October 19th, 2017
Dear OLG Families,
Our second all school Mass of the year was this morning. The 5th grade did a fabulous job organizing the readings and leading Mass with Fr. Jack. Miss Sager and the 4th/5th grade chorus also taught us a new song that’s very fitting to our school theme:
We are the hands and feet of Christo…
We are working for a better world for all people
We will do the work that leads to all being equal
We protect and care for Earth so we will be well
As hands and feet of Christo
It was a joy for the whole school, in community, to sing together as one body. Last week I mentioned the Trinitarian nature of our need for relationship, and this was especially present at mass as we sat in Faith Families groupings. The 8th graders did an excellent job yesterday preparing their Faith Families for mass. This leads me to conclude my reflections of the four mysteries that I’ve been sharing these past four weeks. We come to our final mystery: Eucharist.
The Mass is the culmination of our faith. When coming forward to receive the Eucharist, we become the Eucharist. “Body of Christ!” It is us. In communion together (trinity), we celebrate the rising and dying of Christ (paschal mystery), by becoming one body (incarnate). The four mysteries, all present at one event. Join us each day, each Sunday, and sing with joy together. Now go forth, to love and serve the Lord!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Blue Friday
Blue Friday tomorrow! Students may wear sports gear from their favorite Seattle team (from Seahawks to Sounders to local little league), or their school uniform.
Friday is also a noon dismissal for staff professional development. Extended Day Care (EDC) will be open. Please sign up here if planning to attend EDC.
Schedule your Fall 2017 Conferences Online
This year we are using paperless forms to request mid-trimester conference scheduling. Please complete the Fall 2017 Conference Request Form online to request your preferred day and time. Submit your request no later than Tuesday, Oct. 24th. We will do our best to accommodate preferred times. You will receive a confirmation from your teacher with the time and date of your scheduled conference after October 24th.
Please follow the guidelines below:
- Fill out one request per student. If you have more than one student, you can easily add additional children on the Fall Conference Request form.
- If your child has multiple households that require separate conferences, please contact the teacher directly.
- Be sure to submit your form by Tuesday, October 24th
- If we do not receive a submission by October 24th, you will be assigned a time by the teacher.
We ask that students in grades 1 through 8 accompany their parents to the conference. Pre-School, Pre-Kindergarten, & Kindergarten children do not attend.
Fulcrum Scholarships
The Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Program is now open for Our Lady of Guadalupe families. Click here to access the site directly.
For the Fulcrum Tuition Assistance Program:
- Applications are completed and submitted completely online
- Nothing will be printed or signed and turned in to the school
Along with the online application, each family must pay a $24 fee to FACTS to apply for Fulcrum tuition assistance. If you have more than one child attending a Catholic school, only one application and one fee is required. The deadline for submitting your application online is January 5, 2018. No Fulcrum Applications will be accepted or considered for funding after the deadline. The application is available in both English and Spanish.
If you have any questions about the application or need help filling it out, please contact Carrie Morrissey for assistance.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
Math Games
Twelve OLG 8th graders participated in Seattle Prep’s “The Math Games” event last Saturday, joining almost 175 8th graders from 18 different schools in the Archdiocese. We were able to field three different OLG teams this year, each one working cooperatively on fun, math-filled challenges. Our students had a blast throughout and earned the Teamwork award for their collaborative efforts.
Question: Will all FACTS invoices be paid automatically?
Answer: That depends on whether you signed up for Auto-Pay for incidental expenses. That is, everyone has auto-pay for tuition. However, only families that have signed up for Auto-Pay for incidentals in FACTS will have all invoices paid automatically. If you have not enrolled in Auto-Pay, you will need to Make a Payment before the due date. To enroll in Auto-Pay, log in to your FACTS account. Select the Actions button next to Incidental Expenses and choose Enroll in Auto-Pay. (Incidental expenses include band, EDC, field trips, extra-curricular classes, etc)
Halloween Grams and Pre-Sale Carnival Wristbands
There’s still time to send your child or friends a special “Halloween Gram,” which will be delivered Wednesday, Oct. 25th during school with a special surprise! Support our Parent Org and purchase Grams for just $1 in the front office, or catch sellers in the parking lots before and after school.
Carnival wristband pre-sales are hot! Get your discounted all-inclusive wristband online by Wednesday, Oct. 25th or via cash or check by tomorrow, Oct. 20th.
We need cars. We need cakes. We need volunteers, especially for our 5:30-7 p.m. shift and clean-up. Did we mention there was a $50 gift card prize for the “best” Trunk-or-Treat entry? Thanks to grades K, 2, 5, 6, and 7 for making this fun, new event work. Sign up today!
AUCTION – We have no auction coordinators (Chair/Cho-chair)!!
We are once again seeking 1-2 people to fill in as auction coordinators. Our auction committees are moving forward and we need some leadership to coordinate the committees’ work as we host this year’s auction at OLG! (50 automatic hours)
Charleston Wrap
CONGRATULATIONS OLG FAMILIES AND FRIENDS! You surpassed our goal for the Charleston Wrap Fundraiser! Our goal for sales was at least $12,000 and you knocked it out of the park with sales of $20,000!! That means OLG School will get approximately $8,000 in profit towards our goal for PO fundraising! THANK YOU!
Just a reminder that Charleston on-line sales are available year-round and OLG will still benefit from any purchases you or others make. Keep in mind last minute holiday gift ideas, teacher and friend birthdays and any kind of wrapping paper you might need!
