August 7th Newsletter

Dear OLG Families,


Summer is moving along surprisingly fast! I’m happy to announce we have completed our hiring for the year. It took a little patience and some prayer, but we have fabulous new staff coming on board! There will be more bios online and in fall Curriculum Nights, but here is a small recap of our fabulous new staff for this year:

  • 5th Grade: Mr. Casey Loose hails from the New York area, loves hiking and outdoor adventures, and is really looking forward to joining our staff and meeting everyone at the August inservice.
  • 6th Grade/MS Science: Ms. Sarah Nadalin comes to us from Eastside Catholic & St. Pius school and brings diverse camp and teaching experiences to really get the students into hands-on learning.
  • PreK: Ms. Emily Mitchell, alum of OLG, will be joining Ms. Jeanine Morely in leading the PreK class. Ms. Emily has a true heart for OLG and the cherubs of our PreK class!
  • PreSchool: Ms. Josefa Lindholm and Ms. Heidi Coy will be assisting Mrs. Brandy Tieskoetter teaching our youngest and newest Little Guads. Mrs. Brandy hails from St. Nicholas and St. Philomena and brings a compassionate and loving spirit and many amazing ideas to our new Preschool program.
Sal, Mrs. Janet, and I have also been busy this summer with the Early Learning Center renovation…Continue Reading