(editing in progress by Ms. Sager for brevity)
- Oreos = Maddox, Knox, Max
- Sugar = PQ, Fallon, Evie, Bella
- Peanut Butter = Gwen, Nala, Keagan, Owen
- Fortune Cookies = Crosby, Ava, PM, Zoe, Jackie
- Ginger Snaps = Kamryn, Abigail, Heran, Arsema
3rd, 4th, 5th, MS?
- Gingerbread Boy = 3rd, 4th, 5th, MS?
- Carter, Mason interested
- Gingerbread Girl = 3rd, 4th, 5th, MS?
- Ruth, Annie, Lila interested
- All Bakers
- 1st Narrator, “Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo! It’s time to wake up and do what bakers do!”
- Jaime
- Gavin
- Adonay
- Eliab
- Hudson*
- Haley
- Solo or voice part 1: They’re almost done!
- Solo or voice part 2: Look! The sun!
- Solo or voice part 1: Here they come!
- Solo or voice part 2: One by one!
- Solo or voice part 1
- Wilder
- Eliab
- Holden
- Haley*
- Gavin*
- Solo or voice part 2
- Olivia
- Adonay
- Jaime
- Naomi*
- Oscar*
Scene 1: Wake up Time!
(A rooster crows!)
Rooster (HUDSON): Cockadoodle doo! Cockadoodle doo!
It’s time to wake up and do what bakers do!
(A variety of alarm clock sounds are heard and all the bakers wake up and put on their baker hats. They are already wearing their aprons . All of the bakers are excited to do what they love the most. Bake cookies.)
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, one by one!
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, oh what fun!
As a Round:
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, one by one!
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, oh what fun!
Every day at five a.m. we rise before the rest.
Baking pies and cakes and bread,
But cookies are the best! The very best!
All: As a Round
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, one by one!
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, oh what fun!
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, one by one!
It’s time to bake the cookies, cookies, cookies .
It’s time to bake the cookies, oh what fun!
(Soloists shouting excitedly in time, one at a time)
Solo or voice part 1 (Haley/Wilder): They’re almost done!
Solo or voice part 2 (Gavin) (pointing up): Look! The sun!
Solo or voice part 1 (Naomi): Here they come!
Solo or voice part 2 (Oscar): One by one!
All: (sung)
Oh what fun! It’s very fun!
Scene 2: The Entrance of the Cookies
Gingerbread Boy (Carter):
Come on everybody! Come follow me! I’m the gingerbread boy as you can see!
Gingerbread Girl (Lila):
I’m the gingerbread girl! I’m oh, so sweet! And I’m decorated from my head to my feet!
(All “ooh” and ahh”)
Peanut Butter Cookie (Gwen, Nala, Keagan, Owen):
If you hear “cookies” and your heart starts to flutter,
You will love us, we’re peanut butter!
Sugar Cookie (PQ, Fallon, Evie, Bella):
We are sugar cookies, simply the best
Made with love in any shape and always well-dressed!
Ginger Snaps: (Kamryn, Abigail, Heran, Arsema)
(Several together)
(Snapping their fingers on 2 and 4)
You’ll know us the best perhaps, That’s ‘cause we are gingersnaps .
Fortune Cookie #1 (Crosby, Ava, PM, Zoe, Jackie):
Listen up everybody your future is clear .
We are fortune cookies, so have no fear!
(Reading from a slip of paper)
It may seem scary and it may seem strange .
But you’re all headed to a cookie exchange!
All: A cookie exchange! What’s that?
Peanut Butter (Gwen):
That is where the bakers get together and each bring a batch of cookies and
they mix us all together then everybody takes home a few of us!
Sugar Cookie (PQ, Fallon, Evie, Bella):
Sounds scary!
Ginger Snaps: (Kamryn, Abigail, Heran, Arsema)
Sounds fun!
Gingerbread Boy 3 (Mason):
It sounds to me like there is a catch,
You mean we all get separated from our batch?
Gingerbread Girl 4: (Ruth)
Making new friends is something I don’t mind,
but I’d rather stick with my very own kind .
(Everybody talks at once agreeing with her saying things
like . “Yeah! I want to be with my friends .” “Please don’t mix us up!” “I don’t like the sound of a cookie exchange!” )
Song #2: My Batch
A herd of deer,
A swarm of bees,
We can live together like any of these .
Geese are in a gaggle before they even hatch . That’s what it means to be part of a batch .
A pride of lions,
A school of fish,
Stayin’ with my friends is all that I wish .
A colony of mice isn’t easy to catch,
That’s why they stick together in their very Own batch .
All alike! That’s what we like .
We learned that lesson long ago . All alike! That’s what we like . Sticking close to what we know .
