RUNNING LOG OF LESSONS FROM FALL 2024 to CURRENT. (Click Here for Fall 2016 to Spring 2024)
(just found MrsCraftonMusic Sub Videos Playlist on YouTube, now added to my own.)
(just found Trella Yates John Jacobson Dances Playlist on YouTube. Again, somehow I can see the unlisted MXP videos: Chan Mali Chan/Malaysian Folk Song O/N’15, “E Papa wairi” of New Zealand A/S’14, and 90 others). Need to add each to my own YouTube playlists.
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
- WEEK 17. Jan 7-9, ’24
- Introduce Winter Concert songs to all
- MusicPlayOnline: Kindergarten Lesson/Unit 16 with Snowman book, “Ha-Ha This-away”, tap to Sewing Machine.
- Drum Freeze
- WEEK 16. Dec 17-19, ’24
- Thu
- All but 4th: Virtual Trip to see the Nutcracker (pTp Google Drive)
- Russian Dance was taken down. Use THIS instead.
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd: Name That Xmas Tune
- 4th: Boomwhackers Xmas songs
- Littles: dance to “I Live Inside A Snowglobe” with maracas.
- All but 4th: Virtual Trip to see the Nutcracker (pTp Google Drive)
- Wed
- Tue
- Family Groups at 9am
- 2nd: Yesh Lanu Tayesh (Israel partner dance) (MXP Dec’18).
- 2nd: “When We’re Together” (MXP Dec’18).
- Thu
- WEEK 15. Dec.10-12, ’24
- Thu
- All: Make-your-own 12 Days of Christmas, watch Pentatonix 12 Days of Christmas video.
- Chorus:Feast Day Mass w Chorus: OCOCE, Holy is Your Name, Alleluia. Hail Holy Queen to synth pre-record (really good to free up Ann), O Sanctissima, Here I Am Lord, OLG to Pescador, Handclap Gloria, Kyrie.
- Tue, Wed
- PK, K, 1, 2: Musical Coloring (gingerbread house & xmas tree)
- PK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Xylophones to “Merry Meringue” (MXP Dec’10)
- 3, 4, 5: Christmas Word Scramble (from Paul Anton/TpT). Good challenge for even 5th.
- Chorus: Holy is Your Name, Alleluia, Grinch. Hail Holy Queen, O Sanctissima, Here I Am Lord, OLG to Pescador.
- Choir: Put A Little Love practice, prep for Catholic Schools week Songs: Amen Let It Be Done, Christ Shine in Our Lives
- Thu
- WEEK 14. Dec 3-5, ’24
- Thu
- K, 1, 3, 4: Santa’s Workshop TpT PowerPoint in OneDrive
- 3, 4: Emoji Pictionary Christmas Songs worksheet, after re-learn Treble Clef notes
- K-4: practice “When We’re Together”
- Jingle Bell Stomp
- The Music Show Merry-go-Round
- Fletcher and the Snowflake Christmas
- no 2nd grade today
- Wed
- 1st & PS same as Tue
- PK Color-by-note Christmas Tree
- PS Seven Jumps
- Chorus: Holy is Your Name assignments, Alleluia assignments, Grinch assignments. Hail Holy Queen, O Sanctissima, Amen Let It Be Done, Christ Shine In Our Lives. Anything Guadalupe?
