June 2018
Reading – We meet for reading on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for 30 minutes. We review sound/sight cards, read a story and complete a comprehension worksheet. Thank you Lisa Wadsack for volunteering to help us!
Math – Unit 1
Centers – Math, Language Arts, Writing, Magnetic Letters, Puzzles & Games
P.E. – Every Monday and Wednesday students have P.E. Please make sure to send your child to school in athletic shoes on Monday and Wednesday! If your child is not wearing athletic shoes they will have to sit out.
Writing – ABC Boot Camp
Social Studies – School Rules. What rules do we follow in school?
Handwriting without Tears – Daily lesson. Each student has a workbook without tear out pages.
Religion – Gospel Weekly
Homework – Sight words and the monthly calendar will be sent home on Monday.
School Uniform – Just a reminder, students need to wear a white shirt, blue pants/shorts. Girls can also wear a jumper or skirt. On mass days students must wear a blue vest or sweater.
Here is a link to the kindergarten Google drive folder. Pictures added weekly.
October 17th, 2017
Reading – Reading groups have begun! We are using Read Well, a reading program that has been used at OLG for primary grades for many years. Each unit includes sight words/letter cards, reading (choral, student and teacher) and a comprehension worksheet. There are three reading groups. After each unit, students are assessed to see if progress has been made. If not, the same unit will be reviewed until there is mastery.
Math – Unit 5, Spotting Differences and All About 5. Students complete a page or two during math time. FYI – Our math books do not have tear out pages. I just want to assure you that we have a daily math assignment. ;o)
Stations – Halloween skeleton art, magnets, play-doh, sight word letter lacing, Lego letters, and Geoboards.
P.E. – Every Monday and Wednesday students have P.E. Please make sure to send your child to school in athletic shoes on Monday and Wednesday! If your child is not wearing athletic shoes they will have to sit out.
Writing – Morning Writing has begun! After 26 days of ABC boot camp, most students have the ability to recognize each letter of the alphabet and say the letter sound/sounds. Students will now begin to write Pattern 1 sentences with invented spelling and utilizing our word wall for high frequency words. An example of a pattern 1 sentence might look something like this: The lion can sleep. (noun and verb) This can be very challenging for students who want to spell every word perfectly. However, the goal is allow students to play with letter sounds and patterns and develop confidence in their writing.
Social Studies – Positional words. For example: The cat is under the chair. The pencil is on the desk.
Handwriting without Tears – Daily lesson. Each student has a workbook without tear out pages.
Religion – We will be reviewing The Golden Rule – Treat others, as we would like to be treated. You’ve all probably seen these come home over the course of this school year.
Homework – a binder ring with high frequency words will be going home next week. New words will be added each week. A monthly calendar with things to do will also come home soon.
School Uniform – Just a reminder, students need to wear a white shirt, blue pants/shorts. Girls can also wear a jumper or skirt. On mass days students must wear a blue vest or sweater.
Thank you to all who chaperoned/drove on our field trip. It was a great performance!
Here is a link to the kindergarten Google drive folder. Pictures added weekly.
October 2, 2017
Our field trip is right around the corner. A few things to know…
Here is a list of our field trip drivers. Note, this works if all drivers take the higher number of seats available in each vehicle. However, I’m worried the car seat sizes might affect how many can fit in each car. Maybe I’m worrying over nothing, but still….
Mackenzie – 4 kids, 1 adult
Reading – Reading groups begin on Wednesday (for sure this time.) :o)
Math – Unit 1 Sets and Numbers. Concrete models to create a set with a given number of objects (up to 10.) and workbook pages. We are continuing with this chapter.
Stations – STEM Bins
P.E. – Every Monday and Wednesday students have P.E. Please make sure to send your child to school in athletic shoes on Monday and Wednesday! If your child is not wearing athletic shoes they will have to sit out.
Writing – Each morning we will have a morning write. At this point in the year it is mostly drawing and labeling. As the year progresses we will add more text. (We haven’t started this yet.) We are charging through our ABC Bootcamp and focusing on one letter per day.
