"Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and empowered by the Holy Spirit."
Wednesday of Holy Week
This Holy Week you have the opportunity to celebrate together in community. Our 7th Grade class leads a “Living Stations of the Cross” for the school each year. This week they’ve narrated the stations in a new format:
Tomorrow is Holy Thursday, when we have our staff usually hosts a “Soup Supper” for the entire community. This year we’ve compiled a list of our staff’s favorite soup recipes… click here for the OLG Soup Supper Recipes & Prayers.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School & Parish acknowledges that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.