- Tue
- Pachelbel Canon in D (MXP Dec’18)
- Fletcher Snowflake Christmas video short Amazon
- Hear the Bells Ring MXP Dec’18
- Jingle Bell Stomp MXP Dec’18
- When We’re Together practice song
- Boomwhackers Canon in D
- MS Choir: Put A Little Love practice, prep for Catholic Schools week Songs: Amen Let It Be Done, Christ Shine in Our Lives
- Thu
- WEEK 13. Nov26-28, ’24
- Wed, Thu no school
- Tue
- drumming Thanksgiving words
- Take A Rest Music Show MXP on EEMC
- 7 Jumps
- PK, K: Aladdin A Whole New World
- PK, K: MusicTechTeacher/ Piano Notes
- 3,4,5: Bommwhackers, Drums to Thanksgiving words
- 4th: Rock It/World Drumming 3 different parts
- 3-4-5: Thanksgiving Words worksheet
- WEEK 12. Nov 19-21, ’24
- Thu
- PK, 1: Ram Sam Sam, Drumming/Thunderstorm
- 1, 2, 3, 4: Happy, ON’14, Columbia ON’14, Cambia del Sol + drums
- 3rd: Thankful Record
- 4th Drum freeze, one to one challenge
- 4th Thxgiving words drumming
- Tue
- PK, K: Dojo Island,
- Clap along to Elementary Groove Tracks Thanksgiving Pie Turkey,
- Loopy HD app
- StoryBots app,
- SoundBrush app
- PK: Minions vid short because we reached 400 Dojo points!
- K: Drum Freeze
- 3,4.5: Soundbrush app, StoryBots, Loopy HD – all iPad apps
- 3,4,5: Boomwhackers Pink Panther, 2-min Chord Boomwhackers
- 4,5: Cool Careers: Therapy
- Thu
- WEEK 11. Nov 12-14, ’24
- Thu
- PS: Mannequin, Ram Sam Sam, That’s A Scale
- 2nd: Beethoven’s Wig
- 1st: 6 Boomwhacker songs
- 3rd: Mannequin, Thanksgiving Song ASL
- Tue, Wed
- PK, K: Drum Freeze
- PK, K, 2: Down by the Bay
- PK, K, 2: Ram Sam Sam
- PK, K, 2: Dojo Island
- PK, K, 2: Thankful practice
- 2: I Will Sing Hello (French)
- 3, 4, 5: Saint Saens Symphony #3 MXP ON’15
- 3, 4, 5: Jailhouse Rock MXP ON’15
- PreS: Mannequin
- 4th: Pink Panther Boomwhackers
- Thu
- WEEK 10. Nov 5-7, ’24
- Thu
- K, 1, 2, 3: Bean Bag toss onto treble clef staff
- K, 1, 2, 3: watch video shorts
- K, 1, 2, 3: Treble Clef Rally quiz on
- 4th: Beethoven info from several short videos, Beethoven quiz on MusicTechTeacher, Bean Bag toss 1x around, Boomwhackers to “All You Need Is Love”.
- Wed
- PK: Chicken Dance, Bean Bag toss, Music Show That’s A Scale (EEMC)
- Tuesday
- PK, K, 2: MusicTechTeacher / Instrument Family ID, sink the pirate ship
- PK, K, 2: I Will Sing Hello and Goodbye in Spanish (EEMC)
- PK, K, 2: I am A Great Conductor Lesson and Song (EEMC)
- PK, K, 2: move to Walk, Skip, Gallop (EEMC)
- PK, K,2 : show instagram of Mummy Trend reel and my ghost bride at home
- 3,4,5: Bean Bag toss onto treble clef staff competition
- Thu
- “A Hundred Ghosts” (MXP O/N’14),
- Boomwhacker Play-Alongs (Swick’s Classroom): GooGoo Muck, Monster Mash, Spooky Scary Skeletons, It’s Corn, Thunder!
- Camille Saint-Saens (MPO)
- Casper BabyPants Skeletone Song
- Creepy Crawly (EEMC),
- DRUMMING: What’s your Favorite? (drumming candy names)
- Elementary Groove Tracks: Halloween, Pumpkin, This is Halloween
- The Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night song and book (MXP AS’18 + kindle),
- Goblin Band (EEMC),
- Groove Tracks Halloween Percussion Play-Along
- Halloween Hand Jive (EEMC choreo)
- Halloween Halloween (MXP ON’16),
- Cups to Addams Family (EEMC),
- Grieg’s Peer Gynt Hall of the Mountain King
- EECM Listening Map,
- MPO Grieg bio and activities,
- clap-along on Pequeño Mozart,
- Boomwhackers (Musication – great for 4th grade+)
- Gentle story Laura Lorentzen).
