October 3rd Newsletter

Dear OLG Families,

We Made it! Our Charleston Wrap fundraiser was a great success thanks to many volunteers, and all of you! And as I’m sure most of your children have told you by now, I began the day with a full beard but the highest participating class (2nd Grade) had a lot of fun decorating it this morning… and by the end of the day… well, that’s another picture for later (or possibly Instagram, thank you Erin Stampe)! We raised well over our $8,000 goal and I’m very excited to work with the Parent Org on how to use those funds right away! Thank you all so much for your participation, it was excellent to see our community rally together so son this year. I hope you all celebrate well at Beers & Brats this weekend and I’ll see you at Mass on Sunday for the 11am Catechetical Sunday blessing of our all the teachers in our community. You too are a the best teacher of your child, so you too are blessed!!

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