A team of ox,
A charm of fox,
A mob of kangaroos is gettin’ ready to box .
A pack of mules can kick,
A pod of pelicans are pink!
A drove of pigs can really stink!
(shouted): P.U.!!!
All alike! That’s what we like .
We learned that lesson long ago . All alike! That’s what we like! Sticking close to what we know .
Spoken solos:
Solo 1 (Ava & PM): We’re just like a pod of whales!
Solo 2 (Ave & PM): A pack of wolves!
Solo 3 (Zoe & Crosby): Kittens with tails!
Solo 4 (Zoe & Crosby): We stick together like a colony of bats!
Solo 5 (Arsema & Jackie): One big batch is where we’re at!
Solo 6 (Arsema & Jackie): A tower of giraffes!
Solo 7 (Gwen & Bella): A stand of flamingos!
Solo 8 (Gwen & Bella): Where his batch goes, that’s where he goes!
Solo 9 (PQ & Evie): We stick together like chicks that hatch!
Solo 10 (PQ & Evie): Right at home in our own batch!
All alike! That’s what we like .
We learned that lesson long ago .
All alike! That’s what we like .
Sticking close to what we know .
A herd of deer,
A swarm of bees,
We can live together like any of these .
Geese are in a gaggle before they even hatch . That’s what it means to be part of a batch .
That’s what it means to be part of a batch . That’s what it means to be part of a batch .
A batch!
Scene 3: The Cookies Are Nervous
Gingerbread #4 (RUTH): (nervously)
I don’t know if I like this cookie exchange . It all seems just a little bit strange .
Gingerbread #5 (ANNIE): (also nervous)
The whole thing seems quite scary to me, I like my friends to stay close to me .
Ginger Snaps ALL: (snapping)
The whole idea seems like a trap .
I‘d rather stay here with the rest of the snaps .
Sugar Cookies 1 (Fallon):
We sugar cookies don’t want trouble or fuss.
Sugar Cookies 2 (PQ):
But we’d rather be with cookies who are just like us .
(All agree and make agreeable noises.)
(We hear some faint barking and the yelping of puppies.)
Gingerbread #1 (Carter):
Ahoy! Ahoy! For someone is approachin’ .
Tell us fortune cookie what is to be our fortune?
Fortune Cookie #1 (JACKIE):
Someone is coming and they sure are in a hurry . They have four legs and they look rather furry .
Cookies (ARSEMA, BELLA): (very frightened)
It’s a litter of puppies and they are out to have some fun . They love cookies so we all better run!
(All the cookies scream and scatter as the puppies enter. )
Song 3: Who Wants a Cookie?
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! I can’t get enough!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! And I want it now!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! Bow wow wow wow wow!
Bow wow wow wow bow wow wow wow! Bow wow wow wow bow wow wow wow!
(Puppies all howl and do doggie tricks.)
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! I can’t get enough!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! And I want it now!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! Bow wow wow wow wow!
Bow wow wow wow bow wow wow wow! Bow wow wow wow bow wow wow wow!
(Puppies all howl and do doggie tricks.)
Shouted by the rest of the cast:
Sit! (The puppies sit)
Roll over! (Puppies roll over) Beg! (Puppies beg)
Sing! (Puppies howl)
Sit! (The puppies sit)
Roll over! (Puppies roll over) Beg! (Puppies beg)
Sing! (Puppies howl)
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! I can’t get enough!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! And I want it now!
Who wants a cookie? I want a cookie! Bow wow wow wow wow!
Bow wow wow wow bow wow wow wow! Bow wow wow wow bow wow wow wow!
Ruff ruff ruff ruff!
Scene 4: The Puppies Get Tricked!
Gingerbread Boy 3 (Mason): (Sneaking out from his hiding position)
Does puppy want a cookie?
(All the puppies whimper and beg.)
Gingerbread Girl 4 & 5 (Ruth & Annie): (To the boy) What, are you crazy?
Gingerbread Boy 3 (Mason): (Showing the dog a bone)
Or would you rather have a bone?
(All puppies get very excited.)
Gingerbread Boy 3 (Mason):
Okay . Fetch!
(He tosses a bone and all the puppies chase after it and go off stage.)
Gingerbread Boy 1 (Carter):
Wow! That was the most frightened I’ve ever felt!
Gingerbread Girl 2 (Lila):
I was so afraid I thought my icing would melt!
Gingerbread Girl 5 (Annie):
Listen everybody! I have something to say… .
I think we should reconsider the cookie exchange!
If we give it a chance it might not be so strange!
Gingerbread 4 (Ruth):
I agree! It might be time to try something new!
It’s good to get to know others who are not like you .
