Dear Families,
It is Tuesday, May 7th and I am writing to you as I am preparing to leave for my mission trip to Jamaica with Maryknoll, on behalf of the Archdiocese of Seattle and Office for Catholic Schools. As you are reading this, I will likely be reflecting on a day working in one of the many locations we will be sent out to, a hospice center, a school for children with disabilities, a center for teen moms, etc. I will be thinking of you all while I am away and look forward to sharing more with you upon my return.
Celebrations and Acknowledgements
Congratulations to our First Communicants who celebrated the sacrament on Saturday night with Fr. Gary. We were all so proud of the way you answered his questions and shared your knowledge with the congregation. May God continue to bless you and keep you, all the days of your life.
Band Festival was last night…Continue Reading