- read Harriet’s Halloween Candy, Pete the Cat spider, Pete the Cat Pumpkins on Kindle,
- dance to Jumpin Jack-o-Lanters (MXP ON’18).
- Mummy Wrap w TP, clap rhythm, ID treble note or Piano note.
- Night on Bald Mountain (MXP ON’18)
- Ms. Sager’s Halloween village!
- Halloween Phrase Rhythm Match-up
- Halloween Fun Note Reading PDF (OneDrive)
- Major/Minor Music Show (MXP ON’18 or EEMC).
- Poison Rhythm, Poison Melody vids
- Pumpkin Maze
- Pumpkin Color by Note
- Danse Macabre Storyboard SSAMusicDept
- Danse Macabre (MXP O/N’16, MPO),
- Bio in MPO video or Bio on YouTube
- Video Cartoon (the one I’ve been searching for?)
- Sound Poems: Spider & Fly (ON’10), Making Jack-o-Lanterns (ON’12), Some One (ON’11)
- The Spider Thing (EEMC, MXP ON’12) lyrics, dance – so cute!
- Spiderman (MXP ON’16),
- Spooky Scary Skeletons Play-Along on Rhythm Sticks
- So many EEMC songs! (including “Thriller!)
- “This is Halloween”
- “We Like Candy” (MXP ON’17)
- WEEK 9. Oct 29-30, ’24
- no school / conferences
- 1st: Make mummies, boomwhackers to GooGoo Muck, warmup scales, Halloween village.
- 1st: PS, PK: drum freeze, watch “presto”, Jumping JackOLantern, Theme from Spiderman.
- Halloween Parade and Parties throughout school.
- No Chorus practice.
- All: Make Mummies. 3 wraps per correct answers (echo back claps or solfege, or clap rhythms from Poison Rhythm Halloween PlayAlong
- Some: Halloween Rhythms Play Along, icons, Beginner.
- 3rd, 4th, 5th: play boomwhackers to Hall of the Mountain King and/or Ghostbusters (musication).
- Look at Halloween village.
- MS Choir: Put A Little Love, Preamble + My Country ’tis of Thee for Veterans Day Assembly.
- WEEK 8. Oct 22-24, ’24
- Thu
- Family Groups: duwamsih art
- All: Peer Gynt Hall of the Mountain King on MusicPlayOnline with Peer Gynt bio, Mel-o-tunes cartoon 1960, Boomwhackers, Listening Map for Hall of MK (EEMC).
- All : Halloween Hand Jive (EEMC), The Spider Thing (EEMC)
- Wed
- 1st, PK, PS: same as Tue.
- Tue
- PK, 2: French Folk Dance La Guimbarde with scarves
- PK, K, 2: Dance of the Little Leaf (EEMC) with scarves
- PK, K, 2: Spooky Scary Skeletons w rhythm sticks
- PK, K, 2: Poison Rhythm Halloween Play Along “The Haunted Rhythm”
- PK, K: Ghost Light
- PK, K, 2: Drum Freeze
- 3, 4, 5: Danse Macabre Storyboard SSAMusicDept
- 3, 4, 5: Halloween Fun Note Reading (on OneDrive). Group activity, show treble clef as cheat sheet.
- Thu
- WEEK 7. Oct.15-17, ’24
- Thu
- Mass, led by MS Choir (We Are Going to Be Friends, We Are Marching, Keep Me Safe O God, Our God Is Here, The Jesus Song, 10,000 Reasons).
