “Go Forth”, “Litany” by Maher, “Soon & Very Soon”, “Shepherd Me, O God”. Practice “God Bless America” for next week’s Veterans Day Assembly.
- WEEK 9.1(10/29/19)
- 5th-PK: Mummy wrap! 5 wraps to team that first plays the correct notes on the xylophone. Time to see Halloween village.
- PreK. Sing and dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-O-Lantern”. Mummy wrap. Read The Little Old Lady that Swallowed Some Leaves. See Halloween Village.
- WEEK 8.3(10/24/19)
- 4th, 2nd, 1st, K: Beat Detective
- PreK, PreS: Ram Sam Sam, dance to “Walk, Skip, Gallop”
- WEEK 8.1, 2 (10/22, 23) – Substitute teacher
- WEEK 7.3(10/17/19)
- Chorus at Mass!
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: A mix of Sara’s Music for Kids about Beethoven,
- WEEK 7.2 (10/16/19)
- WEEK 7.1 (10/15/19)
- 5th: Mix of Beethoven and Accidentals lessons from last week + “Hook Me A Motif”.
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Learn scales, learn note names on treble clef, listen to The Music Show about “It’s A Scale”. Have a competition (back row vs. front row) playing on xylophone a series of three or four notes shown on the whiteboard. A small treat was used a reward (Starburst or DumDum).
- PreK: Learned notes on treble clef, played notes on xylophone. Danced to “Mannequin” and “We Know the Way”. Sang “I Bought Me A Cat”. Read “Monkey Stuff”.
- WEEK 6.3 (10/10/19)
- 4th, 2nd, 1st, K: same as 3rd below.
- PreK: Echo Canyon song, practice call and response. Dance to “Mannequin”, make a thunderstorm.
- WEEK 6.2 (10/9/19)
- 3rd: Sharps/flats, C scales, G scales, and pentatonic scale on xylophones, The Music Show about “Accidentals Happen”, listening exercise on sharps/flats – up/down/same.
- PreS:
- CHORUS: Practice songs for 10/17 Mass. Auditions for “Keep Me Safe O God” during lunch today.
- WEEK 6.1 (10/8/19)
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Ask if they know Beethoven songs (played on piano): 5th Symphony, 9th Symphony “Ode to Joy”, “Für Elise”. Visit Beethoven in Austria with Luigi’s Baton and Mike the Microphone. Learn about RONDO form in “Für Elise”. Listen to interview with Beethoven about his life, his deafness, etc. Learn a new rock song, “I Feel the Power”, that incorporates 5th Symphony and “Ode to Joy”. Learn and dance the choreography to “I Feel the Power”. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”.
- PreK: also gets to read a book, All in a Jam.
- 5th: Sound Poem: “Making a Jack-O-Lantern”. Use many different instruments to match some of the words in the poem. Switch instruments several times. Ending question: which instrument best matched its word?
- WEEK 5.3 (10/3/19)
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK, PreS: Sound Poem: “Making a Jack-O-Lantern”. Use many different instruments to match some of the words in the poem. Switch instruments several times. Ending question: which instrument best matched its word?
- WEEK 5.2 (10/2/19)
- PreS: Go to Rio de Janiero, MusicExpress Hector Villa-Lobos and his Choros #1, learn “Conga Kids” song, learn choreography, dance and maracas to “Conga Kids”. Also learn “I Bought Me A Cat”.
- 3rd: Sound Poem: “Making a Jack-O-Lantern”. Use many different instruments to match some of the words in the poem. Switch instruments several times. Ending question: which instrument best matched its word?
- CHORUS: “Amen” (Gia chooses three), learn/practice “America the Beautiful” for Veteran’s Day Assembly, “We Are Marching”, “Star Spangled Banner”, “Keep Me Safe O God”. Auditions next week after Chorus rehearsal.
- WEEK 5.1 (10/1/19)
- 5th: Drum day. Play drum/freeze. Pirates instrument families game on
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Go to Rio de Janiero (Google Earth, Olympics, big statue of Christ the Redeemer), MusicExpress Hector Villa-Lobos and his Choros #1, learn “Conga Kids” song, learn choreography, dance and maracas to “Conga Kids”, learn about California Raisins dance and commercials. (K & PreK also get “Beethoven’s Wig”)
- WEEK 4.3 (9/26)
- 2nd, 4th: Drum day. Play drum/freeze. Pirates instrument families game on
- PreK, PreS: Drum day. Play drum/freeze. Read “Pete the Cat & the Treasure Map”.
- WEEK 4.2 (9/25)
- 3rd: Drum day. Play drum/freeze. Pirates instrument families game on
- PreS: Nat’l Talk Like a Pirate Day. Sang with “Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Life for Me”. MusicExpress magazine – watch the Luigi & Mike introduction, then sway & march to “Pirates of the Caribbean” song by Klaus Badelt. Play modified version of Pirates game on Also color on a guitar/sax sheet.
- CHORUS: Rehearse/learn: “Keep Me Safe, O God”, “Amen”, “Just Like You”, “We Will Follow”, “We Are Marching”, “Alleluia” from Misa del Mundo.
- WEEK 4.1 (9/24)
- 4th, 3rd: Nat’l Talk Like a Pirate Day. Sang with “Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate’s Life for Me”. MusicExpress magazine – watch the Luigi & Mike introduction, then sway & march to “Pirates of the Caribbean” song by Klaus Badelt. 2nd, 1st, K, & PreK: also complete and then draw on a treasure map/maze. PreK also played Drum/Freeze.
- 5th: Listened to Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals. Tried to match song with animal.
- WEEK 3.3 (9/19)
- 4th, 2nd: Listened to Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals. Tried to match song with animal.
- 1st, K: Listened to Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals. Tried to match song with animal. Drum-freeze game.
- PreK, PreS: Listened to Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals. Tried to match song with animal. Wiggle Book, Dance to “You Can Fly”, played Drum-freeze game.
- WEEK 3.2 (9/18)
- PreS: Individually make up songs with magnets on whiteboard. Sing/dance Wiggle song, read Wiggle book.
- 3rd: Listened to Saint-Saens Carnival of Animals. Tried to match song with animal. 15 minute fire drill in the middle of class kinda blew it today. 🙁
- CHORUS: 36 confirmed Chorus kids! Talked expectations again today. Started with “Amen” song (sing it softer, louder, country, opera, clap, snap, stomp, holding hands). Practiced “Alleluia Love is Alive”, “Keep Me Safe, O God”, “We Are Marching” (Desmond drummed), and “Love Round”.
- WEEK 3.1 (9/17)
- 5th: Discuss Passports & students’ travels, “travel” to Jamaica. Watch all of MusicEXPRESS Jamaica video, discuss Jamaica location on Google Earth, blue Mahoe tree, Columbus, Spanish and English colonialism, hurricanes, music, food, Usain Bolt, Rastafarians, dreadlocks, etc. Listened to beginning of Bob Marley’s “One Love”. Learned the “Banana Boat” song and then got up and danced to it. Watched some of interview w Jake Shimabukuro, amazing ukulele player.
- 3rd: Revisit treble clef. Watch The Music Show’s “Lines & Spaces, Baby“. Take note dictation (last note only of a phrase) on the white board.
- 4th: Revisit treble clef. Watch The Music Show’s “Lines & Spaces, Baby“. Take note dictation (last note only of a phrase) on a worksheet. The answers spell CABBAGE.
- 2nd, 1st, K: Revisit treble clef. Watch The Music Show’s “Lines & Spaces, Baby“. Take note dictation (last note only of a phrase) on the white board. Video reward for 2nd grade: “Piper”. K makes up songs with magnets on white board.
- PreK: Individually make up songs with magnets on white board. Hokey Pokey dance. Dance to Banana Boat song and to Barnyard Stomp. Learn solfeg, echo with the hand signals.
- WEEK 2.3 (9/12)
- 2nd: Orchestra and Instrument Families. Start with Little Einstein video refresher, BrainPop Online Game for Instrument Families, dance to The Banana Boat song, The Music Show’s “The Beat is the Heart of Music”, video short “For the Birds”.
- PreK: Bernie Bee, I Like Bees book, dance to “The Banana Boat” song, say names loud and soft.
- 4th: Ukulele! Watch part of interview w Jake Shimabukuro. Quiz after. Also Orchestra & Instrument Families: “George Meets the Sydney Youth Orchestra“. BrainPop Online Game for Instrument Families, dance to The Banana Boat song.
- PreS: Bernie Bee, video “George meets SYO”, i.d. some musical instruments on, dance to “The Banana Boat” song, say names loud and soft, watch video short “For the Birds”.
- 1st: Orchestra & Instrument Families: “George Meets the Sydney Youth Orchestra“. BrainPop Online Game for Instrument Families, dance to The Banana Boat song. The Music Show’s “The Beat is the Heart of Music”. Watch video short, “For the Birds”.
- K: Orchestra & Instrument Families: “George Meets the Sydney Youth Orchestra“, dance to The Banana Boat song. The Music Show’s “The Beat is the Heart of Music”. Watch video short, “For the Birds”.
- WEEK 2.2 (9/11)
- PreS: Bernie Bee, I Like Bees book, dance to “The Banana Boat” song, says names loud and soft.
- 3rd: Orchestra and Instrument Families. Start with Little Einstein video refresher, BrainPop Online Game for Instrument Families, dance to The Banana Boat song, video short “Mouse for Sale“.
- CHORUS: Preview Day. Twelve 5th Graders helped ALL the 4th Graders see what Chorus is like. We talked about general expectations, 5th Graders acted as cantors for “Keep Me Safe, O God”, we sang “Power of Peace” all together. Dismissed early for a bit of sunshine.
- WEEK 2.1 (9/10)
- 5th: Name Game: one movement per syllable, all repeat. Listen and discuss letter from John Jacobson (from MXP) about the importance of music class (Aug/Sep 2018). Watch “Be A Friend” video from OLG Chorus ’16.
