Service Stewardship Program

The OLG Service Stewardship Program instill service values in our students and provides a valuable support network with the local and global community.

Our Lady of Guadalupe School works in partnership with each student’s family to create a nurturing environment in which students are challenged and supported to grow intellectually and spiritually, in service and leadership. Thus, our educational mission is deeply rooted in faith and community and it is within this context that OLG places a strong emphasis in service, rooted in faith and tied to Catholic social teachings.

Our school established a Service Stewardship Program in 2001. The goal was simple; to make giving back to the community a life long activity. From PreSchool through Eighth Grade, all classes have an age-appropriate activity, that goes from learning about the Child Life program at Seattle Children’s Hospital, to collecting books to learn or maintaining the Fauntleroy Creek watershed. This way, students learn about the underlying social or environmental issues, connect with local organizations, and reflect on their experiences. Typically, family members have opportunities to participate as well.

Current Class Stewardship Projects

  • Pre-School/Pre-Kindergarten: Children partner with our Third Grade class to offer support services to Westside Baby.

  • Kindergarten: Children donate new teddy bears and stuffed animals to SW Youth and Family Services in West Seattle, or choose to maintain the grounds of the school.

  • Grade 1: Children collaborate with the Sixth Grade class in the Salmon in the Schools Program and create cards for our neighbors at Providence Mount St. Vincent.

  • Grade 2: Students clean the pews at the Church.

  • Grade 3: Along with our Early Learning Center students, our third graders offer support services to Westside Baby.

  • Grade 4: Children work with the US Department of Veterans Affairs and various related groups to support our veterans and active servicemen, ending in our annual Veterans Day Assembly.

  • Grade 5: Students participate in different projects each year, such as assisting with the “Parish Community Dinner”.

  • Grade 6: Along with our First Grade students, our sixth graders raise juvenile salmon in our fish tank for release, while they also study, restore, and maintain the Fauntleroy Creek watershed.

  • Grade 7: Students prepare monthly lunches for Angeline’s Day Center for Homeless Women or clients of the Matt Talbot Center.

  • Grade 8: Students choose and complete a year-long individual project consisting of volunteering and extensive research on a social issue of their choosing. This project is completed with a formal paper, publishing finding on their website and a 15- 20 minute presentation. Learn more about one of OLG’s most enriching programs for our graduates, the Juan Diego Project.

Take a look at some pictures of our different classes taking part in some of their service projects!

You can also read more about Service at Our Lady of Guadalupe School.