- Ghost Light, Presto
- Halloween Hand Jive (EEMC)
- Look at Ms. Sager’s Halloween Village
- Wed
- 1st: Sound Poem “Making Jack-o’-Lanterns” (MXP ON’12)
- 1st: practice America the Beautiful
- PS: drum freeze, play all the instruments, JJJSchmidt, Chicken Dance, The Music Show “Whisper Talk Sing Shout”.
- PK: “Halloween Hand Jive” (EEMC choreo), Presto, La Luna.
- Chorus:
- Tue
- All: Sound Poem “Making Jack-o’-Lanterns” (MXP ON’12)
- 3, 4, 5: Practice America the Beautiful
- MS Choir: prep for Thu Mass: We’re Going to Be Friends, Siyahamba, Keep Me Safe O God, Our God is Here, The Jesus Song, 10,000 Reasons.
- Thu
- WEEK 6. Oct.8-10, ’24
- Thu
- PS: scarves to Falling Leaves (EEMC), Chicken Dance, boomwhackers warmup, Spiderman Dance, watch Piper.
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night (Kindle & EEMC)
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: Boomwhackers chord warmup, Goo Goo Muck or Spooky Scary or Monster Mash
- 4th: Instrument Millionaire.
- 4th: Music Show (EEMC) Major & Minor
- Wed
- no PK
- 1st: What’s your favorite? (Halloween candy drumming)
- 1st: Practice America the Beautiful
- 1st: Clap along with Halloween Percussion Play-along (Elementary Groove Tracks)
- 1st: Boomwhackers Scale, Ultimate Chord warmup, Hakuna Matata
- PS: Chicken Dance, drumming What’s your favorite?, The Floor is Lava & Freeze Dance. Boomwhackers scale., watch Piper.
- Chorus: Shep Me O God, When the Saints, Go Forth, You’re A Grand Old Flag, Yankee Doodle Dandy,
- Tue
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: What’s your favorite? (Halloween candy drumming)
- PK, K,2 : Dance to Jumping’ Jack-o-lanterns (MXP ON18)
- PK: Dance to Spiderman (MXP ON16 use Porsche drive)
- PK, 2, 3,4 : Practice America the Beautiful
- PK, K, 2, 3, 4, 5: Clap along with Halloween Percussion Play-along (Elementary Groove Tracks)
- 3, 5: Making of Nightmare Before Christmas, watch video of opening song, This is Halloween
- 4, 5: Boomwhackers It’s Corn, Ultimate Chord warmup, Chopsticks read the proper orientation.
- Thu
- WEEK 5. Oct.1-3, ’24
- Thu
- PS: Drum Freeze, Drumming
- PS: For the Birds
- PS: Spiderman dance (use Porsche drive, MXP O/N’16) or on YouTube Spiderman Choreo
- 2nd: Sansa Kroma
- PS, 2nd: The Music Show: Forte Piano! (EEMC)
- 2nd, 3rd: Boomwhackers to “All Star”
- K, 4: Boomwhackers warmups
- 4th: Boomwhacker Chord warmups
- 2nd: Talk about Halloween decorations
- K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: Practice “America the Beautiful“
- Wed
- 1st: same as Tue (Sansa Kroma, Rhythm Cat, One Man Band)
- PK For the Birds
- PK One Man Band
- PS, PK Chicken Dance
- PS, PK drumming
- 4/5 Chorus: You’re A Grand Old Flag, God Bless America, Shepherd Me O God, For All the Saints.
- Tue
- Most: Chicken Dance
- PK: PreSchool Prodigies/Learn to Sing/What Song Is It? Guessing Game / Solfege
- All: Drums to Sansa Kroma
- All: Rhythm Cat
- All: One Man Band, id instruments
- All: Boomwhackers to “All Star” and to “Pompeii” (Swick’s)
- MS Choir: Keep Me Safe O God, 10,000 Reasons, Amazing Grace, Alleluia Love Is Alive, We Are Marching (Frankie on Drum), We’re Going to Be Friends, We Come Today, Our God Is Here, The Jesus Song.