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Discuss Passports, “travel” to Jamaica. Watch all or some of MusicEXPRESS Jamaica video, discuss Jamaica location on Google Earth, blue Mahoe tree, Columbus, Spanish and English colonialism, hurricanes, music, food, Usain Bolt, Rastafarians, dreadlocks, etc. Listened to Bob Marley’s “One Love”. Learned the “Banana Boat” song and then got up and danced to it. Some classes got a short video reward at the end.
- WEEK 1 (9/4 and 9/6, 2019)
- Discuss manners, rules with all.
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st: Name Game: one movement per syllable, all repeat. Listen and discuss letter from John Jacobson (from MXP) about the importance of music class (Aug/Sep 2018). Watch “Be A Friend” video from OLG Chorus 2016, learn moves, dance to “Be A Friend”.
- Kinder: Hicklety Picklety Bumblebee name game. Dance to “Aquarium” by Saint-Saens with scarves.
- PreS, PreK, K: Learn Names with “Hicklety Picklety Bumblebee”. Dance to “Wiggled”, “Barnyard Stomp”, and “Aquarium” by Saint-Saens with scarves.
- Hicklety picklety bumblebee
Who can say their name for me?
Allison! (loudly)
Allison. (whispered)
All-i-son. (mouthed without vocalizing)
- Hicklety picklety bumblebee
- WEEK 38.2 (6/6)
4th: Learn about the Trap Set (drums), quiz on components, play Incredibox
2nd, 1st, K, PreK, PreS: a mix of Wiggles book, “Splash!” dance, The Music Show “Forte-piano” lesson, and Incredibox. - WEEK 38.CHORUS
Light of Leadership Mass in the morning: “We Are the Light of the World”, “The Lord is My Light & My Salvation”, “Shine Jesus Shine”, “Christ Be Our Light”, the Mary Dance, “This Little Light of Mine” - WEEK 38.1 (6/4)
Play a treble clef game that incorporates bean bag toss and a piece of candy for all. - WEEK 38.MARINERS! (MONDAY, 6/3)
OLG CHORUS sings the National Anthem for the Mariners Game! - WEEK 37.2 (5/30)
Peter and the Wolf! Watch video short, identify themes and instruments. - WEEK 37.CHORUS
Prep for next week’s mass, practice National Anthem for Monday’s Mariners game! - WEEK 37.1 (5/28, 29)
4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK, PreS: Learn about/listen to Richard Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries”. Also sing and learn about instrument families with MXP “Family”. Take group quiz about instrument families. Youngest grades also danced to “We Know the Way” and did the ‘drum freeze’ game. - WEEK 36.2 (5/23)
Pirate Day: Learn about/listen to “He is A Pirate” by Klaus Bedelt from “Pirates of the Carribbean”. Work on a maze/treasure map, draw and name our own parrot.
- WEEK 36.1 (5/21, 22)
VIDEO 2: ELEMENTARY – SchoolHouse Rock!
Rehearse for Spring Concert - WEEK 35 (5/13.19)
- WEEK 34 (5/7.19)
Practice songs for Spring Concert
Chorus practices songs for Spring Concert AND next week’s Mass - WEEK 33 (4/30.19) EASTER VACATION (sub for Ms. Sager)
- WEEK 31.CHORUS (4/17.19)
Practice “Give Us Hope”, “This is the Day”, “Resucito”. Learn “Dona Nobis Pacem”. - WEEK 31.2.19
4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Treble clef. Treble clef worksheet. Treble Clef Rally on
PreK, PreS: “I Just Love A Dancing Bear” Kodaly’s Viennese Clock w/ identify instruments, Beethoven’s Wig. Read Monkey Stuff, watch Beethoven’s Wig. - WEEK 31.1.19
5th Grade: bird calls
4th, 3rd: Musical Bingo, identify symbols - WEEK 30.CHORUS.19
Prep for Mass tomorrow (4/11): Christ In Me Arise, Kyrie Eleison (Maher), Be Merciful O God SS-66, Gracious God, Somebody’s Knockin’, Ten Thousand Reasons, and Father I Adore You (a round sung in 3 groups around the church). - WEEK 30.2.19
4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PS: Listening exercise with BIRD CALLS. Drew sonic diagrams of the call of 8 different birds. Quiz at the end.
PS also read Bianca the Brachiosaurus - WEEK 30.1.19
Babysitting day, rather than have a sub. Easter’s coming and the pressure is bearing down!
PreS = “The Music Show” about Forte/Piano! Dance and freeze to the drum. Read Adam the Allosaurus. - WEEK 29.CHORUS.19
Note from Chris Hackett – she loved our “Hail Holy Queen”
Practice for 4/11: “Be Merciful O Lord”, “Somebody’s Knockin”, “Ten Thousand Reasons”, “Christ In Me Arise”
Learn “Father I Adore You” ROUND. Sing it w/ 3 groups far apart in the church. Wow!
Practice “Give Us Hope” - WEEK 29.2.19 (4/3)
3rd: MXP’s “The Music Show” about Presto & Largo; walk/dance to the different tempos. about tempos. Rhythm Cat app with quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, and quarter rests.
4th: “The Music Show” about Presto & Largo; walk/dance to the different tempos. about tempos. Wheel of Fortune Instrument Families on + “Beethoven’s Wig”.
2nd: “The Music Show” about Presto & Largo; walk/dance to the different tempos. about tempos. Wheel of Fortune Instrument Families on
1st: “The Music Show” about Presto & Largo; walk/dance to the different tempos. about tempos.
K: “The Music Show” about Presto & Largo; walk/dance to the different tempos. about tempos. Dances to Spiderman.
PreS: “The Music Show” about Presto & Largo; walk/dance to the different tempos. Dance to Spiderman. Read “All in A Jam”
PreK: “The Music Show” about Presto & Largo; walk/dance to the different tempos. about tempos. Read “All in A Jam” + Rhythm Cat. - WEEK 29.1.19 (4/2)
5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Peter Gunn Theme Song Song Map. Repeat Signs Instrument Guessing Game – Yes/No Questions.
PreK: Peter Gunn Theme Song Map, Instrument Guessing Game – Yes/No Questions, “All In A Jam” book, dance to “Spiderman”.
PreS: Peter Gunn Theme Song Map, magnifying glasses, “All In A Jam” book, dance to “Spiderman”.
- WEEK 28.CHORUS (3/27)
Learn new songs for April 11 Mass: the psalm “Be Merciful O Lord”, “Gracious God”, “Somebody’s Knockin”, “Jesus Remember Me”. Continue learning “Give Us Hope”. - WEEK 28.2.19 (3/28)
4th: Recorders! Notes A, B, and adding C. Then watch “One Man Band”.
3rd: Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven, metronomes, and Rondo Form (ABACA) and other forms like ABABCB in “Happy” by Pharrell. Sing and partner dance to “Love is An Open Door”.
2nd: Dance to “Love is An Open Door”, play Rhythm Cat.
1st: Rhythm Cat, sing “Row Row Row Your Boat” (losing a word each time), watch “One Man Band”.
K: Discuss echoes, watch echo video of trumpeter in a canyon, sing Echo Canyon song in MXP, dance to “Love Is An Open Door”, sing “Green Grass Grew” echo song, dance to “Boing!”, play levels 1 and 2 of Rhythm Cat app, watch “One Man Band”. Wow. They are soooo terrific!
PreK: Discuss echoes, watch echo video of trumpeter in a canyon, sing Echo Canyon song in MXP, dance to “Love Is An Open Door”, sing “Green Grass Grew” echo song, dance again to “Love is An Open Door”, watch “One Man Band”.
PreS: Discuss echoes, watch echo video of trumpeter in a canyon, sing Echo Canyon song in MXP, dance to “Love Is An Open Door”, sing “Green Grass Grew” echo song, dance to “Boing!”, watch “One Man Band”, sing “Row Row Row Your Boat” (losing a word each time). - WEEK 28.1.19 (3/26)
5th: Learn the term motif on “The Music Show”. Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven and Rondo Form (ABACA).
4th: Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven and Rondo Form (ABACA).
3rd: North Skeleton Stick Dance. Here is a video of some other school kids trying to do it. (see link below, a few days ago)
2nd: Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven, metronomes. Sing and dance to “Love Is An Open Door” from Frozen. Watch One Man Band.
1st: Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven. Read And the Green Grass, sing a song “And the Green Grass Grew All Around.”
K: Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven and metronomes. Read And the Green Grass, sing a song “And the Green Grass Grew All Around.”
PreK: Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven, metronomes. Sing and dance to “Love Is An Open Door” from Frozen. Read And the Green Grass, sing a song “And the Green Grass Grew All Around.” Watch One Man Band.
PreS: (3/27) Listen to “Für Elise”, learn about Beethoven, metronomes. Sing and dance to “Love Is An Open Door” from Frozen. Read And the Green Grass, sing a song “And the Green Grass Grew All Around.” - WEEK 27.CHORUS.19 (3/20)
Welcome 7 new Chorus Members! (Total of 41 now). Learn “Give Us Hope” by Nuñez & Papoulis, discuss 9/11. Practice “Star Spangled Banner” for June 3rd Mariners Game! - WEEK 27.2.19 (3/20, 21)
4th: Learn + quiz intervals, Learn + quiz piano keys.
3rd: Learn + quiz intervals, Learn + quiz piano keys, North England Skeleton Stick Dance – what a blast! Here is a video of some other school kids trying to do it.
2nd: Learn about, listen to, follow along with Louise Talma’s piano composition, “Clocks”, Learn + quiz piano keys.
1st: Learn about, listen to, follow along with Louise Talma’s piano composition, “Clocks”, Learn + quiz piano keys.
K, PreS, PreK: Read Little Blue Truck. Dance to “Boing!” or “We Know the Way”, Learn about, listen to, follow along with Louise Talma’s piano composition, “Clocks”. - WEEK 27.1.19 (3/19)
5th: North Skeleton Stick Dance. Here is a video of some other school kids trying to do it.
K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Learn about motifs on The Music Show, ask for examples, search for shamrocks, dance the North Skeleton Stick Dance again. K also learns & dances to “Boing!”.
