Hello OLG Families,
I’m doing a lot of counting and numbers these days. Here we are just a few weeks away from reaching the midpoint of our school year, day 90, Mid-term of Trimester 2. The Auction team is working hard to create a fabulous event, less than 2 months to go. Parent Org and Staff are doing tremendous work readying for Catholic Schools Week, in about 10 school days. Today we have a great update on the School Fund Drive (see below). There is also this news from our Advent SVDP Canned Food drive:
Thank you for your support of the St. Vincent de Paul Advent Drive! The OLG School Community raised over 1,600 items/dollars. 5th grade won the elementary inter-class competition with 662 items/dollars and 6th grade won the middle school category with 330 items/dollars. The 5th and 6th grade each won a class party – congratulations!
Wow! Numbers… and the ones that really count are you, our fabulous families…Continue Reading