"Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and empowered by the Holy Spirit."
August 25th Newsletter
August 25, 2017
Dear OLG Families,
Welcome to the 2017 school year! I know the first official day of school is not here yet, but it is right around the corner. This past weekend I really feel like it has begun as I had a chance to address the community and give some updates on our school. You can hear it here, or on the front page of the parish website.
While many of you have been off on a much needed vacation, there’s been plenty going on here at school. One larger project we have done this summer is improving our technology infrastructure. Thanks to our auction and partnering with the E-Rate program, we have a new, fast, fiber internet connection in the school. Work is being done these next few weeks to complete the connection and upgrade our connectivity within the building. Of course, there’s also been cleaning and ordering of supplies along with classroom repairs. Summer is the best time for us to do some deep cleaning throughout the building. A special thanks goes out to our maintenance man, Sal, for preparing the school for Opening Day (September 5).
With just about two weeks till the start of school, know that we are busy preparing for the arrival of 221 children, many of whom are new to OLG. Please be sure to acquaint yourself with our calendar especially dates like next Wednesday’s School Supply drop-off, our Curriculum Night(s) and our whole-parish Catechetical Sunday celebration.
This year, we’ve chosen as our school theme, “We are the Hands and Feet of Christ“. Now, more than ever, the world needs our hands and feet. When we hear about the prospects of war on the Korean peninsula or see the violence in our own country, our hands should be trembling for action, our feet ready to walk the path of a deeper faith, a more lasting peace. Catholic School students and families, now more than ever, are needed to care for our troubled world. I am glad you are part of this endeavor we call Catholic Education.
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
School Supply Drop Off!: August 30th 5:30-6:30 PM
Stop by to connect with other OLG families, greet your child’s teachers, and drop off school supplies and registration forms. Parent Org will be providing popsicles! And the Uniform Exchange will be open. In addition to used uniforms we will have uniform sweatshirts/vests available for purchase as well as OLG spirit gear for order!
Get ready for the 2017-2018 school year! Have these tasks and forms completed by August 30th.
As you go through your school supplies, don’t throw-away old supplies! Turn them into recycled products. Girl Scouts are sponsoring a Crayola Marker recycling bin to help our community be as geen as we can. Read the attached letter to find more how this program works and bring your old markers in with your new school supplies.
First Day of School
Tuesday, September 5th 8:25 am to 12:00 pm
Full uniform the first day of school! Mass is at 9:00 am. Please join us!
Drop off time is between 8:15 am and 8:25 am.
Coffee and pastries in the Walmesley Center/Gym stage area. Meet new friends and reconnect with old friends at the Parent Org sponsored “Coffee & Pastries” from 8:15 – 9:00 am, during drop off, and again after mass from 10:00 – 11:00 am. We look forward to seeing you!
Noon pick up – the first day is a half day – Your child will be ready to be picked up at noon!
Students in Preschool and Pre-K unload only 34th Ave SW. Enter classroom from south east downstairs entrance.
Students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 6th, 7th, and 8th grades line up near the back doors / south parking lot.
Students in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade line up near the front door / north parking lot.
What does full uniform mean?
The formal full dress uniform must be worn with the logo sweatshirt, vest, cardigan sweater or polar fleece. Formal full dress is required for all school masses.
Curriculum Nights
Save the Date! Curriculum nights are coming soon. Please mark your calendar and find out the great plans our teachers have in store for your children.
Kindergarten – 5th Grade: Thursday, September 7th 6:30 – 8:00 PM – Starting in the School Hall, then moving to the classrooms
Preschool / Pre-K: Thursday, September 14th 6:00 – 7:00 PM – School Hall
Middle School: Thursday, September 14th 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM -Starting in the Walmesley center, then moving to the classrooms
School Lunch Options
Blue Plate School Lunches – Monday to Thursday
Need a break from packing a lunch? We found the perfect vendor – fresh and tasty food, gluten-free and vegetarian options, up to 8 hot and cold entree choices daily, compostable containers, AND online orders can be placed, cancelled or changed up until 6:00 am the day of the lunch!
Online ordering is now available. Your initial password is: OLG1
The Parent Org is pleased to offer Pizza Friday every Friday starting September 8th. This is a fundraiser for our school, and each child who orders lunch will receive Domino’s pizza, fruit, and a treat. The Pizza Friday order link is not yet available: it will be announced soon.
If you would like to earn commitment hours, the Parent Org could use your help serving pizza. We will need you in the school cafeteria from 11:00am-12:15pm, and you can sign up for every Pizza Friday or just one. Please contact Jennifer Dempsey or Christi Meats for more information.
Annual Milk Purchase
Darigold 1% milk is available to purchase for every full day of school beginning Monday, September 11th. This is an annual sign up for 2017-2018 school year. Please fill out the Milk Order Form and return to the school. $60 per child will be billed to your FACTS account.