PreK, PreS: Dance to “Boing!”, search for shamrocks, read The Green Grass Grew All Around. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig”. - WEEK 26.19
(3/14) 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Boomwhackers! to B-I-N-G-O! Beat Detective, Beat the Teacher, or dance to Moana “We Know the Way”.
PreK, PreS: Boomwhackers! to B-I-N-G-O! Dance to “We Know the Way”, read a book, “I Love Bees”.
4th: Recorders! G, A, and B to a Heavy Metal Rock track.
(3/13) CHORUS: Loch Lomond Flash Mob HERE ., Practice “Star Spangled Banner”.
(3/12) All Classes: Sound Poem, “St. Patrick Was A Gentleman”. Everyone gets an instrument that goes with a word in the poem. Here’s the 2nd Grade with their Sound Poem! - WEEK 25.19
(3/7) All Classes learn about John Williams, composer of movie music.
(3/6) ASH WEDNESDAY MASS. CHORUS soloists sing “The Lord is Kind and Merciful”. At our rehearsal, we practice Loch Lomond (for a St. Patrick’s flash mob). Also practice “Star Spangled Banner”.
- WEEK 24.19
(2/28) All Classes learn about Scott Joplin, ragtime music, and piano rolls
(2/26) - WEEK 23.19
(2/21) 4th Grade Recorders
(2/20) North England Skeleton Stick Dance – what a blast! Here is a video of some other school kids trying to do it.
(2/19) Episodes from “The Music Show” from our MusicExpress Magazine. - WEEK 22.19
(2/7): Watch concert bits, dance to concert songs.
(2/6): SNOW DAY
(2/5): SNOW DAY - WEEK 20.19 (1/30): CONCERT! YouTube Video is HERE.
- WEEK 19.19 (1/22): Prep for Concert
- WEEK 18.19 (1/15): Prep for Concert
- WEEK 17.19 (1/8: Prep for Concert
- WEEK 16.2.18 (12/20)
4th: Create 12 Day of Xmas List, watch Hey Deer! video short.
3rd: Watch Charlie Brown Christmas
2nd: Learn Polar Express song, “Spirit of the Season” and watch short video clip. Learn about musical scales on MXP’s The Music Show, Watch Hey Deer! video short. Learn choreography to “Feliz Navidad”.
1st: Create 12 Day of Xmas List, play jingle bells to MXP’s “Hear the Bells”.
PreK: Play jingle bells to MXP’s “Hear the Bells”. Sing “Jingle Bells” and lose one word each time. Dance choreography to “Feliz Navidad”. Wiggle to our Drum Freeze game. Sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”. - WEEK 16.CHORUS.18
Auditions for “Grinch”. Winners are:
-Nico C. = seasick crocodile
-Kelsey = stink, stank, stunk
-Liam = Appalling dump heap
-Gresham = Sauerkraut
Sang “Grinch” at the Singalong on Wednesday with special guest, Brian Callanan, as the Grinch. 🙂 - WEEK 16.1.18
5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Name That Christmas Tune. K & PreK danced to “Feliz Navidad”. PreK also colored and did the Drum Freeze. - WEEK 15.2.18
Incredibox app fun + Dance to “Freeze”. PreS gets to read Five Little Elves. K and PreS sing Jingle Bells, losing one word at a time. - WEEK 15.CHORUS PART 2
Recorded “The Star Spangled Banner” in the church today. Sending it in to the Mariners by tomorrow’s deadline! - WEEK 15.MASS.18
Wow. What a blast. Great soloists all around today! If you were at mass, maybe you also sensed the CRAZY EXCITEMENT the kids felt for the final song, “Hail Holy Queen”. I think we rocked the house! We also practiced Grinch & Star Spangled Banner. - WEEK 15.CHORUS.18 Tuesday: announced psalmists and other soloists.
Psalm verse 1: Shaun/Nathan/Demarco, Verse 2: Katie/Kelsey/Liam, Verse 3: Anna/Gianna/Edie/Diana, Verse 4: Desmond/Isaiah/Essie, Verse 5: Avery/Sofia/Evolette.
Alleluia: Griffin/Paulo/Max R
Hail Holy Queen solos: Cherubim and Sweet Seraphim = Kingsley/Matteo/Gresham. Final cadenza: Kingsley.
Rehearsed “Star Spangled Banner“, “Mr. Grinch“, and “Hail Holy Queen”. - WEEK 15.1.18
5th, 3rd: Learn about Israel, Hannukah, “Hannukah, O Hannukah” song, dance the Hora.
4th, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Learn about “Linus & Lucy” by Vince Guaraldi. Identify instruments used in the song, identify theme and different sections of the song. Watch some of A Charlie Brown Christmas and listen for the use of “Linus and Lucy”. Talk about Christmas movie traditions in our homes, dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp”, “When We’re Together”, “Deck, Deck, Decorate December”, and/or “Feliz Navidad”. Also, PreK sings Jingle Bells, losing one word each time. - WEEK 14.CHORUS.18
Practice for next week’s mass: “O Sanctissima”,”Hail Holy Queen” from Sister Act, “Holy is Your Name”, “Here I Am, Lord”, “O Come O Come Emmanuel”. Practice “Star Spangled Banner” and “Mr. Grinch”. Hold lunchtime auditions for “Holy is Your Name”. - WEEK 14.2.18
4th: Learn about Israel, Hannukah, “Hannukah” song, dance the Hora.
3rd: Freeze/melt to drum, read “The Snowman” from “Christmas Stories” book, dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp”.
2nd, 1st, K: Freeze/melt to drum, read “The Snowman” from “Christmas Stories” book, dance to “Freeze”.
PreK: Freeze/melt to drum, read “The Snowman” from “Christmas Stories” book, dance to “Freeze”. Sing Jingle Bells, losing one word each time.
PreS: Color by note Xmas Tree; dance to “Freeze”. ID instrument sounds. - WEEK 14.1.18
5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Play xylophones to “Merry Meringue” and complete worksheets (word scrambles, word searches, color-by-note). Here are some 4th Graders playing along to “Merry Meringue”.
PreS: Dance to “Freeze”. Freeze/melt with drum. Read “The Snowman” from “Christmas Stories” book. - WEEK 13.PRE.18
PreK: Deck, Deck, Decorate December dance, read Paul the Snowman, Read Johnny Elf
PreS: Deck, Deck, Decorate December dance, JB Stomp, read Paul the Snowman, talk about North Pole. - WEEK 13.CHORUS.18 (11/28)
Watch “Hail Holy Queen” from Sister Act, practice! Practice “Holy is Your Name”, “Mr. Grinch”, “O Sanctissima”, “Here I Am, Lord”, and “The King Shall Come”. Invites to Tree Lighting sent home.
- WEEK 13.2.18 (11/28)
4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: “Yesh Lanu Tayish” Israeli partner dance and song. - WEEK 13.1.18 (11/27)
5th, 4th, 3rd: The Music Show “Merry Go-Round”, learn about Pachelbel’s “Canon in D Major” with Luigi’s Baton & Mike the Microphone. Watch video of modern “Canon in D”. Sing a round: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”.
2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Same as above + a combo of dance to “Jingle Bell Stomp”, read Ella the Dog at Christmas, Talent Show. - WEEK 12.CHORUS.18 (11/21)
Watch “Hail Holy Queen” from Sister Act, practice! Practice “Holy is Your Name”. Thanksgiving break lets out early today! - WEEK 12.2.18 (11/21)
3rd and PreS: Read and sing Grateful, a book given to us by Fr. Jack. - WEEK 12.1.18 (11/20)
5th, 4th, 3rd: Worksheet on Thanksgiving Words and how they fit into rhythm patterns. Learn and perform “The Orchestra Song” (here’s a similar version to mine).
2nd, 1st, K: Read Goodnight Turkey by Sharlene Alexander, discuss rhymes. Read Give Thanks: Thanksgiving Stories for Kids by Uncle Amon, discuss how to help mom and dad during the holidays. Learn Thanksgiving tongue-twisters and jokes. Dance to “Hakuna Matata” and “Spiderman”. Talk about travel for Thanksgiving and favorite foods. K & PreK also sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”. - WEEK 11.CHORUS.18 (11/14)
Rehearse “O Love of God”, “O Sanctissima”, “Holy is Your Name”, “Hail Holy Queen”, and “Mr. Grinch”. - WEEK 11.2.18 (11/14 & 15)
4th, 3rd, 2nd Grade: Learn song and circle dance to “Great Big House in New Orleans”. Google Earth re: New Orleans. Review Instrument Families, play game (Instrument Spin Off).
PreK: shakers to “Havana”, dance to “Mannequin”, learn about Instrument Families, play Instrument Family game (pirates on
1st, K: discuss autumn, leaves. Sing & create dance to “Rake Those Leaves”. Read There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves and Pete the Cat: Five Little Pumpkins. K watches Night and Day short, looks at Halloween village.
PreS: shakers to “Havana”, dance to “Jumpin’ Jack-o-Lantern”,read There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves and Pete the Cat: Five Little Pumpkins. - WEEK 11.1.18 (11/13)
5th: Xylophones + Worksheets. Play along to “Octoberfest Polka”.
4th, 3rd: Learn about iTheatrics, a theatre academy in NY. Watch The Music Show about reading notes. Play a game (rhythm math, instrument families).
2nd: Watch The Music Show “All About Time”, reinforce time signatures with class time at the white board. Dance to “The Mannequin”. Practice and perform solfege signals in small groups.
1st, K: Watch The Music Show about skips and steps, reinforce with class time at the white board. Dance to “The Mannequin”, play a game about instrument families.
PreK: Shakers (p, f), watch The Music Show about steps and skips, dance to “The Mannequin”.
