November 2nd, 2017
Dear OLG Families,
Many hands and feet were busy this past weekend at the Halloween Carnival, but most especially Hilary Reeves and Shauna Fredrickson who coordinated and spent countless hours with setup and takedown. It was a fabulous evening with many fun memories made! Thank you Hilary, Shauna, and all the volunteers for your amazing work putting this event together.
Our 3rd Grade Saints |
Yesterday morning the 3rd Grade also had busy hands and feet as they put on an excellent All Saints Day Mass for the community. Their work will stay up in the church, so look for Saints’ posters in the church this weekend when you come to Mass.
We have been busy in the office as well. Applications for next year are already rolling in. Our progress on creating a Licensed Full-Day Preschool/Pre-K is continuing with architect plans and associated paperwork moving along. Our School Fund Drive will be kicking off next week, as will events such as the Math Night, Veterans Day Assembly, and more. This is all possible due to your financial support, your advocating in the community for the good news that happens here, and the testament of our children and how they are learning and growing. Thank you and enjoy your conferences today and tomorrow!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
November 2nd & 3rd
If you need to change your conference time, contact your child’s teacher directly.
We ask that students in grades 1 through 8 accompany their parents to the conference. Pre-School, Pre-Kindergarten, & Kindergarten children do not attend.
The Secret Garden Book Fair Nov. 1st thru Nov. 5th
Headmaster Dumbledore endorses Book Fair!
Our annual book fair is scheduled during the week of fall conferences. Sales began on Wednesday, November 1st and will run all conferences and between Masses Sunday morning. Help your child select a book for their enjoyment and consider purchasing a gift for the classroom or library. All proceeds from the book fair go directly to the OLG library for the purchase of new and replacement titles.
Volunteers are welcome to help with book selection or cashier duties. Click here to sign up for a time. Thank you in advance for your generous support.
Librarian and Technology Teacher
There’s an overflow of lost and found items. Please take a look for lost items on display by the front desk. If they are not picked up by Nov. 5th, they will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul.
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Program’s online application for the 2018-2019 school year is open until January 5, 2018. The application is available in both English and Spanish. Click here to start your application. If you have questions, please contact Carrie Morrissey for assistance.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
We are off and running! The fifth graders
are excited now that the instruments are together! Reading rhythms and notes have begun!! Our School Band members (gr. 6-8) are preparing for the Feast Day Mass and Christmas Sing-a long during the school day! Busy times in the music world!
Parents: Please make sure instruments are going home on band days! PRACTICING is so important!! Your child’s home efforts will be recorded each week, starting in November!
Thank you!
Senora Brodahl shows off the beautiful altars students from all grades have made in Spanish classes for the celebration of All Saints Day. Take a moment to admire the colorful and meaningful display in the front entrance area of the school. It is truly amazing. |
Thursday, November 9th
9:30 to 10:00 AM
What a scarily perfect event! A HUGE THANK YOU to Hilary Reeves and Shauna Fredrickson, our DYNAMITE Carnival chairs, who made this year’s event so exciting and fun! The event was a SMASH! Thank you to all who volunteered time and cakes!
Tuesday, November 7th, 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Our annual Math Night, coordinated by parent Lisa Booth and middle school math teacher Ms. Savio, is a fun event for parents and kids to play math-related games that align with the math concepts our children are learning! This free, P.O.-sponsored event uses “Meeple” math games that are exciting and informative. We hope you will come hang out with your OLG friends and spend some educational time with your kiddos! Popcorn, juice and water will be provided.
WHY IS DECEMBER 1ST A DOUBLY GOOD DAY?? – Because Auction procurement forms are due AND it is the annual Light Up the Night event!
Not sure what to donate to the auction this year? That’s ok – we will take cash and take care of it for you, or, check out our OLG auction wishlist at Amazon! Families can also combine their donations for larger or more expensive items! Need more ideas? Contact Christa!
Watch for information regarding Light Up the Night! We love this festive event to get into the holiday spirit. Want to help/need volunteer hours? Contact our co-chairs: Minerva del Rosario or Yen del Rosario.
SHOP WITH SCRIP and earn Cash for the School!
I wanted to take a quick minute to introduce myself. My name is Danielle VenHuizen, one of the new Scrip chairs and a Kindergarten parent. I am very excited to see how we can get this program going to help our school raise a TON of money! How can you help? Use the updated Scrip order form to purchase gift cards for things you would be spending on anyway!
Also, it is never to early to start thinking about the holiday gift giving. Scrip is Christmas shopping made simple! Questions? Feel free to email me, Danielle VenHuizen
Save the Date!
Tuesday, Nov. 7th 6:30 pm in the School Hall.
Coffee and Donuts after Mass sponsored by 7th grade Sunday Nov. 12th after both masses in the Walmesley Center (Gym)
Next PO & Auction Meeting
Tuesday Nov. 14th 6:15 PM (time change!) in the Math lab. Auction meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
Auction Family Procurement Deadline
December 1st
$200 item or cash donation
Light Up the Night
Christmas caroling and grounds lighting
Friday, December 1st
January 20th
OLG School Auction – “Roaring 20’s” theme
March 3rd, 2018
CYO Italian Dinner is November 11th. Get your Tickets at
Volunteers still needed for this fun event: contact Erin Pedras
Soccer Wrap-Up
Congratulations to OLG’s soccer teams for a great season. And thank you to our coaches and parents for their help and support. Go Bulldogs!
