September 14th Newsletter

September 14th, 2017

Dear OLG Families, 
What a start to the school year… it is amazing how time is flying along!  Our final Curriculum Night is tonight, our first fundraiser of the year begins on Monday, MAPs testing the next few weeks, CYO sports are up and running, and Blue Friday is tomorrow; to quote Dave Niehaus, “My oh My!
I love to see the spirit of our children everyday as I greet them in the mornings.  The joy on their faces has not waned since the first day.  I still get a smile from each I see, and almost all give me a fist-bump or high-five.  Let your faces, your hands, your feet continue to spread joy this week.
      God bless,
       Anton Kramer


Blue Friday
Our first Blue Friday is tomorrow, September 15th.  In honor of the Seahawks’ first home game, students may wear sports gear from their favorite Seattle team (from Seahawks to Sounders to local little league), or their school uniform.  This is NOT “free dress”, that will be next week with school pictures.
Watch for special dress days each month on the school calendar.

Drop-Off & Pick-Up Safety Tips

  • Students should not be playing on the play structure before school or after school before 3:10 pm. Our teachers are diligent about ensuring that everyone is picked up or walked to EDC before they go in for the day. When students are running around during 3:00 – 3:10 dismissal, it’s too hard to ensure that every child is with a parent or authorized adult.
  • Students watch what you do! Model using the crosswalks & talk with your children about doing the same.
  • Encourage children to walk; we don’t want a situation in which a driver doesn’t see a running child in time to stop.
Thank you!


Uniform Exchange Program
Did you know the uniform exchange is FREE?!
YES!  It is a FREE program!  Families throughout the years have donated their gently used uniforms back to OLG and we keep handing them out.  At times we even get new items with the tags still on them.  Right now we have an abundance of inventory.  Lots of boys blue and gray pants in sizes 10, 12, 14.  We have loads of girls jumpers and skirts/skorts in the smaller sizes – probably more suitable for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.  We also have sweatshirts in numerous sizes.  Please let Erin Pedras know if you need anything!  We will be purging soon to lighten our inventory so now is the time to get what you need.  It’s always good to have extras in kids’ backpacks or at home.  Also, please check in with Erin Pedras at any time if you need something.  Kids are growing all year, so we are always open!


Individual School Pictures
September 20th: Pre-K to 8th grade.  Free Dress
September 21st: Tuesday/Thursday Preschool
Photo order packets will be sent home with your child this week, or order/prepay online (follow instructions below).
  1. Click on Schools/Sports/Yearbooks
  2. Select School & Sports Pre-pay
  3. Enter Keyword: Our Lady of Guadalupe and click View Gallery
  4. Select OLG Prepay for Picture Day 9/20/17
  5. Complete the online order process  (Note:  It is no longer necessary to provide a receipt to the photographer for online orders)


Fall 2017 Extracurricular Programs

Sign up here for dance, chess, art, or holiday gift making!  Find out more!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

Middle School Choir
Middle School Choir will begin on September 20th.  Sign up forms are due by September 19th.  If your child loves to sing, make music, explore different cultures through music and create beautiful harmonies with their friends, please have them sign up for choir!  They will love this experience to learn, create and perform.
If you have any additional questions, contact Jessica Milanse.

                                   “In this classroom…”


The beginning of every school year is quite remarkable. After our summer respite, there is a coming together, a re-uniting of our OLG community. Although our school and church have stood for many years, September marks a renewal, a refreshing or rebooting! Our energies pick up as we once again move forward on our mission. New to our school to share in this journey is Mr. Anton Kramer, principal, along with kindergarten instructional assistant Kathleen Everett, and middle school science teacher Mr. Brendan Evasick. We are welcoming many new families as well.


Along with both the old and established, and the new and ever evolving OLG, there is also the “constant OLG.” By this I mean the message of the school, the mission and heart of the school always remain the same. I was recently reminded of just how early students begin to focus on this. Walking by Ms. Janet and Mrs. Morley’s pre-school/ pre-K classroom, I read what was written on the wall just outside the door.


In this classroom …


We create.
We try our best.
We learn from our mistakes.
We respect each other.
We celebrate each other’s success.
We are a team.


How beautiful! How simply it conveys the message and meaning of our mission!  As school counselor I know we are often challenged to be our best selves. But our mission continues to broaden as our students grow and mature. This is apparent throughout the school. It is reflected in our curriculum, in classroom participation, in the energy put forth in service projects, and visible in the artwork along the walls and beams in our hallways. How fortunate we are to share such clarity in our goals, and the opportunities in which to nurture and teach our children!