PreS: Shakers, dance to “The Mannequin”, learn about instrument families, watch instrument performances. - WEEK 10.TEACHER CONFERENCES.18
- WEEK 10.ASSEMBLY.18 (11/7)
Chorus performs “Battle Hymn” and “Remember Me” for Assembly. Solos go to Gianna S. and Matteo M. Video here! - WEEK 10.CHORUS.18 (11/6)
Rehearsal on Tuesday for “Remember Me” and “Battle Hymn”. Auditions for solo are held during lunch. - WEEK 10.1.18 (11/6)
Xylophones + Worksheets. Play along to “Rocky Mountain”. - WEEK 9.MASS.18 (11/1) All Saints Day
Songs at Mass: Oh When the Saints, Shepherd Me O God (Kingsley’s group, Anna’s Group, Gianna/Kendyll/Lila), Alleluia (Shaun/Max/Gresham), Somebody’s Knockin’, Go Forth, Litany of the Saints, Soon and Very Soon (Ava’s Group). - WEEK 9.CHORUS.18 (10/31 and 11/1)
Rehearsal: Prepare for and perform “The Addam’s Family” flashmob (click here to see Youtube video) (sat both lunches. Practice then audition for “Shepherd Me, O God” psalm. Practice songs for mass. - WEEK 9.2.18 (10/31 and 11/1)
4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: DRUMMING! Call & Response drills for Costumes, Fave Candy, and Compose-Your-Own. Watch video short, Mater & The Ghostlight, if time.
PreS: DRUMMING! Loud & soft, tried to call & respond… Danced to “The Mannequin”, “Cha Cha Cha Boogie”, and “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern”. Shared favorite Halloween candy, clapped rhythms. Watched video short, Mater & The Ghostlight. - WEEK 9.1 (10/30)
5th, 4th, 3rd: Listen/learn/identify “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Saëns, Dance to Spiderman, Rhythm Quiz Hoops Shoot on
2nd: Listen/learn/identify “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Saëns, Dance to Spiderman, ID instrument families on
1st: Listen/learn/identify “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Saëns, Dance to Spiderman.
Kindergarten: Listen/learn/identify “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Saëns, Dance to Spiderman, Dance to “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern”, ID instruments on
PreK: Listen/learn/identify “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Saëns, Dance to Spiderman, ID instrument sounds on - WEEK 8.MASS
Mass: We Are Marching, Keep Me Safe O God, 10,000 Reasons, Vine & Branches, Love Round, Alle Alle Alleluia.
Rehearsal: Announce Psalm & Alleluia Soloists (Gianna/Diana/Avery, Griffin/Matteo/Gresham, Shaun/Demarco/Kingsley, Alle: Desmond/Paulo/Isaiah). Practice Alle Alle, Love Round, Vine & Branches, 10,000 Reasons, Keep Me Safe O God, Battle Hymn, Addam’s Family). - WEEK 8.2 (10/24, 25)
4th, 3rd: Dance to “The Mannequin”, practice dynamics p (soft) and f (loud) to the ABC song and “Twinkle, Twinkle”. Learn/listen/sing/discuss The Little Mermaid and “Part of Your World”.
1st: Practice dynamics p (soft) and f (loud) to the ABC song and “Twinkle, Twinkle”. Learn/listen/sing/discuss The Little Mermaid and “Part of Your World”.
Kindergarten: Practice dynamics p (soft) and f (loud) to the ABC song and “Twinkle, Twinkle”. Learn/ listen/ sing/ discuss The Little Mermaid and “Part of Your World”. View Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village. Learn/dance choreography to “Part of Your World”.
no PreK: (mass)
no PreS: (they forgot) - WEEK 8.1 (10/23)
5th: Learn, listen, and discuss Modest Mussorgsky’s “A Night on Bald Mountain”. Watch snippet of Fantasia version. View Halloween Village.
4th, 3rd, 2nd: Learn, listen, and discuss Modest Mussorgsky’s “A Night on Bald Mountain”. Watch snippet of Fantasia version. Learn about MAJOR vs. MINOR chords via The Music Show.
1st, K: Learn, listen, and discuss Modest Mussorgsky’s “A Night on Bald Mountain”. Watch snippet of Fantasia version. Learn about MAJOR vs. MINOR chords via The Music Show. View Halloween Village.
PreK: Learn, listen, and discuss Modest Mussorgsky’s “A Night on Bald Mountain”. Dance to “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern” and “Mannequin”. Read more of the story of The Last Pumpkin. - WEEK 7.3 (10/18)
Ms. Sager has NO VOICE today. 🙁
2nd: Watch The Fantastic Flying Books. Sing and dance to “The Mannequin”. Watch “Give Me Five” about the Pentatonic Scale.
PreK: “Whisper, Talk, Sing, Shout” learning and singing, watch Piper, look at Halloween Village!
4th: Watch The Fantastic Flying Books. Sing and dance to “The Mannequin”. Watch “Give Me Five” about the Pentatonic Scale.
Kindergarten: Dance to “Mannequin”, sing to “Whisper, Talk, Sing, Shout!”, watch Pixar shorts, look at Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village.
1st: Dance to “Mannequin”, sing to “Whisper, Talk, Sing, Shout!”, watch Pixar shorts. - WEEK 7.2 (10/17)
3rd: Watch “Give Me Five” about the Pentatonic Scale. Look at the Halloween Village! Dance to “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern”. Learn “I Like Candy” song, talk about favorite candy. Begin reading story of The Last Pumpkin. Due to several disruptive students, the last 5 minutes of class was just about being quiet. Turkeys! It happens…
CHORUS: Announced the cantors for 10/25 Mass. Practice “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”, “Love Round”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, “Remember Me”, “Alleluia”, “Shepherd Me O God”, “10,000 Reasons”, “Alle Alle Alleluia”, and “The Addams Family”. - WEEK 7.1 (10/16)
PreK, PreS: Dance to “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern”. Learn “I Like Candy” song, talk about favorite candy. Dance to “The Mannequin”. Begin reading story of The Last Pumpkin.
5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: Learn/re-learn Treble Clef notes. Competition to wrap the mummy; correct answer = four wraps. 4th Grade Mummy video here! 1st Grade Mummy video here! Pics of 4th and 3rd below! - WEEK 6.3 (10/11)
4th: Watch video refresher of Orchestra Instruments and Families. Dance to “Hakuna Matata” and to “Sasha” to KEEP WARM! Quiz on orchestra video.
2nd: Orchestra Video + Quiz. Dance to “I Got the Beat”. Dance to “Sasha” twice to KEEP WARM!
1st, K: Instrument Guessing Game. Learn “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern” song and dance. Ask for faves/scary part.
PreK: Read Bees Like Flowers. Dance to “Summ, Summ, Summ!”. Revisit “Bernie Bee”. Learn “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern” words and dance. Ask for faves/scary part. Dance again!
PreS: Read Bees Like Flowers. Dance to “Summ, Summ, Summ!”. Revisit “Bernie Bee”. Read Wiggle. Learn “Jumpin’ Jack O’Lantern” words and dance. Ask for faves/scary part. Dance again! - WEEK 6.2 (10/10)
3rd: Watch video refresher of Orchestra Instruments and Families. Quiz immediately after.
PreS: Read Rebecca Bielawski’s Bees Like Flowers and Travelling Seeds. Learn, sing, and dance to “Summ, Summ, Summ! Bees Are Awesome!” Dance to “The Barnyard Stomp”.
CHORUS: Practice “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”, “Somebody’s Knockin'”, “Love Round”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, “Remember Me”, “Alleluia”, “We Are Marching”, “Go Forth”. Learn “Shepherd Me O God”, “Father I Adore You”, and “The Addams Family”. Have auditions for “Keep Me Safe O God” during lunch. - WEEK 6.1 (10/9)
5th: Learn and sing “The Fox” (one of the oldest surviving English folk songs), add body percussion, play separate rhythms together, distinguish major and minor. Read The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night. Learn the dance/play to “The Fox”. Choose role players. Perform!
4th, 3rd, 2nd: Learn about Russia, learn and perform Sasha Dance.
1st, K, PreK: Read Rebecca Bielawski’s Bees Like Flowers and Travelling Seeds. Learn, sing, and dance to “Summ, Summ, Summ! Bees Are Awesome!” Clap along to quarter notes and quarter rests with Rockin’ Rhythm Reading. Dance to “I Got the Beat”. - WEEK 5.3 (10/4)
K, 1st, 2nd, 4th: Learn about The Lion King on Broadway. Learn and sing “Hakuna Matata” in 2 parts, learn choreography, dance! Read Wiggle and/or sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” taking away one word at a time.
PreK, PreS: Learn about The Lion King on Broadway. Learn and sing “Hakuna Matata”, learn choreography, dance! Read Doreen Cronin’s Wiggle. Learn lyrics then dance to “Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggled”. “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, taking away one word at a time. Dance to “The Barnyard Stomp”. - WEEK 5.2 (10/3)
PreS: Read Doreen Cronin’s Wiggle. Learn lyrics then dance to “Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggled”. Take a “Melody Road Trip” while we learn about melodies that go up, down, and stay the same.
3rd: Learn and sing “The Fox” (one of the oldest surviving English folk songs), add body percussion, play separate rhythms together, distinguish major and minor. Read The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night. Learn the dance/play to “The Fox”. Choose role players. Perform!
CHORUS: Practice “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”, “Somebody’s Knockin'”, “Love Round”, “Keep Me Safe O God”, “Remember Me”, Psalm 23 by Sara Hart, “Go Forth”. - WEEK 5.1 (10/2)
5th, 4th, 3rd: Overture to Candide by Leonard Bernstein. Discuss composer, dynamics, fanfares, operettas, plot, repetition of themes and sections, characters of the music. Watch Kristin Chenowith sing “Glitter and Be Gay” from Candide.
2nd: Learn and sing “The Fox” (one of the oldest surviving English folk songs), add body percussion, play separate rhythms together, distinguish major and minor. Read The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night. Learn the dance/play to “The Fox”. Choose role players. Perform!
