Newsletter January 23rd

Big Happenings/ Announcements:

  • Jan 24: Dress for the All-Stars!.
  • Jan 24: Noon Dismissal could be hectic due to a funeral on campus. Please keep the parking lots moving and 35th Ave SW clear.
  • Wear blues Sunday and Thursday; For Winter Concert: see communication from homeroom teacher for dress; Wear pajamas on Friday!
  • Monday is Family Appreciation Day – We appreciate you!
  • ** Order hot lunch by 1:00 pm Jan 29 for Jan 30 Special Persons Day (or sack lunches are fine!) **
Dear OLG,

Catholic Schools’ Week is here, beginning this Sunday! We kick it all off with our Open House from 10am- 1pm. Mass is at 11am, and I would love to see you there! You are the heartbeat of our school, the “why” to what we do, and the reason that our mission exists. As the largest ministry of the church, our school is more than just our now, but it is also the living example of why we began and why we will continue to exist long after your children are added to our alumni wall. We exist for today, yesterday and tomorrow because we believe in who we are called to be, and in the core principles in which we were founded.

This past weekend…Continue Reading