I am looking forward to working alongside a terrific staff, and continuing a strong partnership with our supportive OLG parents. I welcome our new and returning faculty and families.         Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!


School Counselor

Fall Fundraiser Kick off! Charleston Wrap & Gifts
It’s ba-ack! Once again we have partnered with Charleston Wrap for our fall fundraising campaign. There are over 500 high quality items to choose from (including magazines, kitchen items and gifts), and every purchase you make earns between 30-40% in much needed money for our school. This is a great way to get family and friends outside of OLG involved in a fundraiser.  Simply order from the catalog being sent home with your child, or visit the Charleston Wrap website to shop.  Catalog sales end on October 2nd, but the website continues on year-round.  Watch the newsletter and the FUNDRAISING link for upcoming information!


Orders for OLG Spirit Wear are due to the school office next Friday September 22nd by the end of the school day. There will be about a 2-3 week turn-around time for delivery.  Get those orders in so your student can wear OLG gear on OLG Spirit Wear Day (Thursday, October 5th).  See the School Calendar for more scheduled Spirit Wear days.  You can also wear the gear to cheer on your OLG team during Fall Sports!


Volunteer Positions Update:
Thank you to Sandra Watson, Kindergarten parent, who has stepped up to help co-chair the auction. We would love to pair Sandra with another person to co-chair the auction. Please contact Christa Callanan or Anton Kramer to volunteer.


Our SCRIP program can use a face-lift this year. We could be earning $20,000+ a year from this simple program.  Scrip orders can be placed weekly or on a recurring pattern. Interested in helping revitalize this great program?  Email Christa Callananor Anton Kramer and we will get you started!


Save the Date
First Parent Org Meeting (all are welcome!) 
September 20th @ 6:30 PM in School Math Lab
Halloween Carnival 
Saturday, October 28th
OLG School Auction – “Roaring 20’s theme”
March 3rd, 2018
(WE ARE IN NEED OF AN AUCTION CO-CHAIR!! Please contact Christa Callanan for more information)

Annual CYO Italian Dinner
Saturday, November 11
Walmesley Center
A fun night of dinner and dancing to support CYO sports!

If you have any questions about cross country, please contact Coach Daren or 206-853-7272.

If you have any questions about soccer, contact your coach or Bill Udall,OLG CYO Soccer Liaison.


Click here to learn more about CYO sports at OLG!

Disaster Relief – How Can I Help?
With a number of domestic and international natural disasters striking, where can you give to help with emergency relief efforts?  For international disasters, you can give to Catholic Relief Services to aid in their Emergency Response and Recovery efforts.  CRS works in over 100 countries worldwide, taking a comprehensive approach to international disaster relief that includes lifesaving help and skill-building for long-term recovery success.  Domestically, you can give to Catholic Charities USA, the official domestic relief agency of the U.S. Catholic Church. Donations to CCUSA fund direct assistance, rebuilding and health care services.


Saturday, September 16 9:30 AM
Walmesley Center
OLG has been invited to participate in a rotating shelter program for women and children run by Mary’s Place.  We are considering hosting several families for one week at a time, two to four times a year.  Please join us to learn more about this opportunity and to help us in our discernment.


Sunday, September 24 9:45-10:45 AM
Walmesley Center 
This July, teens from OLG participated in the Youth Migrant Project. Please join us for a brief presentation between the Masses to hear more about the experience and learn how your support made a tangible difference in the lives of those we encountered.


Saturday, October 7, 2017 9:30 AM – Noon
Walmesley Center
Parenting a child is an awesome responsibility. It can also be an amazing gift for one’s faith. How can you effectively share your faith with your children? Join us for an informative and affirming interactive workshop where you will explore practical ways to live faith as a family, and meet others who are trying to do the same.

Important Info May 2012




Curriculum Night
Pre-K: September 14th
6:00 PM, Parish Hall
Grades 6th-8th: September 14th 6:30 PM, Walmesley Center


Blue Friday
September 15th


Band Instrument RentalSeptember 16th
10:00 AM, Parish Hall


7th/8th Grade Spanish starts
September 18th 7:30AM


MAP Testing
September 18th to October 13rd


School Pictures
September 20th: K-8
September 21st: TTh Preschool


Catechetical Sunday
October 1st
11:00 AM Mass

For the Corpuz family for the loss of their baby girl.  Pray for strength and comfort.


For the Vornbrock’s family good friend, Greg Bentler, who is suffering from a brain tumor


For Kaley McChesney’s dad, Brian in his recent diagnosis of cancer


For the family of Kaitlyn Le, whose grandmother passed away


For all those affected by hurricaines