PreSchool – Curriculum Overview

Preschool. So much to do. So much to learn. So little time.

Here, you can take a look at what a typical schedule is for our Pre-School students, whether they are enrolled in our Pre-School Half-Day or Pre-School Full-Day programs.


Pre-School Half Day Program

Our OLG students’ daily adventure begins…


Welcome & Free Play: During the drop off period, children are encouraged to make independent choices in a time of purposeful play. Our day in Pre-School has balanced teacher-directed and child-directed times. It’s important for young children to be able to make choices and to learn how to follow through with their own choices .

Circle Time: Circle time sets the tone for the day’s schedule. All children gather to go over the calendar and plan for the day, weather and all the “day’s highlights”. They also sing songs, listen to stories and more.

Recess: Play time! This is a time for physical activity and play. During recess, students are encouraged to be physically active and engaged with their peers in activities of their choice and enjoying the sun as much as possible! 🙂

Bathroom / Hand-washing: Toileting and hand washing are important routines for children. This is why we make it a part of their daily schedule: hand-washing after play, before meals and after using the bathroom.

Snack Time: Developing good manners and healthy eating habits are also important aspects of our schedule. Snack time offers a great opportunity for social interaction while learning self-sufficiency. The children also practice being a good neighbor by cleaning up after themselves. The morning snack is larger as we know sometimes it is hard to eat before school starts. If your child has any dietary restrictions, we are always happy to accommodate! Just let us know.  

Specialist Class: While our students are learning all day through their different schedule activities. This is their opportunity to learn new things with other specialist teachers. Children have Spanish, SEL, Art, Music, P.E. and Library.

Learning Centers: Learning Centers are activities located in specific areas around the classroom.  Children work in small groups during center time, and they can also work independently. At OLG, we have free choice Center time. We don’t limit kids or make complex charts to make sure every child goes to every Center. All Centers are open every day making our Learning Center time completely child-directed. Our Learning Centers include: Reading Center, Writing Center, Dramatic Play Center, Building Center, Art and Crafts Center, Sensory Center and many more.

PE (Physical Education): Fitness is included every day on our playground or in our large, indoor gym where motor skills development, coordination and balance are all emphasized. The classroom extends into gym time through organized games or cooperative playtime fun for a cohesive learning experience.

Bathroom / Hand-washing: After Learning Center time or PE, it is time to go to the bathroom and wash their hands before lunch!

Recess: After lunch, our children are full of energy and ready for play time. Students enrolled in our half day program get also time to pack up and get ready to be picked up

Half Day Program Dismissal: For our students enrolled in our half-day PreSchool program, it is time to go home!

Pre-School Full Day Program

The fun continues…


Bathroom / Hand-washing: After recess and play, time to wash their hands again.

Story Time & Time to Unwind: Story time teaches children important pre-literacy skills when we read, sing, talk, and play together. Even something as seemingly simple as how pages turn and how we read from left to right, children learn from observations they make about their world. Story time encourages cognitive development and social-emotional growth. This is also the time when kids get to unwind after lunch and recess and get ready for nap time.

Rest Time/Nap Time: For our preschoolers attending our full-day program, this is time for a regularly scheduled nap or rest which can enhance memory and support learning in preschool children. During this time, kids are encouraged to lie down for a minimum of 30 minutes (per licensing requirements). Quiet activities are also provided for our students who do not nap or who may only nap for 30 minutes.

Waking Up / Bathroom / Hand-washing: After napping or having some quiet activity time, it is time again to go to the bathroom and wash their hands before the afternoon snack.

Snack Time: Time for an afternoon light snack!

Recess: Because outdoor play and recess are just as important as time spent focusing on learning, it is time for the afternoon recess time and get ready to go home!

Full Day Program Dismissal: And now, for our students enrolled in our full-day PreSchool program, it is time to go home!