The OLG School Safety Patrol is staffed primarily by the Fifth Grade class and a member of the faculty or parent volunteer and helps keep our students safe upon arrival and departure. Safety patrol members will help by opening and closing car doors, making sure rules are followed in school, assisting with the little kids and helping where needed while on duty. Safety Patrols are on duty from 8:15am to 8:30am and from 3:00pm to 3:10pm. Being part of the Safety Patrol is a very important lesson in safety, courtesy, volunteerism and responsibility for our fifth graders.
Students are given a detailed schedule that will be for a week at a time. For the safety of all our students, it is very important that Safety Patrol students are at their post by 8:15am with the designated faculty member or adult assigned. Please meet at the office before going to the designated post.
REMINDER: If your child is going to be absent and they are on duty, please let us know. If it is something you are aware of in advance, it is your child’s responsibility to find a substitute ahead of time, and let me know. If it is a “wake up and you’re sick” kind of day, please email us before 8:00am and let us know. If at all possible, still attempt to call a substitute. Thank you!