Dear OLG Families,
Thank you to all our families and staff for another week together! Yes that picture above was a pre-covid/maskless shot, but it shows the joy we still have here in being in-person whenever possible. Good news is that although we’re still working through many a covid-protocol here, there are many clearing and returning to campus, keeping us together! Here is some data of the current week and some reassurances of the strength of our covid resilience:
- Vaccinations — Thank you families for continuing to updated us with verified vaccination status with the school office (email a pic or simply present in person). This resource page continues to be helpful in answering questions as well! Classes that have completed this process are our middle school classes and our 1st and 5th grade classes, continuing our steady 90%+ vaccinated rate (or in-process). We’re still filling in our data on other grades, so…Continue Reading