Basketball Referee Training
We need you or someone you know to referee CYO basketball games November to January. It’s rewarding and working with kids is great fun! You will be trained and supported. Please come to an upcoming training Monday, November 6, 6-7:30pm – St. George Parish gym (5117 13th Ave S, Seattle, WA).
Click here for CYO Athletics news and schedules.
Click here to learn more about CYO sports at OLG.
Family Faith Sunday
November 5th, 2017
9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Walmesley Gym
Come and participate with your children in fun stations and activities that deepen our response to the invitation to live out the meaning of the beatitudes in our lives. Hospitality is part of our program where you can meet families in our community. All families are welcome! Also last chance at the school Book Fair!
Ethical Fair Trade Sale!
OLG’s annual Catholic Relief Services Ethical Fair Trade Sale is coming up on Sunday, November 19 from 9:30am-1:00pm in the Walmesley Center. We live in an era of unprecedented economic interdependence. The decisions we make about what we buy affect the lives of people we may never meet. Ethical Trade seeks to change the ways in which conventional trade often leaves behind the most vulnerable people. By buying Ethical Trade, you support the efforts of skilled farmers and artisans who are working to break the cycle of poverty and to build stronger communities. Employers also assure that workers are treated with dignity and that no forced labor is in the supply chain. At the sale, you’ll find chocolates, Advent calendars, nativities, crosses, jewelry, holiday and home décor, Christmas cards, rosaries, scarves, ornaments, baskets, and much more.
In addition, the Pre-K and 3rd grade classes are selling tasty treats to benefit Westside Baby! Shop early for the best selection! While you browse, be sure to sample free Fair Trade coffee provided by Pura Vida. Proceeds go to Catholic Relief Services and OLG’s efforts to bring Fair Trade coffee to our events. Information, Jennifer 206-935-0358 x.120.
Understanding Mark’s Gospel: Five Things to Look For
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 4th, 9:30-11:00 AM when Fr. Mike Raschko gives us a preview of what to look for during the year of Mark (which begins the first Sunday of Advent). Join our liturgical ministers for a morning of formation, conversation and prayer in preparation for the new liturgical year. Note: Liturgical ministers will gather from 11:00-11:30 AM for additional training and updates.
Mass for Deceased Homeless
You are invited to gather at St. James Cathedral on Thursday, November 9 at 5:30pm for a special Mass in memory of the men and women who died on the streets or by violence in our community this past year. Please join us to honor their memory, to celebrate their lives, and to pray for them. A simple reception will follow. All are welcome to bring winter hats, gloves, and scarves to be distributed to those in need. Information, Patrick Barredo, 206-382-4515. St. James is located at 9th and Marion on First Hill in Downtown Seattle.
Socializing for Justice: A Ministry Fair for Young Adults
“The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each of one of us?” Dorothy Day, the co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, called us to solidarity with those on the margins. To commemorate her 120th birthday, young adults are invited to join ministries from around the region to learn more about where you can find spiritual nourishment, how to get involved in faith-based social justice movements and put faith into action through direct service. Thursday, November 8 from 7-9pm at the Maryknoll NW Mission House (958 16th Ave E, Seattle 98112). Information, Anna Johnson, 206-322-8831.
Parenting in an Ignatian Spirit
The Ignatian Spirituality Center invites you to a small group reflection series called “Parenting in an Ignatian Spirit”. The series is designed to deepen your sense of yourself as a parent, share experiences with other parents, become aware of the spiritual foundations of your parenting, and develop Ignatian-inspired practices to ground you in moments of challenge. The group will meet for 7 monthly gatherings on Mondays from 7-9pm at St. Joseph’s starting November 13. For more information or to register, visit www.ignatiancenter.orgor contact Andrea, 206-329-4824. RSVP by November 6th.
Share the Journey: OLG Immigration Ministry
Last weekend, our Pastoral Associate Helen Oesterle shared a reflection with our congregation at Mass and told us about Pope Francis’ new “Share the Journey: Love Your Neighbor” initiative. OLG’s Immigration Ministry is supporting the initiative and looking for ways to bring it to life in our parish. You are invited to join us in these efforts by attending our next meeting on Sunday, November 12 in the Pastoral Center following the 11am Mass. Share the Journey
No School /
Fall Conferences
Thurs-Fri, Nov. 2nd-3rd
School Book Fair
Nov 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 5th
Set Back Your Clocks!
Day Light Savings
Sunday, Nov. 5th
Faith Family Sunday!
Nov. 5th
9:30 – 10:45 AM
Walmesley Gym
Math Night
Tuesday, Nov. 7th
6:30 PM School Hall
Spirit Wear
Thursday, Nov. 9th
Veterans Assembly Planned by 4th Grade
Thursday, Nov. 9th
9:30 -10:00 AM
No School
Friday, Nov. 10th
CYO Italian Dinner
Saturday, Nov. 11th
6:00 PM
Walmesley Center
Coffee and Donuts
By 7th grade
Sunday, Nov. 12th
School Hall
Parent Org & Auction Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 14th
6:15 PM (time change!)
Math Lab
Auction Family Procurement Deadline
Friday, Dec. 1st
God of all – Keep us following your ways, and living in abundant grace