Gingerbread Girl 5 (Annie)::
You mean a macaroon might become friends with a whoopie pie?
Gingerbread 2 (Lila):
You’ll never know unless you give it a try!
Gingerbread Boy 1 (Carter):
The cookie exchange is happening now! Here come the new cookies and our new friends!
Song 4: New Friends
New friends aren’t so hard to take .
New friends aren’t so hard to make .
All you have to do is show them you are kind . And new friends won’t be hard to find.
New friends, all along the way .
New friends, brighten every day .
All you have to do is show that you are true, And the new friends will be true to you .
Loo loo, loo loo loo loo loo….
(Dialog over loos)
Fortune Cookie (Zoe):
I don’t know why I was so afraid .
It’s fun to widen your circle of friends!
Gingerbread Girl 2 (Lila):
You are all the sweetest cookies I could ever ask for! (Blows a big kiss) Mwahh!
Fortune Cookie (Crosby):
That’s true! I’m learning that it’s not so much what’s on the outside of friends but what’s in your middle that really counts .
Gingerbread 3 (Ruth):
Me too! At the cookie exchange I’ll bet we find out we’re not so different after all.
All Sing:
New friends, all along the way .
New friends, brighten every day .
All you have to do is show that you are true,
And the new friends will be true to you .
True to you .
Scene 5: The Return of the Puppies!
Gingerbread Girl 2 (Lila):
I don’t know why I was frightened and scared . Friendship, like cookies, ought to be shared .
Gingerbread Boy 3 (Mason):
It’s nice to meet others who are not just like you . It’s nice to make a brand new friend or two .
Gingerbread Girl 4 & 5 (Ruth, Annie)::
But wait! I think the puppies are back .
They really love cookies and are on the attack!
(Puppies run in! Barking and yelping)
Who wants a cookie I wanna cookie! I can’t get enough!
Who wants a cookie? I wanna cookie! Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff ….
Gingerbread Boy1 (Carter) & Girl2 (Lila):
(Stepping forward, showing them a “stop” hand and cutting them off)
(The puppies freeze in their tracks.)
Gingerbread Boy1 (Carter) & Girl2 (Lila):
(With determination)
These are all my friends and you just can’t beat them . These are my friends and you just can’t eat them!
(All in puppy talk and look at each other and the audience)
Gingerbread Girl 5 (Annie): (Hopefully and pointing offstage)
But I heard there’s bacon right over there!
Bacon? (Pause)
They run off chanting;
Who wants some bacon? I want some bacon!
And I want it now!
Who wants some bacon? I want some bacon!
Bow wow wow wow wow wow!
Gingerbread Boy1 (Carter):
Nice work Gingerbread Girl! That was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen!
(Gingerbread Girl 5 (Annie) faints from relief.)
Gingerbread Boy 3 (Mason): (To the audience)
So that’s the way a cookie crumbles!
Gingerbread 2 (Lila):
What a fun and delicious day!
And we made a lot of friends all along the way!
Gingerbread 4: (Ruth, Annie)
New friends may come in all shapes and sizes! And making new friends can be full of surprises!
Fortune Cookies:
Listen up everybody! (Reading)
Your fortune tells me, you will all have lots of fun! Let’s start with cookies for everyone!
(During the last song the bakers could return and serve cookies to the audience.
Song 5: Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip hip hooray!
It’s a special kind of day .
Everybody clap your hands and shout! (clap) Cookies!
Hip hip hooray!
There are cookies on their way!
No one here is going to go without! (clap)
Chocolate chip or butter cream,
Macaroons or ginger snaps . (snap!)
Variety is just our cup of tea!
Hip hip hooray!
If a cookie comes your way,
Please be careful how you’re gonna treat it!
Hip hip hooray!
If a cookie makes your day,
Please be careful how you’re going to eat it! Cookies!
Mixin’ and a matchin’,
We’re as sweet as sweet can ever be!
Together we are better can’t you see?
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!
It’s a special kind of day!
Everybody clap your hands and shout! (clap) Cookies!
Hip hip hooray!
There are cookies on the way!
No one here is going to go without!
Chocolate chip or butter cream,
Macaroons or ginger snaps . (snap!)
Variety is just our cup of tea!
Hip hip hooray!
If a cookie comes your way,
Please be careful how you’re gonna treat it!
Hip hip hooray!
If a cookie makes your day,
Please be careful how you’re going to eat it! Cookies!
Mixin’ and a matchin’,
We’re as sweet as sweet can ever be!
Together we are better can’t you see?
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!
It’s a special kind of day! Hip hip hooray!
Sign on easel:
The end!
Bow music: instrumental reprise of hip hip hooray
(Editing in progress….)