Our Lady of Guadalupe School thrives because of generous support from people like you. THANK YOU for your support, we are almost at our goal! The investment of hundreds of parish and school families over the years has made OLG an outstanding learning environment and a wonderful community. Please be part of that continued tradition with a pledge to this year’s School Fund Drive!
Our goal this year is to raise $80,000. Our current pledge total is $75,426
This year’s School Fund Drive focuses primarily on tuition assistance. Your support allows us to open our doors to families who may not otherwise be able to afford a Catholic education as well as to help families that may be going through a temporary rough patch financially. Additional funds are set aside for our Teacher Excellence Award, building our endowment fund, and for facility upgrades.
Please help us by pledging your support. Donations can be made online or by contacting Carrie Morrissey.