1st, K, PreK: Read Doreen Cronin’s Wiggle. Learn lyrics then dance to “Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggled”. Take a “Melody Road Trip” while we learn about melodies that go up, down, and stay the same. Sing and dance to “I Got the Beat”. Read The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night. Dance to “The Fox”. - WEEK 4.3 (9/27)
2nd, 4th: Show “Me…Jane”, Learn/review note and rest values. Worksheet on notes and rests. 2nd also played Rhythm Quiz Show.
1st, K, PreK, PreS: Show “Me…Jane”, sing/dance to “I Got the Beat” (feet, hands, chin, seat!). Maracas for everyone. Learn about quarter notes and quarter rests, play maracas with “Twinkle Twinkle”, play maracas with “Havana”. - WEEK 4.2 (9/26)
PreS: Watch MXP “The Music Show” about melodies that go up, down, or stay the same. Explore with our voices. Listen to four versions of “Remember Me” from the film, Coco. Choose favorites, explain why it’s a favorite. Sing and dance to “Barnyard Stomp”.
3rd: Show “Me..Jane”. Learn/review note and rest values. Worksheet on notes and rests.
CHORUS: Talk about upcoming performances. Learn “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”, “Somebody’s Knockin'”, “We Are Marching” (with HARMONY!), practice “Love Round” and “Keep Me Safe O God”. Discuss and sing “Remember Me”. - WEEK 4.1 (9/25/18)
5th, 4th, 3rd: Watch MXP “Cool Music Careers” interview with Francisco Nuñez, choral conductor of Young People’s Chorus of NYC. Read his biography, as well, and answer questions at the end. Discuss Dia de Los Muertos and ofrendas/alteres, listen to four versions of “Remember Me” from the film, Coco. Choose favorites, explain why it’s a favorite. It’s making me want to put up an ofrenda for my grandmother!
2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Watch MXP “The Music Show” about melodies that go up, down, or stay the same. Elaborate on the whiteboard with our voices, solfege, and sign language. Discuss Dia de Los Muertos and ofrendas/alteres, listen to four versions of “Remember Me” from the film, Coco. Choose favorites, explain why it’s a favorite. Sing and dance to “Remember Me” with John Jacobson’s choreography. PreK: also sing and dance to “Barnyard Stomp”. - WEEK 3.3 (9/20)
4th, 2nd, 1st, K: National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Sing along to “Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate’s Life for Me”. Kids give examples of how to talk like a pirate, we listen to Luigi’s Baton & Mike introduce the theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Pirates sway, soldiers march as the music changes tempo and style, then switch roles. Treasure Map Maze (hard or easy). Also K: Dance to “The Barnyard Stomp” and sing “Bernie Bee”.
PreK: Sing/dance to “It’s Time”, Learn/sing “Bernie Bee” with lots of hand motions: ‘”Bernie Bee, Bernie Bee, tell me where your wedding be! If it be tomorrow day, take your wings and fly away!” Chant it in a HIGH BEE voice and then a LOW BEAR voice. Dance to “The Barnyard Stomp”. Watch MXP “The Music Show” as they discuss/sing about “Whisper, Talk, Sing, Shout!” (2 times because they loved it so much!) - WEEK 3.2 (9/19)
PreS: “Bernie Bee”, dance to both “Cha Cha Cha Boogie” and “The Barnyard Stomp”. Say names Loud, Soft, Loud.
3rd Grade: National Talk Like a Pirate Day. Kids give examples, we listen to Luigi’s Baton & Mike introduce the theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Pirates sway, soldiers march as the music changes tempo and style. Draw eye patches, treasure maps.
CHORUS: Talk AT LENGTH about rules for being in Chorus and what could get someone un-invited from Chorus. Sing “Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate’s Life for Me”, “Keep Me Safe, O God”, “Alleluia” (from Misa del Mundo), and “Love Round”. - WEEK 3.1 (9/18)
5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd Grade: “Mambo” from Bernstein’s West Side Story. Discuss Student Goals for the day. Also discuss Bernstein, Cuba, Puerto Rico, NY, Romeo+Juliet, syncopation. With MXP interactive program, play four instrument & rhythm groups together!: low drums, bongos, maracas, and claves — with syncopation! Watch short, cute muppet Romeo & Juliet and a bit of “Mambo” dance from West Side Story.
1st Grade: “Mambo” from Bernstein’s West Side Story. Watch short, cute muppet Romeo & Juliet and a bit of “Mambo” dance from West Side Story. Discuss Romeo+Juliet, syncopation. With MXP interactive program, play 4 instrument & rhythm groups together: low drums, bongos, maracas, and claves — with syncopation! Also get up and wiggle+sing to “The Barnyard Stomp”.
K, PK: Dance to “Cha Cha Cha Boogie”, play instruments to “It’s Time”, list things that are AWESOME in our lives (ice cream, rides on dragons, vacations on boats, pizza in Mexico), then dance to “Everything is Awesome”. Learn “Bernie Bee” with lots of hand motions: ‘”Bernie Bee, Bernie Bee, tell me where your wedding be! If it be tomorrow day, take your wings and fly away!” Chant it in a HIGH BEE voice and then a LOW BEAR voice. Dance to “The Barnyard Stomp”. PK watches “Piper” video. - WEEK 2.3 (9/13)
4th Grade: Pirates of Penzance pattersong, “I Am the Very Model”. Talk/learn about operetta, new vocabulary. Try our hand at the fast lyrics of this song into the little karaoke machine.
2nd Grade: Chinese Magic Gourd video. Learn about, follow along with Haydn’s Surprise Symphony (it kept the sleepy Prince awake!). “Cha Cha Cha Boogie” for getting up and moving. ‘Round the circle with name = unique movement/syllable.
1st Grade: Chinese Magic Gourd video. Learn about, follow along with Haydn’s Surprise Symphony (it kept the sleepy Prince awake!). “Barnyard Stomp” for getting up and moving.
Kindergarten: Chinese Magic Gourd video. Learn about, follow along with Haydn’s Surprise Symphony (it kept the sleepy Prince awake!).
PreK: Learning names again. “Time for School” song for moving. “Cha Cha Cha Boogie” for more movement. Move/freeze to drumbeat. Day of failure with these kids. 🙁
PreS: Hicklety Picklety Name Game. “This is the Way We Walk to School” song w/ lots of different movement. “The Barnyard Stomp” for even more movement. Move/freeze to drumbeat. Watch video for the song “Lava”. - WEEK 2.CHORUS (9/12) “Come and See” day for 4th Graders and new 5th Graders. 5th Graders acted as perfect examples of strong singing and cantoring as we sang through, “Alleluia, Love Is Alive”, “Power of Peace”, and “Keep Me Safe O God”. Handed out Commitment Letters for parents’ signatures.
- WEEK 2.2 (9/12)
PreS: Hicklety Picklety Name Game. “This is the Way We Walk to School” song w/ lots of different movement. Talk about being a friend, watch OLG video of “Be A Friend”.
3rd & 5th Grade: Pirates of Penzance pattersong: “I Am the Very Model”. Talk/learn about operetta, new vocabulary. Try our hand at the fast lyrics of this song in the little karaoke machine.
5th Grade: Name Game: one movement per syllable, all repeat. Letter from John Jacobson about the importance of music class. - WEEK 2.1 (9/11) [substitute teacher for Ms. Sager’s absence – grandmother’s funeral in Montana]
- WEEK 1.2 (9/6)
- 2nd: “How-de-do” song for learning names. Dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling.”
- 4th: Name Game: one movement per syllable, all repeat. Letter from John Jacobson about the importance of music class. “Be A Friend” video from 2016, dance to “Be A Friend”, study lyrics and talk about what it means to be a good friend. Accept the challenge to be a friend to someone new this year!
- 1st: Hicklety Picklety Bumblebee name game, “The Kids Go Marching”, “Walk, Skip, Gallop”, “Be A Friend”
- Kinder: Hicklety Picklety Bumblebee name game, “The Kids Go Marching”, “Walk, Skip, Gallop”, “Be A Friend”
- PreK: Learn Names with “Hicklety Picklety Bumblebee”.
- Hicklety picklety bumblebee
Who can say their name for me?
Allison! (loudly)
Allison. (whispered)
All-i-son. (mouthed without vocalizing)
Dance and sing to “The Kids Go Marching”.
- Hicklety picklety bumblebee
- WEEK 1.1 (9/5 and 9/6/18) 3rd: “How-de-do” song for learning names. Shortened day.
- WEEK 34.3 (5/17/18) Practice songs for Spring Concert.
- WEEK 34.2 (5/16) Practice songs for Mass and Spring Concert. Announce Audition Winners.
- WEEK 34.1 (5/15) Practice songs for Spring Concert.
- 33.1 (5/8): Practice songs for Spring Concert, as well as auditions or contests here and there for key roles. Between song run-thrus, give a 3-min break with a video short.
- 32.3 (5/3) K-4th: Lesson on Kabalevsky’s “Galop” from The Comedians. Plus practice Spring Concert songs.
- 32.2 (5/2) CHORUS:
- 32.1 (5/1) Spring Concert Songs + Lesson on Finale from Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture.
- 31.3 (4/28) Spring Concert Songs + Rhythm Cat and Sketch-a-Song.
- 31.2 (4/27) CHORUS: Learn “Love Round”, “Alle Alle Alleluia”, “Ten Thousand Reasons”, “Locomotion”.
- 31.1 (4/26) Spring Concert songs + Incredibox
- 30.3 (4/19) Mass with Chorus. Psalm cantors are Shawn/Kingsley/Demarco, Gabby/StellaF/Sophia, MaryKate/Sylvi/Alba.
4th, 3rd: Dogs’ ears vs. human ears. Identify the 4-bar measure of rhythm (musictechteacher). Introduce Spring Concert songs. 2nd, 1st, K: Drum Freeze, dance to “I Love A Dancing Bear”, learn about Ostinatos (The Music Show episode), 5-min talent show with 2nd Grade. - 30.2 (CHORUS) prep for mass tomorrow: “Resucito” with maracas, “The Jesus Song”, “Rise Up with Him”, “Wisdom, Wisdom”, “This Is the Day” psalm with auditions during subsequent lunch.
