Eighth Grade Science

Curriculum Overview

Our science curriculum is provided by FOSS, a full option science system that is research-based and aligned with the middle school Next Generation Science Standards. The curriculum is organized in a rotating schedule so that each year students complete new course content and at the end of three years they have completed all science units and are prepared for their high school science courses. Additional materials are sometimes added to the curriculum to strengthen laboratory skills.

2023-2024 Curriculum Units

  • The Nature of Science: Design and Variables
  • Human Body
  • Chemical Interactions
  • Earth History

How to Succeed in Science

  • Respect your data!
  • Do not fall in love with your hypothesis
  • Understand our class is a science community → we succeed best together!

Required Materials & Supplies

All students are expected to have these materials with them in class, daily.

      • RULER – metric system (centimeters)
      • composition notebook (college-ruled) for experiments
      • binder notebook or composition notebook (college-ruled) for class notes
      • calculator
      • black ink pens, pencils
      • glue stick and scissors
      • highlighters and colored pencils for scientific drawings only


Students will receive a grade based on the following categories: 

      • Lab and Lab Reports 30%
      • Homework 15%
      • Science Notebook 15% 
      • Quizzes and Tests 20%
      • Projects 20%

*Class Differentiation*

Although grades 6-8 use the same curriculum and cover the same content, instruction and assessment is sometimes provided at different levels for each grade. Grade 6 students are expected to state, outline, interpret, apply, and summarize content. Grade 7 students must do the above, but also discuss, interpret, and explain content. Grade 8 students should do all of the above plus describe, evaluate, and analyze content. Grade 8 honors students use advanced math to evaluate and analyze experiments. More information about these different levels will be discussed in class.

Homework: Homework assignments are usually a continuation of in-class activities. It is important that students complete homework on time in order to ensure they do not fall behind in the next day’s class.

Science Notebook: Students will receive a presentation with instructions on how they should keep their science notebook. There will be unscheduled checks throughout the year where students will need to turn in their notebook for a grade.

Quizzes and Tests: Students will be given several days of advance notice before a graded quiz and at least one week before a test. Students will have a Q&A the day before the test.

Labs and Lab Reports: A lab safety tutorial and quiz will be given before students can operate laboratory equipment. Any student acting in an unsafe manner during a lab will be removed immediately.

Projects: Students will be given projects periodically throughout the year that focus on applying scientific skills and concepts in creative ways.

***Late penalties will occur a 5% per day deduction for assignments turned in after the due date. Email me a picture of your pet or favorite animal by 9pm tonight if you want a nice surprise.


Excessive absences should be avoided. In the event of an absence, the student is required to make up missed notes, classwork, and homework assignments. Any student that is absent should first check with a classmate to find out what was missed. Assignments will not be available to complete early in cases of planned absences (i.e. family trip).

***Because labs are so important to science, it is mandatory that students make up missed labs.This will most often need to be made up during the student’s recess period. On some occasions a student may be able to make up a lab after school.

Need Extra Help?

If any student feels they need extra help, has any questions, or needs to stay after school to make up work from an absence, they are encouraged to see me and set up a time.