School Volunteer Opportunities
Get a jump on this year’s volunteer hours! The following positions are open.
Fix chairs – We need a handy-person ASAP to fix wobbly chairs before school starts as well as projects throughout the year. Contact Sal Pagan
Lost and found (weekly) – Track and sort lost and found items throughout the year. Contact Shelley Bradley
Front desk help 8:30-9am (daily) – Help at the front desk with tardy slips. 1/2 hour volunteer credit per day! Contact Shelley Bradley
Recess monitors (weekly) – Have a few hours during the school day? Help us at recess, see your child in action, and get to know the kids. These are paid positions. Contact Heidi Ehrenberg
Student art display (Annual position, automatic 25 hours) – Coordinate with our art teacher to mount student artwork and display in the school hallways. Contact Shelley Bradley
Grant writing (periodic) – Have a talent for this detailed work? We could use your expertise! Contact Carrie Morrissey
EDC Assistant (periodic) – help at EDC on Wednesdays 2:15 pm to 4:00 pm and fill-in when we are short a staff member. Contact Kimmy Fulton
Kitchen cleaning & organization (monthly) – Give the school kitchen a deep cleaning. Also hours for organizing/inventory the school kitchen. Contact Sal Pagan
The Parent Organization is thrilled to welcome you back to a new year! In fact, that is our theme this year – NEW! Watch for some new things happening with the Parent Org in regards to new events, a new location for the Auction and a new twist on older event! We have added some new faces to our board this year and are ready to work hard in our fundraising and community building this year! If you are interested in serving on the Parent Organization, please reach out as there are many opportunities available to get involved!
Fall Fundraiser Kick off! Charleston Wrap & Gifts
It’s ba-ack! Once again we have partnered with Charleston Wrap for our fall fundraising campaign this year. There are over 500 high quality items to choose from, and every purchase you make earns between 30-40% in much needed money for our school. Simply order from the catalog being sent home with your child, or visit the Charleston Wrap website to shop. Watch the newsletter and the FUNDRAISING link for upcoming information! The sale will kick off the first week of school!
Volunteer Positions Available
Interested in becoming active in the school community while earning automatic volunteer hours? We have several opportunities available. For more information and to volunteer check here! Examples include: Auction Co-Chair/Chair; Box Tops; Scrip Chair & co-chair; numerous Auction committee roles. For more information regarding the role/responsibility of the positions, or to volunteer in one of the positions please contact Christa Callanan, PO Chair.
There are also several classroom volunteer positions open in your class. Please read the emails from your Parent Org class rep. To determine who your class rep is go here!
Parenting a child is an awesome responsibility. It can also be an amazing gift for one’s faith. How can you effectively share your faith with your children? Join us for an informative and affirming interactive workshop where you will explore practical ways to live faith as a family, and meet others who are trying to do the same. With humor and wisdom, Tricia Wittmann-Todd, MDiv, MSW will engage your faith and your imagination in a lively conversation about how to bring out the best in your precious family time. Bring your ideas and questions, and join us for this exciting workshop. All parents and guardians are welcome.
Saturday, October 7, 2017
9:30 AM – Noon
Our Lady of Guadalupe Walmesley Center
To RSVP or Questions: Vicki Quinn 206-935-0358 x 115
Babysitting Available: RSVP required for planning purposes. To reserve a spot contact Vicki Quinn 206-935-0358.
Seeking a place for your hands and feet to work in the parish? Earn volunteer hours, or just learn more about what you can do to make our world a better place!
Volunteers needed for our Faith Formation programs*
What you do matters greatly to us all and we need your help as we are looking for Catechists to work in our Faith Formation programs starting in the fall of 2017. You may have taught children professionally, or you may have never taught before. We will guide you with all the support, and materials needed to be a truly inspirational catechist, sharing your faith and touching lives one child at a time.
Many of our catechists teach in teams and rotate so they do not have to make a commitment every Sunday. There are many ways to be creative. This is a great way for school families to get credit hours for service!
We have one opening for a paid lead child care provider for our Little Lambs program which serves families during the 11:00 a.m. Mass and will start in the fall of 2017.
We have some openings in our upper grade levels which include our middle school faith formation programs. Contact Marion Kari at 206 935-0358 ext. 113.
Volunteers needed for Parish Events*
If you are interested in helping with childcare for the Parenting Strategies event and others, the parish is looking for a few more adults (and 7th/8th graders) to call when childcare is needed at OLG Parish events. Please contact Vicki Quinn at the OLG Parish office for more details (206) 935-0358. These positions are paid an hourly rate or families may choose to use toward their school commitment hours.
*Childcare providers must be up to date with their Virtus requirements prior to working.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School & Parish acknowledges that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.