Parish Volunteering Opportunities

OLG School is a ministry of the OLG Parish and as a result, anything you do for the Parish, you do it for the school, for your community. You do it for OLG!

Are you a School Parent?

Your active participation in the life of the Parish and Parish activities counts towards your required volunteer hours too! 🙂

Event Specific Opportunities:

  • Cabin Fever Breakout Jan 18.  Help shrug off those winter blues and volunteer!
  • OLG Family Yard Sale needs your help to organize the event and sort/label clothes.  Contact Sarah or Molly
  • All hands on deck for the Day of Service April 5, 2025!  Projects for all ages and abilities and schedules, including drop-in campus projects and at-home projects.  Day of Service HQ
  • Interested in helping at our Multi-Cultural Fair in May? Contact Kelley
  • Loop the ‘Lupe is June 7, 2025!  Volunteer, participate, just come!

Community Outreach Opportunities:

  • OLG Immigrant Ministry is Welcoming New Members.  Join OLG’s Immigrant Ministry as we seek ways to recognize and support our immigrant communities.   This year we will focus on direct service, advocacy, and building a new parish multicultural ministry.  If you are interested in learning more or working on these projects, contact Sarah Riggio for more information. You can also learn more on our website at Our Lady of Guadalupe Immigrant Ministry page.
  • Parish Peace Garden: We need to finish getting our Parish Garden ready for growing vegetables for the WS Food Bank!!  You can do it on your own time and it counts for school volunteer hours! If interested, contact Laura Vanderpool, Helen Oesterle, or call us at (206) 935-0358
  • There are so many other outreach opportunities available! Take a look and learn more about all the different OLG Outreach ministries HERE! 

Mass/Liturgy Opportunities:

  • Work with children at Family Faith Sunday School programs. All support & training is provided and you can have a significant impact on the lives of your people
  • We Need Altar Servers! Children 3rd grade and older, and adults are invited to help serve at our Masses. Training can be coordinated with your schedule. Contact Helen
  • Organize Church Pews.Touch up” the pews before our weekend Masses and when school is not in session. Contact Helen
  • Bulletin Stuffer and more: Help prepare the weekly bulletin with parish staff while your child is in school.  Contact Velma Jones at the Parish Office (206) 935-0358 for more information!
  • Assist at Mass as a Eucharist Minister or Reader – It is not only a great way to serve others but it is also a wonderful way to enrich your own experience and understanding of the Mass.  The scheduling is flexible based on your availability and training can be provided based on your schedule.  Contact Helen
  • Camera Operators are needed for our daily and weekend Masses. Time commitment would be once a week and/or as a sub. Training provided…it is simpler than you think! Please contact Helen for more information.
  • Volunteer Opportunities at Mass: Contact Helen for more information.

Other Opportunities:

  • Drivers Needed.  Looking for a driver or group of drivers to drive Sr. Sharon Fitzpatrick to lead Communion services at several retirement facilities 3 days a week in the mornings. Sr. Fitzpatrick has had to give up her driver’s license. This ministry is very meaningful to her, and she would love to continue in this role but needs help with transportation to and from the facilities. Please contact Pam Stephen-Jordan, Pastoral Coordinator at 206-935-0358, ext.104 if you are interested.

  • Family Faith Formation Volunteer Opportunities. Sharing our faith through our children and family programs takes many hands, and, as the cliché goes, “Many hands make light work.” Having a strong group of volunteers is vital to our programs and a strong witness to children, but those who give of their time and talent also benefit. They build their own connection to the community and, through that community, their own sense of the Lord in our lives. Please consider joining us as a volunteer. Opportunities range from one-hour one-time events to multiple Sunday mornings. Watch this bulletin and our web page or contact Molly
  • Confirmation or Baptism Team Members to help provide quality programming for our youth and families. Contact Sarah Riggio for more information.  Training will be provided!
  • Our Parish Garden provides fresh vegetables for our local foodbanks and our Safe Parking Guests. Contact Helen Oesterle.  We need volunteers to help with the following:
    • Coordinator(s): Our long time faithful leader, Laura Vanderpool, is “retiring” and this ministry needs one or hopefully two volunteers willing to coordinate this ministry. This includes overseeing the care of the gardens with the support of volunteers and an annual Rice Bowl Grant. Time commitment is generally from April to October.
    • Repairing Irrigation System: There are several leaks in the irrigation system that need to be repaired. It is a fairly simple repair of PVC piping but does require some digging. Hope to have it completed by April 1st.
    • Gardeners: Volunteers are needed to help maintain the garden beds throughout the growing season, including planting, weeding and harvesting. Time commitment is flexible throughout the growing season, and there will also be group work parties scheduled (with donuts!) It is a great ministry for families to do together.
  • Help with outdoor campus jobs: Contact Dave Fitton for more details!

Looking for something more permanent? Take a look at the most current OLG Parish Employment Opportunities!

DO NOT FORGET: All volunteers who work with children and/or money must complete the Safe Environment Program (managed by VIRTUS). For more details, check out our Safe Environment Program page or contact our local Safe Environment Coordinator, Sandy Plummer at (206) 935-0358.