Additional Learning Resources

Whether children are away from school because of spring break, summer vacation, or any other extended break, having a selection of creative and engaging education resources to use at home is vital to encourage children to keep learning while playing and having fun.

Here, we have complied a collection of tools, guides, and activities designed to promote learning through play, help engage young brains, boost motor skills, and develop their creativity. We will be delighted to assist you using any of these tools. Feel free to contact our Kindergarten Home Teacher, Mrs. Joanne Simpson with questions!

Literacy & Math:

  • Animal Alphabet Song
  • Teacher Tube: Since launching on March 6, 2007, our goal at TeacherTube has been to provide an online community for sharing instructional and education videos for college students, high school students, middle school students and elementary school students.
  • PBSkids. The website for children’s programming aired by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in the United States.
  • ABC Mouse Digital Education



  • National Geographic Kids: Child-focused resources about animals, science, history, people, and places around the world from The National Geographic Society.
  • Storytime From Space: Videos of astronauts reading STEM-themed books from the International Space Station brought to you by the nonprofit Storytime From Space.
  • Steve Spangler Science Experiments: A site created by American author, Steve Spangler, showcasing close to 400 science experiments you can do at home.

Social Development:

Arts & Crafts:

Just for Fun:

  • Kidomi Digital Entertainment: This is a 2018 National Parenting Product Award Winner from Fingerprint Play, and is a subscription app for kids 6–12 with thousands of hours of games, books, and videos. You can sign up for a free trial.