OLG Sprit Wear
Thank you for your OLG spirit wear purchases!
We earned approximately $600 in profit from this sale. Those orders will be arriving soon. We will also make the spirit wear available in November so you can think about holiday gifts!
Box Tops
Time to turn in Box Tops! Please drop off labels from Box Tops products at the school office or by the church library this month.
To learn more, visit our web page, or contact Erin Pedras.
Thank you OLG families! We appreciate your time and participation!
Save the Date!
Saturday, Oct. 28th, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
Coffee and Donuts after Mass sponsored by 7th grade
Sunday Nov. 12th after both masses in the School Hall
Next PO & Auction Meeting
Tuesday Nov. 14th 6:15 PM (time change!) in the Math lab. Auction meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
OLG School Auction – “Roaring 20’s” theme
March 3rd, 2018
CYO’s Annual OLG Italian Dinner tickets on sale now!
Saturday, November 11th. Doors open 6:00 PM
Dinner, raffles, dancing, wine grab, great prizes! Read more
Cross Country Wraps Up Their Season
Congratulations to OLG’s cross country team. Everyone ran their best time of the season at Sunday’s finals! And thank you Coach Daren, Coach Jake, Coach Mackenzie, Coach Dan and all the parents for their help and support! Go Bulldogs!
Free Basketball Skills and Drills Clinics
Friday, October 20th
6:00-7:00 PM – Girls 4th-8th Grade
7:00-8:30 PM – Boys 4th-8th Grade
CYO is providing a free basketball skills and drills clinics for our 4th-8th Grade Boys and Girls. CYO will provide pizza at the completion of each clinic. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to clinic start time. All basketball coaches please plan to attend.
A Clinic for Parents & Coaches
Thursday, October 26th 6:00-7:30 PM
Come join us for an evening of education and discussion around the subject of mental health and sport at the Walmesley Center! Parishioner and local mental health therapist Knox Burnett will be talking about the role of parents and coaches in the lives of young athletes. Read More Here!
Click here for CYO Athletics news and schedules.
Click here to learn more about CYO sports at OLG. Go Bulldogs!
Help Put on the October Community Meal
New to OLG? Looking for a way to plug in with your family? Like food? The Community Meal happens each month at OLG and strives to provide a free meal for anyone in the greater community who wishes to attend. This month’s Community Meal is Sunday, October 29th in the Walmelsey Center/Gym and we need your help to make it happen! Can you help clean up around 2:30pm? We are also in need of homemade or store-bought desserts to share with our guests (drop off any time after 9:45 AM). If you’re able to help, please contact Jennifer (206) 935-0358 x120.
If you are 4th grade or older (including adults), you are invited to an altar server training on Monday, October 23, 3:15 PM– 4:15 PM or 6:30 – 7:30 PM. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together (i.e. siblings, parent/child). Contact Helen at (206) 935-0358 x108 for more information.
Looking for Commitment Hours?
We are looking for an assistant catechist in our Lord Lion’s-Good News Bears program, which is our preschool-kindergarten class. Our programs started in October and will conclude in May.
We are also looking for assistant catechists in our Sac Prep One Class and Sac Prep Two class.
We are looking for a lead catechist in our 3rd-5th grade class. Our curriculum is the Gospel Weeklies and Finding God.
If you have any questions, please contact Marion Kari 206-935-0358. Thank you for considering this important ministry!
Cornerstone Catholic Conference
The Bishops of Washington State are sponsoring the second statewide Cornerstone Catholic Conference on Friday evening, October 20th and all day Saturday, October 21st, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. Conference registration
Living with Dignity and Freedom from Oppression
The Intersection of Human Trafficking and the Contemporary Immigration Crisis
How can we stand in solidarity as faith communities with our immigrant brothers and sisters? How is human trafficking and today’s immigration crisis linked? Come learn from experts in the community about how to support immigrant human trafficking survivors and what resources are available to them as well as learn how to empower those in your faith community who may be facing exploitation and abuse, but afraid to come forward to report it. Thursday, October 26 at 6:30 PM at Kol Haneshamah (6115 SW Hinds St., Seattle 98116). Read More or 206-382-4580. Register
FREE Seattle/King County Health Clinic
The community is coming together to put on the Seattle/King County Clinic Oct. 26 – 29th in KeyArena at Seattle Center. This giant health clinic offers a full range of free dental, vision and medical care to underserved and vulnerable populations in the region. The effort, involving months of preparation and thousands of volunteers, transforms KeyArena into the largest clinic of its kind in Washington State. As many as 4,000 patients are served by over 1600 professional healthcare and general support volunteers, providing more than $2.5 million in healthcare services. Read more about accessing services or volunteering.
NEW! Respect Life Month Statement (en español)
Blue Friday &
Noon Dismissal
Friday, Oct. 20th
Basketball Skills and Drills Clinic
Grades 4-8
Friday, Oct. 20th
see CYO News section
Thursday, Oct. 26th 6:00-7:30 PM
Picture Retakes
Friday, Oct. 27th
Halloween Carnival
Saturday, Oct. 28th
4:00 – 9:00 PM
Community Meal
Sunday, Oct. 29th
1:00-2:30 PM
see Parish News section
All-School Mass
Planned by 3rd grade
All students full uniform
Wednesday, Nov. 1st
9:00 AM
Noon Dismissal
Wed., Nov 1st
No School
Thurs-Fri, Nov. 2nd & 3rd
Nov. 1st – 3rd
Victims of attacks in Mogadishu
Those impacted by the California fires