- Thu
- WEEK 4. Sept.24-26, ’24
- Thu
- 2, 3: Drums to Sansa Kroma, call/response, solos
- 2, 3: Sing/learn “America the Beautiful”
- PS: sing JJJSchmidt & I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee
- PS: The Music Show / We’re Gonna Sing High
- PS: Drums
- Wed
- PK: Drums
- 1st: Dojo check
- 1st: Rhythm Cat (iPad),
- 1st: Move and Freeze – Brain Breaks – Action Songs for Children – Kids Songs by The Learning Station
- 1st: Rhythm Sticks to Bouncy Funky Hip Hop -Rhythm Sticks | Tap along with Mr. DJ – Jam Cats
- PS: sing JJJSchmidt & I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee
- PS: The Music Show / We’re Gonna Sing High
- PS: Move and Freeze – Brain Breaks – Action Songs for Children – Kids Songs by The Learning Station
- PS: Drum Freeze
- Chorus: Nat’l Anthem, Grand Old Flag, Shepherd Me O God, Go Forth, Oh When the Saints.
- Tue
- PK, K, 2: Rhythm Sticks to Bouncy Funky Hip Hop -Rhythm Sticks | Tap along with Mr. DJ – Jam Cats
- PK, K, 2: Move and Freeze – Brain Breaks – Action Songs for Children – Kids Songs by The Learning Station
- PK, K, 2: Rhythm Cat 1st 2 levels (app on iPad)
- PK, 2: John J J Schmidt,
- PK, 2: check Dojo
- PK, K: The Music Show / We’re Gonna Sing High, We’re Gonna Sing Low (EEMC)
- 3, 4, 5: New Zealand / JJ Musical Planet,
- 3, 4, 5: Sing along with “E Papa Wairi” (no choreography today),
- 3, 4, 5: Rhythm Sticks for Maori Stick Game (easy example) (pro example)
- MS Choir: introduce “”You Will Be Found” (Evan Hanson EEMC), look again at “We’re Going to Be Friends”. Psalm for 10/17 should be “Keep Me Safe, O God”.
- Thu
- WEEK 3. Sept.17-19, ’24.
- Thu
- PS: watch vid clip “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC)
- PS: PS Prodigies Singing with the Hand Signs
- PS, K, 1: Chicken Dance
- PS: run around on step piano
- PS, K, 1, 2, 3: dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC)
- PS, K, 1, 2, 3: EEMC Game match the Instruments to Families
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: watch Seattle Symphony Cello player (on app/Family)
- K, 1, 2, 3, 4: watch 2Cellos Thunderstruck
- 4th: MusicTechTeacher Instrument Family Quiz
- 4th: Sing Nat’l Anthem
- Wed
- 1st, PS: read/sing There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly
- 1st: Class Dojo points and explanation
- 1st, PS: dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC)
- 1st, PS: watch “Hakuna Matata” cartoon clip
- 1st: Do Re Mi flashcards + Kodaly hand signs + step piano
- PS: PS Prodigies Learn the Hand Signs
- 1st, PK: EEMC Game – match the Instruments of the Orchestra
- PK: watch Seattle Symphony Cello player (on app/Family)
- 4/5 Chorus: warmup w may a may, “Power of Peace”, “Litany of the Saints”, “Glory & Praise to You”, “Shepherd Me O God”, “Soon and Very Soon”.
- Tue
- K, PK: read/sing There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly
- K, PK: Class Dojo points and explanation
- K, PK: dance to “Hakuna Matata” (EEMC)
- PK: dance to “Cha Cha Cha Boogie”
- PK: watch “Hakuna Matata” cartoon clip
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th: Do Re Mi flashcards + Kodaly hand signs + step piano
- 2nd, 3rd, 4, 5: EEMC Game – match the Instruments of the Orchestra.
- MS Choir: “Put A Little Love In Your Heart”.
- Thu
- WEEK 2. Sept.10-12, ’24.
