Eighth Grade Homeroom

Learn more about Eighth Grade’s seasonal timelines, in pictures!

Behavior/ Citizenship Norms (Centered around Catholic Social Teaching)

  • Be respectful. Be Kind. Treat others the way that you would like to be treated. Use your manners. Be courteous. Say please, thank you and everything in between.  (Life and Dignity of the Human Person)
  • Participate. Communicate. Collaborate. Engage. (Call to Family, Community, and Participation)
  • “Act justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly.” (Micah 6:8) Do what is right. Be honest. Speak up. Help others. Ask for help when you need it. (Rights and Responsibilities)
  • Step Up. Look Outward. Help Others. Serve without Seeking [credit/recognition]. (Option for the Poor and Vulnerable)
  • Show pride in your work. Own it. Always give your best. Never be afraid to try. Allow others to learn. (The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers)
  • We are all in this together. Support one another. (Solidarity)
  • Care for our classroom environment and learning community. Care for one another. (Care for God’s Creation)

Discipline Expectations

If disciplinary action is needed regarding behavior or incident, the OLG Family handbook will be followed. Communication home will be relayed in ALMA, and may also be communicated by the teacher or adult in charge during the class period/ time of incident. For more serious incidents, communication will come directly from the principal.

Cell Phones & Personal Devices

The cell phone policy supports students in being present in community with one another and limits classroom distractions.  Students are expected to turn off and put cell phones inside their backpacks before entering all school buildings. Other personal devices are not permitted out of backpacks, unless given explicit permission by a teacher for use during instruction.

Phones found outside the backpack will be confiscated and sent to the principal’s office.  Parents/guardians must claim these devices directly from the principal. All family communication during school hours will happen through the front office.

Useful Website Links:


Language Arts:

Etymology sites:

Learning Style Strategies:

Email addresses for letters to Congress:


The following are possible resources for Catholic Social Teaching research:

Social Studies:

8th Grade US Constitution Info:


This is an audio link – please do this only at home



Word Processing:




More on the JDP!

Fighting Local and Global Poverty

Improving our Communities at OLG

Erasing Insecurities

Care for Animals

Education for All

Living Healthy Lives

Serving Low-Income Families

Care for God’s Creation

Preserving Forests