Big Happenings/ Announcements:
- Tomorrow is OLG Spirit Wear or uniform.
- By tomorrow, you will be receiving the Intent to Return Survey (Preschool- 7th grade) due Jan 22nd. This is mandatory. Thank you for completing it.
- Fr. Kevin’s Farewell Party Sunday, Jan 12th after 11:00 am Mass. All are welcome.
Dear Families,
Happy New Year to all of you! Over Christmas break, we began the Jubilee Year, proclaimed by Pope Francis as “The Year of Hope” in which we have been called to be “pilgrims of hope”. In his papal letter to the people, he stated “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.” How do we do this in our own lives? In our building? How do we keep hope alive? The simplest answer is to live lives that place Christ in the center, or at minimum, involved in some capacity, through prayer and relationship. In our actions, in how we treat one another, we keep hope alive, we “fan the flame” and plan for the future. As you may recall, our school theme this year calls us each by name, to be Disciples with Hope to Bring. As we move into the new year, I invite you to read over Pope Francis’ letter and learn more about the Jubilee Year that…Continue Reading