- 30.1 (4/17)
- 29.all (week with sub (Nicole Chiodo): worksheets and videos
- 28.3 (3/29)
- 28.2 (CHORUS) (3/28) Prep for Mass on 4/19 (“Resucito”, “Alleluia Love is Alive”, “This is the Day”). Prep for Mariners Game National Anthem!
- 28.1 (3/27)
- 27.3 (3/22/18) All grades: Amazing MXP lesson on GREECE. Learn about the country, their food, their music, their dancing. Learn a song and dance in 5/4 meter.
- 27.2 (3/21) CHORUS: Rehearse National Anthem, learn This Is the Day psalm for April, learn Just Like You, practice Sit Down You’re Rockin the Boat.
- 27.1 (3/20) All grades: Amazing MXP lesson on Zoltan Kodaly’s “Viennese Musical Clock” plus a Shamrock Search.
- 26.2 (3/15) All grades: Learn about History of Instruments and Beethoven via videos (still no voice/serious cold).
- 26.CHORUS Flashmob Performance of “I’ll Tell Me Ma” at both lunches!
- 26.1 (3/13) All grades: Learn about SOUND VIBRATIONS through a couple of videos: Magic School Bus, How Ears Work, Hz, Resonance, Water, and other discussion and examples. Ms. Sager has no voice/serious cold.
- 25.2 (3/8) All grades: Sound Poem about St. Patrick with more than 20 different Orff instruments.
- 25.CHORUS (3/7) Announce Cantor Groups for the Psalm at next week’s mass. Practice songs for next week’s mass: Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley, Walk Together Children, Somebody’s Knockin’, Irish Blessing. Practice I’ll Tell Me Ma (dancing and singing refrain).
- 25.1 (3/6) 5th Grade: Take Musical Dictation, share answers using magnets on white board. 4th, 3rd: Sit and sing in solfege rows, learn about intervals. Find same intervals in the song “Count On Me.” 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Watch four bible stories, learn song about Peter on the Sea, Gabriel blow your Trumpet, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Jonah and the Whale.
- 24.2 4th – K: Take musical dictation on paper, share answers using magnets on white board. Sing “Forte-Piano!” PS/PK: Tambourines to the “Tambourine Song“, “Forte-Piano”, watch One Man Band short and identify different instruments.
- 24.CHORUS I HAVE 31 KIDS IN CHORUS! Rehearse National Anthem. Rehearse for 3/15 mass: Psalm 103: The Lord is Kind & Merciful (auditions during subsequent lunch), We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder, Jesus Walked this Lonesome Valley, Walk Together Children. Practice “I’ll Tell Me Ma” for a St. Patrick’s Day lunchtime flash-mob.
- WEEK 24.1 (2/27/18) 5th, 4th “Turn the Glasses Over” with Cup Game. Here is a video of 5th Grade. 4th Grade here.
- WEEK 23.2 (2/21 and 2/22/18) Learn Traditional Chanty, “Turn the Glasses Over” along with a Cup Game! Here is a video of the 3rd Grade doing just that!
- WEEK 23.CHORUS (2/20) Heard how NOT to sing the Nat’l Anthem (Fergie’s). Practiced Nat’l Anthem. Learned “I’ll Tell Me Ma” in prep for a March lunchtime flashmob. Practiced “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat”.
- WEEK 23.1 (2/20) PS-5th: Listening Exercise. Listen to 6 classical pieces, write down impressions of each in order to recall, take a memory quiz. Discuss impressions of each song. The 6 pieces were: William Tell Overture (Rossini), The Swan (Saint-Saens), Elephants (Saint-Saens), Spring from Four Seasons (Vivaldi), Ride of the Valkyries (Wagner), and Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven).
- WEEK 22.1 (2/13) PS-5th: Play on Xylophones! We use a combination of rhythms and notes A, B, C to “Play Along with a Soul Band” (essentially Aretha’s “RESPECT” without vocals–really fun–here’s the 5th graders on video). The kids not playing the xylophones had crosswords and word-searches to keep them busy.
- WEEK 21.2 (2/8) Watch video of Concert.
- WEEK 21.1 (2/6) Valentines Day-related worksheets and songs: Learned “V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E” to the tune of Kookaburra.
- WEEK 20.2 (2/1) Special Persons Day
- WEEK 20.1 (1/30, 1/31) Concert practice
- WEEK 19.1 (1/23) 5th: Learn a little choreography for “Lazy Song”, practice on stage. 3rd: Rhythm Game “Go To Bed, Tom!” + rehearse “Joy to the World”.
- WEEK 18.1 (1/16) Mostly rehearse Concert songs plus use games, especially Rhythm Jeopardy for 4th! Really good math word problems done in your head and under time pressure.
- WEEK 17.3 (1/11) 4th: Watch MXP interview and performances by Canadian Brass. Continue learning song for Winter Concert: “Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens” plus “What A Wonderful World”. 2nd/1st/K: On this rainy day, we read “The Little Raindrop” with kids on screen (Google Play Books), watch video of Kingfishers diving for fish, sing along to The Music Show “We’re Gonna Sing High, Low, and Right in the Middle”, and practice our songs for the Winter Concert.
- WEEK 17.2 (1/10) 3rd: Continue learning song for Winter Concert: “Joy to the World” by Three Dog Night with alternate lyrics plus “What A Wonderful World”. Watch MXP interview and performances by Canadian Brass.
- WEEK 17.CHORUS: Rehearse “He Lives in You”, “What A Wonderful World”, “To You O God I Lift Up My Soul” (psalm for Special Persons Mass), and “Jacob’s Ladder”. Hold auditions for “He Lives In You” drum & vocal solos and more drumming auditions during lunch.
- WEEK 17.1 (1/9) 5th: Start learning their Concert song: “The Lazy Song” by Bruno Mars (new words, appropriate for kids and for the concert). Also learn to sing “Get On Board” with a square dance. 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K/PreK: Watch “The Music Show” about musical styles. Discuss and brainstorm musical styles. Begin learning songs for concert.
- WEEK 16.2 (1/4) 4th/2nd/1st/K: Learn to sing “Get On Board” (a traditional spiritual), find partners, face each other in 2 lines, learn a little square dance to the song. Here’s the 1st Grade’s final attempt: [YouTube]. We also learned about Beethoven and his 5th Symphony.
- WEEK 16.CHORUS (1/3): We begin to learn two songs for our Winter Concert (“The Creation Story”) and they both make me cry. Drumming try-outs also take place.
- WEEK 16.2 (1/3/18): 3rd: Learn to sing “Get On Board” (a traditional spiritual), find partners, face each other in 2 lines, learn a little square dance to the song. Here’s a crazy video of our final attempt. PK: Dance to “Boom”, learn about Chinese ehru, dance to “Freeze/Melt”, listen to funny Beethoven’s 5th (Beethoven’s Wig) and the real 5th Symphony.
- WEEK 16.1 (1/2/18): Happy New Year! 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st: Watch video on Luca Padovan, a Broadway performer in shows like “Newsies” and “School of Rock”. Watch him in other videos, as well. Talk about Winter Concert Theme: “The Creation Story” and what songs we will likely sing. PK, K, 1st, 2nd: Dance to “Boom” (up and down, up and down!). Some classes with extra time watch a little about China, the Chinese stringed instrument: ehru, and Ribbon Dancing. Extra time also lets some classes play “Beat the Teacher”.
- WEEK 15.3 (12/13/17) Chorus practices choreography for “Let it Snow” for today’s School Sing-Along. We also cut up blue and white paper, put in bags to make SNOW for the finale of our song (pic below)! Chorus then leads the rest of the school in Christmas carols.
- WEEK 15.2 (12/12 & 12/14) All classes: Name That Christmas Tune. I play songs at the piano, kids guess the song from a list on hand-out.
- WEEK 15.1 (12/12) 9am Mass with Chorus (5 verses of Holy is Your Name, each a different duet or trio). Guadalupe Song (to Pescador de Hombres), We Give Our Hearts to You, Hail Holy Queen, and other Mary songs.
- WEEK 14.2 (12/7) 4th: StoryBots solfege + “Lou”. 2nd, 1st, K: The Music Show “Form”, Music map of “March of the Wooden Soldiers”, watch Rockettes perform their dance to “Dance of the Wooden Soldiers”, Learn to dance the Hora!
- WEEK 14.CHORUS (12/6) Record National Anthem, practice OLG Feast songs, brainstorm Christmas songs for performance at Sing-Along.
- WEEK 14.1 (12/5) 5th, 4th: Cut snowflakes, sing with StoryBots solfege. 3rd: StoryBots solfege, take turns leading. Connect-the-Dots worksheet. 2nd, 1st, K: Connect-the-dots worksheet + StoryBots solfege.
- December 1, 2017. Chorus members are invited to sing this Friday night!
This invitation should’ve come home Wednesday. - WEEK 13.2 4th, 3rd: Worksheet: review Whole, half, quarter, eighth notes. Fill in 4/4 blanks and take musical dictation in 4/4 time. Dance to “Freeze! Melt!” 2nd, 1st, K: Learn the notes on a keyboard (write note names, identify groupings) and play a game on that tests us on the keys.
- WEEK 13.CHORUS Practice songs for OLG Feast Day and Nat’l Anthem.
- WEEK 13.PreK/PreS Dance to “Freeze! Melt”. Play melodies/notes on staff (E and F) directly on xylophones! AMAZING! They totally get it. Drumming freeze and go. Watch “Presto” short.
- WEEK 13.1 Play Christmas-y E, F, G, A melodies on xylophones, get points to open up Red Box surprise!
- WEEK 12.2 Thanksgiving!
- WEEK 12.CHORUS Basking in our memories (quick rehearsal lets out early). Practice National Anthem, in case Mariners pick us this year!
- WEEK 12.1 Drumming What’s Your Favorite, watch Seahawks Halftime video, and other things…?
