Newsletter June 9th

Dear OLG Families,

It’s been a fabulous fun week! From last week’s Principal for a Day & our Talent Show, to this week’s events of Graduation it’s been great to see the gifts, talents, and skills of our students shine for in so many ways!!! Enjoy all the videos of these great students (and a few staff)! And in between these events we also had the Largest OLG Loop the ‘Lupe turnout ever! Thank you to all those who participated and helped … and congratulations to the 2nd grade class for the most students participating!

Tomorrow we end our final full week of school with special student council elections, plus jump-up-day for students to get to know their next year’s teachers, and ending with our final Snack-Shack Blowout Sale to help support our Musical and Arts programs.  Sunday is Fr. Kevin’s 25th Ordination (June 11th@11am) and we hope to…Continue Reading