October 12th, 2017

Dear OLG Families,
Fall has officially arrived! This week we had our first “rainy-day” recesses, the heat has been turned-on in the school, and the lost and found has many more jackets than it did a week ago. Students are done with our fall MAPs test and our staff is excited to go over results on our Oct. 20th inservice day, then share with you at conferences in the first days of November.
Last Friday the staff gathered to reflect and walk together in our faith journey exploring four of the great mysteries of our faith: the Trinity, the Paschal Mystery, the Incarnation, and the Eucharist. I’ve shared with you the past two weeks a bit of insight, today I’ll share a third. Several common analogies to the Trinity are familiar to many of us: St. Patrick’s three-leaf clover, the apple with it’s seed, fruit, and skin, or an egg with its’ yolk, white, and shell. Nature is full of triune wonders! And this shouldn’t be a surprise as our creator God is triune as well. God came down in human form of Jesus, who then breathed-out the Holy Spirit to all. Jesus teaches us all that we need, essentially re-writing the ten commandments into just one, to love! And that is what the trinity is all about… a relationship of love. When our relationships are right with each other, when we are doing our best to love one another, to express the love of Jesus, to be in communion with others and with God, we are living the mystery of the trinity. Come, pray, commune together. Our All-School Mass is next week, you are all invited!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
IMPORTANT! Make sure you received a test message of our emergency alert system
To prepare for possible school delays/closures this winter (who wants snow?), a test message was sent through ourSwift emergency notification system on Wednesday, October 11th at 2:10 PM. Our alert system uses the email address & phone in our student information system (PowerSchool). In the event of a school closure or other emergency, a Swift alert will be emailed and texted to you, as well as an alert posted on our website homepage.
If you did not receive an alert on Wednesday, check your junk box and make sure your email filters allow email from no-reply@guadalupe-school.org. If you are unable to locate the test message, notify the school office (Shelley Bradley or Laura Wong) with your email address and phone number to be used for emergency notifications
OLG School is participating in the great ShakeOut earthquake preparedness on October 19th. It’s a great time to update your home plans. Are you prepared? Click here to learn more!
Our next Blue Friday is October 20th! Students may wear sports gear from their favorite Seattle team (from Seahawks to Sounders to local little league), or their school uniform.
October 20th is also a noon dismissal for staff professional development.
The uniform purging has begun! Attention all girls – there are LOTS of jumpers and skirts to be had!! Please take all that you can get. No need to do laundry during the week! I even have a jumper and a skirt that are both brand new in the bag with tags – size 8. Contact Erin Pedras. First come, first served. OLG Girls Uniform Inventory
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

8th Grade
Every person’s life is a story. Think of yours; imagine if it were written in a memoir. What moments would make the reader laugh or cry? What moments would make the reader experience a sense of awe or joy or regret? What moments would help the reader learn more about the world as a result of your experience?
This year’s eighth grade class service project has a new plot twist. In previous years, our students would visit Providence Mount St. Vincent and offer recreational therapy to residents living in different neighborhoods within the campus. This year, we are fortunate to work with Dr. Jennifer Kulik, a teacher at Seattle University and former teacher from The Northwest School, who will guide our eighth graders in interviewing and essentially writing memoirs about residents from the Mount. Additionally, our 8th graders will learn how to run a photo shoot to take portraits of residents.

This new framework for our class service project augments an already powerful intergenerational experience where teens interact with seniors, and both have an opportunity to learn from each other. OLG has a longstanding relationship with the Mount, and we are excited to explore a new level of depth in our class service project.
Speaking of service, eighth graders are in the midst of planning their Juan Diego Projects. Students have proposed issues of poverty in Seattle, immigration, environmentalism, multiculturalism, as well as many other ideas that they will learn about with in-depth database research and personal experience by way of service in the field. Please keep this class in your prayers as they work to make our communities better places for everyone to flourish.
8th Grade Teacher
Thursday, October 19th
9:00 AM

Introducing…Halloween Grams!
To celebrate the season and the upcoming OLG Halloween Carnival, we will be selling Halloween Grams before and after school outside, anytime in the front office, and in the cafeteria during lunch on select days for one week between Monday, Oct. 16 and Monday, Oct. 23. For $1 (cash), you can write your children (or your children can send their friends) a sweet or festive message. The card and a Halloween surprise will be delivered to recipients during school hours on Wednesday, Oct. 25th!
SAVE on advance purchase of wristbands and tickets!
Paper form/check payment available until Oct. 20th only.
see the FCE coming home today, or
pick up in school office.
And speaking of the Carnival, have you signed up to volunteer? Just taking a quick 1.5-hour shift at a fun game station would be a big help! Sign up here
Still excited,
THANK YOU to our 8th grade and Pre-School families
…who volunteered to help with Coffee and Donuts during the Sunday masses this past weekend!
Looking for ways to gain your commitment hours? Here are some ideas. Contact Christa if you are interested or have questions!
- Serve as CHAIR or CO-CHAIR FOR THE AUCTION – Get 50 automatic hours! We are in desperate need of an auction chair and co-chair and won’t stop asking until we get one!! Please come work with our awesome auction committee to make this event a night to remember!
- Procurement Coordinator – Auction committee – You will work with a team of parent volunteers to procure fun and exciting items for the OLG auction in addition to procuring sponsorships from local businesses to support the auction.
It’s that time of year again……Auction Procurement Time!
Enclosed in your FCE today is the initial Roaring 20’s Auction & Gala Invitation Flyer with donation ideas, Procurement letter, and Procurement form. You are also receiving an additional letter for Corporate Sponsorship, Table Sponsor opportunities, and Advertising options. If you’re in need of additional copies, please visit the Auction Page.

