If Kindergarten is about transitioning away from the play-based learning of PreSchool, then First Grade is about stepping fully into the world of academics, which can be a big transition for students and parents alike.
A first grade education builds on what a child has learned in Kindergarten and sets the stage for future learning. This is why at Our Lady of Guadalupe School, our overall goal for First Grade is the mastery of skills across all domains – social, emotional, cognitive, language and physical. Of course, there still is plenty of time for fun and we make sure learning is always engaging for our first graders.
First Grade -or “the reading year”- is truly pivotal for elementary students, as it is when their literacy skills really take off. First grade concentrates on moving students from pre-reading skills and simple math, like counting, to more complex skills, like reading and writing sentences; adding and subtracting numbers; recognizing and applying basic operations to solve word problems, and even public speaking, among many other key components of our curriculum.
At OLG, we work with some of the best programs available for children’s education, which include Wonders Reading Program, Heggerty Phonological & Phonemic Awareness, Math in Focus, Handwriting Without Tears, FOSS Science, Storypath and more. We invite you to learn more about our First Grade curriculum HERE.