May 16th Newsletter

Dear OLG Families,

Welcome our new families to this newsletter. Tonight we welcome 43 new students to our community in our New Parent Information Night. The 2019-20 school year is fast approaching! Please pray for our new enrollees and greet them in our midst in the coming months!

Our 2nd graders today at all-school Mass reminded us to share our gifts with others. We certainly have gifts and talents abounding here at OLG, from Kennedy BandFest last night with our 5th-8th graders, to the Music Man performances tomorrow and Saturday, to the Spring Concert next Wednesday (5/22) and school Talent Show next Friday (5/24). Today Fr. Jack also reminded us that although sharing talents are excellent ways to make the world better, but it’s really our gifts towards others such as forgiveness, and treating the poor and vulnerable that can matter even more!…Continue Reading