Technology Curriculum Overview

Technology is taught as part of the greater learning process. All technology applications are focused on some aspect of discovery, expression, presentation, problem solving, and communication. Technology and Digital Citizenship are essential components of OLG’s Library & Technology curriculum. To become effective users of information, students must have frequent opportunities to handle all kinds of information. Locating, interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, and communicating information should become a part of every content area.

OLG students from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade have access to individual Google for Education online accounts which includes document storage (Google drive). These accounts can be accessed from any device with internet access. Students in grades five through eight have access to school sponsored email accounts as well, to be used to communicate with teachers and classmates on assignments. Below you can find a broad overview of the Technology portion of our LIT program, per grade:


Our students work with iPads and are taught general computer care as well as basic internet safety. They are shown how to open applications, login and logout. Students use the SeeSaw application for painting, drawing and voice recording. They are introduced to our various Math support software, as well as to digital citizenship, through Common Sense Media.  Since a young age, it is essential that students learn the basics about digital etiquette and online safety.

First Grade

Our first graders work with iPads and are taught how to open applications, open and save files, as well as some basic editing features such as: undo and redo, copy and paste. They are also shown how to write and publish digital stories. They review the My 5 Senses, Butterfly Book and Salmon Book. They continue to explore our various Math support software, as well as to digital citizenship, through Common Sense Media.  Since a young age, it is essential that students learn the basics about digital etiquette and online safety.

Second Grade

Our second graders switch to now work with Chromebooks. They learn to login and logout and are introduced to the Google Classroom. They learn paragraph writing, inserting images, editing text, formatting fonts and more. They continue to explore our various Math support software, as well as to digital citizenship, through Common Sense Media. They also are taught to create bookmarks when conducting research and are introduced to the SPL Database. Second Grade students will also embark on a South America research project through CultureGram, as well as a Rainforest Animal research project through Encyclopedia Britannica.

Third Grade

Our third graders continue working with Chromebooks. They learn typing instruction, text formatting, essay writing and book publishing. They explore applications such as Google Draw, Google Classroom, Google Docs and Google Slides to creating presentations. The embark on a research project about China using curated websites, along with the SPL Database. Thus they learn to use search engines and determining source validity. They continue to explore our various Math support software, as well as to digital citizenship, through Common Sense Media.

Fourth Grade

Students continue to learn about digital citizenship, through Common Sense Media. They are introduced to Coding through Scratch, a block-based programming language and CS First, which provides a computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn. Fourth graders learn to publish personal narratives and are introduced to Google Maps and Google Earth, as well as Google Sheets where they will learn to create tables, use formulas and format graphs.

Fifth Grade

Students learn about email communication and expectations for school conduct. They continue to learn about digital citizenship, through Common Sense Media. They put their knowledge to practice conducting a long-term research project, publishing a brochure and creating presentations. They learn to work with shared files and discover Robotics through a Lego Robotics unit.

Middle School (Grades 6th through 8th)

Students in Middle School continue to learn about digital citizenship, through Common Sense Media. They expand their use of Chromebooks through Applied Digital Skills lessons, where they learn to organize Google Drive files and folders, creating tasks and reminders, personalizing their email mailbox and more. They also explore the Alma online grading system.