- Thu
- PS: run, play on step piano
- PS: dance to “La Bamba” with shakers
- PS: solfege
- PS: “The Beat is the Heart of Music” (MXP Music Show/EEMC)
- 1st: fire drill
- 3rd, 1st, K: Play along with a Hard Rock Band (stomp/clap) (MXP AS’11)
- 3rd, 2nd, K: Preschool Prodigies “Learn the Solfege Hand Signs”
- 3rd, 2nd, K: watch “Beethoven’s Wig”
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, K: “Bamboo Tamboo Time” (MXP AS’11) with shakers & drums, guiros (4th)
- 4th: Haiti story (MXP AS’11) with pics of Haiti
- 4th, 3rd, 2nd, K: Back to School Percussion PlayAlong from Elementary GrooveTracks
- Wed
- 1st: Trouble w Charlie
- 1st, PS: Disney Moana Drumming Lesson (EEMC)
- 1st, PS: Solfege/Kodaly practice
- PS: run/play on step piano
- PS: dance with maracas
- PS: Chicken Dance (EEMC)
- PK: Shakers to “Hava Nagila” in Rhythm Read & Play (EEMC)
- PK: Do Re Mi, play on step piano.
- Chorus: Come & See Meeting today. Had about four 5th graders, about twelve 4th graders. “My Bonnie”, “Amen”, “Amen Let It Be Done”, “Power of Peace”, “Home”.
- Tuesday
- PK, K, 2: Disney Moana Drumming Lesson (EEMC)
- PK, K, 2: Drum Freeze
- PK, K, 2: Solfege/Kodaly practice
- PK, K, 2: Step piano challenge: Do Re Mi Do in groups of 2
- PK: Do A Deer video from Sound of Music
- 2nd: The Music Show “That’s A Scale”
- 3, 4, 5: Benning Violins video & quiz (see COVID quiz below 2021).
- 3, 4, 5: Dance to “Beep Beep I’m A Sheep”
- 3, 5: Name the parts of a violin (EEMC/Games)
- MSChoir: Come & See Day. “We Are Gonna Be Friends”
- Thu
- WEEK 1. Sept.3-5, ’24.
- Thursday
- PS: Bernie Bee high & low. Say names high low high. John Jacob JS. Barnyard Stomp dance (EEMC).
- K, 1, 2nd, 3rd: Do Re Mi solfege practice a cappella,
- K, 1, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: sing then dance to “I Gotta Feeling” (MXP AS’10)
- K, 1, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: listen to Luigi’s intro to Haydn’s “Suprise Symphony” (MXP AS’10)
- K, 1, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: follow along magazine Haydn’s “Suprise Symphony” (MXP AS’10)
- K, 2nd, 3rd: dance to “Cha Cha Cha Boogie” (MXP AS’10).
- 1st: Watch For the Birds video short.
- All: Play “Beat the Teacher” clapping game at the end.
- 4th: talk about Chorus “Come & See” next Wednesday.
- 4th: sing along to Chorus Song: “Amen Let It Be Done” and “Alleluia Love is Alive”.
- Middle School Choir: Invite Grades 6-8 to “Come and See” next Tuesday, 3-3:30.
- Wednesday
- 1st: Cha Cha Cha Boogie dance (AS’10), read/listen to A Brilliant Plan (Haydn’s summer farewell).
- PreS: Cha Cha Cha Boogie dance (AS’10), “Whisper Talk Sing Shout” (EEMC).
- PreK: same as PreS, + PreSchool Prodigies “Learn the Solfege Hand Signs”. “You’ve Got A Friend in Me” (EEMC terrible choreo)
- Tuesday. Mass singing with JC and Allie.
- Our God is Here
- I Will Praise You Lord (T. Smith, SS-57) with drum track, Alle from Misa del Mundo
- Amen Let It Be Done.
- Be With Me, Lord. In This Place
- We Are the Light of the World
- Thursday