"Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and empowered by the Holy Spirit."
September 21st Newsletter
September 21st, 2017
Dear OLG Families,
The school year is now fully underway… all our hands and feet are busy now! Little hands on MAPs assessments, big hands in our first Parent Org meeting last night, our feet taking us to Mass, to school pictures, and through our day in-and-out of our building. I think the carpet might need replacing with all this foot traffic!
Thank you so much for your support of the school. Our Charleston Wrap fundraiser is up and running swiftly. As sure as pigs can fly, we are well on our way to the goal of $12,000. Only one more week to go for the prize program! Follow the link and keep reading below for more info.
Besides all the fabulous things our students are doing in our classrooms and out in the community, we also want to make sure you as parents have support. I strongly encourage you to make time for the workshop Parenting Strategies for a Faith-Filled Home coming up on October 7th. RSVP for babysitting. I know from personal experience how much stronger my family is with faith in our lives!
If you use your debit/credit card in your FACTS account, we suggest you seriously consider changing your financial information to your bank account checking/savings information. With the debit/credit card, you will be charged a 2.85% credit card transaction fee. Withdrawal from checking/savings accounts are charged zero transaction fees.
To change payment method/change financial account:
Log in to your FACTS account. Click Financial Accounts on the upper menu. Then click the Change Account button.
Come and help us plan the 2018 OLG “Roaring ’20’s” auction which will be held at the school this year! Join us to learn about the direction the auction is headed and how you can share your time and talent on this rewarding committee!
Monday September 25th
6:30 PM Math Lab
Interested in volunteering for the Halloween Carnival? Add your name to our list!
Mark your calendars! The annual OLG Halloween Carnival starts Saturday, October 28th at 4:00 PM. New additions to this year’s carnival include an costume contest, inflatable maze, live DJ, crafts by West Seattle Art Nest, professional face-painting, trunk-or-treat, and more! Contact Carnival Co-Chairs Shauna Fredrickson or Hilary Reeves to be added to our growing list of potential volunteers. We’ll e-mail you a list of available shifts on Oct. 1, an you can choose what works best for you and your family!
Fall Fundraiser Kick off! Charleston Wrap & Gifts
The Charleston Wrap Fall Fundraiser has begun with a bang! Students participated in a kick off assembly and are excited to sell! Congratulate yourselves on our progress so far:
Over 200 emails invitations sent
Nearly 240 items sold
Don’t have your student code yet? Want to track your students online sale progress? Use this link to get your student code, invite others to shop online, and track your sales progress! Our goal is to raise at least $12,000 towards our $125,000 annual campaign. The sales end on October 2nd. Thank you for your commitment to OLG school!
Orders for OLG Spirit wear are due THIS Friday September 22nd by the end of the school day. There will be about a 2-3 week turn-around time for delivery. Get those orders in so your student can wear OLG gear on OLG Spirit Wear Day (Thursday, October 5th). See the School Calendar for scheduled Spirit Wear Days. You can also wear the gear to cheer on your OLG team during fall sports!
Volunteer Positions Available
We are still seeking SCRIP Co-Chairs. We could be earning $20,000+ a year from this simple program. Email Christa Callanan if interested and we will get you started! Each co-chair gets 50 automatic commitment hours!
Save the Date!
Auction Kick off meeting (all are welcome!) – Monday September 25th, 6:30 PM in the Math Lab
Halloween Carnival –Saturday, October 28th, 4:00 – 7:00 PM
OLG School Auction – “Roaring 20’s theme” March 3rd, 2018
(WE ARE IN NEED OF AN AUCTION CO-CHAIR!! Please contact Christa Callanan for more information)
The Italian Dinner is November 11th!! If you have questions or want more information, please contact Erin Pedras at 206-355-8355.
Click here for CYO Athletics news and schedules. Click here to learn more about CYO sports at OLG. Go Bulldogs!
Parenting a child is an awesome responsibility. It can also be an amazing gift for one’s faith. How can you effectively share your faith with your children? Join us for an informative and affirming interactive workshop where you will explore practical ways to live faith as a family, and meet others who are trying to do the same. Parenting Strategies Flyer
September Community Meal
Sunday, September 24 1:00-2:00 PM
Walmesley Center
All are invited for this free, restaurant-style meal. Come enjoy a hot meal, served right at your table. Share fellowship with others and build community. This month’s meal is provided by St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church. Sunday, September 24th from 1-2 PM in the Walmesley Center.
This July, teens from OLG participated in the Youth Migrant Project. Please join us for a brief presentation between the Masses to hear more about the experience and learn how your support made a tangible difference in the lives of those we encountered.
Baptism Ministry
If anyone is looking for a way to get volunteer hours, there is information on-line about being involved in Baptism Ministry.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School & Parish acknowledges that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.