Time to turn in Box Tops! Please drop off labels from Box Tops products at the school office or by the church library this month. To learn more, visit our web page, or contact Erin Pedras. Thank you OLG families! We appreciate your time and participation!
Halloween Carnival – Saturday, October 28th, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
Coffee and Donuts after Mass sponsored by 7th grade – Sunday November 12th after both masses in the Walmesley Center (Gym)
Next PO & Auction Meeting – Tuesday November 14th 6:30 PM in the Math lab. Auction meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
OLG School Auction – “Roaring 20’s theme”, March 3rd, 2018

Open until Friday, October 13th for grades 4th to 8th
If you have any questions about basketball registration, please contact Marc Christianson, OLG Basketball Coordinator.
Free Basketball Skills and Drills Clinics
CYO Basketball parents and coaches, OLG CYO is excited to provide basketball skills and drills clinics for our 4th-8th Grade Boys and Girls this season. CYO will provide Pizza at the completion of each clinic. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to clinic start time. All basketball coaches please plan to attend.
Friday, October 20th
6:00-7:00 PM – Girls 4th-8th Grade Skills and Drills
7:00-8:30 PM – Boys 4th-8th Grade Skills and Drills
A Clinic for Parents & Coaches
Thursday, October 26th 6:00-7:30 PM
Come join us for an evening of education and discussion around the subject of mental health and sport at the Walmesley Center! Parishioner and local mental health therapist Knox Burnett will be talking about the role of parents and coaches in the lives of young athletes. Read More Here!
Basketball Referees Needed
If you know anyone interested in getting paid to work CYO Basketball games, they should attend the Referee Training on Sunday, October 15th from 6:00-7:30PM at the Our Lady of the Lake Gym (3520 NE 89th St, Seattle, WA 98115). The season is 8 weekends starting November 18th. It can be a great way to earn cash!
Click here for CYO Athletics news and schedules. Click here to learn more about CYO sports at OLG. Go Bulldogs!

Help Put on the October Community Meal
New to OLG? Looking for a way to plug in? Interested in service? Like food? All the above? Through service, community, and delicious food, we find joy and life in one another. The Community Meal happens each month at OLG and strives to provide a free meal for anyone in the greater community who wishes to attend. This month’s Community Meal is Sunday, October 29th in the Walmesley Center/Gym and we need your help to make it happen! Can you help serve the meal (around 12:30pm) or cleanup (around 2:30pm)? You do not need to stay the entire day; just for your shift. We are also in need of homemade or store-bought desserts to share with our guests (drop off any time after 9:45 AM). If you’re able to help, please contact Jennifer (206) 935-0358 x.120.
Altar Server Training
If you are 4th grade or older (including adults), you are invited to an altar server training on Monday, October 23, 3:15 PM– 4:15 PM or 6:30 – 7:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together (i.e. siblings, parent/child). Contact Helen at for more information.
Usher’s Meeting
All ushers, including those who periodically help out, are asked to attend a very important meeting to review emergency procedures for the church and to learn more about some changes in procedures for the offertory collection. There are two meeting options: Sunday, October 22, 9:45-10:45 AM or Tuesday, October 24, 6:30-7:30 PM.
THAT WE MAY BE ONE: Racial Justice and the Catholic Church
All are invited to a talk by the Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Bishop of Belleville, Illinois entitled, “The Catholic Church and the Racial Divide in the United States”. This is part of the 8 th Annual Catholic Heritage Lectures at Seattle U and will be held on Tuesday, October 17th at 7:00 PM in Seattle U’s Piggot Auditorium. For more information, visit the Seattle U web site.
Cornerstone Catholic Conference
The Bishops of Washington State are sponsoring the second statewide Cornerstone Catholic Conference on Friday evening, October 20th and all day Saturday, October 21st, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. The Cornerstone mission is to inspire and educate Catholics and others to continue working together to protect human life: the unborn, those who live in poverty or on the margins of society, and people at the end of life. Conference registration
All-School Mass
led by 5th grade
All students full uniform
Thursday, Oct. 19th
Blue Friday &
Noon Dismissal
Friday, Oct. 20th
Basketball Skills and Drills Clinic
Grades 4-8
Friday, Oct. 20th
see CYO News section
Thursday, Oct. 26th 6:00-7:30 PM
Picture Retakes
Friday, Oct. 27th
Halloween Carnival
Saturday, Oct. 28th
4:00 – 7:00 PM
Community Meal
Sunday, Oct. 29th
1:00-2:30 PM
see Parish News section
For Carly Reeves (Kindergarten)
who hurt her finger in an accident
Prayers for our active emergency rescue crews