November 16th, 2017

Dear OLG Families,
As we pass the mid-way point of November, our thoughts turn towards the upcoming holidays and the season of giving. Thanksgiving, Advent (our own preparation of gifts), The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mary’s giving to Juan Diego), and Christmas (the gift of the Incarnation of God as Man). Let our thoughts also turn to those who aren’t as fortunate as us, through outreach such as St. Vincent de Paul food drive and The ShoeBoxes of Joy. So many ways our Hands and Feet can be at work for our community.
Full of Thanks,
Anton Kramer
Blue Monday
November’s “Blue Friday” is this Monday, November 20th! Students may wear sports gear from their favorite Seattle team, or their school uniform.
OLG’s 4th/5th Grade Choir Performs at Seahawks Half Time
The 4th/5th Grade Choir will perform at the Seahawks’ pre-game and half time, Monday, November 20th. We are rooting for you, OLG Choir!
Bake Sale for WestSide Baby
Come support the Preschool, Pre-K and 3rd grade service project at the Bake Sale for WestSide Baby Sunday, Nov. 19th from 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM in the Walmesley Center (gym). You can shop at the CRS Ethical Fair Trade Sale at the same time!
Will you be using EDC on the half day?
If your child will attend EDC on Wednesday, November 22nd, please sign up here (the link has been fixed).
Volunteers needed for After-School Tutoring
Adult volunteers are needed for our after-school tutoring program. Tutors work with 1-2 students in grades 1-5 on reading, math, and/or writing. The program meets Wednesdays from 2:15-3:00pm from November to May. There is a strong need for math tutors willing to learn the Singapore math system in grades 4 and 5, as well as other grades and subjects. Previous experience helpful but not required. Called to protect and background check are both required and provided by the Seattle Archdiocese. If you are not interested in tutoring but would still like to help, we could use a few adult volunteers to be available for monitoring classrooms while the middle school students tutor. Called to Protect and background check is still required. If interested please contact Heather Owens.
School Fund Drive
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School thrives because of generous support from people like you. The investment of hundreds of parish and school families over the years has made OLG an outstanding learning environment and a wonderful community. Please be part of that continued tradition with a pledge to this year’s School Fund Drive! School families are receiving packets in the mail this weekend, parish and greater community will receive theirs next week.
Please help us by pledging your support. If you made a pledge during registration, you have participated! Payment is due by the end of the school year and cannot be paid through FACTS. Payments can be made online, by check or by contacting Carrie Morrissey.
If you have already made a donation, thank you for your support. Your generosity and spirit help to guide our youth into tomorrow and grow the next generation of leaders. If you have not yet made a gift, please prayerfully consider what amount makes sense for your family and pledge accordingly. Your participation will help us meet our goal and is truly appreciated.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!


Please consider taking a minute to fill out our Carnival feedback survey. We know you have opinions and ideas that could make our Carnival even better in future years!

AUCTION PROCUREMENT due on Friday December 1st
Volunteers will be collecting your procurement forms, cash/checks, or items in the parking lot or in the school! Not sure what to donate to the auction this year? That’s ok – we will take cash and take care of it for you, or check out our OLG auction wishlist at Amazon! Families can also combine their donations for larger more expensive items! Need more ideas? Contact Christa!
LIGHT UP THE NIGHT on Friday evening December 1st needs volunteers!

We love this festive event to get into the holiday spirit. Watch for a volunteer email coming to your inbox soon! We need help with set up and clean up in addition to donations of cookies to be served during the event. Contact our co-chairs to help: Minerva de Rosario or Yen del Rosario.
CHARLESTON WRAP – Charleston Wrap items ordered via the paper form will be arriving at our school next week! Items will be sent home on Wednesday November 22nd with your child. Thank you again for your order and for your support towards our PO goal!
SHOP WITH SCRIP and earn Cash for the School!
Don’t forget scrip order forms are due every Thursday in the school office! Learn more about ordering scrip and how these simple purchases gives us money towards our annual goal! Get your order forms here – great ideas for holiday hostess gifts or that special person on your list!
Save the Date!
Auction Family Procurement Deadline
December 1st
$200 item or cash donation
Light Up the Night
Christmas caroling and grounds lighting
Friday, December 1st 7:00 PM
Next PO & Auction Meeting
Tuesday Dec. 5th 6:15 PM (time change!) in the Math lab. Auction meeting begins at 7:00 PM
January 20th
OLG School Auction – “Roaring 20’s” theme
March 3rd, 2018
Free Basketball Clinic
A free basketball clinic for boys in grades 4-8 is on Nov. 28th 5-6pm at the OLG Gym. This free clinic is a great opportunity to get an hour of drills and skills focused on the basic fundamentals. No RSVP required just show up ready to work and have fun!
CYO Italian Dinner – Thank You! Thank you from the CYO Board to everyone who made this year’s Ciao Down Italian Dinner a BIG success!
Click here for CYO Athletics news and schedules.
Click here to learn more about CYO sports at OLG.