- WEEK 12.SEAHAWKS! Spend most of day with 4th/5th Chorus at Seahawks Stadium! Sing “Pack Up Your Troubles”, “You’re A Grand Ol’ Flag”, “America, the Beautiful”, and “God Bless America”! Info here:
- WEEK 11.2 Dance to Spiderman. Watch Beethoven’s Wig. Short Talent Show, watch short “Incredible Life of Books”.
- WEEK 11.CHORUS Practice all Seahawks tunes!
- WEEK 11.1 Play Boomwhackers to “Street Beat”. Play Incredibox.
- WEEK 10.2 Listen to and identify different pieces from “Carnival of the Animals” by Saint-Saens. Freeze to drumming, watch “Piper” short.
- WEEK 10.CHORUS Practice Veterans Day tunes plus Christmas tunes.
- WEEK 10.1 Learn about Military Bands, John Philip Sousa, different branches of the military. Share if we have military in our families.
- WEEK 9.2 School Conferences
- WEEK 9.MASS Our super-strong Chorus led the All Saints Mass, singing “We Are The Hands and Feet of Christo”, “Oh, When the Saints” (with Dani & Stella on TRUMPETS!), “Shepherd Me, O God”, “Alleluia”, “Go Forth”, “Blest Are They”, “Litany” of all the 3rd Grade Saints, and “Soon and Very Soon”.
- Week 9.1 5th/4th/3rd/2nd: More matching Halloween Rhythms to their phrases. Read a Halloween poem with dynamics from ppp-fff. Fill in a Halloween poem about Bats using the Treble Clef. Drumming call-response about Favorite Halloween Candy! 1st/K/PreK/PreS: Watch video short “Ghost Light” or “Presto”. Sing/dance to Halloween Hand Jive. Drumming call-response about favorite Halloween candy.
- Week 8.2 All: Sing “Down By the Bay”, compose our own Halloween words (Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow, back to my home, I dare not go, for if I do, my mother will say: Have you ever seen a VAMPIRE sitting by a CAMPFIRE down by the bay?). Also, Halloween-themed worksheets on treble clef and rhythm.
- Week 8.CHORUS Practice all the songs for next week’s mass. 5th graders rehearse the psalm, trumpeters rehearse for “Oh, When the Saints”.
- Week 8.1 5th/4th/3rd: Sing a round of “Ghost of John”. Match Halloween phrases to their musical rhythms, dance to “Mannequin” or Drum Freeze. 2nd/1st: Practice drawing notes, find rests in a sea of musical notations, ID rhythms played on drum, sing “Ghost of John”. K: Dance to “Mannequin” and Drum Freeze, individual choices on “Incredibox”, watch “Piper”. PreK: sing Halloween version of “Down by the Bay”, dance to “Mannequin”, watch “Piper”.
- Week 7.MASS Chorus did an EXCELLENT JOB at their first mass! We sing: “We Are Marching” in English & S. African WITH Alba on drum! Also, “Keep Me Safe, O God” with 9 psalm cantors, Gloria & Alleluia with Gabby and Sophia, “Somebody’s Knockin'”, “Holy Spirit”, “The Hands & Feet of Christo” (to the Despacito tune), and “Alleluia! Love Is Alive”. Pretty awesome!
- Week 7.2 K-4th Learn and sing American Folk Song “Ghost of John“. Identify characteristics of phrases (highest, descending, etc.). Add choreography, add instruments for full-blown performance. Learn about melodies that go Up, Down, or Stay the Same on The Music Show. Identify which printed notes on a scale go up, down, or stay the same. Listen to the piano and identify phrases that go up, down, or stay the same. Dance to “Do the Mannequin” for filler.
- Week 7.CHORUS Practice all songs for Mass tomorrow plus God Bless America, National Anthem, Amen Song.
- Week 7.1 5th: Learn “Hands & Feet of Christo”, compose two measures of 4/4 melody, combine individual melodies into a class song. 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: Learn “Hands & Feet of Christo”, watch MXP video about Broadway Backstage at “Aladdin”!, answer questions about the video, dance to “Do the Mannequin”. PreK&PreS: Dance to “Do the Mannequin” and learn about melodies that go Up, Down, or Stay the Same on The Music Show!
- Week 6.2 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: Learn “God Bless America” and “Hands & Feet of Christo”, use known notes and rests to write individual 4-measure, 4/4 melodies on staff paper (and I play each student’s “composition” on piano).
- Week 6.CHORUS Practice “Hands & Feet of Christo” with shakers, “God Bless America” with new intro, “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat” with some sit/stand movements, and “Keep Me Safe, O God” with psalm singers.
- Week 6.1 5th: Play “Beat Detective” circle game, then practice playing quarter and half notes on Rhythm Cat iPad app. 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: Learn about the country of India, its festival of Diwali, the sitar instrument, and use rhythm sticks to dance an Indian stick dance called “Dandiya”. Dance to “Can’t Stop the Feeling”, when time allows. PreK/PreS: Learn about the Indian sitar instrument, use rhythm sticks to dance an Indian stick dance called “Dandiya”. Sing JJJSchmidt, play Rhythm Cat (iPad app).
- Week 5.2 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: Play “Beat Detective” circle game, then practice playing quarter and half notes on Rhythm Cat iPad app. PreS: Practice notes and rhythms with Rhythm Cat iPad app, play note B with the band on xylophones on “Bee’s Knees”, identify instrument sounds on
- Week 5.CHORUS Announce Psalm Cantors, practice psalm “Keep Me Safe, O God.” Rehearse “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat.” Learn fun “Amen” tune (can be turned into a round), practice “Hey Ho, Nobody Home” round. Practice “Hands and Feet of Christo” (to Despacito tune).
- Week 5.1 5th: Make pumpkins and do word search or crossword while others are playing xylophones using G,A,B in “B.A. Degree” and “Be Careful”. 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: Practice notes and rhythms with Rhythm Cat iPad app. Play again on xylophones using notes B,A,G for “Be Careful” and “B.A. Degree”. As a reward, watch 5-minute short on Amazon, “The Short Story of A Fox and A Mouse.” PreK: Practice notes and rhythms with Rhythm Cat iPad app, play note B on xylophones with a band on “Bee’s Knees”, identify instrument sounds on
- Week 4.2 4th/3rd/2nd: Groups of eight play two tunes on xylophones using notes G,A,B. Accompaniment track is really fun for both “Bee’s Knees”, “B.A. Degree” (kid example here!), and “Merrily We Roll Along”. Word Search when your group is not playing. PreK: Talk about Musical Dynamics. Sing along with songs: “Forte-Piano” and “Whisper! Talk! Sing! Shout!”. Move to “Walk! Skip! Gallop!”, watch Music Staff Rollercoaster video. Move and freeze to drum beat!
- Week 4.CHORUS: Learn a round “Hey Ho, Nobody Home”, learn a Hands and Feet of Christ” variation of Despacito tune. Practice “Siyahamba” and “Star-Spangled Banner”.
- Week 4.1
5th: Music Maze and Instrument Word Scrambles. 4th/3rd/2nd: Make Music Pumpkins (see images nearby).
1st: Talk about Musical Dynamics. Sing along with songs: “Forte-Piano”and “Whisper! Talk! Sing! Shout!”. Play Beat Detective game.
K: Talk about Musical Dynamics. Sing along with songs: “Forte-Piano” and “Whisper! Talk! Sing! Shout!”. Move to “Walk! Skip! Gallop!”, watch Music Staff Rollercoaster video. PreK: Talk about Musical Dynamics. Sing along with songs: “Forte-Piano” and “Whisper! Talk! Sing! Shout!”. Move to “Walk! Skip! Gallop!”, watch Music Staff Rollercoaster video, play Instrument Family game on
- Week 3.2 2nd/3rd/4th: Music Maze “INSTRUMENT”, Music Word Scrambles (easy & difficult). Quiet pencil games. 1st/K: Treble clef Autumn worksheet + learn choreography to “Can’t Stop the Feeling”. PreK: Rhythm sticks playing a steady beat and in a parade. Dancing to “Little Stompers” + learn about loud and soft in “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”.
- Week 3.CHORUS I have 25 4th and 5th Graders excited to be in Chorus. We auditioned for “Keep Me Safe, O God”, learned/sang “Just Like You”, “Siyahamba”, “Somebody’s Knockin”, and “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat”. This is an AMAZING bunch and I think we’re gonna have a really good time this year!
- Week 3.1 5th/4th/3rd: “My Shot” from the Broadway musical, “Hamilton”. We learned about Alexander Hamilton in short bio videos Ex.1 or Ex.2, discussed rap in musicals, read the lyrics, sang the song and switched roles as singers or rappers. VERY COOL! Some kids already knew all the lyrics! 2nd/1st/K: Played on the beat and in a parade with songs that helped us explore our three different instruments: wood, metal, skins (rhythm sticks, triangles, and hand drums). Reinforced Treble Clef notes with Road Ralley and Treble Basketball on PreK: Wood, metal, skins (rhythm sticks, triangles, and hand drums) playing a steady beat and in a parade.
- Week 2.2 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” (Strauss) Listening Map + discussion of 2001:Space Odyssey — plus Total Solar Eclipse challenge for Treble Clef (place skoosh ball on floor clef, play note on xylophone). PreK: Golden Record + Do Re Mi work, Little Stompers, and Beethoven’s Wig.
- Week 2.CHORUS “Come and See” Day in Chorus. About 36 4th & 5th Graders sang “Alleluia, Love Is Alive”, “Power of Peace”, “Holy Spirit”, “We Are Marching” (with drum), and “Keep Me Safe O God” (audition illustration by veteran 5th graders). We previewed “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat”. Sign-up forms will be sent home tomorrow.
- Week 2.1 5th/4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: Golden Record from Voyager Spacecraft. See/listen to what was included on the Golden Record, then brainstorm what WE would include on a new Golden Record. For example, 5th Grade: MJ’s “Billie Jean” and the sound of poking slime. 3rd Grade: “Beethoven’s Wig” and sounds/images of the ocean. 4th Grade: Crowd cheering, J.Bieber singing “Hello”. PreK also moved/stomped to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” from “Trolls” and moved/stomped to “Little Stompers”.