Social Studies – Unit 1 – Homes. Where people live.
Handwriting without Tears –Each student has a workbook and we will have a daily handwriting lesson.
Religion – Students are learning the Grace After Meals prayer. Please add this to your daily prayers at home to reinforce. We have added The Gospel Weekly to our weekly lesson.
School Uniform – Just a reminder, students need to wear a white shirt, blue pants/shorts. Girls can also wear a jumper or skirt. On mass days students must wear a blue vest or sweater.
Our first field trip is right around the corner, October 12th. I have made arrangements with Seattle Children’s Theater to see Go Dog! Go! Permission slips have been sent. Please send in by this Friday. If we could get one more driver, that would be great. I’m worried that car seat size might affect some car space availability.
Here is a link to the kindergarten Google drive folder. Pictures added weekly.
Birthdays/Snacks and Class Parties – Bringing a snack/treat for your child is totally optional. At lunchtime we will sing a rousing “Happy Birthday to You!” and your child will wear a birthday crown.
Attendance – Please call the front office and let Shelley know that your child will be absent.
Daily Work Folder and Important Messages – In order to keep important papers and messages safe, please have your child keep a folder in his/her schoolbag. Please write your child’s name on the folder. Upon arrival, I will collect homework and papers that need to go home will be placed in the folder.
September 18th, 2017
The first full week of school is done! We are working hard on establishing routines such as walking in a line, and raising a hand to speak. There is a noticeable difference from the first day!
Reading – I am continuing to assess students to place them in reading groups. Reading groups should begin on September 25th.
Math – Unit 1 Sets and Numbers. Concrete models to create a set with a given number of objects (up to 10.) and workbook pages.
Centers– (continuing from last week) Doll House, Blocks, iPads (math games), Art (shape trees), Listening Center, Play-Doh (letters), Puzzles, Home Center and Games.
P.E. – Every Monday and Wednesday students have P.E. Please make sure to send your child to school in athletic shoes on Monday and Wednesday! If your child is not wearing athletic shoes they will have to sit out.
Writing – Each morning we will have a morning write. At this point in the year it is mostly drawing and labeling. As the year progresses we will add more text. (We haven’t started this yet.) We are charging through our ABC Bootcamp and focusing on one letter per day.
Social Studies – Unit 1 – Families – Who is in a family?
Handwriting without Tears –Each student has a workbook and we will have a daily handwriting lesson.
Religion – Students are learning the Grace After Meals prayer. Please add this to your daily prayers at home to reinforce.
We give you thanks for all your gifts, almighty God, living and reigning now and forever. Amen.
School Uniform – Just a reminder, students need to wear a white shirt, blue pants/shorts. Girls can also wear a jumper or skirt. On mass days students must wear a blue vest or sweater.
Play-doh – Thank you Nikki Womac, Tennille McCarvel and Laura Ross for volunteering to make play-doh for our class! A fresh batch of play-doh every two weeks would be great. Perhaps you can talk amongst each other and work out a schedule as we will need play-doh for this coming week?
Our first field trip is right around the corner, October 12th. I have made arrangements with Seattle Children’s Theater to see Go Dog! Go! I will send permission slips soon. I’m guesstimating that we will need at least 7-8 drivers depending on how many children each vehicle can accommodate. Please let me know if you are available ASAP and include how many students your vehicle can accommodate.
Here is a link to the kindergarten Google drive folder. I will add pictures weekly.
Birthdays/Snacks and Class Parties – Bringing a snack/treat for your child is totally optional. At lunch time we will sing a rousing “Happy Birthday to You!” and your child will wear a birthday crown.
Attendance – Please call the front office and let Shelley know that your child will be absent.
Daily Work Folder and Important Messages – In order to keep important papers and messages safe, please have your child keep a folder in his/her schoolbag. Please write your child’s name on the folder. Upon arrival, I will collect homework and papers that need to go home will be placed in the folder. As the children collect their papers, I will be encouraging them to check their folders for important papers or notes for me. Thank you for your help!