CRS Ethical Fair Trade Sale!
OLG’s annual Catholic Relief Services Ethical Fair Trade Sale is coming up on Sunday, November 19 from 9:30am-1:00pm in the Walmesley Center. We live in an era of unprecedented economic interdependence. The decisions we make about what we buy affect the lives of people we may never meet. Ethical Trade seeks to change the ways in which conventional trade often leaves behind the most vulnerable people. By buying Ethical Trade, you support the efforts of skilled farmers and artisans who are working to break the cycle of poverty and to build stronger communities. Employers also assure that workers are treated with dignity and that no forced labor is in the supply chain. At the sale, you’ll find chocolates, Advent calendars, nativities, crosses, jewelry, holiday and home décor, Christmas cards, rosaries, scarves, ornaments, baskets, and much more.
In addition, the Pre-K and 3rd grade classes are selling tasty treats to benefit Westside Baby! Shop early for the best selection! While you browse, be sure to sample free Fair Trade coffee provided by Pura Vida. Proceeds go to Catholic Relief Services and OLG’s efforts to bring Fair Trade coffee to our events. Information, Jennifer 206-935-0358 x.120.
Thanksgiving Day Mass
November 23rd 10:00 AM
You are encouraged to donate food to people in need. As well as bring the food you will use at your own Thanksgiving celebrations for a blessing.
Christmas Wreaths for Sale
Order Christmas wreaths made by the farmworker women of Oregon after Masses on November 18-19th. Your purchase of a wreath supports the women as they work towards economic and leadership development.
Join the OLG Shelter Planning Team
Are you concerned about the rising cost of living in Seattle and the growing number of people without homes? Do you want to be part of the solution? OLG will be partnering with Mary’s Place to provide shelter for women and children 2-4 weeks/year as part of their rotating shelter program. Our first host week will be in March and we are busy making preparations. Join us for our first Shelter Team meeting on Monday, November 20th at 4:15pm in the Pastoral Center. Information, Jennifer 206-935-0358 x.120.
OLG Giving Tree Coming Soon!
OLG’s Giving Tree is coming soon and will be filled with tags for children at Sanislo Elementary and Catholic Housing Services’ Santa Teresita apartments. Through the Giving Tree, parents at Santa Teresita receive gift cards for their children, offering them the joy of picking out the perfect gift. The Sanislo tags have specific gifts requested by the children there. Please considering taking a tag and buying a gift for a family in need. Please return the Sanislo gifts to the collection barrel in the narthex by December 10th. The Santa Teresita cards can be placed in the marked box in the church by December 17th. Thank you for your generosity!
Earn Commitment Hours!
Volunteers needed to assist in setting up and taking down tables and chairs for some parish events, especially Family Faith Formation. Contact Helen 206-935-0358.
Volunteers also needed in our Faith Formation programs. Share your faith by helping our children and families. Contact Marion 206-935-0358.
May we be carriers of hope and bringers of peace
CRS Ethical Fair
Trade Sale
Sunday, Nov. 19th
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Walmesley Center (Gym)
Over 65 Dinner
By 5th grade
Sunday, Nov. 19th
1:00-3:00 PM
School Hall
Blue Monday
Monday, Nov. 20th
Orders from Charleston Wrap sent home
Wednesday, Nov. 22nd
Noon Dismissal
Wednesday, Nov. 22nd
Nov. 23rd-24th
Happy Thanksgiving!
Auction Family Procurement Deadline
Friday, Dec. 1st
Light up the Night
(Community Caroling)
Friday, Dec. 1st 7:00 PM