- Week 1 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K/PreK: KINGS & QUEENS! We listened/followed a Listening Map of G. F. Handel’s “Music for the Royal Fireworks“. We made/colored/donned individual crowns, and learned a medieval circle dance. Some classes sang/danced to “Can’t Stop the Feeling” from “Trolls”, moved/froze to a drum beat, moved/stomped to “Little Stompers”, or learned “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schimdt”.
- Week 11.1 5th/4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: EDVARD GRIEG. Listen to biography video, “Morning Song”, and “Hall of the Mountain King”. Kids copy down and then play the rhythms of the main four (mixed up) measures of “Hall of the Mountain King” using ti and ta. Together, we rearrange the measures to match the song. Each student then mixes up his/her own order of measures and then performs them. PreK: color notes, sing with videos of “Whisper Talk Sing Shout” and “Forte-Piano”, dance/sing to “Better When I’m Dancing”.
- Week 10.2: 4th/3rd/2nd/1st/K: Piggy Pie book, listen to “Pies Pies” song, I.D. all flavors of pies in song, match pie flavors to musical rhythms. Dance to “Spiderman” and “Better When I’m Dancing”.
- Week 10.Veterans Day Assembly: sing “God Bless America” and “Pack Up Your Troubles”
- Week 10.CHORUS: Love Round in stairwell, watch a part of our “Be A Friend” video, watch “Hail Holy Queen” from Sister Act, sing and clap “Hail Holy Queen”, learn and rehearse Christmas carols, rehearse “Pack Up Your Troubles” and “God Bless America”.
- Week 10.1 5th/4th/3rd: Word Game sheets + Boomwhacker 2 at a time Competition reading notes on the treble clef. 2nd/1st/K: Draw treble clef and notes, play notes on Boomwhackers. PreK: Color, learn concept of low to high scale with Boomwhackers.
- Week 9.2 4th/3rd/2nd: Match words to note and rest symbols, Pumpkin maze, music maze, Incredibox online game, dance and sing to “Better When I’m Dancing”. 1st/K/PK: color, mazes, Incredibox online game, rehearse “Pack Up Your Troubles”, watch “Beethoven’s Wig”, dance and sing to “Better When I’m Dancing”.
- Week 9.CHORUS Learn/practice Love Round in church & stairwell, Hail Holy Queen (funky version), Holy Is Your Name, God Bless America AND Pack Up Your Troubles for Veterans Day Assembly, Spiderman choreography.
- Week 9.1 5th: Instrument Concentration Game, Danse Macabre Word Search, Incredibox game, Learn/rehearse “Pack Up Your Troubles” for Veterans Day Assembly, learn choreography for “Better When I’m Dancing”. 4th/2nd/1st/K: Draw notes and rests, Rest Hunt, Concentration game, Turkey Treble notes worksheet. PreK: Incredibox, dance and sing to “Sing”, ID instruments.
- Out early for Halloween and P-T Conferences
- Week 8.1 K-5th: DRUMS! Call and response “What’s Your Favorite?” (Halloween candy) plus Call and response Freestyle. Guess which rhythm the teacher is playing/clapping (rhythm patterns projected on board). Learn/practice “Pack Up Your Troubles” for the Veterans Day Assembly. PreK: Drumming and Silly Symphony Skeleton Dance.
- Week 7.2 3rd Grade: Saint-Saens’ “Danse Macabre” lesson as we learn about another composer and Program Music. Learn a WWI troops song, “Pack Up Your Troubles”, and “Halloween Hand Jive”. End with “Beat the Teacher” (class gets a point if no one claps back the Forbidden Rhythm; teacher gets a point if anyone claps it).
- Week 7.CHORUS Practice and videotape “Be A Friend”. Learn songs for All Saints Day Mass. Practice “God Bless America”. Learn and practice choreography for “SpiderMan”.
- Week 7.1 5th: Play instruments to the Sound Poem, “Making Jack-o-Lanterns”, watch Mozart’s Magic Flute to end. 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K, PreK: Sound Poem again. Dance and sing to “Halloween Hand Jive”. Play Boomwhackers to “Street Beat”.
- Week 6.2 All: Mass with lots of singing! (Shine Jesus Shine, Keep Me Safe O God, Somebody’s Knockin, Go Make A Difference, Prayer of St Francis, Power of Peace). 4th: Play instruments to the Sound Poem, “Making Jack-o-Lanterns”, watch Mozart’s Magic Flute to end. 1st, K, & PreK: Play instruments to the Sound Poem, “Making Jack-o-Lanterns”. Dance and sing to “Fallin’ for Fall” and “Sing!”.
- Week 6.CHORUS We again practiced and videotaped “Be A Friend” dance steps in the sunshine (u-dips, the snake, grapevine!). In the church choir loft, we practiced for tomorrow’s mass: Keep Me Safe O God, Power of Peace, Prayer of St. Francis, Shine Jesus Shine, Somebody’s Knockin’ At Your Door, and Go Make A Difference.
- Week 6.1 5th: Reveal wall, watch Mozart mini bio, and Magic Flute synopsis, 5th, 4th, 3rd: “Magic Flute” Opera. Dance and sing to “Better When I’m Dancing” (actual choreography!). 2nd, 1st, K, PS: Sing and dance like leaves to “Fallin’ Into Fall”, play steady beats on rhythm sticks to “Steady Eddie”, play a singing game akin to Marco Polo with “Spin Around”, and “Beat Detective”.
- Week 5.2 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Mozart mini biography, Brief synopsis of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, a portion of “The Magic Flute” short cartoon with segments of all the sparkling arias, duets, etc. “Forte-Piano” singing and learning dynamics with MXP’s “The Music Show”, plus Beat the Teacher (listening for distinct rhythms). 2nd, 1st, K, PK sing & move to “Time For School” (This is the way we walk to school, walk to school, walk to school…then skip, tiptoe, swim!, etc.). Reveal the newly-painted low wall!
- Week 5.CHORUS We practiced and videotaped “Be A Friend” dance steps on the playground steps (u-dips, the snake, grapevine!). In the church choir loft, we learned who was chosen for the Psalm & Alleluia solo groups, then learned/practiced for next week’s mass: Keep Me Safe O God, Holy Spirit, Power of Peace, Prayer of St. Francis, Shine Jesus Shine, Somebody’s Knockin’ At Your Door, and Go Make A Difference. Then, in the Music Classroom, we learned “God Bless America” in preparation for the Veteran’s Day Assembly. This was all in 45 minutes. We’re movin’ and shakin’ constantly!
- Week 5.1 5th: Xylophones “Cajun Spice” plus music mazes. 4th, 3rd: Music is Math Addition and Fill-in-Blank sheets plus “I’m Better When I’m Dancing” dancing. PK, 2nd, 1st, K: Beat the Teacher clapping game, “Forte-Piano” singing and learning dynamics with The Music Show. “Cha Cha Cha Boogie”.
- Week 4.2: 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Xylophone accompaniment played along with a zydeco band to “Cajun Spice”. Two complicated mazes whose paths spell out MOZART and BEETHOVEN. No 1st today (MAPS). Kindergarten: Play xylophones to “Uniquely Me” AND “Cajun Spice” along with a Drum Maze and coloring pages of saxophones and guitars.
- Week 4.CHORUS: Learn choreography to “Be A Friend”, film a bit of us dancing on the church steps. Rehearse audition “Keep Me Safe, O God”. Sing “Power of Peace”.
- Week 4.1: “Visit” Brazil through stories, songs, dances, and images. Learn “A Ram Sam Sam” with hand signals, sing in a ROUND or sing it faster and faster and faster! Get quizzed on notes on a staff, toss a paper disc or airplane onto a bullseye to score points. Watch “Beethoven’s Wig” (a 2-min cartoon based on his 5th Symphony in C). PS/PK learn to sing “Uniquely Me” and improvise on xylophones.
- Week 3.2: “Beat Detective” (trying to find the leader while tapping to the beat). More dancing & singing to “Walk! Skip! Gallop”, “Whisper, Talk! Sing! Shout!”, and “Sing!”
- Week 3.CHORUS: 35 CHORUS MEMBERS! We practiced Prayer of St. Francis, Holy Spirit, Keep Me Safe O God, Power of Peace, Be A Friend, Spider Man.
- Week 3.1: 3rd/4th/5th: Short video on Beethoven, ID four Beethoven compositions, Short video on the Orchestra ==> QUIZ plus dance/sing to “Sing!” PK-2nd: Shakers and Rhythm Sticks: keeping a steady beat with “Welcome to Beat Street”. “Walk! Skip! Gallop”, “Whisper, Talk! Sing! Shout!”, and “Sing!” Watch short videos on Beethoven then Pink Panther playing Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.
- Week 2.2: Identifying Leitmotifs/Themes with Composer John Williams and his Main Theme from “Star Wars”. Describe differences in themes, listen for instrumentation. Identify Orchestra Sections. PK-1st sing and dance to “Walk! Skip! Gallop!”, “Sing!”, and “Whisper! Talk! Sing! Shout!”
- Week 2.CHORUS: Welcome. Talk about contracts and things we do. 5th Graders give us examples of Psalm auditions on “Keep Me Safe, O God”. Learn “Be A Friend”. Wow! Lots of potential members, potential energy!
- Week 2.1: Pentatonix interview, quiz, new vocabulary, sing along with “Sing” by Pentatonix, learn dance moves for “Sing”, compare “Happy” by Pharrell to “Happy” cover by Pentatonix. Littler kids sing and dance to another song, “Walk! Skip! Gallop!”
- Week 1.2: Create individual flags for decorating music classroom.
- Week 1.1: Music/Theatre Games: “My Bonny Lies Over the Ocean” game with movement on “B”s. The “Do Not Laugh” game. The “Quiet” game. Winners pose for Music Room silhouettes. Younger grades also dance and sing to “Cha Cha Cha Boogie”.